amoursmut19 · 20 days
Sorry if I stalk your blog that is full of smut.
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amoursmut19 · 22 days
Anyone up to write a smut about reader being part succubus and therefore needs physical touch for energy. Say like touch starved can be used as a for, of torture or some,thing and she is forced to be with Jason Todd, (maybe AK Jason) who she is scared to touch because she doesn’t want to hurt him. Maybe he doesn’t know that she’s part succubus but someone gets mad at him for “neglecting her” because she basically needs it. Not really to survive but she doesn’t really have any energy after a while, like sleeping all day, not eating too much ,sluggish, stuff like that. So he finds out that way and then gives her all the touch she deserves because he wasn’t afraid of touch at all, this was just her misreading a situation. Like she makes it a point not to touch him so he thinks that she doesn’t like touch so it’s basically a whole misunderstanding. She’s maybe his girlfriend or whatever and she’s probably small (size kink guys) and he’s this big tough Red Hood.
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amoursmut19 · 3 months
Ok so smut idea… if anyone would like to write this, please do. Please tag me in it as well.
Sebastian and Ominis are dating MC and it’s ominis’s first time so the MC is kind of his… experiment almost. Sebastian guides him either by voice or by touch and guides him on the female body and how to pleasure the MC.
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