alotlikelucky · 5 days
Perhaps, maybe we are strangers in this galaxy..
We are lonely souls meeting in a strange way. There are times that we think we are interconnected or somehow we are destined to meet in precedented time way back before the future unfolds its story between us. Maybe the stars already aligned way back for us to follow through that is the path of which we will meet in the celestial crossroads of this vast galaxy. The road point us to the direction where the other stars are found and waiting to be found for us to wish that we could cross path along the way. In different timelines, we are sent to discover through other people and start to grow each other apart for us to know ourselves before our paths collide to be a better person first. Our own weaknesses, strengths, joy, sorrow, and all that will make us break when the time comes both of us are ready. We will take the chances to know each other and tell the other stars the wishes we had while waiting for the other person to arrive. Maybe we met in this lifetime for us to share the path and life experiences for both of us to learn together. And make each other to fill the mind, soul and life more meaningful. The lifetime that will encourage us to understand why we are here and what we are here for. – For each other.
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alotlikelucky · 19 days
Crush and Flings
Tell me the first time you see someone
As if you tried to look into their eyes being tempted
To look away but you are stuck and afraid you get caught
And the feelings of excitement you look at that person
Which something underneth your heartbeat skips
Then you suddenly look at each other and a spark you found
That was a smile that drawn in your face which cause a spellbound.
For most of the time a friend, foe, stranger and you
Comes with relationship or just something to woe
Clever each one of us tried to hide it if this is true
In which everyone doesnt want to feel awkward and feel a lil bit blue.
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alotlikelucky · 1 month
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Same feeling..
same time..
Different place..
Different person..
In this season.
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alotlikelucky · 1 month
#UltimatePoem #Class98 #GoPlacidly
“Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.”
— Max Ehrmann; Desiderata
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alotlikelucky · 1 month
Its like I know you my whole life
When we just meet for almost in my midlife
Everything you say makes me excited to hear
As it gives me inspiration and hope you're here.
Our paths just crossed and we just have a sudden connection
Both of us were in the same boat thinking that we sail in the same direction
Half of my days fills in with those conversations
How could I not smile and giggle when I read your messages like an exclamation.
Everything you say or like I took note
For me to have all those clues
When someday we will meet personally
Then I could remember all of it intentionally
And perhaps please bear with me to open my heart now slowly.
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alotlikelucky · 1 month
Exclamation mark
Love fills you in and fills you out,
That feeling you are waiting for someone,
And the feeling of you are there to love,
Then suddenly you realised that the love you are waiting for is not coming back.
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alotlikelucky · 2 months
Im in Trouble v8.0.24
When my heart out to see you
All I have to do was not to
Because once I open and let you in
Then I'm going to cling to you to lean.
That was some days of excitement
When I received your messages like a fragment
And I felt that we clicked with your engagement
I thought it gives me a hint of encouragement.
Then I realized that you just passed by
For now I know what I should never pry
In this situation all I did was to try
If this is real for me or should I cry.
If ever you respond on the 3rd day
This will make me feel too rusty
Coz I know it will distract me now
Until you disappear without saying ciao!
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alotlikelucky · 2 months
When Rumi said..
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@Lias '24
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alotlikelucky · 2 months
You might say -- I❤️you
In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you." -- Virginia Woolf
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alotlikelucky · 2 months
The Secret of Us
In whispers soft, beneath the moon's pale light,
Two hearts entwined, a secret, pure and bright.
A love unspoken, hidden from the day,
A silent promise, never meant to stray.
Their eyes meet, a spark ignites within,
A silent language, where their souls begin
To dance and twirl, in a world unseen,
A love forbidden, yet oh so keen.
The touch of hands, a fleeting, stolen bliss,
A stolen glance, a whispered, tender kiss.
In stolen moments, their love takes flight,
A hidden treasure, bathed in moon's soft light.
They walk together, hand in hand, it seems,
But no one knows the depth of what it means.
A shared secret, a bond that cannot break,
A love unspoken, for their own sake.
For in this world, where judgment reigns supreme,
Their love must hide, a whispered, secret dream.
But in their hearts, a fire burns so bright,
A love unspoken, a beacon in the night.
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alotlikelucky · 2 months
Humor Me
There were words that unspoken
And stories we cant listen
For someone like me to know
Of how cold you are like snow.
Somedays are dull to see
All the sorrows within me
Thinking that this should not be
To tell myself I should be free.
Those days where gone
Of you and me throwing stone
And just the two of us that understood
How we banter each other and be cold.
Atlast the pain is now bearable
For I moped and see the truth uncomparable
As time passed by Im more capable
To break free of keeping myself miserable.
@lias. '24
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alotlikelucky · 9 months
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#📸Iphone13pro #Japan #December #Winter #Fujiyoshida #Travel #Mt.Fuji
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alotlikelucky · 9 months
2024 looking for partner
“A healthy relationship is where two independent people just make a deal that they will help the other person be the best version of themselves.”
— Unknown
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alotlikelucky · 1 year
I wonder if you missed me..
And thinking of the what if's..
There were times I waited..
There were moments I tried..
There were this letters..
And there was me...
Holding my thoughts...
Hoping you remembers...
Once I was part..
Of your life..
I am here..
Since yesterday..
And tomorrow..
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alotlikelucky · 1 year
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alotlikelucky · 1 year
This is why we can’t be together…
I know what I want;
while you’re still figuring things out
It is not just the meeting of the eyes;
but I want a meeting of minds.
It’s not just conversations
but a deeper kind of connection;
the one that transcends beyond words and silences.
I don’t want to play safe or be in a guessing game;
It's either you'll become my "ride or die" or nothing at all.
But let’s not confuse ourselves—
I don't want you to hold my hand if you're not ready.
I don't want you to figure things out while I am in the picture because my season of planting was over, and I don't mind taking a longer time for my season of waiting to be that worth it.
But your seasons of knowing, of breaking free, of figuring things out what's in it for you—are now. So, take your time—make mistakes, be in the moment, experience heartache, test your limits, and be comfortable with your own growth as you navigate from one season to the other.
So I must say;
I am grateful our paths cross because you remind me a lot when I am still figuring things out for myself too. Sucks that we have to end it here, but we have to, I have to because it's clear—this isn't for us.
#newpiece #lavenderpen #inktheunsaid #lavenderpenwrites
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alotlikelucky · 1 year
Music, feeling of me and you.
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