15 Simple Spells
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Magic doesn’t have to be tough. Here’s proof that there’s a lazy witch in all of us, and it’s easy to let them out.
Purification and Protection Scrub
Making Magical Sleep Circles
Motivation Charm Bag
Jar for Attracting Romance
Violation Salt Scrub
Anti-Anxiety Tea
Love-Drawing Bath Salt Recipe
Easy Tarot Tricks
Herbal Dream Pillow
Magical Shower Disks
Repel an Unwanted Lover
Do some Bath Magic
Tea Spell for Sleep
Gossip Stopping Scrub
Love Repression Spell
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To get someone to text/call you...
I read this somewhere recently and tweaked it slightly! All you need is a piece of paper, a needle, and a pen.
Write the person’s name in a circle, twice, writing clockwise, so that the name forms a ring of letters. Do this on a small piece of paper— I used a sticky note that was pink for romance (trying to get my S/O’s attention!)
Take a needle and poke it through the center of the paper, in the middle of the name circle
Place the paper/needle near your phone. Since I used a sticky note, I just stuck it to the screen.
Wait. Think of the person. This isn’t meant to bend their will and force them to contact you, more to spark the idea in their mind. They may think of you and decide against texting or calling, or the reminder may prompt them to get ahold of you. If it doesn’t work, keep trying! Odds are, if the person thinks of calling you often enough, they’ll eventually do it.
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🐝 “sweeten your feelings” jar spell 🐝
a simple honey based jar spell to sweeten a pre-existing bond
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🐝 gather: honey, sugar, lemon seeds, a jar, a candle. 
🐝 find a taglock of you and the person
🐝 mix the honey, sugar, and lemon seeds together in the jar. 
🐝 optional, light a yellow/orange/pink candle, depending on the nature of the relationship.
🐝 put the taglock in the jar, chant:
Sweet as sugar, by this honeyed spell, only in nectarous feelings our bond shall dwell puckered lips, our love shall never be sour, from these seeds sweeter feelings flower
🐝 seal with wax (optional).
🐝 to dispose/break the spell: rinse the mixture out of the jar, cleanse the taglock and empty jar.
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Magics for Finding What is Lost
Updated: August 27, 2017
For Lost Objects
[A Chant for Finding Lost Items]
[Find a Lost Item Spell]
[To Find a Lost Object]
[To Find Something Lost]
[Find What’s Lost Spell]
[Korok Lost Item Spell]
[Location Spell - Help Me Find the Thing]
[Lost Something?]
[Lost Things Spell]
[Quick Finding Spell]
[Quick Spell for Returning Something Lost]
[Spell for Finding Lost Objects]
[Spell to Locate a Lost Item]
[Spell to Return Lost Things]
[Spells to Find Lost Item]
For Lost People
[Spell to Summon One Who is Lost]
For Lost Pets / Animals
[To Call a Lost Pet]
[To Find a Cat or Other Small Pet]
[“Return Home Safe” A Spell for Lost Pets]
[Spell to Find a Lost Pet]
[“To find something that is missing”]
[A Rune Set / Amulet Inscription / Sigil for Finding Hidden or Lost Possessions Quickly]
[A Sigil to Help Find Things]
[“What I have lost returns to me”]
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Simple Space Cleansing
Keep negative energy out of your space with a little candle spell. It is a suitable spell for one room, rather than your whole house.
You’ll need:
• Blue taper candle
• Square of white paper (preferably bio-degradable, you can use rice paper as well)
• Salt
Lay the paper out on your altar or table, and set up the candle in the center of it. Use a clear glass candle-holder if you have one, though any type will do. Sprinkle a circle of salt around the paper, so that all 4 corners of the paper are just touching the salt.
Light the candle right at the top of the hour (exactly 1 o'clock, or 2 o'clock etc.), and let it burn right down. When it's done, carefully brush the salt onto the paper, and pour it down the drain. Bury the paper outside. All the bad energy in the room is now gone.
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Simple Happiness Spell
You’ll need:
• 2 orange candles
• Some dried lavender
Put a few pinches of lavender on your altar or table between the two candles. Light them both and let your hands feel the warmth of the flames. Repeat the following, 7 times:
“This spell please bless
For my happiness”
Let the candles burn down and focus on what kinds of happiness you’d like in the following days.
