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Our winter event is here! Each day has two whump prompts and one comf/fluff prompt to choose from. Participants can choose to fill one, two, or all three prompts each day.
Transcript of prompts and additional info below the cut!
A Partridge in a Pear Tree: Tied to a Tree | Given as a Gift | Putting up the Tree
Two Turtledoves: Self Sacrifice | Human Shield | Reunion
Three French Hens: Betrayal | Failed Escape | Candlelight
Four Calling Birds: Muzzled | Memories/Flashbacks | Favorite Holiday Memories
Five Golden Rings: Branding | Obsessive Whumper | Gift-giving
Six Geese A-Laying: Blackmail | Countdown | Last-Minute Relief
Seven Swans A-Swimming: Falling Through Ice | Left in the Cold | The First Snow
Eight Maids A-Milking: Poisoned/Drugged | Starvation | Hot Cocoa
Nine Ladies Dancing: Hallucinations | Forced to Perform | Caroling
Ten Lords A-Leaping: Sleep Deprivation | Stress Position | Christmas Lights
Eleven Pipers Piping: Sensory Deprivation | Sensory Overload | Their Favorite Song
Twelve Drummers Drumming: Abandoned | Mugging | Found Family
EVENT TAGS: #amow twelve days of whumpmas; please also tag the prompt(s) you use each day, as well as common triggers.
You can @ us in your post if you like, and we will also go through the event tag each day and reblog entries!
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if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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Whumptober 2021
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Welcome to Whumptober 2021! May the Whump be with you :)
To all of you who participated last year - we have changed a few of the rules, but overall things have stayed the same. To everyone new: WELCOME!
Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.
This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.
With that being said, we’re very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. We wish you all the fun!
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information, and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
Keep reading
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Choking Whump
Hands around the neck or over the mouth and nose
Chokehold (who doesn’t love some manhandling)
Belt around the neck
Pulling tightly on Pet Whumpee’s Collar
Holding Whumpee’s head under water
A coarse rope that rubs the neck raw
A thin metal wire that digs into Whumpee’s throat
Barbedwire that doesn’t allow any room for struggling
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Places To Post Original Fiction
1.)  Commaful – a friendly and supportive writing community, smaller but denser than Wattpad, and far more active and engaging.
2.)  FictionPress – original fiction’s answer to FanFiction.net.  If you’re familiar with that format, you’ll be familiar with this.  
3.)  Smashwords – an ebook publishing platform that also welcomes short stories, and collections thereof.
4.)  WritersCafe – old-school but solid, with an active community and plenty of contests/challenges to get the creative juices pumping.
5.)  Medium – a place where you can post, essentially, anything and everything.  Articles and non-fiction are its biggest market, but fiction is welcome as well.
6.)  Booksie – less community-based, with fewer interactions and comments.  However, it still attracts great talent, and can be great for authors who are shy and don’t want to get bombarded with interaction.
7.)  RoyalRoad – a rich community, with a strong emphasis on mutual support between authors.  Focuses on web novels, fanfiction, and original stories.
8.)  FanStory – an oldie but a goody.  Don’t be fooled by the name – it seems to be predominantly original fiction, and offers contests with cash prizes. 
9.)  Young Writers Society – as the name suggests, oriented towards writers in their teens and twenties, but is by no means exclusive to authors of this age bracket. 
10.)  Wattpad – Wattpad provides users with the opportunity to post original fiction and gain a loyal following.  It’s not for everyone, but some people swear by it.  
On that note, you can also post original fiction to AO3 and FanFiction, but as they are predominantly for fan works, I decided not to include them on this list.  What’s your favorite way to post original fiction?
Happy writing, everybody!
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There’s not enough words for smile!!
I mean, there’s so many smiles, and we have 1 (one) word.
And yeah, there’s smirk, beam, grin, etc, but they all mean different things.
How do I write when a character has to hold their hand over their mouth with red cheeks and watery eyes, because, god, they just can’t help it, the other character looks absolutely hilarious like that, and the best they can do is to smother their laughter because there is no other way to stop it from bubbling out.
And how do I write the one confused? With a crease in their forehead and lip quirked as if to ask, hey, what’s so funny? They can’t help when their lips tug upwards when walking over to them, and their teeth bare and their eyes Crease and they feel the heat rising to their cheeks as they are try to figure out the source of mirth and oh-
I want more words. I want so many more to just capture a smile.
Anyone else?
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Ooh this looks fun!! :> thanks for the tag!
