arosebyanyothernxme · 2 years
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CRYSTAL REED in ‘Babylon’ audition tape
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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LNC: Sofia Falcone
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
“I think we’ve hit a breakthrough, Dr. Harley.” Alicia shadow scattered across the doorway as she entered the clownette’s apartment. Her thumb placed on the silvered hammer of a Max’s service weapon.“I can never be too sure who’s a friend or foe these days.”Alicia lifted the short barrel of the gun before allowing it fall to her side. 
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“Is this where we kiss and make up for all of our past transgressions?” 
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
Ponderance || Open
“You have to wonder what’s worse? Knowing how it’s all going to end or knowing that nothing you do will stop the end?”
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“Who pissed in your coffee this morning?”
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“If you keep frowning like that, you’ll wrinkle.”
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
“You don’t have to keep looking after me.” Alicia cooed. “Congratulations on your return to the force. I can no longer covet Central City’s resident knight in shining armor.”
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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“What’s that phrase people always say? New Year, New Me?” He exhaled sharply through his nose, breath fogging his glass as he simultaneously rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Pathetic humans,” he muttered, nearly imperceptible before sipping his drink.
“So what say you? Are you mustering up a new you for the year?”
Alicia felt the dam break at the strike of midnight. The blissful mirage that ensnared her fractured mind dissipated in the bitter winds of January. All the warmth she’d basked in over the last couple of months chilled with her morose realization. I’ve been betrayed by my mother, my withering roses, and my precious Anya. It was the fuel that ignited the vengeance that used to power her entire operation. "I couldn’t have said it better myself,” she mumbled. Her finger streaked across the grainy bar top with a strained sigh. Max would be off shift in about hour which gave her enough time commiserate with this clown before slipping back into her place all snuggled up like the innocent little lamb she’d been portraying since her memories returned. 
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“More like a newer and far more improved version of the old me.” Alicia purred. “What’s a guy like you doing a place like this?” 
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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*kneeling, proposing, shaking, crying*
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
⚠️: Your character notices mine in a dangerous situation and decides to step in and try to help them out. @arosebyanyothernxme​​
It wasn’t the first time someone had attempted to jump her the moment she stepped out of L-Corp late at night - security was working a skeleton staff, and it was only a short walk to her car. One that Lena never really thought twice of even with the target on her back. She had her side arm, her pepper spray, and plenty of emergency contacts she knew would come running at the whiff of danger.
But her assailant, whoever they were, had clearly banked on that - disarming her of her bag before attempting anything else, grappling her arms tight to her as he tried to brute-strength carry her off while she kicked and cursed at him, fumbling with the tracker on her watch to alert the DEO if she couldn’t jam her heel into his knee in time to free herself.
The need never came though, however, as she heard the familiar click of the seal on her pepper spray releasing. She ducked her head to her chest and shut her eyes tight as it was sprayed into the man’s face behind her, collapsing to her knees with a relieved sigh as he yelped in pain, dropping her as he attempted to shield his face from the spray. Lena winced at the acrid stench of it clinging to the back of her coat, shrugging the ruined fabric off as she got her breath back. “Thank you.” She finally gasped, pushing herself up to stand shakily on her feet as she watched him stumble off, fleeing in failure. She quickly called up to her security team to alert the police and grab any CCTV footage - whoever the idiot was she wanted him found and to spill whoever had hired him - before turning to look for her unexpected saviour.
“You quite literally saved my life.” She noted with a delirious, shaky laugh, approaching the woman half covered in shadow now that most of the lights in L-Corp had dimmed for the night. “Honestly, anyway I can repay you just na-” The words died in her throat with an odd, choked noise as she finally stepped close enough to see the woman’s face in the sliver of light offered by the street lamps. She froze immediately to the spot, staring uncomprehendingly as her eyes traced over the familiar features - sharp jaw, high cheekbones, raven hair and bright, beautiful brown eyes.
Unconsciously, she reached out to brush along the woman’s cheek, startling when her fingers touched something solid instead of a mere vision - her friend, real and warm and alive. “Alicia.” She whispered, barely more than a breath, before a sob racked from her chest, half sorrow and half relief. “Alicia- I thought- you died I thought you were dead how-” It came out in a garbled, tearful rush as she moved on instinct to try and envelop the other woman in a tight hug.
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This was a very stupid idea.  You could have gotten hurt or worse..
The foreboding lecture hammered wildly against the urge to explore the city that happened to hold the secrets she yearned to unlock. Stepping cautiously through the streets, she clutched her bag closer to her chest with the torn pieces of paper with the directions back to the cottage. Max hadn’t returned for the evening. Alicia had begun to accept that his secrecy in exchange for infallible trust in his ability to protect her. There weren’t many details of her life left for her to cash in but the connection they shared had to mean something more than valiant chivalry. 
