alois-the-onion · 6 years
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“Marriage” by Mark (面瘫奶奶) Translated by me with permission.
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alois-the-onion · 6 years
Thanks, Tumblr.
Been feeling worthless and stupid lately, and I didn’t know who to talk to because I didn’t want to bother anyone (all those “you can always talk to me!” speeches mean nothing when you’re having those moments), so I decided to come here instead and vent. Just. Type it all out.
Instead, I saw fan arts. I saw head canons. I saw screencaps and quotes.
And I still feel like I’m worthless and stupid and I don’t really amount to anything—but I feel marginally better.
Thanks for an amazing community.
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alois-the-onion · 6 years
Whelp, looks like it’s time to unearth my Regency pirates!Romanogers.
so I arrived to that period when forsomeunknownreason I’d like to read some  historic au romanogers fic (I mean not ww2 age but I think maybe  like medieval or romantic era or such) Pls do share if there is any you’d recommend!!:3 :o) or if you are a writer and take prompts pls do write some:D
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
Jelsa fans. Let's make this happen, shall we?
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
Please stop.
I'm serious. Please stop it with all this...
I literally cried. Days, months, years after I thought I was finally free of Zutara, and this pops up.
I just... I can't, okay. A girl can only take so much stabs to the feels before her heart explodes to a billion, trillion pieces, never to be whole again. Enough, please. Zutara, please. Please let me be free of your beautifully painful clutches. Please.
"Well, I did fall in love with Katara. And I’ll probably always love her. But in the way you always hold a special place in your heart for your first love." 
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
It's like fate and the gods themselves compelled me to reblog this.
Bless this post.
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          That’s it. that’s pretty much it haha
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
Oh god, G-Bom! Finally! After, what, seven. Freaking. Years!? <3 My ultimate OTP in K-pop! *Drools*
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G-Dragon to Release Japanese Version of “Black” Featuring 2NE1′s Park Bom on November 27th!
Big Bang‘s leader, G-Dragon, is said to release his first Japanese solo album on November 27th and one of his songs will feature 2NE1‘s main vocalist, Park Bom.
It will consists of songs from his ‘Coup D’etat‘ as well as songs from his ‘Heartbreaker‘ and ‘One Of A Kind‘. The Japanese release will include Japanese versions. One of it was ‘Black‘ and will feature Park Bom.
Originally, the song ‘Black’ featured one of the upcoming member of YG Entertainment‘s new girl group, Jennie Kim (in Korean), as well as American singer and songwriter, Sky Ferreira (in English).
Meanwhile, G-Dragon’s songs like ‘Who You,’ ‘Crooked,’ and other songs will also have Japanese versions. In addition to this, it will be released in 4 formats. [(1) 2CD+DVD+Photobook+Goods, (2) 2CD+DVD, (3) 2CD, (4) Playbutton]
G-Dragon will also release a DVD for his Japanese solo tour, ’2013 World Tour One Of A Kind in Japan Dome Special’ on November 20th.
Please look forward for Park Bom as well as for G-Dragon! You can check out Jennie and Sky’s version below.
Source(s): Big Bang’s official Japanese site, bigbangupdates.com Article by: [email protected]
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
One Great Step - INFINITE in Manila, Nov. 3, 2013
Normally, I start memorable blog posts such as this with squeals of pure, unadulterated (maybe only slightly) fangirl delight that is really nothing more than just a bunch of letters that don't make any sense but... this one's an exception.
Let me just say: patron. Standing. Is. Terrible.
I've only been to two concerts my entire life (at least, as far as I remember), and both of them, I watched standing. The first concert was free standing so I had no choice there. In retrospect, I really should have learned from the ghastly experience of having to stand on tiptoes and being human sardines all throughout the concert, but that's my hardheadedness and lack of hindsight (and foresight) for you.
I thought that since the price of lower box and patron standing were really just the same, I might as well go for a spot closer to them, but that was a terrible miscalculation on my part. See, I'm a vertically challenged, socially awkward, unpleasantly impatient brat, and there is really nothing more I hate than being smack in the middle of a crowd. Patron standing was the height of that pet peeve and more, and I really believe that the reason why 70% of the concert breezed past my head was actually because I didn't enjoy it so much as I thought I would.
