anexorcist ¡ 5 years
ETA - nsfw misawa yakuza AU
Title: ETA
Pairing: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Miyuki was just going for a smoke after a job well done when an unexpected phone call from Eijun has him rushing back home.
Notes: clickthrough for AO3 link; pls be aware of the tags!!
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anexorcist ¡ 6 years
what everyone else believes - axel(lea)-centric fic
Because of t/umblr doomsday I’ll be moving all my fic over to my AO3 account → here
Title: what everyone else believes
Pairings: gen (but akuroku if you squint but not rly)
Rating: G
Summary: Lea’s only crying because he never dreamed it’d last this long.
Notes: Summary inspired by “Don’t Think Twice” lyrics of course. Playlist for this is “Don’t Think Twice” + “近い” (Utada Hikaru) and “15の夜” (Yutaka Ozaki). Lyrics + Translation for “15の夜” → here
If Lea had known that having a heart felt like a flower blossoming in his chest every day or like a seashell where you could hear the ocean crashing.
If Lea had known—
He writes it all down in the empty pages of Roxas’s old diary until there aren’t any empty pages left, and when that happens he gets a new journal and another one and another. For every day that passes that Roxas - Roxas and a girl - aren’t there, he writes things down so he doesn’t forget the feeling of it all.
Because so many years ago he’d had a heart. And then he didn’t. And now he does. And who’s to say that won’t change again ten years from now, ten months from now, ten days from now, tomorrow, tonight—
There are other journals, too, where Axel - Lea - ripped pages out. They’re just notebooks with their guts burned to a crisp, edges just left, loud when you listen and sharp when you look but brittle when you touch.
They’re filled with angry feelings and the sad things and the dark things he’d thought would’ve gone away with having a heart. But, they’re there, they’re almost amplified, they almost eat away at him but then—
But, then, Kairi smiles. And Sora yells. And Riku laughs in his quiet, oddly shy way.
And those things wash away those feelings like a wave over writing in the sand. And Lea still hasn’t been to the beach he can’t, not until—
Sora turns to him, feels him watching and he’s caught, afraid he'll be called out, embarrassed that everyone’s looking now, too.
“Soon,” he says. Soon. It was the first promise Sora made and Lea had doubted him at first. But, he knows that boy has the power, the heart, to make the impossible come true.
After all, Roxas had come from his heart, and if there’s one thing that Axel - Lea - is 100 percent sure of, it’s that Roxas with his strong, lithe hands had changed Lea’s world just as easily and stubbornly as Sora has done for all the worlds across this galaxy and the next.
He wonders if everyone feels like they have a stone in their chest, or if it's just him. Wonders if everyone has trouble getting out of bed in the morning under the weight of it all. Wonders if one day, it'll all just come easier and he won't have to hide the way he drags his feet some days, when the emptiness at his sides is just too heavy.
Late at night, Axel - Lea - mulls over the idea of apologizing to Sora. Bygone things. But, given the opportunity - he's almost ashamed at how he isn't ashamed - Lea would’ve sacrificed him just to see Roxas again. Would’ve given all this up. Just for a boy. And a girl.
Early in the morning, when the dawn creeps in, all blue and white and gray and none of the sunset red-orange-yellow he knows, Lea realizes. Sora would say, “You could’ve. But you didn’t.”
He could've. But he didn't.
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anexorcist ¡ 6 years
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Blue tongues :3
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anexorcist ¡ 6 years
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Satori: Hey look, “Jamira”!
Wakatoshi:  “Jamira” ?
I laughed when I saw Satori’s chibi mascot on Ichiban-kuji. XD
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anexorcist ¡ 6 years
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(He is VERY HOT now in the Shonen Jump magazine)
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anexorcist ¡ 6 years
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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02/18 — Happy Misawa Day!  #御沢の日  (⌐▨ω▨) ♡ (* `◇´ *)
Favorite Daiya Act ii MiyuSawa’s silly and funny moments
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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Happy Miyusawa day (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
AWAKEN, MY LOVE! - ensemble KH fic
whoa long time no see lmaaooo so how about that new trailer?!
x-posted to ao3
Pairings: heavily implied Vanitas/Ventus, Replica!Riku/Namine, Axel(Lea)/Roxas, Riku/Sora
Rating: G
Summary: Everything is changing.
In which a new feeling awakens in five different people. In other words, inner demons are born or they’re laid to rest.
Notes: some heavy (?) spoilers for Tokyo 2018 D23 Expo KH3 trailers. lots of reference to Utada’s (!!!!) new song, “Don’t Think Twice” - I listened to it on repeat while writing this lmao - and title from Childish Gambino’s album because I really liked the theme of waking up to a new world or waking up from a bad dream or waking up with someone you love, etc. etc.
Keep reading
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
AWAKEN, MY LOVE! - ensemble KH fic
whoa long time no see lmaaooo so how about that new trailer?!
x-posted to ao3
Pairings: heavily implied Vanitas/Ventus, Replica!Riku/Namine, Axel(Lea)/Roxas, Riku/Sora
Rating: G
Summary: Everything is changing.
In which a new feeling awakens in five different people. In other words, inner demons are born or they’re laid to rest.