Alicia searched for the bus stop that she had gotten off of. Today had been yet another dead end. How could she look for information about herself if she didn’t know he last name. Who would thought that the informative technological  age couldn’t draw its infinite power without a surname. Defeated, she trekked farther towards the glow of L-Corp; the shiny landmark that provided her comfort at the beginning of this doomed adventure into the city. Sucking in a short breath, her index finger danced along the glossy overview of the streets and each dotted stop. 
This is going to take forever. 
Shuffling feet and a muffled sound of distress wafted in the dreary avenue, it played to a carnal part of her in a way Alicia didn’t expect. Before she could rationalize what she was doing, her feet had began to float across the pavement, drawing closer to the source. Alicia’s hand flew up to cover of quivering lips at the man overcrowding the well dressed woman. I can’t let him take her. Her eyes fell to the fine designer purse that laid lifeless on the sidewalk; a leather wrapped canister was illuminated beneath the street lamp. Alicia scooped it up, her thumb gliding over the safety out to engage the trigger. With a feigned sprint, she jammed her finger into the button of the pepper spray and dosed the man’s face in the potent liquid. With the very last drop spent, she allowed the canister to fall as she rushed to the woman. 
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“Are you okay?” Alicia stiffened at the feeling of Lena’s delicate fingers passing along her cheek. The immediate weight of grief washed over her in the wake of Lena’s aghast remembrance. Her hands fell limb as Lena sobbed; the words that ebbed off her soft lips sounded more like pained static than elated proclamation. “H-how do you know my name?” She said gingerly into Lena’s shoulder. 
“I..I know you may be in shock and all but who are you?” 
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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      𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐅 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐒 left her mouth when Alicia assured her that she wasn’t a zombie. But the blonde feels as if she wanted explanation of this. Nothing comes on her mind. She feels the warmly of the other’s hand, with a certain difficulty the jester stood up and grabbed her own crutch again, to get on posture again. ❛ Yeah… Don’t you remember anything? N-A-D-A?! ❜ The blonde has to ask again. How could this be possible?! The news spread that she is dead… At this point, it became old news.        Harley felt as she needed a second the digest the moment. ❛ Okay, darlin’. ❜ The blonde had an idea, maybe she could help her… After all she was a psychiatrist, even though mostly of the people nowadays does not believe on that. — The jester was in shock with the whole situation. 
“Why don’t we get you somewhere where you can sit. You’re in no condition to be standing..” her words hurried.  Alicia held tightly onto Harley’s wobbling posture as if her life depended on it. The ghoulish expression that burdened the woman’s feature broke away to a more curious air. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “If we did know each other, I’m sorry, I don’t remember anything.” Speaking these words out loud still managed to frazzle her to the core. Her heart rebelled against the rolling disgust that shuttered through her. 
How could someone forget who they are?
Maybe I never knew myself to begin with.
“Do you want me to call you cab? I swear I saw a payphone around here..”
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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she and her 💞 𝕔𝕣𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖.
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
In late summer the Earth was ready for the rain, for sweet drops to quench the soils. And there it came, steady and gentle drips descending from a confident white velvet sky. It’s the sort of weather that washes everything clean, oblivious to the life it nourished. It cleansed the streets, rehydrating both the land and the life that depended on it It brought a richness to each hue, the browns deepening in a way that steaded her. The grass becoming glossy, reflecting the light, a new bright shine to their wands, softly wafting in the breeze. 
As her feet treaded the pavement, her toes were bathed in the newly bequeathed precipitation. It gurgled, bubbling as she wandered. Each drop sat on her skin like a puddle that would never leave, perfectly formed, perfectly cold. She could feel the water steal her body heat just a tiny bit at a time. She didn’t bother to seek shelter or warmth. She was accustomed to the elements, and she liked the chill. There was a coziness in suffering, as if life had and would always be this way. There was comfort in predictability. It was also the perfect way to wash the caked blood beneath her fingernails.
The assignments she’d been carrying out for Asher had been keeping her occupied, content even. At the very least. Routine was the simplest way to subdue her, at least momentarily. All she required was instruction and the freedom to exercise her deadly genius without fear of repercussion. However, today she felt the weight of her aimlessness more than usual, taking advantage of the unexpected summer storm and wandering for what felt like hours beneath its showers. Soaked to the bone and reaching for some glimmer of significance, her good hand clutched a beautiful golden hair clip. Leaving the scene of the crime with a trinket wasn’t customarily the assassin’s style, carnage with flair was how she preferred to leave a signature. However, the metal side comb that sat on the dresser while she strangled its owner seemed like the perfect consolation prize. She thought it might look nice in Camille’s dark hair. Sure, she took pleasure in watching the light drain from her victim’s eyes, but it was fleeting.
