aroomfullofart · 7 years
It started too quick, too smooth, we didn’t even notice. It was quite challenging to see where is this thing going, when did it even start to become a thing, why did it even happen in the first place?
We were in denial, too afraid of commitments, imprisoned by our boundaries. We knew what we felt in the very first moment, but we thought hiding was better than being rejected.
A lot of our friends say we were an almost, we were in between of dying and living, we were frightened by our second thoughts, we were confused between the right and wrong, we were torn between taking risks and protecting our souls and ego, we were a believer of a certain quote, “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”
Too much signs we thought were just myths, too much coincidences we thought were part of living, too much promises we thought were empty, too many times we neglected what our hearts scream, but we didn’t think our feelings matter too.
And after these things recognized, we were overwhelmed with the fate’s maze, we’ve come to realize what we almost had was something we should’ve let go instead, we thought it wasn’t too late to try again but we didn’t realize our expectations start to consume our minds, we were lost in the idea of “love is sweeter in the second time around,” but little did we know, we never had any chance to prove it in the first place.
It ended too soon, too fast without brakes, the days we didn’t even count had too many memories in it. We were blinded by the infatuation we made with our bare hands, we were too enchanted by the idea of falling in love with someone we wanted to be ours so bad.
But we didn’t think these things have to end, we didn’t think we’re both losing and slowly letting go, we didn’t feel we’re becoming apart and the gap between us is getting tore part by part like a promise letter being ripped into pieces, and sadly, we didn’t think this poem has to end with a period instead of a comma, our love died in a short prose I usually write.
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
Listen — if someone truly wants you around then they will do what it takes to keep you there.
You can’t force someone to care about you.
You can’t force someone to stay loyal to you.
You can’t force someone to love you.
Don’t stay because you think there isn’t more love out there.
Don’t stay because you think you can’t find better.
Don’t lie to yourself so they can seem like a better person.
Don’t walk in a hurricane just to be by their side when you know they wouldn’t do the same for you.
You have to understand that some people that enter your life aren’t meant to stay forever. Even when you feel with your entire being that this is it for you, they might not be.
But I promise—someday you will meet someone and it will make perfect sense why your past happened.
You will never feel the slightest bit less about yourself, because they will value all that you are.
You probably feel trapped or as if this is far out of reach for you, but trust me when I say, this person is out there. This person is waiting for you.
You are the person of someone’s dreams.
Someone is going to show you the purest love.
You have imperfections that someone is going to cherish.
You have a laugh that someone is going to smile just thinking about it.
You have dreams and goals that someone will support.
You have a kindness in you that someone will admire.
There is someone out there that will admire every nook and cranny of your mind.
This person exists in this world, so remember this when you’re lying in bed at night with someone who makes you feel as though you’re alone in this world.
I pray you find the love that makes you fall in love with yourself and I pray that you let go of the person that makes you feel anything less than amazing.
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
Happiness feels like jumping into the lake on a hot day, a sore stomach from laughing hard, the warmth of the indoors after being out in the cold, confidence when you’re wearing new clothes, a hot shower to wash a bad day away, your team favorite winning.
Happiness sounds like your favorite music that you like to sing at the top of your lungs, laughter, midnight frogs, a bustling city full of people going nowhere, birds singing, rain falling, the purr of a content kitty.
Happiness doesn’t have to come from other people. You can find it anywhere if you’re willing to look for it.
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
You will wake up one day, realizing how tiring life is and hoping for the world to stop spinning and for people to stop talking. Wishing that you’re somewhere else but here. You will love to be out of this universe and imagine for yourself being in a different place. To be in a different situation. You will want to change things and arrange it like your own puzzle. Easily solved. And built in just one second. Things will be hard. And the waves will be stronger. You’ll wish that you don’t have to face it. You’ll try to turn around and run away. But you’ll realize that you cannot escape this—that for you to get through it, you’ll need to lift yourself just to fight it. And when that day comes, darling you’ll have all the courage you’ve been hiding in your heart. You’ll find out how brave you are. You’ll see what is more than that face who is always staring back at you in the mirror. You’ll know that you are capable of more. You’ll then realize, that life won’t give you something you can never take. That failure isn’t something that should put you down and every success is worth every—single—tear that has run out of your eyes. That you are the strongest person you’ll ever know, even if the world tried to make you believe otherwise. Someday, it’ll be all right. Someday, you’ll realize that life is still worth fighting for. That living life is still something we should dream of.