1. Yes. Especially if it’s a caretaker who doesn’t look especially friendly, and that just immediately gets whumpee trembling and begging because please, they just can’t take anymore, they can’t.
2. I have always loved a whumpee who is collared and sitting nicely for their whumper. The subtle degradation is especially lovely for a somewhat softer, possessive whumper, because they don’t even need to raise a hand to teach whumpee that all they are is a pet.
3. Oof, this is good. Whumper might be constantly blowing up at whumpee because they think whumpee is thinking about someone else, the jealousy making them want to make whumpee unable to think about anyone but them. They might use force, manipulation, but whumpee will love them, whether they like it or not.
And here are mine! 😋
1. Psychological whump (manipulation, Stockholm, exploiting illness, etc)
2. Controlling/possessive whumper
3. Intimate whumper who is also caretaker.
Feel free to reply even if you aren’t tagged!
@straight-to-the-pain @whump-me-all-night-long @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @newbornwhumperfly @whump-txt @bananamanishere @milk-carton-whump
New tag game!
List your top three whump tropes and tag people.
Whoever gets tagged gets to say how they feel about your top three tropes.
After finishing that, they then list their top three tropes, and the tagging cycle goes on!
If you don’t feel like playing, it’s ok!
I’ll start…
Bad caretakers
Cynical and mean Whumpees that don’t know just how much they need a hug.
Sleep deprivation, and exhaustion induced illnesses
@cupcakes-and-pain @cherrywhump @whumpster-dumpster @straight-to-the-pain @simplygrimly @whump-galaxy @whumptopia @whump-side @whump-softie @whump-princess
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Whew! I’m alive! Just
But I’m not going to be doing daily stories.
Everything is hectic, and I must’ve been crazy to try and balance a 12 hour day schedule minus transport with stories snips lol.
I will probably do a couple but definitely not all of the prompts , so yea... 😅
I wanted to set that goal for myself, but damn, It’s too much at the moment
- 🍍
See y’all the next time I write
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Summer of whump
June 2021
5. Broken/lost
Tw: mentions of death kinda, non-con touches, feather clipping, supernatural whumpee
(Unedited -🍍 )
Whumpee stared numbly at the cracked cement floor, hands resting on their knees, head bowed as they remembered, mourned.
They could feel the dust clinging to their skin, from being dragged, beaten, stuffed into a metal cage and shipped... here. A stuffy, cement box with cracked and chipped walls.
They thought of grass beneath their bare feet, wings jostled from rough-housing children, sun beaming down on them while preening feathers.
Whumpee didn’t even want to remember the faces of those poor, innocent children.
The sound of grinding metal startled whumpee and they silently twisted around, eyes landing on a stranger clad in black, bright eyes twisted into a smile.
“Ah, you’re still awake are you?” They smirked, stepping inside, whumpee shifting back on their heels and giving a weary glance. “All your other bird friends are still a bit... jostled from shipment, so it’s a pleasant surprise one of you hasn’t passed out.”
Whumpee narrowed their eyes as they stepped toward them, cocking their head and defensively flaring their wings, despite the twinge of pain shooting through them. Whumper stopped in his tracks, smile growing a bit forced.
“Oh hel-lo, look at those lovely wings of yours.” He smiled, teeth bared like some predator. “A little beat up at the moment but I’m sure you’ll fetch a pretty penny. Ah, who am I kidding, you probably can’t understand a thing I’m saying.”
“I understand you.”
Whumpers eyebrows shot to the ceiling, the smile on their face sinister before quickly returning to the softer smile, trying to look as un-threatening as possible.
“Naw, cute, you think I’ll be fooled by a few words picked up to scare me. You’re certainly not the first to think that,” They purred, condescending, taking another step closer much to Whumpees distress, wing curling around their side out of habit, the bloodied and matted feathers pricking their skin.
“Stay where you are.” Whumpee forced out, voice strained as the fear and pain kicked in, whumpers smile faltering again, realising that whumpee did, actually know what they were saying. “No more steps. Stay there.”
Whumper sniffed, thoroughly amused. “Well, well, well, what a lovely accent you have, it’s quite cute I must say.” He paused, stuffing hands into his pockets. “But I do wonder how a flock bird learned English, I’ve heard you types don’t mingle with humans.”
“I know twelve languages.”
Whumper smirked again, levelling whumpee with a heated glare. “Well,” he spoke, retrieving something from his pocket, “colour me impressed.”
It took whumpee a moment too long to react, the hand clamping down onto their back and pinning them to the floor with practiced expertise. They heard the swish of a blade and feathers flittering down infront of them, the horrific realisation that they were being clipped.