The concert hasn't even started, and I already wanted to go home. My nape hurt, my feet got stomped on, and I even lost my pony tail (important note to female concert-goers with long hair who are in the mosh pit: for the love of God, please just tie your locks!). Not to mention, the fact that the air from my lungs was practically being wheezed out each passing second really pushed me over the edge.
The only good thing about being on patron standing was that my beloved Kim Myungsoo lingered at our side throughout the concert. Really, holding his stare for over five seconds was enough to last me through those three hours of fangirl hell!
Anyway, while most fan accounts are usually just senseless excited gushing over the event that was, mine is really just a not-so-lengthy rant.
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
On alcohol and getting drunk
Call it biased and prejudiced (and anything else along that vein), but I honest to goodness don't see how people can (literally) stomach alcoholic drinks.
So a few days ago was my friend's 18th birthday, and since it was her coming-of-age, one of my best friends brought out a huge ass bottle of beer and dared us to go for a shot (whoever came up with this "ritual" has a very special place in hell). Because there really is no harm in one tiny shot of beer followed immediately by an entire glass of iced tea (and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I learned of the magical concept of chasers), I reluctantly agreed.
Terrible, terrible decision.
It tasted like cough medicine, and the "burning sensation" I often read about in fanfics reminded me too much of that godawful burning feeling you get when you're sick and you're body can't decide if it's cold or hot and you get unpleasant shivers every two seconds or so.
Trust me, I'd know those things.
I get sick a lot, and have a nasty history of asthma, so I'm no stranger to cough medicine. Believe me when I say beer tasted too similar to those horrible cough medicines that are surprisingly effective, but nonetheless terrible still. And the aftertaste wasn't any better. Not to mention, the burning feeling really drove the message home.
I'm never drinking another drop of beer (or anything alcoholic) ever again. I get sick enough as it is; no reason for me to feel sick even when I'm not.
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
What the hell even in my imagination, I'm still being friendzoned?
Fuck it, I'll imagine being his wife. His destiny. His soulmate.
Awww yissss.
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
Ohmygod I'm sorry I swear I've never done this before, hopefully never will again.
"Hell. No."
In retrospect, I should have factored him--primarily, to begin with--in the equation.
But on my defense, it was adorable.
Well, not really, no. To be honest, it was almost off-puting. To say the least. It was stupid and childish and pointless. I could not, for the life of me, figure out what was apparently so fascinating with such a trend that it was a bandwagon people fought tooth and nail to ride (sort of). Yet the Gods of Irony must now be mocking and laughing at me. Against my better judgment, I indulged this superficiality. Maybe it was because everyone was so hyped up about it, that I felt so left out. I don't know. I had stupid reasons and stupid impulses, and before I knew it, stupid decisions.
For the love of god.
I actually bought us a couple sweater.
"Come on." I pleaded, "It's not so bad! At least I got us something decent and normal! It could've been worse!" I scoffed, "I could have gotten us a Pororo-themed one, you know?"
The look he sent me spoke volumes.
But I had a resolve of steel (not really) and was not about to back down from a fight--granted, a petty, if not completely idiotic one, but a fight nonetheless. I waved the sweater by his face and huffed.
"It's just a sweater!"
"Wha--then why couldn't you wear it?"
"Why do I have to?"
"Because everyone does it!"
"Fine, not really everyone. But a lot of youngsters do it! Do you want to feel old!?"
"Doesn't the fact that you actually refer to these people as youngsters say anything to you?"
"For the love of--you're impossible." As a force of habit, I massaged my temples. He crossed his arms and looked at me pointedly, as though anticipating another torrent of (pointless) arguments. I could practically see those little gears in his head turning. I decided to change tactics. "I just... wanted to... look cute... for once, you know?" I said softly, turning away from him (for dramatic effect, of course), "I mean, we never act like a couple. We don't hold hands, we don't hug, we don't kiss. I get it. You want privacy. I do, too! But the way we interact is so... so platonic that girls are actually hitting on you! Right in front of me!
I know you reject their advances. I see that. But for once, I just want to save us the whole he's-actually-my-boyfriend-so-stop-flirting-with-him drama, you know? For once, I want to go out in public, and people will see, right off the bat, that we are dating--from a mile away." I paused, "I know it's selfish. And petty. And I know I'm acting like a brat. You're right, this is stupid. I'm just going to keep this away. Anyway, it's not like you can't wear this at all and--"
Without any preamble whatsoever (and so characteristically him), he snatched the navy blue fabric my hand, and shrugged it on himself.
