aliathewriter · 2 years
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maybe i am too old for tiktok
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aliathewriter · 3 years
I don't get it, Dolly Parton wasn't part of this discussion.
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(via zuu16jzgh0081.jpg (692×960))
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aliathewriter · 3 years
So I'm trying to do Nanowrimo this year. For a variety of reasons this may be the year I can actually do it.
I've been very ill and am still recovering, but being home from work and advised to do things like writing which has always brought me happiness, this could be the year.
I'm also working with a writer's group so that's also motivation to write.
Could I actually finish this novel that's been in my brain aching to come out for over a decade?
So far I'm just a bit over the daily goal - a couple hundred words more than I need by now to make it. I've always been behind by now because of work. This might be it!
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aliathewriter · 3 years
Still Here
Alive if not entirely well. Currently on disability but not done having to be put over the barrel by the insurance company, just on a reprieve for a few months.
Trying to write some original stuff but also thinking about fanfics I've left half done.
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aliathewriter · 3 years
Still here in the world. Slowly on the mend.
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aliathewriter · 3 years
Sorcery!! Awesome, awesome witchcraft.
Me duele la cabeza
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aliathewriter · 3 years
I feel this so much.
GOD I just want to be CREATIVE but all my energy is being used to survive
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aliathewriter · 3 years
Completely impractical and very much not my size but I don’t care I want these. Impractical but beautiful.
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Heaven Gaia, spring 2021 couture
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aliathewriter · 3 years
Not up for much lately, but I’ll give this a try:
Eggs: Mostly hard fried or omelette. Occasionally over-easy, but hate scrambled unless they’re cooked to rubbery and don’t like anything gooey on them (not counting cheese)
Steak: Medium - medium well. I don’t want it overdone, but not raw in the middle either.
Alcohol: I don’t drink a lot, but when I do it’s wine (red or white) or cinnamon whiskey and I don’t care how “basic” that is. I likes what I likes.
Warm drink: Peppermint or licorice-spice tea
Tag: @blazeofobscurity; @amandagaelic; @21forestglades
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Ok I’m starting another tag game because why not
Egg: Fried, over easy
Steak: Medium rare
Milk: whole (but not by itself, only in things)
Alchohol: I’m a minor but I guess banana daquiris
Warm drink: Mocha
@jo-the-nerd @nakitengoku @lostinthoughtsandfandoms @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @5-dollars-in-the-slug-jar @bonobos-candy-bar @lesserbeans and anyone else who would like to participate :)
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aliathewriter · 3 years
Narrator: She was not, in fact, ready to focus well enough to be writing again and is now on medical leave from work.
When the doc said I had to take time off (thankfully I have benefits to cover being off), I was really upset, but then thought maybe I can use the time to try to write and be creative again. Hoping to get there.
Every day I’m just focusing on still being here tomorrow: listening to the doctor, taking the meds, and *being*. That’s enough for now.
My brain might be ready to start writing again. I actually looked a couple of things up for research for a story that’s been in my head for a couple of weeks. Well, it’s more a scene in a story, but it’s a start.
It’s Prodigal Son related though which is bad for my languishing Magnum fics. I just was not mentally able to do anything creative for a while.
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aliathewriter · 3 years
This was timely.
Experiencing burnout in an area you love doesn’t mean you are no longer passionate about that thing, or are any less good at it. It’s often an indication that there are other parts of your life that need your care. A garden looks most beautiful when every flower is watered, and you deserve to nourish yourself in the same way. You will flourish again.
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aliathewriter · 3 years
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the prompt list is out! these prompts were chosen entirely from a poll that you guys filled out! the 28 days of february are filled (in a random order) with the top 28 prompts as voted for by you guys! the 10 switch outs are the next in your favourites, with a few write-in prompts too!
i look forward to seeing everyone create with these prompts, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to check out the blog’s FAQ and ask!
full write up of prompts and rules under the cut:
Keep reading
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aliathewriter · 3 years
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going thru phone pics and found this thing that was tacked up next to the toaster at my old job, if anyone needs some light toast eating reading material
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aliathewriter · 3 years
My brain might be ready to start writing again. I actually looked a couple of things up for research for a story that’s been in my head for a couple of weeks. Well, it’s more a scene in a story, but it’s a start.
It’s Prodigal Son related though which is bad for my languishing Magnum fics. I just was not mentally able to do anything creative for a while.
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aliathewriter · 3 years
Watched most of Prodigal Son tonight and only had to mute/flip the channel a couple of times so either it’s not as stressful as Magnum or the meds are working.
I have thoughts and feelings about it of course and wonder where it’ll go, but overall I liked it and hope to watch the bits I missed maybe tomorrow.
Sorta, kinda spoilery character thoughts:
JT was awesome - especially THOSE scenes. Also - the beard? YES PLEASE!
Dani - I’m not sure... she was coming off as jealous with Gil (which WTF?) and the “drop your weapon...I’m talking to you” was kinda coldish especially with her gun more pointing at him than him.
Malcolm - oh sweetie. Also, I’m sad and stressed. I need him to be good, to be the proof that recovery from the trauma he lived is possible. Also, I believe that final flashback smile and the quick reflection flashes are about what he fears, not what is or was - let me have this. Also, sweetie I’m with you - it’s not weird. Enjoy what you enjoy. Also, he was tripping my capable Malcolm joy all episode - I could leave the dungeon part though there was humour at the beginning of it. But the opening scene for sure, and the whole part in his loft at the end was AWESOME!
Gil - Still off? We need more of him. Love JT but need me more Gil. And the cursed, wasn’t an accusation, it was empathy (let me have this)
Jessica - Can she please have a moment of happiness? Also what does she know? It was her living room!
Ainsley - Also more please. And love her being nice to her big brother and showing the sibling love.
Edrisa - dorky sweetie that we love, especially with the nickname bit. Just no please with the knots bit.
Martin - fuck you, you’re an evil bastard. Just when he shows an ounce of kindness in reassuring Malcolm you’re reminded that it’s all part of the push-pull to further damage him in order to strengthen his control like the narcissist bastard that he is (I may have issues with this type of personality)
Overall, is there a writer with a bdsm obsession? it shows up in a lot of episodes of this show.
SPOILER Questions - there are staff at Jessica’s house - do they not notice the changes after the finale in the living room? The rug is ruined, there’s no way it didn’t get on the furniture (or even the ceiling the way she went!). Does no one wonder about a suddenly missing rug the same night as the suddenly missing Endicott?? How TF did he get all this done in the short few hours before staff would have been arriving?! And how did Martin keep the phone and keep chatting that long in the middle of a prison riot??
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aliathewriter · 3 years
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A major stressor changed at work last month, plus holidays of course gave me a 10 point drop in heart rate. Sadly it seems not a permanent reduction. Steadily climbing again.
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aliathewriter · 3 years
AO3 is down.. What am I supposed to do now? Go to sleep like some kind of responsible adult?
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