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Spent $2 on an engraved rock. There were other words to choose from but I chose dream because I admit I'm a bit of a dreamer. #rock #engraved #dreamer #awesomeness #dream #engravedrock #morelikeastone
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I have taken a step back with my diet. After getting sick I fell back into old habits but now I am trying to get back on track. I did a grocery shop for myself. The coke and cigarettes are my brothers but the food, glue and paintbrushes are mine (glue and paintbrushes are for the project I've started) all of that including the TV guide only came to $64.30, I had $65 to spend so I'm pretty proud that I came under budget.
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A - If I'm in love.
B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was.
C - How long it's been since I've kissed.
D - If I have a preference for boys or girls.
E - How many piercings I have.
F - Give me any options, like 'hot or cold?'
G - The last person I said 'I love you' to.
H - The last person I hugged.
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why.
J - Are you insecure. What about?
K - What my full name is.
L - If I have siblings.
M - If I forgive betrayal.
N - Favourite animal?
O - Where would I like to travel
P - What kind of music I like.
Q - Favourite flower?
R - Is cheating ever okay?
S - 2 habits.
T - 3 things I love unconditionally.
U - Favourite time of year, and why
V - Big dreams?
W - If I've done something I regret very much.
X - 3 turn ons
Y - 3 turns offs
Z - Ask any question you want.
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Started a new project today. I'm in love with crafts and DIY projects. It's fun and gives me something to do.
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I did a little shopping today...
I bought a new book, well it’s not really new since I bought it to replace a copy I let someone borrow but they never gave back and now I can’t get a hold of them. 
I bought some food. I’ve been craving sour cream the last few days (its coming up to that time of the month) so I bought the lite one instead of the one I usually get. I bought a carton of almond milk to try. I’ve never had it before. I don’t drink normal milk because I don’t like it so I’m trying alternatives, next week I’m going to try soy milk. The only thing I couldn’t get today is bagels because I didn’t have enough money. I’m also craving those too, BLT ones. I couldn’t get the ingredients for them anyway.
I had my dads graduation today. He did an outpatient group course for eight weeks. He’s was 100 days sober two weeks ago. I’m very proud of him, all my family is extremely proud of him. I even got him a little plaque that says - “Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad.” He’s my step-dad but he’s the only dad I’ve ever known, my biological dad walked out on me and my mum when I was four months old and I haven’t seen or heard from him since. 
What else has happened today?...
I made a doctors appointment. I’m not sick anymore but there is something wrong with my eye. It’s very sore, red and looks bruised, could be an infection, could be nothing, I won’t know until I go to the doctors. I also have another kidney stone (or could be the same ones). Since I haven’t got my urologist appointment yet, I’m going to see if the docs can give me more pain killers or hurry up getting me an appointment with the urologist.
What else....?
Umm... Oh I only have 5.6kgs to go until I reach my first goal weight! I’m pretty excited about that. 
I feel like I’ve been neglecting this blog... I’m sorry for that. Hopefully now I’m feeling better I can get back into it.
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Signed up with Netflix since New Zealand finally has it. Since I have another kidney stone I’m still sick so let the binge watching begin.
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Been six weeks since I started. I'm now down to 85.6kg. I've been sick for a couple weeks and finally feeling better today. Time to get back into my routine (hopefully). I have 5.6kg to go until my first goal weight. #updatedprogresspicture #acesfattofitjourney #progress #weightloss #myjourney #me #myinstagram #update #progresspic #weight #goal
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Not the best breakfast but it’s the only thing I can hold down right now. White bread toast and lemon ginger tea.
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After almost two weeks off feeling sick with a virus, I'm finally feeling better. Time to get my routine back on track.
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This guy. #kitty #cat #cuddles #cheeringmeup #personal #myinstagram
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Aahh, thanks so much for the promo :D you're such an inspiration and I love your blog! :D
You're welcome and thank you :)
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Top Three Blogs of the Week - gemmalosesherjelly I had to choose this one randomly because not enough people followed and reblogged the post. I do love this blog a lot it's definitely one of my favourites :)
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Top Three Blogs of the Week - maple-almond-butter Go check them out if you haven't already followed them.
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Top Three Blog of the Week - justwannabeahappyhealthyme Go check them out if you haven't already.
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Reblog this if you want a short/long anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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A confession.
A compliant about anyone
Something you wanted to tell me but were embarrassed to.
A random or embarrassing fact about yourself.
A joke.
Anything Else :) 
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