"There. Happy? Can we go now? I'm starving."
I practically tackled him to the ground.
- - - 
OH GOD SOMEONE HELP ME. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID SOMETHING LIKE THIS. >//////< This is so embarrassing. How do you people even do this? I think the only reason I managed to wheeze this one out is because I refrained from writing any names, and replaced the characters with some other ship in my head (Zutara).
Also, tsundere!Leo because deal with it, that's why. B-) And mainly because I saw this VIXX fan art and Leo was portrayed as a classical shoujo manga heroine that I. Just. Couldn't. Help. It. Sorry if this came as OOC to some. But I regret nothing!!!
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
Zutara Fanfiction Recommendations: FLUFF
I'm all for a give-and-take kind of relationship. Ever since I've read Full Metal Alchemist several years back, I've taken its moral and incorporated into something close to a personal principle I try to stick to, to the best of my abilities. In order to achieve something, one must sacrifice something of equal value. The principle of equivalent exchange.
But philosophies of life aside, I decided to whip up my very own list of Zutara fic-recommendation for no other reason than because I want someone else to do the same for me, for when I eventually restart my hunt for good Zutara fics. Also, fluff is the number one genre (category?) on my list because I am a huge fan of it.
And also, I have very little angry!Zutara in my catalogue.
Without further ado: Alois the Onion's Fluffy Zutara fanfiction Recommendations!!! *Cue, celebratory music; think Minion-ese YMCA*
(Warning: ratings vary from K-MA. Read at your own discretion. Also, quite lengthy.)
48th by Otabe Yatsuhashi - It had been Katara’s 48th capture by Zuko. She wonders when Aang and Sokka will finally get the picture. [ZukoxKatara] very slight onesided [AangxKatara]. First Avatar fic. Please R&R! (Not really fluffy (the cavity-inducing kind that leaves ants swarming about your laptop for weeks), but it's fairly light-hearted, so I say it counts.)
9 to 5 by delectate - On a tight schedule for training, Aang gets a bright idea. Oneshot, for LJ's 7 Days of Capstara Week. Zuko/Katara. (Love the insinuations in this one. I always do love perverted undercurrents.)
A Little Firebending by zukoshotpants - Katara takes her daughter out for some bending practice, hoping to reveal what kind of bender she is. Zuko is a worried father and a stressball, and there is general adorableness all around. Zutara, post war. (Heart-warming family!Zutara. Need I say more?)
A Matter of Appearances by chromeknicker - Iroh has Zuko and Katara serve tea at his shop, which consequently leads to Zuko and Katara getting shamelessly hit on. Their solution to their pervert woes? Pretend to be a jealous couple in order to scare off the grab-happy folks of Ba Sing Se. (Funny and fluffy, not to mention, postwar--a huge bonus on my book.)
 Awkward! by Midnight Wolfy - First kiss almost turned into something more... Damn it, Sokka! ::Zutara:: (The summary practically says it all.)
Boy Problems by killertrees - Zuko always thought of Katara as a child...that is until she had her woman's cycle. What does light day mean? Just a silly piece of fluff with a poor clueless Zuko. Dedicated to any female who wishes she had a firebender for one particular week a month. (I'd give anything to have a firebending boyfriend. Probably the most useful thing in your arsenal when The Week That Must Not Be Named arrives.)
Cactus Juice and Truth in Negotiations by SCWLC - This is to be treated like what you'd get if you got someone hyped up on caffiene after too little sleep. Total crack. If you made Zuko and Katara tell and do nothing but the truth about everything for a day straight, what would happen? Zutara. (This basically screws up the foundations of your typical postwar Zutara in which their relationship slowly blossoms from being in a this-is-so-not-working-out relationship with other people, to finally getting together with one another. But it's awesome.)
 Dancing in the Dark by DamageCtrl - AUPWP: Having heard a rumor about two tea servers in the lower tiers of Ba Sing Se, Katara and Toph sneak away go to investigate only to have their suspicions confirmed. ZutaraBlutara. (If you haven't at least heard of this, seriously what is wrong with you? I admit that my partialness for postwar stories deterred me from giving this a go the first time around, but! Honestly, it's all worth it. Whatever your reservations may be, who can resist apron!Zuko!? And mmmmhh makeout sessions too.)
