amandacanwrite · 4 days
A commission piece featuring Astarion and Dark Urge Tav!
As much as I struggle with dark night moods, I loved painting this piece so much! 🥰🥰 Many thanks to my client who requested this lovely piece, they were such a nice person and was so happy with the result!
I’m currently opening Baldur’s Gate 3 commissions, feel free to DM me if you’re interested!
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amandacanwrite · 10 days
Looking at this website made me realize that I stil by chewing on my earbud wires and I never made that connection until just now. 😭
We are a small Canadian stim toy business run by two autistic women.
Many places that sell stim toys are focused on the needs and experiences of parents of young autistic children.  Here at FlappyHappy, autistic needs and voices are centred over caregivers.  Our goal is to focus on autistic adults since so many shops market towards children and it can feel infantalizing. Our stim toys are also great for people living with trauma, ADHD, chronic pain, anxiety, or other needs! We want you to know that it’s okay to stim. It’s more than okay actually! If you benefit from stim toys, then they are for you!
We carry a mixture of your usual stim toys but also more discreet stim items like jewellery! We also carry our own array of handmade items that you can’t get anywhere else!
It means so much to us if you share this post or otherwise spread the word about us.
We also offer free worldwide shipping on orders of $70 CAD or more.
Website | Facebook | TikTok | Cohost
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amandacanwrite · 10 days
This is super fucking haunting and I’m kind of obsessed with it.
I found one of those things you call a mermaid on the pier the other night. All tied up and thrashing its poor body around like a fish caught in a net.
That image repulsed me. You know I've never been one for fishing. Even catch and release puts me off. I don't like to watch the poor thing slowly suffocating as it waits to be thrown back in, its gills heaving and sputtering for water.
That creature tied up on the pier, the gash of gills on its neck was heaving and sputtering just in that way, dark ocean water flowing out with every failed breath, it really made me sick.
I pulled out my pocket dagger and its attention was on me. Its eyes bulged wide and I wondered if, like a fish, it couldn't blink. The sight of my dagger set it off into another thrashing fit and I tried to calm it down. Poor thing didn't seem to understand a word. It kept opening and closing its faded lips, but nothing came out. Must've spoke some kinda fish language.
I held it firmly in place and slowly brought the dagger to the knots binding its wrists. It calmed down after seeing that I wasn't here to cut its flesh. Or maybe it had just lost all energy from being out of the water too long. Either way, it stayed still as I cut the ropes around its legs.
When it was freed, it just lay there on the pier. So still it might've been dead, other than the weak flapping of the gill at its throat. I needed to get it into the water, and fast.
I lifted it up, one arm under its neck, the other under its knees. Its skin was slightly warm, unlike any fish I'd ever briefly held. But the same clamminess. Warmer than its skin was the water spurting from its gills.
I stepped closer to the edge of the pier and the thrashing returned. It must've known it was going back home, and was getting excited. I took a step back to gather momentum, and pushed forward with all my might, throwing the creature in kicking and flailing.
It hit the water with a splash, and stayed at the surface for a moment. Almost like it was treading water. Must've wanted to say thanks. After a few seconds it slowly sunk down. Back to its home.
I couldn't get that sick taste out of my mouth for awhile, though. I hate to see a fish out of water.
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amandacanwrite · 10 days
I honestly think you nailed it, its ambiguous enough that I was like “wait a minute, is this a fish or a girl having a horrible night that just got much worse?”
I think getting any more specific/pushing the matter would kind of take away from that feeling of looking at the story through a tilted lens; you’d lose that feeling of uncertainty/anxiety. The fraught nausea of not knowing of you should celebrate or revile this character.
I found one of those things you call a mermaid on the pier the other night. All tied up and thrashing its poor body around like a fish caught in a net.
That image repulsed me. You know I've never been one for fishing. Even catch and release puts me off. I don't like to watch the poor thing slowly suffocating as it waits to be thrown back in, its gills heaving and sputtering for water.
That creature tied up on the pier, the gash of gills on its neck was heaving and sputtering just in that way, dark ocean water flowing out with every failed breath, it really made me sick.
I pulled out my pocket dagger and its attention was on me. Its eyes bulged wide and I wondered if, like a fish, it couldn't blink. The sight of my dagger set it off into another thrashing fit and I tried to calm it down. Poor thing didn't seem to understand a word. It kept opening and closing its faded lips, but nothing came out. Must've spoke some kinda fish language.
I held it firmly in place and slowly brought the dagger to the knots binding its wrists. It calmed down after seeing that I wasn't here to cut its flesh. Or maybe it had just lost all energy from being out of the water too long. Either way, it stayed still as I cut the ropes around its legs.