— ma.c.a., You don’t have to believe me, you just have to believe in yourself, Positively
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
We love each other happily in a dream, but then I woke up suddenly everything felt so sadly unreal.
ma.c.a // Let me sleep (via vomitingwords)
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
But she ignored a lot of constellations and galaxies— just to wait and wish for a single shooting star.
ma.c.a // I want no one else, but you (via vomitingwords)
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
Perhaps, I was wrong from the start. I should have limited my chatting with you. I should have turned away from your smile. I should have worn a pokerface every time I was with you. I should have pushed your kindness away. I should have prevented myself from sharing so much. I should have built my walls stronger and higher. I should have protected myself better. I should have kept my distance with you. I should have broken free from your arms around my waist. I should have walked away and never looked back. I should have killed this attraction while it was budding. I should have locked this feeling inside my heart. I should have never felt comfortable being hugged, I should have never thought that you would stay, I should have never trusted my heart to you, like I always do with everybody. In the end, it is my heart that always gets broken and shattered. It is not because I love too much and too hard, nor because I take everything too seriously. It is merely because— —once I start, I have no idea how to stop.
casseiraheavenly, But God, me falling for you is inevitable.
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
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Nothing teaches better than this trio; the fears, the tears, the years🥀
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
We are not really in love. We’re just accidentally met in a situation, then be thankful for each other’s presence, but for no more. We are not really in love. We’re just need each other to get rid of loneliness, then feel comfortable for having someone to share everything with, and that’s enough. I don’t need an answer of “What are we?”; You may also never intend to promise “us.” I may have already fallen before you prevent me, and our feelings, let us know that in the most beautiful way for each of us. I don’t think we’re really in love, or maybe it was just me.
Puanlunar I know what we are, and what we are not
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
This is to every girl who has ever tried a little too hard. To the girls who miss people and aren’t afraid to say it. The one’s who are told their vulnerability is a weakness. This is to every girl who is told she needs to change and be different than who she is to win someone over. This is to every girl who has ever gotten her hopes up and been disappointed. The ones who wear their hearts on their sleeve. To every girl has ever been told she’s too easy to read. This is to every girl who doesn’t hurt others because they’d never want someone to feel the way they have. This is to every girl who has had to be strong enough to pick up the broken pieces of her heart. To every girl who is broken but still loves anyway. The ones who try too hard. The ones who love too deeply. The ones who believe in love despite a lot of heartbreak. This is to every girl who has ever gone more than halfway. The ones who would do anything for the people they care about, but would never ask for help in return. This is to every girl who thinks they are flawed. This is to every girl who has ever settled and accepted less than she deserved. I want you to know it takes a rare type of person to see the good in someone when you’re presented with bad. To keep going. To keep believing. To keep giving, and loving. So this is to every girl who refuses to settle. I want you to know it’ll happen soon. This is to every girl who hasn’t gotten what she deserves. Yet. I want you to hold onto faith. I don’t want you to change. Because one day everything you continue to give to people who don’t deserve it, will come back to you. One day — you’re going to be loved the way you love others. One day, you will find someone who understands your depth. One day, you will be rewarded for your heart. Trust me.
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
You stopped hearing from her because she got tired of sitting by the phone waiting for you. She got tired of putting faith into someone who just constantly let her down. You stopped hearing from her because every time she tried it never felt like enough for you. You stopped hearing from her because all you did was take her for granted. Like the love she gave wasn’t something to be valued. You stopped hearing from her because you stopped appreciating her. You stopped reciprocating. If you cared, you stopped showing it. You stopped hearing from her because she got tired of the games you were playing when all she ever was, was honest. You stopped hearing from her because she was tired of the excuses. She was tired of the lies. She was tired of being let down and disappointed by you. You stopped hearing from her because she couldn’t keep investing time and emotion into someone who was simply taking all she had to give. You stopped hearing from her because she realized a long time ago, no matter what she did, she wasn’t going to be able to convince you to care. You stopped hearing from her because you hurt her more than she liked to admit. And instead of explaining herself she just stopped. She walked away missing you with every step hoping you’d tell her not to go. But you didn’t. You stopped hearing from her because she realized she deserved more. You stopped hearing from her because she realized she deserved better. You stopped hearing from her because she was finally ready for someone to love her back and she knew she’d never find that with you. So if you begin to notice her absence, if you begin to miss the conversations, if you realize you miss her company when you’re alone, remember — you stopped hearing from her because you didn’t realize what you had when you had it. But you stopped hearing from her because you didn’t realize what you had when you had it.
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
Everyone rebloggs the same word but no one sees the same face
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
And it is so hard trying not to notice everything, the way clouds melt into the skies, blocking your view away from the stars, and it is so hard trying not to look at you, when all I ever wanted was to stare at you.
ma.c.a // You are so bright and it frightens me (via vomitingwords)
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
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Note to self
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
I almost turn around, and run back to you. I almost jump to the edge and fall in love with you. I almost unlock the door and let you in. Once more. But I never did. I never let you hold my heart again.
ma.c.a // Another Day (via vomitingwords)
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
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aroomfullofart · 7 years
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The sun will rise and we will try again.
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