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They could have just made a movie about her instead of race-swapping Ariel.
Its honestly annoying af how they keep changing the race of characters in live action remakes. 'The Last of us' did it, so did 'Snow white', 'spiderman', 'Annie', 'Tinkerbell', 'avatar the last airbender' 'Mean Girls' and now Rapunzel!???
And you can't even use the argument that "they're just fictional characters, it doesn't matter" because they've started race-swapping real historical figures too like Queen Charlotte!
While we're changing everyone's race, why not change the gender while we're at it!? Why not switch up the age as well!? Since it doesn't matter! The next Tiana live action movie, make her white and make prince Naveen a woman! Let's see if the same people defending race swapping will defend that!
Saying all this doesn't make me racist. I'm not even fking white! Race swapping is wrong! Always has been, always will be!
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This is the fate of all bisexuals and I don't feel bad for them in the slightest! You try to warn them about men☕ and they don't listen. This is what they get😂
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This is why all women need to join the 4b movement.
Men☕ will never change!
Don't date them,
Don't marry them,
Don't befriend them,
Don't have s3x with them
And certainly do not have kids with them!!!!
We are seeing the effects of the Heard Depp case, insisting that perhaps it's Anna Kendricks fault her partner was a fuckin abusive shit ball to her
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I'd say it was starting but this has always happened and it seems it will continue.
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Glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this bs!
"It's because young boys don't have any good males to look up to in the media" that's literally not an excuse!!!!
“Young boys are being radicalized by incels online.”
Males are already misogynistic prior to engaging with incel content…
The content only confirms & reinforces their misogynistic beliefs.
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ASEXUAL - A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction towards individuals of any gender.
LESBIAN - A term used to describe a woman who is both sexually and romantically attracted to solely other women.
If you're an asexual woman and still feel romantic feelings for only women, then the term for that is Homoromantic Asexual, NOT "asexual lesbian"!!!
That's just basic English, that's how words work, that's how adjectives work, that's how labels work. It's not about being "valid" or joining 2 completely different things together and chanting "we exist" when people call you out. It's not about "gatekeeping". It's not about being "exclusionary".
This isn't saying lesbianism is only about s3x. It's just about using your common sense! That's literally it!
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Now that's just fked up!!!! I haven't even heard of "d*kebreaking" before! So there's a word misogynists use for corrective r4pe!?🤮
"D*ke" is a slur! It's derogatory af and no one should be using it unless you're a lesbian yourself!
"Terfbreaking"!? "Girld1ck"!? R4pists in plain sight! These people are disgusting istg!!!
we've all heard of dykebreaking but allow me to introduce terfbreaking. maybe terfs just need to get broken in by some good girldick to shut them up
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Not "sapphic", not "queer", not "gay", LESBIAN! Say the word!
Credit: @hi.poppylaur
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He apparently also beat a pregnant woman into having a miscarriage.
a celebrity i have beef with is soulja boy. i swear this is true okay, i have no reason to lie about it, it's literally soulja boy but back when the 6789998212 number actually was his phone number (it was a fan line where you could leave him voicemails and he'd sometimes call back.) well, this is the height of crank that soulja boy, it was the first dance i ever had down on lock, and i was in love w him. i called the number everyday and once i left a voicemail like, i love you, can i be your soulja girl, i'm your biggest fan, blah blah. girl 💀 tell me why this man called me back and left a voicemail where he was clowning me with his friends and went, "hell NO you can't be my soulja girl." well, i wasn't much different as a child so i called him and cussed him out over voicemail. i said he sucked, i was no longer a fan, and other colorful language. this man proceeded to call me like multiple times a day to probably cuss me out back lmfaoo i blocked his number because my friends convinced me he was going to sue me
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And of course the incel tries to pin this on women. Men☕ could walk up to a little girl minding her business, sh00t her in the face and they'd still blame feminism.