Forty Weeks by Like A Dove - Katara shows up at the Fire Lord's with a bit of a...predicament. Post-series. Arguably Korra-canon compliant. (Edit: I can't believe I wasn't able to put this up the first time I wrote the recs. But here you go. Hopelessly-in-love-but-can't-confess!Zuko. Somehow-clueless-but-eventually-comes-by!Katara. And baby shenanigans. It's a lovely combination of cheesiness and humor, with just a touch of drama. Just. A. Touch.)
His Majesty Prefers Blue by ShamelessLiar - A year after the war's end, the gaang returns to the Fire Nation for a week of diplomatic meetings. There, they hear rumors about a vigilante who wears a blue mask and Katara finds herself digging deeper into his identity and motives. Blue/Zutara Lemons (Seriously one of the best Zutara fanfictions out there. All my favorite fanfic genres are here, plus more. I think this is officially the first fic that made me love action in fanfictions. I normally reserve my love for that particular genre for novels. But this is that and so much more. And awesome smexy!tiemz. Totally. Cool.)
How Your Heart Beats by zukoshotpants - Zuko has developed an annoying and inconvenient crush on Katara, which is so incredibly unfair. Convinced she is out to torture him, Zuko is in for a barrage of emotions as people continue to get involved, even though he specifically asked them not to. Rated M because I'm a baby, for a bit of explicit language/content, and the deep complicated abyss that is Zuko's brain. Zutara (This isn't strictly fluff, a word of caveat. It's from Zuko's point of view, so much angst-y-ness abounds. But it's from A Zuko whose in la-la-love point of view, so there is enough fluff (?) in it to pass as a fluffy story in my book.)
In the Same Candlelight by Like A Dove - In a world where there is no war, Zuko and Katara spend their summers together. Growing up is messy, embarrassing, and at times sad, but they think it might be okay because they have each other. Edited summary. (I have a soft spot for childhood friends NejiTen HitsuHina so excuse me for fawning (drooling, slobbering) all over a childhood-friends-Zutara-AU.)
Legacy by The Narrator - Zutara Postseries. The Fire Lord attempts to help his son figure out one of the great Mysteries of the Universe. cough!girls!cough, cough! (Again, postwar fluff. My greatest weakness. Also, family!Zutara. My fourth greatest weakness. After hormonal!Zutara, childhood-friends!Zutara, and old!Zutara.)
Looking Up From Underneath by Like A Dove - She wasn't sure how much time she had left in this world, but she figured being in Zuko's company was enough to make her end days as happy as they could be. Adorable old!Zutara. I couldn't help myself. (Refer to earlier comment about where old!Zutara ranks in my heart. Goddammit, if this doesn't happen in Korra, I'll pull an Avatar State on Bryke and plummet them into the AU world of Zutara... I wish.)
Love Amongst the Embers by delectate - After the Ember Island Players' performance, and with the help of a little rice wine, Zuko and Katara decide to rewrite an alternate ending to their story. Oneshot, Zuko/Katara. Rated M. (There is a touch of drama (or seriousness, whatever) in this one, but oh. Dork!Zuko. Dorky Zuko just melts me to a pile of goo and disgusting rabid fangirl slob. And I ain't even sorry.)
Manipulative Waterbenders by jiunutninja - Katara uses her goodies to peer-pressure Zuko. Total one-shot. Total fluff. Total Zutara. (Yay for non-sexual dom!Tara. I mean, yay for totally sexual dom!Tara, but the former is just as  good too. Also, non-sexual sub!Zuko because he's such a dork like that.)
Monthlies: Version 876 by SCWLC - There's a heating pack with legs travelling with the Avatar and his friends. The girls take advantage of it. Zutara. (Again, firebending boyfriend. Mmmmmhhhh.)
Morally Inappropriate by Whopper23 - *Zutara* Katara is annoyed with Zuko’s morals. Everything is “inappropriate”! (Gentleman!Zuko and dom!Ko (sort of) in one package. Yes please. Also, sexually frustrated Katara. Must be what every girl feels when traveling/being near a sex on legs.)
