alittlesimlish · 2 years
Sul sul, I downloaded the normal chicken mods but my sims still autonomusly go ask why the chicken crossed the street. Would you be able to deactivate this option in your mod. Thanks
I'm sorry, I don't mod Sims 3 anymore. If someone else wants to edit it, they're welcome to!
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alittlesimlish · 4 years
Hey everyone, I started a new blog! I got tired of having my sims blog be just a side blog, so I created a separate one. A couple of you have already found me out and followed me over, but for anyone else who’s interested, I’m going to be posting a new Sims 2 legacy there.
I’m considering turning this side blog into a more generic gaming blog, but for the moment it will probably continue to be pretty silent. All of my old stuff will stay archived here no matter what, though.
Anyway, new posts will be starting in earnest at the new blog tomorrow, and I hope to see you there!
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I finally got a chance to play over the weekend!
Legacy founder Audrina Rune is excited to introduce you to her trash life. I decided to name her for an alphabet legacy. Not that I think I have any chance of actually completing one, but I like the idea of the naming restrictions to give me guidelines for picking names.
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alittlesimlish · 4 years
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I decided to try Sims 2 again... just got it running and loaded up the Smith family to test it out. Only played for like 15 minutes, but if feels like so much happened already.
Need mods now, but I actually kinda like that top on Johnny! Probably won’t be actually be playing these guys though (for now anyway), thinking about doing a simple legacy to start out with to see how long I can actually keep the game working this time.
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alittlesimlish · 4 years
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alittlesimlish · 4 years
Not Vague At All
Okay, so here is the promised post. Gonna put it all under a cut.
It’s about hate and bullying and mobbing and outrage addiction and, I don’t know, maybe some tips on how to handle important topics without traumatizing anyone. It will reference this week’s simblr drama. It will be very personal.
Also note that I have chosen to leave anon on, but if you come at me anonymously with hate, I will either delete it or reply in public to express my sympathy for your outrage addiction and my hopes that your IRL situation improves enough in the near future that you no longer feel like you have to fill the hole in your soul by raging at strangers online.
If you don’t wish to see any replies to anon hate, I will use the tag anonhate if you want to block that.
Keep reading
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alittlesimlish · 4 years
Stuff I came up with to pass the time while self isolating, this time concerning everyone’s favourite life simulator we hate to love and love to hate. Here you go!
Clean out and organize your mods folder.
Makeover all EA townies.
Follow that editing tutorial you’ve been wanting to try.
Learn how to create cc.
Or learn how to recolour cc.
Create those characters for that story you’ve had in your head for months.
Makeover all neighbourhoods with the lots from the community.
Hang out at discord with your friends from around the world.
Work on your story plot.
Try that one legacy challenge you’ve been meaning to.
Actually play the game for once?? Who would’ve thought!
Rename and reorganize your poses, you’ll thank me later.
Engage with the community on simblr.
Scroll endlessly through cc find blogs.
Agressively send your sims travelling/vacationing while you can’t!
Explore the gameplay you never gave a chance to before.
Read that story on simblr you’ve been meaning to.
Do that lookbook challenge you never gave a chance to before.
Create sims that are our of your comfort zone.
Build lots from blueprints you can find online.
Or build lots based on a reference/idea.
Decorate lots in different styles.
Play with supernaturals, if usually you play with regular sims.
Play with regular sims, if usually you play with supernaturals.
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alittlesimlish · 4 years
Just found this random video on my computer. I think I was trying the 100 baby challenge. xD
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
I recently decided to try playing Sims 3 again after another frustrating bout with 4 and I think I just realized one of the things that can make the new emotions system so frustrating at times. In 4, the game tells you what your sims’ emotions are, and because of this, if they do something that doesn’t fit with what it’s telling you, it feels very jarring and breaks the immersion. In previous games, however, things were inverted. The sims’ actions and your interpretations of them are largely what tell you what they must be feeling. So in earlier games my thought process would often be something like “Why would me sim be doing X? Maybe because they feel Y”, while in Sims 4 I’m much more likely to be thinking “My sim feels Z but is doing X, that doesn’t make sense!”
That’s not to say previous games were perfect, in all iterations sims can and often do react in ways that seem to conflict with what’s going on around them. It’s just that Sims 4 is also constantly telling you how you should be interpreting these reactions, making oddities stand out even more. So instead of thinking “I guess my sim isn’t sad about this”, it’s “my sim is sad about this but isn’t acting like it”. The actions might be the same, but the way each game presents them can have a big impact on how the player feels about those actions.
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
Attention Yahoo Groups Simmers!
As you know, in December Yahoo Groups will stop hosting content. I’ve started the process of pulling as much custom content as possible from these groups. If you have a group you’d like to be archived with Sim Archive Project please let me know!
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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Would you like to help archive player-made Sims custom content and mods for a non-profit? Even become an archive admin?