Whumpee tried to struggled as whumper reached for the other wing, flailing about uselessly as whumper gripped it, knee digging into their spine and shearing them without so much of a second glance. Whumpee hissed as their movements caused whumper to clip their skin, strangling a cry in whumpees throat as more of their feathers were mutilated.
When he finished, whumpee laid trembling on the ground, tears streaming down their face at the pain, the humiliation of it all. Whumpers knee was still pressed against their back, the sound of the knife being slid back into his pocket.
“Hmm, sorry.” He purred into Whumpees ear, hot breath prickling against paling skin from the shock. “Normally you bird types are passed out so it’s less traumatic, but your little heart seems stronger than the rest of them.”
Whumpee hiccuped, fingers uselessly scratching the smooth concrete to get away, but whumper only slotted his hands over the top of them, holding them still
“Your skin is so pretty whumpee,” they crooned, free hand tracing around bloody shoulders, and the back of their neck. “You’d look lovely in a collar.”
Finally, whumper got off of them, whumpee curling tightly into themselves with wings brushing up against their sides, the stuck out pins so wrong. Their flight feathers snipped.
“No that’s a better look for you, broken and lost.” Whumper smiled, standing back at the door.
Whumpee didn’t say anything in return, levelling their gaze with Steely determination, biting back tears of their stripped pride. Whumper only grinned more.
“Feisty. I mean, who knows? Maybe when you go up for sale I’ll throw my hat in the ring, just to make it interesting.” Whumpees stomach churned, whumper cocking their head. “It’s not a usual auction you see, whumpee, we let you go in a confined area, and people pay for tickets. Whoever catches you first gets to keep you.” Their smile turned nasty, glancing at the feathers strewn about the floor.
“How fast can you run?”
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Summer of whump
June 2021
4. Abandoned/ escaped
(I think I’ll just mix all prompts if I’m honest)
Tw: non-con touching, betrayal, coercion
(Unedited) - 🍍
Whumpee landed with a dull thump, the supple grass beneath his feet dampening the noise.
Grass. He hadn’t felt grass for so long.
Whumpee shook his head, swallowing before taking off in a sprint, light on his feet to muffle any noise, any whisper that he was leaving.
Whumpee, in all the tricks he’s learnt from team, convinced whumper that he was good enough to stay alone, by himself.
It took months of work, months of subtle mistakes whumper was all too keen to fix, but whumpee was smarter, never fully revealing his hand without a hidden card.
His breath misted in the cool air, what had been dusk slowly becoming nightfall. Whumpee had been careful to keep close to the main road, but not close enough any passing car could spot him.
It wasn’t long for the expanse of land to become building fronts, recognisable buildings at least.
Hold on.
Surely he was mistaken, his mind playing tricks,— this— this couldn’t be-
Whumpee rounded the corner and sure enough, the dusty old bookstore tucked away amongst extravagant buildings left a bitter taste in his mouth.
All this time, all he’d achieved to escape... and team was right here? He shifted his eyes around the almost empty streets, save for a few listless souls minding their own business, and pushed through the locked door, seeping through the seemingly solid material as if it were water.
Sure enough, it was empty, usually is at the front at this time of night. Such a stark difference from the outside to inside, with tall white walls and marble floors.
Whumpee hesitantly stepped forward, still light on his toes from being taught to walk quietly. Teaching himself to not make a noise.
He walked down the corridor, half expecting it to be empty, making sense as to why team hadn’t come for him... but... there they all were, sitting around the lounge like they normally would.
Team leader was the first to notice them, lingering by the door. He did a double take, gasping and eyes going wide as he jumped to his feet, startling everyone around him.
“Whumpee! Oh my god it that you?”
Like clockwork, six heads snapped to the doorway where the black clad silent whumpee stood, and whumpee stepped forward, a strained smile gracing his lips.
“H-hey... its been a whi-“
Whumpee let out a soft oof as a body slammed into his side, team member having leapt out of her seat to embrace him in a hug, fingers squeezing painfully tight into battered skin covered by thick clothes. In a matter of seconds whumpee was swamped, wrapped up in a tangle of crying limbs, every single one of them crushing him to the very core, in an embrace he’d longed for for months on end.
“You’re back whumpee!” Team member whispered, voice breaking just a little bit as she refused to cry. “Oh thank god you’re ok.”
“I managed to convince him to leave me alone,” whumpee began, smiling fondly at team captain, who returned the smile with a short nod. “And then it was only a matter of time before I could slip away with him noticing.”