Of Sleepovers and Shiny Armor by Fireflamesinferno - Ty Lee hosts a sleepover for everyone's favorite Avatar girls. The boys desperately try to get an earful, including the newly made Fire Lord. Unfortunately, Zuko's romantic overtures are a bit, shall we say, pathetic. What will poor Katara do? (OOC Zuko, but love makes people do stupid things. But it's still hilarious. And embarrassing. Mostly embarrassing.)
Of Tea and Kisses by zukoshotpants - Zuko and Katara discuss kissing over tea, and both end up flustered to some degree. Silly-ish one shot, nothing too fancy. Rated T to be safe but really it's not so bad, unless you're extremely offended by tea and chatting. Zutara. (Platonic!Zutara, but there's enough sparks in the air going around to count as [remotely; implied] romantic.)
One Little, Two Little by delectate - A little slice of life in the Royal Palace. Zutara oneshot, for ZW2011. Prompt: "History". (This is what happens when you amp up the cheesy meter beyond cheesy human comprehension before but oh so, so, so adorable. Family!Zutara.)
Senses by Written Parody - Five short drabbles about how the members of the gaang experience Zutara, each through a different sense. Birthday fic for DefyGravity2502. T for very, very mild suggestions. (Mostly implied Zutara, but even when the blind person in the team can see the chemistry between you two, certainly that counts for something, right? An unorthodox way of writing Zutara, if you ask me, but I like it.)
snuggling dysfuntional cats by emletish - Toph thinks Katara and Zuko were a ridiculously, incredibly, stupidly adorable couple. There is only one problem, they were not actually going out. This confuses Toph. could stand alone or be read as a companion peice to my stalking serie[sic] (God above, I love emletish. Like. Seriously. All her Zutara is gold. Granted, her writing style is a tad unconventional. But oh. So. Damn. Awesome. There aren't enough Tumblr posts for me to wax lyrical over how much I love this internet person. But fangirl-ing aside, this is adorable. Just. Seriously. It's adorable. I can't even. Ugh. Adorable.)
So Happy I Could Die by Em Dixon - Gran gran's scheming again. When you work hard, you need a little vacation, and she makes sure they take one. Zutara fluff. (Meddlesome!Gran-gran is one of my favorite things.)
Sokka Saves the Day! by SCWLC - You know things are bad when Sokka's paying attention to romantic relationships. Zutara. (Because every (well, almost) Zutarian knows in their heart of hearts that at the end of the day, Sokka solidly ships Zutara. Overprotective-brother-tendencies and all.)
Spirit Induced Insanity by SCWLC - The um . . . sequel to Stress-induced Spirit Insanity. What, exactly, were Zuko and Katara doing and/or thinking? So smut. Also, so senseless. This is goofiness of the first order. (Weird and. Um. Weird. But good. Not fluff in it's strictest (purest) sense, but light-hearted and fun regardless.)
Ten Days by Alone in the Outfield - This isn't about those years before.This is about the ten days it took for them to fall in love. Zutara PostWar. (Two words: Postwar fluff. 'Nuff said.)
The Confrontational Approach by Advocaat - In which Prince Zuko can't catch a break. "Wait, you tied Katara to a tree? Wow, that's... I mean... that just explains so much." "I was desperate!" "Whoa! Way too much information there, Sparky." Zutara (Major bonus points to that one particular suggestion by the amazing Toph. Read to find out what it is. Hint: it is on a similar vein to Omashu. *Creepy winking*)
the crooked thing by emletish - Katara and Zuko have a thing. a thing that they do. in the early days of Zuko's reign, they have to keep the thing a secret. Zuko has too many feelings about the thing, but he doesn't have a name for it. but he finds one in the end. shameless, fluffy smut (Any Zutara by emletish is gold, okay?)
The Crown's Embrace by Em Dixon - It's another fight for dominance. Zuko wears the crown, not Katara. She thinks otherwise. Written for Zutarotica week on LJ, prompt 'honor.' (Mmmh. Fire Lord and Lady smexy!tiemz.)