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Beginner Witchcraft Resources Masterpost
General Information Sites:
- Awake The Witch Within
- Witchcraft 101
- World of Wicca
- Spells For Beginners
- Wings For The Spirit
- Spells and Witchcraft (WARNING this site has autoplay music)
Specialized Witchcraft Sites:
- Explore The Types of Witchcraft
- Sea Witchcraft at Book of Tides
- Water Witchcraft at Witches of The Craft
- Faery Witchcraft at Patheos
- Satanic Witchcraft at Spiritual Satanist
- Herbal Witchcraft at The Smart Witch
- Witch’s Herbal Reference
- Kitchen Witchery at Llewellyn Worldwide
- Traditional Witchcraft
- Hedge Witchcraft
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10 Different Crystal Shapes and How To Use Them
Crystals that have been smoothed or polished from their raw form are usually classified as tumbled stones. They have not been carved into any specific form, but are not jagged to the touch. These crystals are usually more affordable and are good for basic crystal use, including grids, meditation, affirmations, altar work, feng shui or more.
Crystals in an Abundance formation are made up of an elongated quartz crystal with smaller crystals clustered around its base. This is a great stone to attract abundance to your life (hence its name) and is great for acting as a conduit to your wealth and business stones.
Natural points are not necessarily long crystals in a wand-like formation. They are any part of a faceted crystal with a point that has formed naturally, and has not been carved to perfection. These types of stones must be used with caution as the point draws energy to the body (when pointed toward a person) or it draws energy away from the body (when pointed away from the body). These properties make it a great tool for cleansing and healing work.
The Phantom formation is slightly difficult to find. These crystals have a hazy image within them, although most of the crystal is particularly transclucent. This phantom of ghost within the crystal is said to carry a vast array of information for the past, making it a powerful tool for past-like work and healing. Depending on the crystal that the phantom is found within, additional properties will apply. However, any Phantom formation will be a powerful stone to shake out your skeletons and pave a healthy path for growth.
A Generator will have six facets (of equal or unequal proportions) that meet into one point. It gets its name for its ability to generate amplified energy, boosting the power of other stones, or the stone it is made of. This type of formation is also very powerful for charging other stones.
These stones are elusive because they appear ordinary from the outside. However, when they are opened or broken they reveal a hollow cave with crystals sparkling within. Because of their contained form, geodes have the ability to hold energy within and soften it, allowing it to naturally flow out and disperse evenly. These formations are great for protection or for assisting with healing abusive habits such as alcoholism, drug abuse, sex addiction, shopping addiction, and abusive internal monologues.
Raw stones are in their natural form and have not been smoothed, polished or altered. Though they are more fragile and can break more easily than other formations, many prefer the look of these stones as they would appear raw in their natural habitat. Like tumbled stones, raw stones are great for all spiritual work and are often quite affordable.
Pyramids are stones that have been shaped into a point with four equal faceted sides and a square base. These formations are great for warding off negative vibrations or removing blocks within the chakra system. This shape is also a great choice to use in affirmation and manifestation work. The properties of the crystal are amplified in this formation. It is a good choice for healers.
The circle emits energy evenly from all angles, and the Sphere formation is no different. These are powerful formations and are often used in scrying as a tool to peer into the past and future. Because the shape is even from every possible angle, it is believed that light, energy and time pass through it with no rules or hindrances, hence their scrying abilities. They often have flaws or occlusions within them which help with the scrying process, though they can be quite expensive depending on their size.
This formation works well with grounding energies and intentions since its energy is contained and enhanced evenly within the stone. It acts as a foundation to meditation practices and has the ability to transmute negative energy into positive energy. They’re stacking ability makes them great tools for mindfulness and concentration, especially if you’re doing detailed work.
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Ways to Use Crystals
From Crystal Cure
Put them around your home!
Place a protective stone, such as black onyx, hematite, or black obsidian, outside by your front door to prevent negative energies, including burglars, from entering your home.
Place a rose quartz on a table or shelf in a frequently used room, such as a living room, family room, or den, to fill your home with love and harmony.
Decorate with seasonal stone colors.
Put them in your car!
Placing a golden tiger-eye in your car will help to protect you and your car against accidents.  Place the stone in a secure place where it will not roll around or get lost.  I suggest wrapping it in wire, attaching it to a cord or chain, and then hanging it from the rearview mirror.
Bring them to work!
Place a quartz cluster or purple fluorite cluster next to your computer to help protect you from its electromagnetic field.
Place a smoky quartz on your desk or in your work space to protect yourself against the stress and frustration of your coworkers or clients.
Keep a rose quartz or amethyst with you.  When work is stressful, hold it in your hand or rub it with your fingers.
Bring them with you on your next vacation or business trip!
Carry an aquamarine or moonstone with you for protection while traveling.