Team pulled him into a hug again, all kind words and ‘we’ve missed you so much’s’ but whumpee could feel something. Something was wrong. Something prickling on the back of his neck.
“Who is this?” The unfamiliar voice behind whumpee made the whole group still, the warmth in the air thickening to ice.
They were small, a friendly looking sort with a glass in hand, head tilted curiously as if to ask what was going on.
Team leader approached them first, nervous smile playing on their lips, “ah, this is whumpee,” he said to the smiling face, “and whumpee... this is replacement.”
Whumpee didn’t move. Couldn’t move more like. The person felt exactly like he used to, a buzz brimming about their step, a carefreeness about their smile. It made a lump form in Whumpees throat, thoughts twisting into something foul.
“Oh... I didn’t realise... I was being replaced.”
Team leader blinked, before jumping into motion, hand resting on Whumpees shoulder supportively. “No, no, they’re not replacing you! No one could replace you... they were just... filling in. Until you came back.”
The words cut deep. Filling in. Until you came back.
The replacement stepped forward now, all smiles and bright eyes. “Oh! You’re whumpee! You look a bit different than I imagined.” They leant forward, beady eyes raking down their black clad frame. “But yeah, I was only recruited because they needed you and you’d gone missing, so I filled in the spot until you came back!”
They beamed just like whumpee used to. Before the exhaustion and paranoia had taken every sleepless night.
“Apparently I’m a really good fit for the team!”they continued, smiling at Whumpees team members. “They keep telling me how good I’m doing for a rookie, and I mean, I’m sure they just flatter me, but they’ve said I’m just as good as you.”
Just as good as you.
“Did you even look for me?” Whumpee said, turning to face their team which had long since been quiet, faces a mix of guilt and sympathy. Whumpees heart clenched, the averted eyes all they needed to know. “I’m within fucking walking distance and none of you even thought about coming for me?”
It was deafening.
“Whumper had taken you whumpee...” team leader started, face a promise of regret. “We thought you were as good as dead, it would have wasted our time-“
“Wasted your time?” Whumpee repeated, incredulous with fury roaring at their throat. “It would have been a waste of time looking for me? A part of your team!?”
“Whumpee I didn’t mean it like that-“
“All the time I’ve spent, the months of tiptoeing around whumper, of learning to be discreet. Telling myself you’d come for me eventually, and you would have wasted your time?”
“Whumpee.” Team member grabbed Whumpees wrist, her soft round eyes confused and concerned. “Why are you acting like this? This isn’t like you.”
“Like me?” Whumpee all but snarled, snatching away his wrist, stumbling away from the people that had been family less then four months ago, replacing them with someone younger, cuter, innocent. “What do any of you know about what I’m like! I’ve been through hell. And none of you even cared!”
“Of course we cared!” Team leader snapped, voice reverberating through the air. “You were an important asset to this team. Of course we needed you.”
The words hung in the air, Whumpees head ringing from the pain of it all. Waste of time. Just as good as you! Why are you acting like this? An asset.
This was never his family. How could he have been that stupid?
He silently turned on his heel, a master of it by now, and moved so quickly team had barely so much as called his name before he was gone.
Whumpee kept walking, unsure of what to do now, where he would go, how he was going to survive. And it hurt, so much more, that not a single team member had followed him. Tears sprung into his eyes and he rubbed harshly, running faster.
Was this really what team was doing for months? Moving on with their lives like whumpee didn’t exist? Replacing him without so much of a second thought with someone younger, softer, just as good as him.
They didn’t even go after him. He wasn’t worth that much.
Whumpee slammed into a body infront of him, eyes widening and blinking rapidly to unblur the tears, rubbing at his face, mouth already bubbling an apology.
“You should really watch where you’re going.”
Whumpee froze, the voice ringing like dread in his ears, head snapping upright to come face to face of none other than whumper.
“Now now my dear, no need to look so scared.” Whumper said, easily catching Whumpees wrist, swung out in a futile attempt to protect himself. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Whumpee breathed hard, panic building in his skull, the fingers around his wrist so loose, and yet so, so deadly.
Whumper cocked his head to the side, brushing the tears off of Whumpees cheeks. “My, I take it your team-reunion didn’t go so well?”
Whumpees mouth popped open, lost for words as whumper shushed him, finger pressing To his lips.
“You didn’t think I’d really let you see them on your lonesome did you? You’re much too fragile for that whumpee. That team of yours could break you.” Whumper smiled lavishly, those possessive eyes raking up and down his skin.
