anainmyear · 5 months
Jesus Christ, this was the sixth account they fucking terminated. I think some person just keeps fucking reporting me. I didn't even have any words posted on that account!!!!! It was BRAND NEW.
I made a new one, ShrinkingInDisguise5....
I'm so sick of Tumblr terminating all my accounts. It's really wearing me down and makes a person feel so fucking alone.
At this point, I feel hopeless and I will never find my friends again... To whomever reports ed accounts, I hope you are as isolated as you make us. You are a vile and worthless person if you spend your time harming people who are clearly already in need of support.
All reporting does is take away support. I have been more alone than ever the past few days because I lost my friends and account. There is NO ONE in my life that I can discuss these painful things. And now I feel like Tumblr has taken away my only safe place.
Life's not worth living alone.
Some JACKWAD reported me RIGHT when I finally felt HAPPY with my size!!!!
My fucking mother just told me I was "smaller than most people" and I was stoked and gunna EAT FUCKING dinner.
Not anymore!!!
Thanks to this lovely JACKWAD, I am not going to eat again until I literally pass out.
REPORTING people does not FIX them.
YOU stole the only place I felt SAFE
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anainmyear · 5 months
😭💔 you guys.... They terminated me again 😭 I know it wasn't a bot or auto term because I didn't use tags on that account and was extremely careful to avoid banned words. So someone must have reported me....
Jesus Christ....... (I was ShrinkingInDisguise3) and I made a new account, ShrinkingInDisguise4.....
Please share this... I lost my moots and my friends :(
Some JACKWAD reported me RIGHT when I finally felt HAPPY with my size!!!!
My fucking mother just told me I was "smaller than most people" and I was stoked and gunna EAT FUCKING dinner.
Not anymore!!!
Thanks to this lovely JACKWAD, I am not going to eat again until I literally pass out.
REPORTING people does not FIX them.
YOU stole the only place I felt SAFE
392 notes · View notes
anainmyear · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The spø isn't doing it for me lately so I'm digging for new 1nspø
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