Clear the air!
To disperse negative energy, use a black or dark stone, such as onyx, obsidian, tourmaline, jet, apache tear, smoky quartz, or hematite.  These stones, when placed about a room, home, or other area, work as environmental cleansers that purify the area and protect it from negative energies.
Fight pain!
Lapis, malachite, and bloodstone are good pain relievers.   Place them on the affected body part or area of the body until the pain lessens.
Tape a carnelian to your lower abdomen to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps.
For a headache, place an amethyst, amber, or turquoise stone on your forehead, or, if you have multiple stones, place them around your head.
In the case of a migraine, lapis has been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians, if not longer.
Get a good night’s sleep!
Place an azurite, amethyst, or sugilite on your forehead or under your pillow to increase your dreams.
A garnet or amethyst under your pillow will help you to remember your dreams.
A black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or amethyst will chase away any nightmares.
Can’t sleep?  Place a rose quartz or amethyst by your bed or under your pillow to combat insomnia.
Get in control of your emotions!
Moonstone, chrysocolla, aventurine, rose quartz, and blue lace agate are all stones that help to balance emotions.  You can wear them in jewelry, keep them on your person, or take a bath with them.
Use a rose quartz for emotional healing.
Aquamarine, aventurine, moonstone, rhodonite, and rose quartz are calming stones.  Lie down and place one over your heart, or bathe with them, or massage yourself with them.
To relieve stress, worry, fear, and anxiety, use one of the following: aventurine, black tourmaline, black onyx, lapis, sodalite, chrysocolla, rose quartz, citrine, or snowflake obsidian.  Use one as a “worry stone”.  A worry stone is a stone that you keep with you, and whenever you feel worried, stressed, or anxious, you take it out and rub it with your fingers.  You can also wear it in jewelry, bathe with it, or massage with it.  
For depression, use amber, smoky quartz or citrine in any of the aforementioned ways.
To help control anger, keep a red garnet, amethyst, snowflake obsidian, or sodalite with you.  Take it out, hold it, and rub it whenever you feel the need.
Increase your brain power!
Use citrine, fluorite, lapis, pyrite, or sodalite to stimulate the intellect.
For focusing thoughts and concentration, use citrine, hematite, lapis, black tourmaline, or fluorite.
To bring mental clarity, use sapphire, peridot, or gold (Imperial) topaz.
To increase memory, use citrine, amber, black tourmaline, hematite, or fluorite.
Use amethyst, bloodstone, hematite, or lapis to relieve mental stress.
For help with problem-solving, use green tourmaline, or citrine.
To help with decision-making, use azurite, fluorite, or sodalite.
To use any of these “thinking” stones, wear them as earrings or a pendant, or place them on your desk or workspace.
Spark your creativity!
Carry or wear an amazonite, azurite, carnelian, chrysocolla, or citrine to get your creativity flowing.
Improve your communication skills!
Sodalite, sapphire, aquamarine, blue topaz, and chrysocolla are all great stones for communication.  Use them to bring self-confidence when public speaking, to help you to speak up for yourself, to be able to explain things in an easy to understand way, to overcome shyness, to be able to speak more clearly and freely , to be able to express yourself better emotionally, and to improve your relationships by keeping communication lines open.  These stones work best when worn as a pendant that hangs close to the throat, but they can also be worn as earrings, or held, or carried in your pocket.
Strengthen your intuition!
To do this, hold a moonstone, chrysocolla, or amazonite to your third eye (brow).
Meditation crystals can be held, placed on the third eye, or placed before you as a visual focal point.  These crystals include: clear quartz, amethyst, celestite, apophyllite, charoite, sugilite, azurite, labradorite, and yellow calcite.
To get in touch with your spirituality, use amethyst or charoite.
To gain wisdom, use amethyst, charoite, lapis, sodalite, or sugilite.
To ground yourself (bring yourself back to Earth) after meditating, hold a grounding stone such as, smoky quartz, black obsidian, snowflake obsidian, black onyx, hematite, or jet.
Feel better about yourself!
To increase your self-confidence and feelings of self-worth, use azurite, chrysocolla, aquamarine, ruby, moonstone, or rose quartz.
To raise your self-esteem, use hematite or rose quartz.
To improve your self-image, use moonstone, rose quartz, or pink kunzite.
To learn to love yourself, use rose quartz, rhodochrosite, or pink kunzite.
All of these stones can be held, worn, or carried.
Spread the love!