Whumpee blinked, a shiver creeping up his spine as he realised that whumper had known. He’d known the whole time, and he’d just let him go. Watched him in fact. He tried to steel his voice, clenching the fist with whumpers hand still fitted around it.
“What do you want?”
“Hm? Me? Nothing.” He smirked, brushing his thumb over the top of Whumpees knuckles, as if trying to reassure him. “It’s what you want that matters.”
Whumper pulled away as whumpee frowned, a suave smile on their face. “I mean, it must hurt at what team did to you, leaving someone as precious as you to someone like me? What were they thinking.”
He bent down low, kissing whumpees knuckles, a cheeky grin on his lips. “Surely you don’t want to just leave it like that. Surely you want to make them regret leaving you to the dogs?”
Whumpee snatched away his hand and took a step back, face twisted. “I don’t want to hurt any of them.”
Whumper smirked rolling their eyes. “Oh don’t be coy, I felt your anger from a mile away. The injustice, the pain... I know you want to make them regret leaving you.”
Whumpee took another step back, disgusted, but he found himself backing into a wall, whumper taking a step forward, whispering into his ear. “Don’t you want to work with someone who cherishes you? Who would burn the world for your sanctity? You’re a diamond whumpee, and I know just how to make you perfect.”
Whumpee shivered at whumpers breath in his ear, head pressed flat against the wall behind him, purring into his neck.
Slowly, whumper took a step back, whumpee tilting his head to look at whumper, in all their possessive and crazed glory.
“It’s just something to think about, whumpee.” He said, barely above a whisper. “I’ll be waiting for you. All you have to do is call for me, and I’ll be there.”
And just like that, whumper was gone. Whumpees mind churning with too many thoughts, too many feelings, but one thing one was certain, and he knew it wouldn’t change.
Yeah, he would really love to show those bastards exactly what they’re missing.
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Oh um hello! I’ve been tagged
And I hope you can reason with your thoughts, it must be difficult 😞
Favourite colour: orange. It’s just neat.
Current reading: practical applications of multiverse theory. It’s actually a really funny book and I really, really do recommend it. Main character literally sh*ts themselves in the first couple pages, and while the humour is a bit dated these days it’s still a good read.
Last song: hungover in the city of dust... there’s just that one bit that hits different, and if you’ve seen the animation for it, it’s why I really love the song.
Last movie: damn, when was the last- oh! I went to the cinema and saw a quiet place 2. There was a couple story discrepancies that were a bit iffy, but it’s still a good somewhat scary movie. I think I jumped once? And it was from a bunch of birds and not the creatures soo
Last series: shitts creek. My family watch it so I only watch an episode here or there, but let me tell you, I get so unbelievably frustrated and second-hand embarrassed from this show. I don’t know why. I still find it funny to watch, but man, the communication is just... nope.
Sweet, spicy or savoury: sweet or savoury. Working on building my spice tolerance though.
Craving: you know the things that cats do when they lie on top of eachother in like a massive pile? That.
Tea or coffee: Tea, I’ve never had coffee before.
And then to tag nine people... I’m in danger
@whatwasmyprevioususername @waltz-of-the-whumpers @lunar-the-wolf @albino-whumpee @straight-to-the-pain @rat-father @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpster-dumpster
Catch Up Tag!
@all-whumped-out thanks for the tag! <3
Rules: tag (nine) people you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Favorite color: blue! But I also really like the aesthetic of brown like with coffee and old books
Currently reading: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy. It’s about a group of British gentlemen sneaking out aristocrat families during the French Revolution so they won’t get killed and they’re led by a mysterious Robin Hood-esque figure called The Scarlet Pimpernel. You get to spend the whole book trying to figure out who he is and also the dynamics between characters and everything are so good
Last song: I honestly can’t remember but just assume it’s twenty one pilots.
Last movie: my sister and I really enjoy watching bad animated adaptations of the biblical story Joseph and his brothers so... one of those
Last series: Shadow and Bone on Netflix (I’ve seen it nearly twice through since I’m obsessed with the books), the 1955 Adventures of Sir Lancelot (yes I am exposing myself as a complete nerd but it’s really good!!), aaaand The Umbrella Academy because I can never stick with one show long enough to finish it
Sweet, spicy, or savory: savory or sweet depending on my mood
Craving: Taco Bell
Tea or coffee: coffee, v sweet and iced when possible. Though good southern sweet tea does hit the spot sometimes
Currently working on: my Paladin Series despite not updating in a week whoops
Tagging (no pressure though): @cherrywhump @art-of-astral @nightfrostshadow @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hopepetal @whumps-and-stuff @hurting-fictional-people @whumpsorbet
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I like the way you think :>
Whump idea-
Wing whump
So, whumpee has these gorgeous wings, beautiful and well looked after, pruned and dusted. Whumpee is known for these gorgeous wings.