The Date Clause by Like A Dove - Zuko and Katara are forced to go on a date together. Epic confessions, drunkenness, sneaking around, and attempted dirty talk ensue. Who knew defying Uncle Iroh and his stupid matchmaker friend could be so much fun? (Don't you just love sexual tensions so thick you could cut through it with a knife? I know I do! Love them. I mean. Not cut through with a knife. *Laments my terrible sense of humor*)
Unexpected by Lindy Rose - Zuko's morning is not going as expected (An AU Zutara where one may find oneself saying boy that escalated quickly, but nevertheless gushing at the fluffiness of it all. Elevators, business suits, and frazzled nerves are all at play here, folks!)
 Zuko's Birthday by sparklesthedark - There were a million things he could have wished for... (This is exactly the kind of story that looks perfectly harmless in the surface but makes you want to sob grossly with the heart-wrenching undercurrent it has. Works particularly magnificently when your ship did not become canon.)
Zuko's Troops by Muffytaj - Soldiers are such gossips! Set after episode 9. (Need I say more? We all know Zuko's troops are such gossips. Especially Jee. You think he's all machismo, but you can't fool me, Lieutenant! I know you're the biggest gossip on the ship. Next to Iroh. But no one is a bigger gossip than Iroh.)
Zutara month drabbles by emletish - What it says on the tin lovelies. (Again. Emletish. We've already established this. Bonus: features mustaches and subliminal messaging.)
Zutara Week 2012 by ichilover3 - A collection of oneshots inspired by the prompts for Zutara Week. (This is supposed to be a collection of oneshots, but the last two prompts deserve a story of their own. Seriously. Very cool plot in the works. It makes me sad thinking it hasn't updated in a while.)
AND FINALLY. THE GREATEST SERIES IN FANFICTION UNIVERSE (for my very humble opinion--though honestly, I'd digress I'm the only who has this sentiment):
Emletish's STALKING ZUKO series!
Honestly, I can never recommend this enough. Because it's so awesome! I felt a part of me died (was brutally murdered in cold blood) when the series ended. I could practically hear my heart breaking into a billion pieces.
Stalking Zuko - Katara has developed a new hobby. At the Western Air Temple she takes to stalking Zuko. Much silliness and shenanigans follow. In chapter 20: Katara and Zuko return home to the others. Katara hates the F word and she comes to a decision regarding Zuko.
Not Stalking Zuko - Katara keeps a journal of all the shenanigans that the Gaang run into. Chapter 49: there is much talk about the future - now that the war is over and everything is changing. Hakoda and Zuko talk. Katara decides that some things in life are worth the risk.
Not Stalking Firelord Zuko - The immediate postwar period from Katara's ranty POV. shenanigans abound. Chap 24:Song arrives in Ba Sing Se. Shenaniagns ensue. (Note: summary not updated.)
This three-part story is one of the most well-written stories I've come across in all my years in fan-fiction. Granted that Emletish's writing style is not really what I would fawn over (not like that with Stephen King's and Dan Brown's), but it's the way she portray things that really won me over. The characters are all very in-character, all down to the very minute detail. It doesn't make you hate anyone, like some fics are wont to do (and recurrently do so, might I add. Why does portraying Aang and Mai such popular themes in Zutara fics, anyway?), in fact, it does the opposite. She makes you like them, if not even love their characters. 
She does dabble on some serious issues, but she tells them in such a simple manner, it doesn't really harm the story in any way. Every detail contributes to the build up of the  story as a whole, not just for one installment, for the entire series. It's amazing in so many ways, I couldn't possibly justify it.
Also. Fluff all the way. That's what really got me reading it, in the first place. I was (still am) so hooked with the Stalking universe that other fic's universes didn't feel right to me. It became a serious problem for some time. I tell you, that's how glorious this three-part series is.
= = =
Well! That took a lot from me. But there you have it. My compilation of the best fluff fics I've ever read. It's not complete. Agni, it's bound to be updated. But if you want to explore more Zutara fanfictions beyond the fluff genre, I strongly suggest visiting my fanfiction page, Alois21, and having a look for yourself. :)
[Edit: Had to edit because either Tumblr, my laptop, or I screwed up the document as I published it.]
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
I may or may not officially have scared, permanently, the folks in my work place.
I couldn't help it. I found a folder of Avatar: The Last Airbender season 3 in the work computer, and because I am a big snoop, I clicked on it against my better judgment. I also, immediately, zeroed in on episode 16, against my better judgment.