Rose quartz is THE love stone.  Use it to attract love; to increase romance; to strengthen love between friends, lovers, and family members; to make a friendship blossom; to mend a broken heart; and to keep any relationship balanced, peaceful, and loving.  No matter what the situation, if it has to do with love, rose quartz is the stone that does it all.   But there are, of course, other stones of love.
 Here are just a few examples:
To attract love, use magnetite or a tantric twin.  A tantric twin (also called a soulmate stone) is a stone in which two crystals, such as clear quartz, amethyst, or citrine, of about the same size are joined together side by side.
To heal the heart, place pink agate, pink kunzite, or pink tourmaline over the heart, or wear as a pendant that hangs close to the heart.
To balance relationships, use peridot or rhodonite.
To increase or enhance loving feelings, use emerald, ruby, garnet, or diamond.
Love stones can be worn, carried, held, or bathed with.  Place them throughout a room or home to create a more loving atmosphere.  Put one next to your bed to increase romance and intimacy.
Add some spice to your sex life!
Use carnelian, garnet, or red tiger-eye to increase passion, sensuality, and eroticism.
To increase sexual energy and stamina, use carnelian, bloodstone, ruby, red garnet, or pink tourmaline.
Use carnelian to stimulate sexuality.
Use red jasper to prolong sexual pleasure.
Pink tourmaline will release inhibitions.
For lack of libido, use fluorite or red garnet.
Place them next to, on, or around the bed, or wear them as jewelry.
Bring abundance, prosperity, wealth, and success into your life!
For prosperity, place a citrine in the “wealth corner” of your home.  This is the corner to the left of and furthest away from the front door.  If this is where your bathroom is, do not put the stone in there, otherwise any wealth that you acquire will go right down the toilet!
Wealth comes in many forms other than money and material things.  Being surrounded by a loving family can make someone feel wealthy.  To bring wealth of any kind, wear or carry green aventurine, peridot, bloodstone, emerald, jade, or pyrite (fool’s gold).
Keep a green aventurine in your wallet or purse to make your money multiply.
Bring good luck!
Wear or carry a green aventurine or golden tiger-eye with you.
Bring a green aventurine with you to the casino.  Wear it in a pouch around your neck, keep it in your pocket, or hold it while you are playing.
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Where would you put something like this?🌙💎✨❤️
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Smoky quartz can be used to protect against all forms of bad luck and to enhance energy flow through the hands. It increases creativity and intuition and transforms depression and pessimistic thought into joy and optimism. For some reason in Autumn I’m always drawn towards this crystal and I always place a few pieces of smoky quartz on my altar for Samhain. What crystals are you drawn towards during the Autumn season? 🍁 . This image from @margotvoyance
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Many witches prefer to work with colored candles when performing magic, as a way to strengthen the power of their spell. This is a little overview of some different colors and their meanings. Remember that it’s always ok to have your own interpretation of different colors, so feel free to use colors in different ways than the ones stated above!
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A little witchy and a little science.
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Just Some Little Green Witch Things
- Touching random plants when you’re out for a walk
- Sitting outside on the grass
- Getting overly excited when you bring home a new plant
- Collecting rainwater to use for your plants
- Naming every plant on someone’s porch when you walk by
- The smell of morning dew relaxes you
- Dirt beneath your fingernails
- Talking and singing to your plants
- Stroking your plants lovingly or petting them for no reason
- Drying herbs and plants for spells and sachets
- That ~forest~ smell
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Growth is a four-card spread about your own personal growth. We all continue to grow as we live and we all tend to wonder how much our growth has impacted our lives. This spread is to help you dive into that growth, what you’ve had to leave behind in it, and what you have gained in it. Your growth can be as little or as big as you let it be.
(Image Description: A completely green rectangle with four white boxes to signify cards. In the cards are the numbers one through four. Above the boxes are the words, “Growth. Wasteland-Magic.” In the bottom middle area of the rectangle is a small grass shaped illustration, that is colored white. In a separate photo, it has the description of each card. )
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Here’s a little coffee spell to start your day with a little magic. ☕️
Brew your favorite coffee (or tea) and add a pinch of ginger for strength, a pinch of nutmeg for wisdom, and a pinch of cinnamon for abundance. Stir the coffee 3 times clockwise and as you stir visualize a golden light flowing from your hands and into the cup. ✨
When you feel that that your positive energy has been passed into the cup you can say:  “I’m present in mind and body. I’m awake and energized with the air I breathe. Prosperity and positivity will flow towards me this day. So mote it be!” 🌟
Do you have any little morning spells you do? Or, give this spell a try and let me know how you feel.  This pic from @lightpoem
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