Notes: some heavy (?) spoilers for Tokyo 2018 D23 Expo KH3 trailers. lots of reference to Utada's (!!!!) new song, "Don't Think Twice" - I listened to it on repeat while writing this lmao - and title from Childish Gambino's album because I really liked the theme of waking up to a new world or waking up from a bad dream or waking up with someone you love, etc. etc.
There’s a thrumming in his veins and he doesn’t know where he is, just knows time has passed and it almost pains him that he hasn’t felt the ache of it all...except it doesn’t - pain him, that is.
And when the boy - Ventus - says his name—
Ventus was the only one who could every say his name and make him feel something, but here’s this boy with brown hair and a more confident posture. Vanitas doesn’t get it. But, then he does, when those same blue-flame eyes turn to him, burn into him.
“Vanitas,” the boy says, and he looks surprised, but no, the boy can’t fool him. He’s found him.
I got you, his veins sing. I caught you. I played your hide-and-seek, I counted to ten - ten long years - and I found you. Ventus, his veins sing. His heart hasn’t beat, hasn’t pumped blood since the day he was born, what a curious thing because he still bleeds, still thinks he should bleed, but here he is. Here they are.
Vanitas comes alive, feels like he’s born again - not from darkness, but really, truly born again. He hasn’t heard that voice say that name, and suddenly the nothing in him isn’t so empty anymore.
He takes a step toward the boy.
He didn’t know it til now, but he’s wanted this for a lifetime.
It’s kind of like falling asleep in the summer - dying. If it could even be called that. He was in a cold castle. Now, he isn’t. He’s floating, and it’s warm, and suddenly he isn’t - floating, that is.
He doesn’t know how much time has passed when he wakes up, but it’s bright, just like the castle but also not. It’s warm, though. He feels it on his skin.
He knows his name. He’s himself again, and he can feel the others. He doesn’t know how, but maybe— maybe that’s what comes of a heart, settling heavy in one’s chest.
He knows his name, but he doesn’t know what they will call him. He doesn’t know which one he’ll prefer.
He gets up from the dirt, brushes the leaves and grass from his clothes. Shakes them out of his hair. He hasn’t felt the happiness well up in him like a spring, not like this, in so long. Too long.
When he holds out his hand, the familiar weight and curve of his sitar materializes from the water in the air. It looks— different. From before. At least it isn’t that preposterously phallic shape anymore. It’s firm and it’s solid, just like the beating in his heart and the thrumming in his veins.
He can hear Marluxia calling for them. He isn’t sure what to call him, either, or the others when he greets them. But, he guesses, it will be nice to reintroduce themselves to each other. There will be something familiar yet refreshing about it.
He steps out from the trees, fingers lingering on the flowers and vines as he gently pushes them out of his way. And, he grins. His chest is sore, but, he thinks, everything is just right.
Riku, But Not
He didn’t know he could dream. He didn’t know he could even fall asleep. But, he did. And he wonders where Naminé is - that’s his first thought. And his second, and his third. His fourth, though, is why the castle feels so empty, and his fifth, is why he knows that it is.
Riku - but not, his replica memory reminds him - walks the halls of the empty castle, climbs the stairs to the topmost room.
All he finds are three empty pods, like the one he’d woken up in, and a table with scattered pencils and unfinished drawings. She would have been a fool to stay, but he’d hoped she would’ve been a fool to wait for him.
He picks one of the pictures up, and his fingers caress the edges of it. He feels aged all of a sudden. But, when he looks into a mirror, he looks the same as the day he was born. Created, maybe, is a better word.
Does it count, not-Riku wonders, when you’ve been in places where time doesn’t move but your heart does? His heart aches and ages with every memory, even the ones he’s forgotten, even the bad ones, the made-up ones. The good ones, too, but he doesn’t even have the laugh lines to show for it.
Does it count, not-Riku wonders, if neither of them have hearts?
Dreams are a sign that time is moving forward. And he dreamt. He knows he did. Not-Riku - he really has to come up with a new name for himself, he thinks. It will be the first thing he will give himself - folds the drawing up and carefully tucks it into his shirt, right by where his heart should be. This can be his new heart. She’s all the everything he ever dreamed of.
Just like that, he runs out of the castle at full-speed, runs through all the white rooms and down the endless staircases. Like a bat out of hell. Fitting, he thinks. This was hell.
If there had been windows, he would have jumped right out of them instead.
Axel— I mean, Lea
It’s only training, but Lea’s addicted to this feeling. Fighting. He’s addicted to all of his feelings, now.
He’d thought he was already fire incarnate, flames licking up his skin, his bones, and warming him to the core. Anger turned to wrath, sadness turned to regret, love turned to bitter passion.
But, compared to this— Axel doesn’t know how he ever thought any of that was fire. That was cold, that was nothing. He was nothing. Not anymore, though.
He’d always felt something whenever he looked into Roxas’s eyes (Roxas’s, not Sora’s, because Sora’s blues don’t have the same kind of hardness, same kind of sharpness, that broke right through Axel’s armor of arrogant taunts. Sora’s eyes are sky blue, but Roxas’s, oh, they were sea salty blue). That feeling, though, that something left the same time Roxas abandoned the Organization.