Whumper makes sure whumpee is known for these gorgeous wings.
So, whumpee is shown around at some sort of event, dressed in tailored, expensive cloth with wings painted and decorated. Whumper is proud of their project, and whumpee loves it too.
Until whumper 2 comes in and mutilates them. Absolutely destroys these gorgeous wings by breaking bones,ripping out feathers... maybe even going as far as cutting them off.
How does their first whumper respond?
Do they comfort their poor pet, and rain hell down on whumper 2 that dare touch what belonged to them...
Do they abandon them? Do they abandon something no longer useful and pretty when it all comes down to it, showing their true colours?
Idk, just something I think about.
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Summer of Whump
June 2021
3. Drowning/dehydration
Tw: death by drowning
Whumpees eyes were wild, fingers shaking from the weight of what they’d just done, frozen on the edge of the bank.
It had been too easy. Whumper was still face first in the water lapping at the rocks, from where whumpee had held them down, air bubbling from below the surface. Whumper hadn’t gone without some fight though, scratching his skin.
He looked at them now, the damning marks up and down his skin, red and angry, hissing from the salt water. The blood trickled down his fingertips, dripping with a slow patter from the otherwise silent landscape.
Whumpee let out a strangled sort of laugh as the tears fell, his throat so raw and dry from surviving in the wilderness with nothing. No water. No food. And whumper on his tail.
It was unbelievable.
Whumpees head snapped to the side at the shrill voice, fear shooting through them like a shot of adrenaline, springing onto their feet to run.
“Whumpee! It’s caretaker! It’s caretaker!”
A face emerged through the thicket of trees and shrubs; Whumpees twisted safety for the last two days. It was caretaker, clean and nicely dressed, eyes worried as they took in Whumpees disheveled appearance, rocks crunching under their boots as they stepped forward.
“Oh thank god I found you! We’ve been tracking whumpers whereabouts and-“ caretaker stopped mid-sentence, eyes glued to the floating body in the river.
Whumpees breath stopped. The relief of being found fled from them, quicker than the colour sapping from their skin.
Caretaker paused for a second, utterly shocked over what to say, eyes glancing to the scratches down Whumpees arms, skin paling even more than the corpse in the river.
“Whumpee... it’s alright. I Uh, don’t blame you. He... He... you’re more important right now.”
Whumpee could see the fear in their eyes, the thought of oh my god they killed someone. Whumpee could feel the horror creeping under their skin, the fear of what they were capable of, the fear of what caretaker would think of them now.
Caretaker rushed forwards, catching Whumpee as they began to sway backwards, eyes rolling into the back of their head as their legs failed to support them. They fell to the ground in a mess of limbs as Whumpees full weight slammed into them, no doubt from exhaustion from running for days on end.
The wild look in their eyes at the sight of the lifeless body of their tormentor had said it all. No accident, that was clear as day. Whumpee had killed whumper. Someone who’s caused so much pain, dead by their hands. It must have been terrifying. It must have been liberating. And they had to do it alone.
Whumpee blinked dazedly in caretakers arms, and caretaker lightly tapped their cheeks, bringing them back from the depths of their mind. He began to cry, and caretaker held him as he sobbed, Whumpees bloodied fingers clawing into caretakers shirt, mumbling incoherent words under his breath.
“I’ve killed him- I-I’m a murderer, I can’t believe I’ve killed someone! I’ve killed him! I killed him! He was- I was-“
“You don’t need to explain yourself, whumpee.” Caretaker soothed, carding fingers through Whumpees hair to get them to calm down, to stop hyperventilating. He gently tucked Whumpees head into his shoulder, so he wouldn’t be able to see whumpers figure floating at the bank. “It was... needed. You’re not in the wrong.”
And yet, caretaker could only think, whumpee killed whumper. He really killed whumper.
Caretaker tried to swallow down the sick feelings in his stomach, the mounting horror growing from the bloodied fingers on his back, someone who is capable of taking life, someone who could kill.
“Whumpee... let’s... get out of here. We need to go.” Caretaker said, rather quicker than they meant to. “When was the last time you ate? Drank?”
