abandoned-accnt0 · 2 years
I have seen WAY too many posts about “herbal remedies to provide abortion” going around with the recent news
And as a historian focusing on medical history I’m thrilled to see people looking to the past to see what people with uteruses used to bring on menstruation (induce abortion) because the history of reproductive healthcare and of abortion in particular is extremely important in understanding our current circumstances and the circumstances Americans were in before Roe
But I also really really need y’all to listen to me both as a historian and as someone who’s been making and using herbal remedies my whole life:
A lot of these “remedies” will kill you.
This isn’t an exaggeration, this isn’t a scare tactic designed to make you lose hope on reproductive healthcare. A lot of herbal remedies can and will kill you- especially if you don’t speak to actual herbalists, licensed homeopaths, and actual physicians who know your medical history before using an herbal remedy. Even helpful herbs can be very very dangerous in doses large enough to induce an abortion - I’m taking completely shutting down your liver and killing your kidneys dangerous.
I also want it pointed out that a LOT of online homeopathic groups are full of misinformation- the kind that leads people to accidentally dose themselves with arsenic by consuming fruit pits as well as incredibly ableist anti-modern science and anti-vax arguments. A lot of people in online homeopathic spaces are ableist white supremacists who hide behind a veneer of “new age spirituality” rather than conservative evangelical Christianity.
You have to be extremely careful about where you’re getting your information from and how you’re using that information.
I’m currently working on putting together a master list of licensed homeopaths who have resources available in the wake of the leaked Supreme Court decision and will share that when it’s finished. Just please folks- stay safe.
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
“We chose the term “asexual” to describe ourselves because both “celibate” and “anti-sexual” have connotations we wished to avoid: the first implies that one has sacrificed sexuality for some higher good, the second that sexuality is degrading or somehow inherently bad. “Asexual”, as we use it, does not mean “without sex” but “relating sexually to no one”. This does not, of course, exclude masturbation but implies that if one has sexual feelings they do not require another person for their expression. Asexuality is, simply, self-contained sexuality.”
— The Asexual Manifesto, Lisa Orlando and Barbara Getz, 1972
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
I just skimmed through a shit show of a book at work 😂 wtf did u just read
"Nasty Zodiacs" is right, wtf was that writing? Yes. let us call a whole zodiac sign a 'psychopath... that's rips off bug wings and hurts small animals' like that's isn't gonna be a fucking issue on multiple ways
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
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Jonna Hyttinen on Instagram
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
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©东予薏米  jade rabbits making mooncakes for mid-autumn festival
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
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supermesange on Instagram
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
As someone who doesn’t believe in a higher power(s)… The world likes to constantly fuck with me huh?
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
Listen... I've been fighting the urge to revert back to 2014 I DO NOT NEED THIS ON MY FYP RIGHT NOW 😭
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
[ Sudden dislike of monoshippers acquired ]
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
Ever look at your following feed and be like, damn thats too much
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
​do people actively try to trigger a maladaptive daydream episode(?)... like do you people actively want to loose 3+ hours of your life stuck walking back and forth and not being to leave that headspace just because of one song you listen to? does... does Maladaptive Daydreaming not effect you at all negatively? Like at all?
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
happy juneteenth🤍!!! here's a list of black gfms that have yet to meet their goals! (black ppl feel free to link your or others donation posts in a reblog! reblogs from nonblack ppl appreciated!)
help teej's sister get a breast reduction.
help audi, a closeted black lesbian, move out of a toxic household.
help shay, a black nonbinary, with their moving expenses.
help gaia afford a house for her father suffering with homelessness and stage 3 colon cancer.
help a autistic transmasc lesbian move out of an ableist and abusive household.
help sapphire, a black transwoman, get out of an abusive household.
help sol, a black transwoman, with her transition and other necessities.
help melanie with her gender affirming surgery.
help a disabled incoming freshman pay for college.
help micah, a black queer transmasc person move.
help silver, a gnc black lesbian get a new camera and laptop.
help zora, a nonbinary transfem, move and transition.
help noelle, a black transwoman afford surgery and other basic necessities.
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
No no nonono no NO-
WHO let the stinky onion man back on the internet?? ON TIKTOK NO LESS??