She was tired, so tired.
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As the rain began to slacken, Anya raised up her hand, tilting her face toward the sky. The clouds once ledden with precipitation still too dense for the sun to penetrate. If she hadn’t stopped, she might have passed the black-haired woman standing at the street vendor completely unaware. But as her gaze lowered from the heavens to the path ahead of her, she was confronted with what immediately felt like a mocking illusion of the very thing that had set her on this dispiriting existential path.
A ghost.
She stayed quiet and showed no indications of panic, despite the fact that she felt it slashed through her with violent intensity. She remained still beneath the awning, even as her knees weakened and threatened to buckle. Her gaze and mind hollow. “No.” she felt her breath begin to hitch, Alicia’s eyes looking up to meet hers for just a second before Anya was striding towards her. “No!” she grabbed her shoulders, fingers digging harshly into the skin, and shoved her hard into the brick wall behind them. “No, no, no. NO!” Her voice increased in octaves with each growl of incredulity snarled between her teeth, yanking Alicia from the wall and repeatedly slamming her back.
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A scream, guttural and raw, ripped from her core as she pulled her fist back and struck the brick next to her head. “NO!”
The sun soaked soil greedily accepted the bountiful downpour. Alicia watched the droplets race across the glass pane; her breath fogging up her view for a moment before fading back to clarity.  Her bones begged to dance between each cascading bead of forgiveness. Even if she couldn’t grasp onto what she needed to be forgiven for. Her memory was streaked in mysterious clouds of black like tar that glistened with the faintest of colors that mirrored the fractured rays of a kaleidoscope. The harder she stared into the void chasing the prism of light, the fuzzier the information became. Alicia’s ability to hold onto the tangible threads of reality and fight the nightmares worsened with each failure.
Tearing herself away from the window, she danced around the cool hardwood awaiting his return. Max’s figure pioneered any real acknowledgement of time that had passed. Alicia didn’t care to float around the cottage staring at the clock. Her last unsupervised excursion into the city had resulted in a very confused woman with crazily colored hair. Alicia couldn’t get passed the guilt that tore through her at the sight of Harley’s fear. It ran so deep; almost like she’s survived some horrors at her hand. 
Who was I? What did I do?
The thought swirled in her thoughts and her nimble feet went limp. A wobble shook through her core and her knees buckled. Two caution hands were thrown out as she caught herself on the post of her bed frame. Alicia blew out a weak chuckle before meeting two demure hazel lit irises. “We can cross of poised from my list of traits,” she mumbled before straightening up. Alicia’s thoughts were so loud she hadn’t noticed the familiar gait of her savior. “No need to worry,” her thumb pressed lightly between his brows. “I’m okay and look-” her gaze dipped back to the window that seemed to brighten with a freshly awakened sky beaming with sunlight. “You brought the sun with you.” 
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Alicia’s hand fell before coiling behind her back. A mischievous dimpled grin sullied her porcelain laid cheek. “They say a rainbow always comes after a storm and what better way to chase one than prancing to the closer patch of green.” Central City’s own rolling knoll filled with sweet flowers and the scent of freshly baked goods. “I know what you’re going to say but one afternoon won’t kill me. Plus,” she turned back to him. “I’ve got you to protect me. What more can a girl ask for? Max please,” she cooed with a pout.
With far too many poor constructed promises and bitten lips, Alicia happily immersed herself into the flowering sea of patrons shaking off the rain from theirs umbrellas to embrace the bustling market.  Max’s shadows bathed her shoulders with a comforting chill. Although, she wished for a little more space on her leash. Just because she couldn’t recall who once was, she knew who she could be. An independent and semi normal person pursuing each booth with a few dollars to spare. As the waves of bodies split, she could see the dewy roses wrapped in parchment illuminated in a delicate glow. Max’s stoic gait had fallen between the passing crowd but her draw to the vivid red petals had imbued her with courage. 
“How much for one,” she asked with a hurried tone. Why not spend what little she had on a small token of her gratitude to Max? What better why to express such a strong sense of thank than to gift him something so beautiful. Alicia peered up to catch his gaze; she was always the type to ask for forgiven before permission. What she didn’t expect was the lost eyes that locked onto hers. Is this another person who used to know me? Or another lost onlooker enamored by this place? Alicia held for gaze for a moment longer before the soft spoke florist called out to her. Her fingers curled around the five dollar bill before Anya’s hold on her jolted every muscle in her body to falter. The lonely green slip of paper flittered to the ground and sunk in the shallows of a small puddle. 