“T-two days ago. When I first got out... it’s Salt water here.”
Caretaker grabbed Whumpees hand, pinching Whumpees skin and making them wince, pulling their arm away with fear in their eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I was checking how dehydrated you were, skin elasticity.” Caretaker paused, the skin slowly returning to its original state, not bouncing back like any healthy person.
He cursed under his breath, looking back in the direction he came, was there water in the car? Would whumpee be able to walk that far? They couldn’t stay here with... whumper. Caretaker desperately needed to be anywhere else but here.
“Here, get on my back, I’ll walk you.”
Whumpee opened their mouth in protest, but caretaker shushed them. “The quicker we get you out of here, the quicker you can get help. S-so don’t argue with me and just hop on. We need to go.”
This time whumpee only nodded, caretaker lifting up whumpee and wrapping his arms around his neck, ankles locked around his middle.
A killers hands are wrapped around your neck.
Caretaker shook off the thought and began to walk, hastily into the underbrush without looking back, afraid of what might happen if they see the corpse of whumper again.
Whumpee was innocent, he kept telling himself. It was surely self-defence after all he’d been through. But that body, that corpse.
He would never look at whumpee the same again.
- 🍍 not too fond of this one
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June 2021
2. Food-poisoning/Starvation
(Yet again, I shall be mixing prompts. Yes, I’m lazy. But it makes me think harder so I digress)
- 🍍
Tw: eating disorder.
“Eat. You’ll die at this rate.”
Caretaker slid the plate infront of the skeletal whumpee, all pale skin and pointy edges. The deep set bags under their eyes had only grown as they dishevelled into themselves, not daring to touch a morsel of food.
“I-I can’t.”
Caretaker sucked in a deep breath, sounding more like a frustrated hiss than a sympathetic sigh. They raked a hand through their hair before picking up Whumpees fork, sliding the mashed sweet potato into their mouth and swallowing.
“Not poisoned.” They said, pressing the fork into Whumpees hand. “Eat.”
“I can’t. It’ll hurt again.”
Caretaker rolled their eyes as whumpee disregarded the fork, instead choosing to bring their knees up and close to their hollowed chest, spindly arms looking so close to snapping from the slightest touch.
“Feet off the chair and legs down. We do not sit like that at the table.” Caretaker snapped, whumpee instantly dropping their feet to the floor, hanging their head and wringing their protruding knuckles.
Caretaker had screwed up from the get go.
How where they supposed to know when they picked up a runaway, they had to be weaned back onto food? How where they supposed to know, that when they desperately raced to the nearest restaurant, that their food was terrible, and caused whumpee to have food poisoning? How where they supposed to know that their attempt to help would have whumpee hunched over a toilet for weeks, retching for nothing to come out?
Whumpee couldnt even smell a nice broth without going pale and claiming that caretaker was trying to kill them.
“It’s potato’s. Just sweet potato and potato mash. It’s not going to hurt you.”
Whumpee didn’t say anything this time.
Caretaker hadn’t even wanted this, hadn’t wanted to be here, and yet here he was, cleaning up another bastards problem because he couldn’t watch them wither away on the streets.
So now they could wither away in his home.
Caretaker raked his fingers through his scalp again, gritting his jaw. “Look, I know I’m not nice, and I’m not treating you like a little pet. Because you’re not. You’re an adult, and that means you have to take care of yourself.”
Whumpee didn’t move, still wringing their hands with their shoulders hunched, bone sticking out through the soft material of their t-shirt.
Caretaker watched them, anger simmering beneath the surface. They don’t look like they know how to look after themselves.
“Fine. Fine. Right, whumpee, look at me. Look at me.”
Whumpee slowly raised their eyes, splotchy and red no doubt from caretaker scolding them. He glanced at their sallow cheeks, protruding like knives from their face.
“Don’t you think this is what whumper wanted? That you had to rely on them so much you died without their care? Don’t you want to prove them wrong? That you’re stronger than they’ll ever be?” Caretaker sent them a hard look, whumpee frozen in their tracks. Caretaker softened their voice, ever so slightly, holding Whumpees hands in his own. “What did you use to be fed? What was your favourite thing to eat?”
Whumpee began to shake, and caretaker whole-heartedly thought they were going to burst out into tears... but they didn’t. Instead they squeezed back with those brittle fingers, a hard line setting across their face.
“Whumper doesn’t own me. I-I own me. I’m-I’m going to survive.”
Caretaker nodded, urging them to continue with a firm stare, no room for arguments.