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
Nothing makes you question your health than doing a questionnaire then realizing you only drank black tea and ate one chicken sandwich which you stole from your brother for the past three days
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
“Queerness, to me, is about far more than homosexual attraction. It’s about a willingness to see all other taboos broken down. Sure, many of us start on this path when we first feel “same sex” or “same gender” attraction (though what is sex? And what is gender? And does anyone really have the same sex or gender as anyone else?). But queerness doesn’t stop there. This is a somewhat controversial stance, but to me queer means something completely different than “gay” or “lesbian” or “bisexual.” A queer person is usually someone who has come to a non-binary view of gender, who recognizes the validity of all trans identities, and who, given this understanding of infinite gender possibilities, finds it hard to define their sexuality any longer in a gender-based way. Queer people understand and support non-monogamy even if they do not engage in it themselves. They can grok being asexual or aromantic. (What does sex have to do with love, or love with sex, necessarily?) A queer can view promiscuous (protected) public bathhouse sex with strangers and complete abstinence as equally healthy. Queers understand that people have different relationships to their bodies. We get what it means to be stone. We know what body dysphoria is about. We understand that not everyone likes to get touched the same way or to get touched at all. We realize that people with disabilities may have different sexual needs, and that people with survivor histories often have sexual triggers. We can negotiate safe and creative ways to be intimate with people with HIV/AIDs and other STIs. Queers understand the range of power and sensation and the diversity of sexual dynamics. We are tops and bottoms, doms and subs, sadists and masochists and sadomasochists, versatiles and switches. We know what we like and don’t like in bed. We embrace a wide range of relationship types. We can be partners, lovers, friends with benefits, platonic sweethearts, chosen family. We can have very different dynamics with different people, often all at once. We don’t expect one person to be able to fulfill all our diverse needs, fantasies and ideals indefinitely. Because our views on relationships, sex, gender, love, bodies, and family are so unconventional, we are of necessity anti-assimilationist. Because under the kyriarchy we suffer, and watch the people we love suffering, we are political. Because we want to survive, we fight. We only want the freedom to be ourselves, love ourselves, love each other, and live together. Because we are routinely denied that, we are pissed. Queer doesn’t mean “don’t label me,” it means “I am naming myself.” It means “ask me more questions if you’re curious…“”
What Queerness Means To Me « Tranarchism (via docasaur)
I’ve chosen this as one of my first posts as it’s important to me that people understand what I’m talking about when I use the term queer.  
(via hollyloveholly)
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
so since i'm not seeing anything about this on my dash:
A law passed in Hungary that basically makes being LGBTQ+ illegal in public. And that in the context of an anti-pedophilia law. You're not allowed to talk to children and teens up to the age of 18 about LGBTQ+ things "in order to protect the children".
So basically wherever a child can hear you or see you, or read things, it's illegal to show signs of LGBTQ+ related things. And let's be fucking honest cause that's basically everywhere.
You're not even allowed to hold hands with your same sex partner in public, because children could see it. You're not allowed to dress like your preferred gender, you're not even allowed to basically be transgender.
you're not allowed to exist as the person you are.
How can you help, you ask?
here's a link to Háttér (the largest Hungarian LGBTQ+ organisation) where you can donate to help LGBTQ+ people in Hungary
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abandoned-accnt0 · 3 years
so the Hungarian government is hiding behind the pandemic to shit on lgbtq+ rights again...
in May, when the first wave of covid hit the country, they passed a bill that stops trans people from legally changing their gender, marking "birth gender" on all documents and IDs. they hid this bill in between a bunch of other covid-related ones.
yesterday (November 10th), they proposed a bill that would limit adoption to married couples only, therefore banning same-sex couples from adopting a kid. they also proposed a constitutional amendment requiring children to be raised with a Christian interpretation of gender roles. "The basis for family relations is marriage. The mother is a woman, the father is a man." they want to "protect children’s right to the gender identity they were born with". they did this late yesterday, just hours before new, stricter covid restrictions became effective, meaning nobody could protest the bill.
and to think they spent the whole summer loudly protesting a children's book that dared to include gay princes and minority character, and the slightest hint of diversity...
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