It's like they're allergic to common sense 🤣
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Pick-me's are so obsessed with uplifting men. Girlie, they don't see you as a human being!😭
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Taylor Swift stays dominating the charts!!!!🙌👑
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maturing is realizing that everything that you dislike about women can be traced back to men.
oh shes a "pick me"? why do you suppose she acts like that? isn't that sad, that a woman should feel such a strong desire to cater to men that she not only puts other women down, but puts herself down in the process?
what about those girls that infantilize themselves for the male gaze? as much as i hate girls like this, i hate even more that the male gaze is so deeply linked with pedophilia.
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Pick-me's are so obsessed with uplifting men. Girlie, they don't see you as a human being!😭
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PSA TO ALL LESBIANS: Stop befriending men. For your own safety and well being, stay away from them please!!!!!!!
a man in Italy (massimo sebastiani) killed a lesbian (Elisa pomarelli) because he was obsessed with her and obviously she kept turning him down and decided to end their friendship. So he strangled her, threw her body in a ditch in the woods and kept her hidden for days. The Italian press called him a “gentle giant with an unrequited love” who “broke down in tears because he regrets it” and “didn’t plan it, just acted impulsively cause he was devastated” they even seem to sympathize with him cause he turned himself in and confessed and was “cooperative” with the police. So this is just to let you know that this shit is still happening everywhere. I really don’t know what to say about this I’m just so shocked and miserable and heartbroken at yet another case of femicide in which too many people are sympathizing with the murderer.
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RIP Elisa. You’ll be in my thoughts and my battles. I wanted to make this post to reach as many people as I can. I do not want victims like Elisa to go forgotten, I know my country will soon forget about her, but I know there are women on here who will keep her and every other victim of femicide in their memory and will fight to avenge them. Myself included.
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Fuck you, I don't even feel sorry for you.
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There's no such thing as an "asexual lesbian"! All lesbians experience BOTH s3xual and romantic attraction. The term you're looking for is Homoromantic Asexual.
You can't say you're nonbinary and call yourself a lesbian. You'd just be admitting that you're a woman. Lesbians are WOMEN! The term you're looking for is trixic.
Please learn to use correct terms. Words have meaning!
Lesbian: A woman who is both sexually and romantically attracted to solely other women.
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I do both💝
Reactive vs Proactive activism.
I had an epiphany in the car today while running errands.
I was thinking about this specifically in context with feminism, and trends I've personally noted. And probably, someone else has already talked about this topic, I'm sure I'm not the first.
I want to preface this with the following: I am not saying that one type of activism is necessarily better or worse. I think they're both necessary in the world we live in.
Reactive activism is activism that happens after a wrong has already taken place. Calling someone out for their sexism, the #MeToo campaign, working at a battered women's shelter, protesting a company that is actively campaigning against abortion rights, teaching classes for men who want to unlearn toxic masculinity - all of these are examples of reactionary activism. Reactionary activism is absolutely necessary. Healing wounds is necessary.
Proactive activism includes things like voting for progressive candidates, offering birth control, raising children outside the influence of misogyny and toxic masculinity so you break the cycle of abuse, going to schools and teaching safe sex, educating people about the lgbtq community, teaching all children homemaking skills, etc. We need proactive activism to stop harm from happening in the first place, and to actually FIX the world around us. Just reacting to harm after the harm is done will never actually heal the world.
And I think some kinds of activism fall into both categories. I think teaching adult men how to be homemakers, for example, can be both reactionary and proactive. It's reactionary because it's repairing the damage done to them in their childhood, and it's proactive because it allows them to be better partners and better parents, preventing future harm. I think a Planned Parenthood clinic is another great example, because it serves folks who want to prevent harm, with birth control and condoms and community education, but it's also there if harm does happen, and can provide abortions and resources for abuse victims and testing and treating STDs.
I think both kinds of activism are necessary.
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Men don't experience sexism!!! Please find and read this!
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