alt-aria · 1 year
I’ve been on my knees since I was 5.
In the chapel,
in a bedroom,
in an alley late at night.
Always facing an inflated
version of some guy.
But as a girl you do what you need to survive.
You open wider, take the body.
Thank your father, you’ve been naughty.
2 Hail Marys, 20 lashings.
“I’ve been sent to punish you for daring to exist.
You will never know a love as meaningful as this.”
I’ve memorized
the lines
since I was 10.
From the Bible,
from the playbook,
from the magazines for men.
If you should mess it up, you’ll start again.
But, still, they only want
the women
they condemn.
I think that I’d have too much fun in hell.
With the pagans
and the hedonists
and sapphics there as well.
Purgatory seems the better fit
I can’t stand waiting in the corner,
but I do love being hit.
There’s not a torture you can prescribe
that I wouldn’t find
a way to like.
Every single second I’m alive
I’m sharpening an axe I’d like to grind.
“I was sent to punish you
for the way I was designed.
You will never know a love
that you fear more than mine.”
- “God Fear a Woman” 2023
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alt-aria · 2 years
🍂☕Cozy Vibes Found Here☕🍂
New blanket is in the shop✨☕
I'm really proud of this one!! It's super cozy perfect partner to a hot cup of cocoa 🍂
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alt-aria · 2 years
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Tell me/ask me anything-
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alt-aria · 2 years
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alt-aria · 2 years
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Tell me/ask me anything-
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alt-aria · 3 years
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🍃I love when my subbies send me cute outfits🍃
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alt-aria · 3 years
If I have a daughter, she will never, ever be taught by me that her sex is a barrier to anything. She will never hear the phrase "girls don't do that". She can have her hair cut short if she wants. She can climb trees and make mud cakes, and I won't tell her to cross her legs when she sits. She will never know or understand the concept of being "ladylike". I won't be buying makeup for her when she is 12. I won't ask her to hide her period products so her male relatives aren't made to feel embarrassed. She won't have to wear tight, uncomfortable, revealing clothes. If she wants me to paint her bedroom green, I won't paint it pink behind her back. If she asks me for a skateboard for her birthday, I won't buy her a Barbie, because "little girls should play with dolls". I won't ever make her step on the scale and shake my head at the number there. If she tells me she has a boyfriend or girlfriend, she will know what red flags are, and she will know her worth.
If I have a son, he will be taught that he is no better than the girls at school by virtue of his sex. He should listen to them and respect them, not talk over them, or underestimate their intelligence. He should never say "you fight like a girl" or tell a girl she can't join in with the boys. When he inevitably parrots the sexist comments made by his peers, he will be reprimanded, and taught better. When appropriate, I will teach him what periods are, so the women in his life appreciate how understanding he is on the topic. I will educate him on sex when the time is right, and I will stress to him that pornography is exploitative, abusive, misogynistic, and damaging to his perception of real relationships. He will be encouraged to pursue his interests, even if those interests are considered "feminine", like fashion, art, singing, and dancing. When he cries, I will comfort him and encourage him to express his feelings, not tell him to stop "acting like a girl".
If I have both, my daughter will never believe she is inferior to her brother. She will have the same opportunities, the same love, support, and respect. She won't be forced to go to dance class while her brother gets to play football, and she won't be told to eat less while her brother gets an extra helping. I will teach them both to cook, clean, sew, read books, manage finances, play instruments, play sports, and study. I will teach them both about DIY, car maintenance, and sports. They will have an equal amount of chores. They will have the same curfew. They will both be taught about safe sex, and when the time is appropriate, they will have my blessing for a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I would love and support a gay son, or a lesbian daughter, and they will have always known this. They wouldn't have to fear coming out to me. In my household, we never use slurs. We make it clear that we do not discriminate against anyone.
If I have children, I will tell them that I love them equally. The fact that they may be adopted means that we wanted them all the more. They are not a mistake. They can do anything they put their minds to, and I will always be there to support them.
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alt-aria · 3 years
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alt-aria · 3 years
13 Reasons Why "You Don't Look Sick/Disabled!" Is Not A Compliment
I am ill and I am disabled, and this is what I look like.
What do you THINK disabled or ill people look like?
It makes it sound like you think disabled people “should” look a bit gross or a bit wierd.
It makes it sound like I have to prove my illness to you.
It creates a hierarchy of what one ableist acquaintence called, “Like, you know. Disabled-disabled and normal people disabled. Like, you’re disabled but you’re also normal. You’re disabled but you’re also not really disabled because you’re also like us.” That is not okay.
It makes it sound like if I did “look disabled” then you’d either think less of me or you’d believe me more.
For the same reasons you shouldn’t say to someone, “You don’t look Jewish!”
For the same reasons you shouldn’t say to someone, “You don’t sound black!”
It often sets the conversation up in a way where you are the judge and you can either validate or invalidate my disability and how much it affects me.
Neither my illnesses nor my disabilities are totally invisible if you took the time to learn about them and decided to pay attention.
It makes you sound untrustworthy. It makes me think you’re going to be the kind of person that will jump to conclusions about my health if I don’t look or act in certain stereotypical ways. Can I laugh and have a good time around you without you implying I’m cured or dismissing my conditions? (Because it really sucks when you do that.)
It feels really dismissive and discouraging.
It is dehumanizing. 15% of the world’s population is disabled. We come in more shapes and sizes than able-bodied people do. Whatever a disabled or ill person looks like, that is what disabled and ill people look like regardless of your preconceptions.
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alt-aria · 3 years
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Rebecca ‘Stormy Gail’ Art (@stormygailart)
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alt-aria · 3 years
Hey shoutout to
People with “minor” disabilities who aren’t sure if they belong in disabled spaces
People who have rare disabilities and don’t see other people with the same disability, even in disabled spaces
People who’ve been told nothing is wrong with them even though is something clearly wrong that now feel like they’re just making stuff up
People who have been dismissed by doctors because they didn’t fit the image the doctor had of what a “sick” person looked like
People who tried to get help for their problem and are still waiting
People who have unaddressed health problems in general
Y’all are great and deserve the world!
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alt-aria · 3 years
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alt-aria · 3 years
Coping with my new diagnosis has been such a struggle.
While, on one hand. I am happy the battle and advocating for myself is over after a long almost three years now of fighting for answers, and that my demon illness has a name.
Some parts of me feel almost robbed of time, of a life, and like I am lacking closure of losing my body's abilities that it once had.
The road will be long and hard and emotions will ebb and flow. I'm so very painfully aware of it too.
I just hope I get to make the best of this situation,become stable financially, and feel as though I have lived a whole and peaceful life.
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alt-aria · 3 years
It's my birthday. 🥳
Tip the artist?
🎂{reblogs appreciated for exposure}🎂
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alt-aria · 3 years
🧋🍂Milk Tea Gyroids🍂🧋
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alt-aria · 3 years
Niko bby here to tell you how proud of you they are🤍🥺
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Reblogs appreciated!
Want to catch my next Animal Crossing Stream?
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alt-aria · 3 years
🕯️Spooky Series🕯️
Ghostie friends.
Reblogs appreciated!
Link in bio for shop.💀
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