Hi guys, I’ve got some really big news! Several weeks ago I mentioned how I thought that there should be a way to archive Sims content long term. While I know that there have been several attempts to archive fan-works they’ve been fraught with problems. As I’m sure you know, servers can be expensive and it’s difficult to keep them online. Sites like Sims2graveyard are good but they have the additional issue of going down themselves and only host certain kinds of content (only Custom Content for one game).
That post led me down quite a rabbit trail. After discussing the idea with some friends on a discord server I decided to send an email to The Internet Archive to request a collection. After that request I was approved and given a collection. For those of you who aren’t familiar with IA, The Internet Archive (the creator of the WayBackMachine) is a non-profit organization that hosts all sorts of data and is sponsored by The Library of Congress and Google among many others.
After creating the Sim Archive Project I got in contact with Don Hopkins (Yes, like programmer for The Sims! THAT Don Hopkins!) and talked to him about how deeply he cared for the community and their creations. He was also nice enough to make a video of the 1998 version of The Sims and also recommend some books about the history of the culture and history around video game modding.
While this is all very exciting I need your help. While I’ve been doing work to try and upload as much content to the archive as possible there’s just no way I can do all of it. While I have a group of admins who work with me to expedite the process, it’s still quite the endeavor.
If you have any old content that you want archived long term in a safe place, upload the content and a screenshot of content to the Internet Archive and send me a link to your Items by sending me an ask. It will take a while for your items to show up in the Sim Archive Project Collection. Also please remember, while files can be downloaded from the archive it should be used only as a backup service rather than your sole file service. This archive is meant to be a way to preserve files rather than just share them. We’d like to save as much notable content as we can for all of the games.
Also if you are interested in becoming an admin for the Sim Archive Project send me an ask with some info about you! We’re always looking for new admins! Thanks to everyone on the SimWorld Discord server. Special thanks to Don Hopkins, Armstrong, Tari, Alissix, and Bread Lord!
You can find the archive here!
Signal boost please!
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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sorry i cant be alive today its a national holiday
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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Hello Simblr Family and Friends!
First, I’d like to introduce, to those who are not familiar with these faces, to you our babies. Scout, Hunter and Ash (L - R). Hunter is 12. He loves to read and write stories. He loves dinosaurs and werewolves. He’s had his own personal struggles living with Asperger’s and ADHD, but right now he’s doing better, but only over the course of the past six months. Scout is 7. She loves everything pink, purple and sparkly! Unicorns, rainbows and cotton candy are some of her favorite things! Everyone, and I mean everyone is her friend. She has a giant heart and she adores her brothers, especially her baby brother. She’s worked very hard these past two years in school, which was a struggle for her as she’s been recently diagnosed with ADHD, but if things continue the way they do, she will be able to graduate into the 3rd grade! Ash is 4. He is non-verbal and lacks the necessary social skills for him to be in a “normal environment.” He’s still in diapers because he’s afraid of the potty and he’s never been left with anyone besides myself or my husband because he has anxiety attacks/meltdowns. We were told he was high functioning autistic by the age of 2, but were meeting slammed doors in our face at every turn. It wasn’t until this year that we saw a new psychologist who’s willing to help us get the diagnosis and help we need to help our baby boy. They are mine and my husband’s entire world. Our hearts and souls split three ways in these beautiful tiny humans. Three tiny humans that we would do ANYTHING for.
Which leads me to number two… I have seen this community do some pretty amazing, selfless, miraculous things for each other when we all come together as one… and my little family needs that right now more than ever.  We have exhausted ever resource there is normally available to us to try and seek help locally, alas there is none left. Our families cannot help us. Which is why I decided to reach out to my simblr family.
We need your help!
The homeowner wants to sell our home and since our lease is up, we have recently been served documents with fee’s that we were unaware of and still are. We’ve always been notified that the homeowner has stopped paying the water bill and we have to pay it or it will be shut off (in 14 days). We’re currently trying to find a new place to live, but we would like to leave this place with nothing standing in our way of finding a new home for our children to grow and thrive…  We are trying to raise $2300 by or before May 11th 2019 so that we can move out of this house without anything stopping us/getting in the way.
Our go fund me page has more information on that matter.. please, anything helps! Anything! We can never repay you, but we can pay it forward! And we will do so with our entire beings!
Even if you cannot donate yourself, sharing helps… and just reading this far, means a lot to us. Thank you so much for everything.
All our Love <3
Please Click here to view our Go Fund Me Page!
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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Corinne actually tries to have a non-mean interaction with Nobuya, but he’s in a bad move and it doesn’t go over well.
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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Sylas, why?!
...okay, this is actually my fault, from a mod idea I was messing around with.
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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Sylas tries to sells his products to a celebrity who just falls over on the spot to make a snow angel.
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alittlesimlish · 5 years
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I don’t know what I was thinking starting them out in winter (it was because it’s winter irl), but at least they have pears and spinach growing, so there’s in-season food for them to eat.
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