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“I-- please don’t hurt me..” she choked out as her shoulders scraped against the hard brick. Alicia felt the wind being forced right out of her fragile lungs. The skin around scar from the accident beneath to be pulled taut with every even thrust into the wall. Alicia’s fingers frantically curled around the woman’s wrist as her eyes pleaded for some compassion. “t-take whatever you want,” she begged with tears in her eyes. Alicia flinched at the quickness of Anya’s fist whizzing past her head and crashing into the porous brick. 
@detective-stone @anyaxthewolf​
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
My song on repeat from now on
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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    𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀 consult doing physical therapy,  and still the blonde remains with her arm and leg casted, however, she just changed to a new cast (one that easy to remove even for shower). The jester was moving around with less difficulty, now that she is slowly in process to recover. Quinn had to learn on the harsh way, that not resting wouldn’t make her bones recover that fast. —- The blonde sent a text to her feline friend what she wants for dinner. Why she wasn’t surprised that cats like fishes for dinner?! Between the alternative of Chinese or Sushi, she chooses Chinese.      The street was bit cold and desert, whilst Harley was giving her steps of turtle. This is when she suddenly bumped into the brunette, making her crutch fall on the ground, causing an irritating noise. ❛ I’m so sorry, I should — ❜ Quinn didn’t realize with who she was talking, until she turns her face to the familiar face. ALICIA. ALICIA FUCKING BAKER. ❛ A-–Alicia? ❜ Come on Harley! You didn’t even took drugs today! One voice on her head was telling her it.  ❛ Is th—thaat ya? ❜ She repeated her question with a trembling voice, scared as if she was seeing a ghost and she began to try give a few steps backwards, forgetting her inability for a brief second before stumbling her own feet.  ❛ I’m go-gonnna screaaaaaaaaaaaaam, AHHH! ❜ She stammered, before screaming so louder that any neighbors can hear her. ❛ I see dead people now?! DON’T EAT MY BRAIN, PLEASE DON’T! I’ll do anything, if yer ghost, or zombie but please! I can communicate with the mortals, and do whatever yer heart pleases! DON’T KILL, DON’T KILL ME!  ❜ Harley continued to beg and screaming afraid of the brunette, holding her own head with her good arm, whilst her other arm remains restrained in the cast attached on her body, blinking a lot to see if the brunette vanishes or is it fruit of her imagination.
The city lights twinkled above her head as the clementine sky faded into the cool cobalt horizon. Alicia’s hands spread out to embrace the flickering curiosity that teemed beneath the tight clutches of her worry. She didn’t understand how easily she navigated the streets; yet her canvas chucks beat confidently against the concrete. Alicia promised that she wouldn’t stray far from Max’s outreached hands. His comforting protection one of the few nice feelings that she could muster. Her mind felt like a black void whispering fractured sentences to her psyche. Everything felt so familiar yet so vaguely unknown. 
Alicia turned the corner with haste; her poise-less pivot throw her off kilter. Her body swaying between the throng of people who crowded the sidewalk. In order to side step them, she had to curve along the beveled curb and skipped back into the middle of the long winding sidewalk. Her shoulder slammed into the frail posture of the woman who deserved light and delicate care. The metallic thud echoed in her ears; the sound felt like ice being poured down her back. “I’m so sorry,” her apology withering on her pout lips as she scrambled to pick up the crutch for Harley. Her bright doe eyes followed up to capture Harley’s fear stricken expression before the shrill sound of her voice challenged Alicia’s confident grasp on the truth.
Harley’s retreat only fanned sympathetic instinct that drove Alicia to catch her hand. “I won’t be eating your brains and I can say for certain that I am not ghost. I am sorry for startling you..” she straightened and held the crutch out to Harley with a smile. 
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“Have we met before?”
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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crystal reed in insta video on april 29th, 2020
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
Al. Al. C’mon Ally girl, you gotta wake up.
His voice called from the thick smog that rolled on beyond her. Her hands reached out to chase the panicked beckoning only to be stilled beneath the spidering vines. Her gaze dropped down to plush vines that morphed into black leather restraint. Her father’s voice quieting to the howling screams that fell off her lips. Alicia struggled against the straps that confined her to no avail. The world sat distorted behind the glass. The water rose at her heels with a crashing rumble. Her calves soaked by the murky blue liquid before it raced up along her waist. She couldn’t save herself this time. As the water rose, she struggled until it engulfed her..
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Jolting up from the bed, her hands flush against the partially healed would. Her skin slick with sweat and the blankets that were once neatly tucked beneath her crumpled at her feet. Alicia blinked away the tears that blurred her vision. She didn’t recognize the room. Stumbling up from the bed, she scrambled towards the vanity with a lost expression. 
Where am i?
Who am I?
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arosebyanyothernxme · 3 years
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crystalmreed: feelin grateful, just sayin x
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