And then I started sobbing grossly and squealing madly at the same time, because, whoa, Zuko, did you literally just jump halfway across the room to save Katara from being crushed by falling rocks? Well shit, son. That's some mad dedication you've got there.
And also, shirtless!Zuko from episode 17. Holy. No one--I mean no one--deserves to go through the torture of seeing shirtless!Zuko (with his godforsaken six-pack that just. Pops. Out when he's leaning with his elbows on his knees) and know that she--or he--will never get to run her--his--fingers through those sculpted, rippling, embodiment of a Greek god in the A:TLA 'verse.
No one, I say!
And then my bosses and seniors were fretting over me, wondering what in nine hells had me so riled up. I don't think it's possible to justify the Zutara ship and its sad state of un-canon without getting hysterical.
Thankfully no one skinned me alive for doing that during work hours, but that's beside the point. 
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
Zuko was originally going to be the love interest for Katara. She does like bad boys.
(This one occured to me a few weeks back, but I kept forgetting about it. Thank goodness for wi-fis in Unis.)
What if Katara's "original love interest" that Zuko was supposed to play, at least according to that semi-misleading A:TLA tidbit of episode two, wasn't actually referring to Aang, but someone else, entirely?
Remember that Aang wasn't always Katara's love "interest" (quote, unquote).
Moreover, it would support Bryke's claims that KataAng had been endgame right from the get-go, and that they never intended for Zuko to end up with Katara. If Katara would share her first kiss with Zuko, only to be tragically betrayed afterwards (not that he hadn't done that, either way), instead of Jet, the pieces of the puzzle would click.
But in as much as I would have worshipped any semblance of canon, romantic Zutara, I wouldn't want it at the expense of Jetara. As much as I love the former, I am also very fond of the latter. And if I would not have practically sold my soul to the devil for Zutara to be canon, I would have rooted for Jetara.
But it is an interesting food for thought, nonetheless. What if Zutara happened, but at the price of Jetara?
I'd say screw KataAng altogether, but that's just me. And probably some 15,000 other fan-girls, the number exclusive of fan-boys still.
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
Why do you guys love Season 1 Zuko?
Before anyone flips out, this is a genuine, curious question that is not meant to belittle anyone or insult anyone's tastes. I just actually want to hear another opinion, and see things from a different perspective.
I love Zuko. He is, without a doubt, the single, most adorable dork that has ever graced the face of the A:TLA-verse. But for all my undying fan-girl love for him, there are aspects of Zuko's character that, while I respect and understand as important parts of him and would never have them any other way, I just don't actually love all that much. For example, I know for a fact that Zuko is generally just one giant angst ball overflowing with angst. It's his thing, it's his character. It's what makes him Zuko to begin with. However, I'm not a big fan of Zuko and all the negativity in him. And while it is such a central theme for his character, I personally am not all that partial to the angst genre, so it is often a challenge for me to dig up stories and fan-arts that focus on the less-angry side of things.
Which brings me to the question: why is it that so many people love angst-y Zuko?
It could be just me, really; because I am a big fan of fluff and humor and light-hearted things in general. But is it really possible that 90% of the Zuko fandom are all angst lovers? I know there can be more than a meager 10% of us who prefer dorky Zuko more...
I love, love, love Season 3 Zuko. He is not without his characteristic angst there, but his distress is significantly tamer in comparison to Seasons 1 and 2. He is actually positive, sometimes even downright dorky ("Zuko here"). I just love how easy it is to see him as a giant fluff ball overflowing with fluff. And I know there are a lot who share my sentiments. But this is really beside the point, now.
We all love Zuko, and we all have our Season preferences. And if you guys take the awesome time to detail out what you like/love/dislike about Zuko's character, I hope that maybe I can understand better where all the angst is coming from now.
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
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alois-the-onion · 11 years
I'm an incoming sophomore. In college.
But I also have three pens (one for each color), a pencil, an eraser, a correction tape, a sharpener, and a stapler on me. Where am I supposed to put all of this? In my panties?
Is there really something wrong with still requiring a pencil case, when I actually need it? I'd understand if people were judging me for my choice of pencil case design. I mean, who chooses a bunny-designed pencil case at college, anyway? Apparently, me.
But that's beside the point.
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