When it was freed, it just lay there on the pier. So still it might've been dead, other than the weak flapping of the gill at its throat. I needed to get it into the water, and fast.
I lifted it up, one arm under its neck, the other under its knees. Its skin was slightly warm, unlike any fish I'd ever briefly held. But the same clamminess. Warmer than its skin was the water spurting from its gills.
I stepped closer to the edge of the pier and the thrashing returned. It must've known it was going back home, and was getting excited. I took a step back to gather momentum, and pushed forward with all my might, throwing the creature in kicking and flailing.
It hit the water with a splash, and stayed at the surface for a moment. Almost like it was treading water. Must've wanted to say thanks. After a few seconds it slowly sunk down. Back to its home.
I couldn't get that sick taste out of my mouth for awhile, though. I hate to see a fish out of water.
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amandacanwrite · 11 days
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amandacanwrite · 14 days
"if i was orpheus i would simply not turn around" yes you would. if you were orpheus and you loved eurydice, you would. to love someone is to turn around. to love someone is to look at them. whichever version of the myth — he hears her stumble, he can't hear her at all, he thinks he's been tricked — he turns around because he loves her. that's why it's a tragedy. because he loves her enough to save her. because he loves her so much he can't save her. because he will always, always turn around. "if i was orpheus i would simply —" you wouldn't be orpheus. you wouldn't be brave enough to walk into the underworld and save the person you love. be serious
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amandacanwrite · 14 days
Loarn is based off the Bear and The Fox a fic I wrote and like this is the DREAM. IM SO HAPPIEE
Woe, cringefail be upon ye
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This is Loarn, he's a druid who favors the wildshape of a fox (since it's literally the only wildshape he has, lore-wise)
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The character is heavily inspired by @amandacanwrite 's fic "the bear and the fox"
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amandacanwrite · 14 days
It's cause you're always balduring that damn gate...three
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amandacanwrite · 14 days
So, we all love Gale’s mirror image/simulacrum, and how the ‘certain measure of Gale’s personality’ that he retains is Gale’s sweet, dorky charm…but is Gale himself is aware of this?
I don’t believe we ever see Gale actually interact with his mirror image, as it always appears as a replacement when Gale is elsewhere.
It’s possible Gale has always just assumed he’s created this 100% straightforward, serious mirror image who radiates scholarly intelligence…because surely, that’s the aspect of his personality that it would pull from, right?
Imagine if one night, after Gale and Tav are married and living in Waterdeep, they start reminiscing about their romance. Tav brings up their first night together, and mentions how surprised they were to see Gale’s mirror image standing in his place at camp.
Gale is pleased, and says with a gentle laugh that he hopes Tav wasn’t too intimidated by his simulacrum’s stoic nature.
To which Tav responds oh no, not at all! They loved how adorable he was, and they still remember the cute pose he did to represent Gale’s personality!
Gale (perplexed): …darling, whatever do you mean? What pose…?
Cue Tav, perfectly miming this:
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amandacanwrite · 17 days
It me. Creature.
you, reading this. you're a creature now. reblog to creature your followers
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amandacanwrite · 17 days
Someone needs to record this with the iambic pentameter delivery.
which one of u was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?
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amandacanwrite · 17 days
Mmmm this is GORGEOUS
“I loved you the way one loves the sea. Despite the blood you reap and the danger of it, I needed you as strongly as water. I was in awe of your beauty and just as amazed at of how easily you could hurt me.”
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amandacanwrite · 18 days
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(gestures vaguely) whatever this is
★ twitter | ko-fi | ig | prints ★
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amandacanwrite · 18 days
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Gale is going to get me through undergrad
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amandacanwrite · 18 days
Mental Crop Rotation
When farmers grow the same crop too many years in a row, it can leave their soil depleted of minerals and other nutrients that are vital to the health of their fields.
To avoid this, farmers will often alternate the crops that they grow because some plants will use up different minerals (such as nitrogen) while other plants replenish those minerals. This process is known as “crop rotation.”
So the next time you find that you need to step away from a project to work on something else for a while, don’t beat yourself up for “quitting” that project. Give yourself permission to practice “mental crop rotation” to maintain a healthy brain field.
Because I’ve found that when that unnecessary guilt and pressure are removed from the process, a good mental crop rotation can help you feel more energized and invigorated than ever once you’re ready to rotate back to that project.
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amandacanwrite · 18 days
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friendly wizardly reminder. he is a wizard of exceptional accomplishment after all.
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amandacanwrite · 19 days
100 year old rhododendron and the woman who planted it
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