“...Steak. I only got steak if I was good. And anything green, um vegetables? I never ate anything fresh.”
Caretaker nodded to themselves, steak and veggies, something so simple and yet... whumpee wouldn’t be able to stomach that yet. Whumpee was clearly waiting for some sort of answer with wide eyes, the ribs protruding through their chest clear through their shirt.
“So...” caretaker started, Whumpees face wide and fearful. “I’ll get you a steak-“ they shushed whumpee as they began to thank them, face stern. “But, you need to eat smaller things first. Otherwise you’ll be sick again.”
Whumpee swallowed, nodding slowly as caretaker reached for the disregarded fork, piling some smooth potato mash.
“Now, please, just eat this. Then, maybe we can work on the steak.”
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Reblog this if you never get tired of people asking you about your OCs! 🖊
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June 2021
(I will be mixing most prompts as June is very, Very busy for me this year)
(But I have fun writing so :>) - 🍍
“You... still... hanging in there?” Whumpee panted, skin covered in a sheen of sweat and hair stuck to their forehead as they leant into the thick glass separating them, craving that itch of reprieve from the heat.
“Y-y-y-yes. I-I’m still o-o-k-Kay.” Second replied, curled into a tight ball with flushed skin, fingers wrapped tightly into the shawl too thin to protect them from the cold.
Whumpee could have laughed, if the thought of moving didn’t make them sick.
Of course they’d been given the winter gear in their hot-box of a cage, the guilt needling away at them as they watched whumpee shiver. Of course second had been given nothing but a shawl and a metal water bottle, quickly left untouched as skin stuck and peeled.
Of course the 12 inch thick glass let them watch the other suffer, without stealing a second from the others torture.
Whumpee moved their head away from the glass beginning to burn their skin, eyes widening as their vision went dark, falling with the room spinning on its axis and colliding with the gritty sand clinging to their body.
Second yelled, fists slamming into the glass with no sound, blue lips moving fast and tears melding to their skin without so much as a whisper, the speakers eerily silent in the four corners, the only source of sound between them suddenly disconnected.
Whumpee breathed in sharply, as if they’d been winded, flipping over and squeezing their eyes shut. The heat had settled into their skull and pounded against their temples, licking dry, cracked lips out of habit. They attempted to sit upright, arm buckling beneath as they fell back into the sand.
Whumpee stayed like that for a while, breaths shallow as they watched the heat distortion twist from the sand, Oddly enticing and fantastical, but still so debilitating all the same.
Second had stopped pounding on the glass, instead choosing to hole up next to it, creating the best cocoon they could manage, eyes frozen shut from the leaking tears.
What whumpee would give to be in their cold.
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Delicious whump trope?
One of my favs at least
Angry bastard whumpee™️, would rather spit on whumpers shoes, than ever do to a goddamn thing whumper says. They’d much rather bare their teeth and say ‘make me.’
It’s a rivalry between them, whumper humiliating whumpee, hurting them, degrading them, but whumpee wouldn’t break, pissing off whumper every chance they get, and hell, they knew exactly how to do it by now. They would grin with bloody teeth, and eyes that said ‘you don’t own me.’ Until...
Whumpee was no longer captive.
They’d been saved, rescued- that’s what they were told. Free from whumper and the world was their vice. And it was fantastic... for a while. Whumpee relished being able to do whatever they wanted without being told ‘no.’ Or ‘don’t even think about it.’ They loved doing things they knew would get them in trouble with whumper, earning punishments and that challenging grin that said ‘ah, are we back to this again whumpee?’
But there was no challenge.
There was no-one watching them and controlling them, team was too nice. It was quiet, always quiet, and a hollow neediness settled in their chest, lonely, unneeded. There was no thrill of waiting for whumper to see what they’d done wrong, team was used to it. There was no reaction, no challenge... There was no whumper.
And so, maybe they heard whumper was looking for them again, for their little pet. And maybe caretaker had told them to lay low for a while, don’t go out in public, and don’t stay out late. And maybe, just maybe, when they finally saw whumper again... they went with them.
No fighting, no bared teeth or big fuss. They’d always belonged to whumper, and they could see it clear as day now. Whumper would only smile with knowing eyes, the ‘missed me?’ Grin unsaid on their lips. Whumpee would go with them quietly, and whumper would gladly take their nicely trained pet home.
Right back where it belonged.
(If you use this prompt could you please tag me? Not for credit, but I love to seeing people’s writing/art :> )
*tips hat* good day — 🍍
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