all-the-write-reasons · 4 months
I’m really sad we don’t talk anymore.
Sometimes it feels like I lost you, even though you’re close enough to touch.
I know everything about you, your sleeping habits and favorite color. The way you talk and think. your favorite outfit and how your smile looks when you mean it.
But still, I know nothing. I no longer know the person you are, what you get up to, who matters anymore.
And I still haven’t decided if it’s your fault or my own.
Maybe it’s both.
Maybe it’s neither and these things just happen. But it feels like these things shouldn’t happen, at least not like this.
After years and years of knowing everything. How quickly, before either of us notice, can we go to not knowing.
Does the you that I know exist any longer?
I Hope so, because some things don’t change, or shouldn’t.
I wish they wouldn’t.
I Wish They Wouldn’t.
Seeing you feels like ripping my heart out, and feels like everything in the world is right again.
I don’t know how this can happen at the same time.
How can the world be right but we are in so much pain.
Will I ever get to know you again?
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some poems
don’t sound pretty
until they’re read out loud
some boys
don’t seem beautiful
until you spread them out
a little bit of time is all I need
just a little time
another day, another hour
all i ask for is another
another minute, another second
i see a boy with his arms spread wide
i see a boy who wishes for more clouds
so he can point to the sky
behind my closed eyelids
and the tears that sneak out
most of all i see a future
robbed from so many
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the difference between enjoying and tolerating
may, to you, seem like a small crack
a line that you can wobble
to me, it is a vast expanse
the difference between the separation in sidewalk blocks
and the separation in continents
I long to be enjoyed
yet i feel limited at tolerance
as if it will ever be the same
to be tolerant of me while my smile hangs off your every word
while my day is brightened by your presence and your day is unchanged regardless of mine.
i wish to be someone who can be thoroughly enjoyed
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the fear of mourning
the fear of preforming
i try to keep my face steely
i try to make myself hard
but wouldn’t i be better soft
wouldn’t he want me to be soft
this world is not making me soft.
there are parents
who am i but a stranger
impeding on their right to cry
stealing away their right to mourn
we can all have feelings
but mine feel wrong
we can all have feelings
all but me.
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some things hurt worse than others
by: Kai
a picture from 2004
of you smiling by the door
two big fish, hand in hand
the emotions pull me in like quicksand
Some things hurt worse than others
lost relationships with our mothers…
seeing you alone, or behind the covers
with countless other lovers
Some things hurt worse than others
the shining memory, like a curse
of you on the stairwell, face so bright
my life ended that night.
the biggest smile stretched on your face
now, it feels so out of place.
“I love her too much to give up the bed!”
while she was wishing you were dead
a few weeks later the world collapsed
i cant help but long for the past.
nothing hurts quite as much
as feeling us die with just a touch.
Some things hurt worse than others.
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Tidal Wave
by: Kai
it hit me like a tidal wave
i need to be saved
I’m drowning in the misery you made
the sorrow you ooze
why do we all have to lose
everything we’ve ever known
what we’ve always called a home
because of mistakes you made
because of your tidal wave
did you forget about the ripples
the ripples your big splash made
did you think they would just go away?
that we wouldn’t sway
as the life we’ve always known
crumbled just like our home.
I am a boulder
but boulders can break
and crack and shake
and i cant be everyone’s boulder when you are the earth i came from.
the earth quakes, with the force of the tidal wave.
i am begging to be saved.
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The Man of Her Dreams
By: Kai
I hope she grows up to be a beautiful man
the son we needed and never knew we had
dont worry, young child, we won’t be mad
we hope you grow up to be a gentle man
a kind man who will always take a stand
who will hold your hand
and tell you the wonders the future holds.
I hope she grows up to be the man of her dreams
just as happy as he seems
with a smile so bright it will light every light
and a hug so warm you won’t need to conform
to the pretty little girl they all knew
what do they know
if they dont want you to glow
if they don’t want you to grow
if they think you’re a side character in their own little show.
i hope he grows up to be happy and free.
that little boy is me.
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Love letters to Mentally Ill Me.
Dear mentally ill me,
this isn’t a diary.
Or some sob story or plea
I’m not trying to convince you im worthy
that you should love plain old me
This is simply a collection of times i felt down
like life couldn’t turn around
like everything was one big crashing sound
the future was unknown
the past unwanted
and the present bleak
when it was just unloveable me.
But this is a collection of times
i wasn’t sure things would go up
or shine bright
or be alright.
And in this love letter to mentally ill me…
i plea
believe me when i say
“it will all be okay,
it may seem hopeless
you may feel alone
but the darkness wont last forever,
for you will find your home.”
with love,
Mentally Ill You
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4 am poetry rambles
The Worlds Unluckiest Tightrope Walker
by: Kai
i am the line
that the worlds unluckiest tightrope walker has to climb
in the three ring circus of hell
she takes it step by step
praying that i wont snap
that the tension isn’t to tight
that everything goes right
but there i go
a crack, a pop and a snap
the stress was too much
for such a small line
I am the worlds unluckiest tightrope walker.
tiptoeing over the grand canyon of secrets and fears
hoping- no praying that the string wont snap
crack or pop
that i wont drop
into an abyss i know nothing about
i am the vast unknown under the worlds unluckiest tightrope walker,
swallowing her up as she falls
eating up her calls
and screams and fears and dreams
when the tension on the line is to tight
and the balance of life isn’t quite right
i stay, vast and dark,
waiting for the next person to tightrope walk.
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I endlessly admire fic authors who have betas and write chapters and chapters ahead of what they post because you best believe my needy ass is slapping just-finished, mildly edited and typo-laden fics onto AO3 the moment they’re done so I can get that sweet sweet validation
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