But, with his heart back, Lea feels that same warmth every goddamn living, breathing, heart-beating day of his life. He feels it when he sleeps, muted, in his dreams, and it comes crashing down on him like a wave when he wakes and he drowns in it, douses his flames in it. And, like gasoline, it ignites everything in him.
He doesn’t know how he ever confused before to these true, burning, blazing flames.
Sweat trickles down his temple, and he wipes it off with the back of his hand. He smirks, then, and makes a beckoning motion with his free hand, his other hand stretched out behind him, keyblade pointing forward.
How did he ever live, Lea wonders, in that kingdom full of thieves?
Maybe, he realizes, maybe it’s because Roxas had never been one of those people.
Sometimes, Sora lies awake at night, wondering, if he would’ve grabbed Riku’s hand, would they all be the same? Sometimes, Sora blames himself, thinking he could’ve reached Riku in time, but he didn’t because he’d hesitated. Pretended he couldn’t, because he was terrified. Because he’d been selfish.
And, maybe, Riku had known. Maybe, that’s the reason he’d turned to dragons and shadows, dark corners and lonely whispers.
But, then, Sora thinks, no, he wouldn’t have broken Riku’s heart, not if he could have helped it. But, he was young and vulnerable, and he had - broken Riku’s heart, that is - several times over.
It’s ironic that Sora was the one who’d lost his heart in everything. It’s ironic that Sora was the one who’d hold the pieces and pieces of everyone else’s hearts. The small boy from the beach, whose play island was big enough already.
If Riku had been okay with staying, then Sora would never have looked to horizon, never would have wanted to follow his best friend beyond it.
He’s filled to the brim with all these other hearts, all these other feelings, and sometimes, he’s too much of himself or he isn’t enough. Sometimes, he has to remind himself— I’m Sora.
There are other people here, but I’m. Sora. S-O-R-A, Sora.
Sometimes, no amount of wishing can remind him. Sometimes, he wakes up, and he doesn’t have any of the letters that make up his name resting on the tip of his tongue. There’s just one name he knows, one name he always—
Riku, he gasps, some mornings.
And, Riku will call for him, in the stillness of the golden light, dust motes floating lazily in the air. One arm thrown over his face, the other thrown over Sora’s chest.
Riku will call him, will say Sora, just like he’d done on their little island. Just as he’d called over his shoulder when they’d race to the light-up tree for the paopu, when he’d taunt him and they still fought with wooden swords that they could toss to the sand when they were finished playing pretend.
“Sora,” Riku says, voice laced with sleep. It’s practically a grumble, and Sora feels it vibrating from his best friend’s chest. “Go back to sleep.”
Sora laughs then, and he knows Riku’s smiling now, too, knows it like he knows the constellations of pale freckles on Riku’s shoulders.
He pushes himself deeper against Riku’s chest, and Riku opens his arms to let him in. He’ll always let Sora in, at the end of the world and at the beginning of it, too.
I want you for a lifetime.
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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This is a Raffle post!
The year is coming to an end soon. I’d really love to thank you all for everything this year! There’s exactly 1 left for each design for my 218 wedding charms so I’m giving them out to wrap the year! 
To enter, you just need to Reblog! 
Item: - 2" acrylic charm with glitters  - Comes with self indulgent wedding rings 
 - 2 winners - winners will not have a choice which set they will be getting - make sure you will be comfortable in giving me your shipping information 
 - raffle ends Dec 3, 2017 
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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This is the money and job Osaka. Reblog for good fortune in finding money and a job.
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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♞ food diary from the past month or so!! my friends have been taking me to the places I want to eat or cooking food for me that I haven’t tried before because *drum roll* --
♞ big announcement that’s been a long time coming - I’m moving from Southern California to Japan this week ahhhhhh
♞ finished packing last night even tho one of my bags is overweight LMAO
♞ tictail closes indefinitely tonight at 11:59pm PST ☀
♞ got a sarahah » https://kazuyanyan.sarahah.com/
♞ still have a curiouscat » https://curiouscat.me/demyx
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
i needed you 679 times - jaytim; kontim
Title: i needed you 679 times
Pairing: Jason/Tim, Kon/Tim
Rating: PG13
Summary: - you’re still in love with me but your friends don’t know / if you wanted me you would just say so / and if i were you i would never let me go -
lyrics from “i hate u, i love u”
Tim meets Conner on the rooftop. He didn’t plan this– he’d planned to meet Jason, but Conner shows up, floats down to him like in his dreams, all his dreams, most of his dreams, but when Conner pulls him against his chest, Tim can feel it– the softness of his well-worn shirt, the solidness of his chest underneath, the warmth and the pulse of him, alive and beating well and strong.
Tim can feel it, he can feel it all, and Jason doesn’t show up.
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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JayTim Week Day 4: Beach
jason dude thats gay
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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some jaytim sketches
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anexorcist ¡ 7 years
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“You’ve got fire in your eyes, I see heaven inside
You’ll go further than we’ve ever gone
In you I see someone special.”
Happy Birthday my Babybird ❤
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