#convo : lena
there is something so essentially ‘jonny sims’ about the consequences of mag200 being not just the dissemination of eldritch fear entities but also those very same entities being farmed by a soulless civil service department that runs on caffeine and vitamin d deprivation
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kokomalls · 7 months
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how to kiss Lena (step-by-step guide)
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coffeeshib · 2 years
can you give us a little sneak peek at your upcoming one-shot? how would you describe the story in three words? 👀
crack, dreamy, &.... pwp 🫡
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This is rainaftersnowplease. That post is absolutely Andrea I can't believe I didn't see it
it’s honestly her 6b storyline in a nutshell
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ohcitron · 2 years
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i needed to draw this out
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bookishjules · 4 months
i really think my high school experience can be boiled down to the time my best friend and her first boyfriend (who could barely even be considered such) broke up via text convo. but i was also there, texting both parties throughout the conversation and feeding them responses. i worked very hard using all the skills i'd learned from romance books.. to essentially break up with myself o7
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littencloud9 · 4 months
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schalotte · 9 days
watched treasure 2024 it was ok
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missing u my anons where did you lot go :( come back i beg xx
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feybeasts · 1 year
Was having a convo with friends, and we hit on an important thing that I think a lot of people nowadays forget about worldbuilding. Namely- do not explain everything.
You know what makes something like Warcraft nowadays miserable (from a story perspective, anyways, I could Go On about what’s wrong with modern Blizzard,) at least in part? Why Wookiepedia and the Star Wars EU are often joked about? Because everything, every character, every concept, every strange and mysterious force has been given whole paragraphs of lore at some point or another, and inevitably, a canon explanation of an unexplained thing will be disappointing once the mystery is gone.
You NEED weird background aliens with no purpose other than to be fun setpieces, you NEED strange magic with unclear or hazy rules, you NEED to have mountains not explored, caves un-plumbed, ruins untouched, because these places are where mystery lives, and the human mind eats mysteries up. I could talk about what exactly the process to create biogel is in Faye’s universe, tell you who created the Archives in Lena’s setting and why, and you know what? It would suck, because nothing I come up with is better than what your own imagination as a reader or audience could create.
In many ways, a good setting is a conversation with the reader- it invites them to fill in the blanks, to imagine why things are the way they are, and most importantly, it lets them have their own explanation. It’s why I love something like Armored Core or Elden Ring, even Minecraft- because they understand that anything they could say about where Creepers come from, the face of Greater Order, whatever, is not nearly as good as a rich fanon and healthy exploration of the mysteries they hand you.
Like so many things, friends, it’s a balancing act. As you write, consider not only what to say, but what not to say- your audience and your world will thank you when they’re presented with so many wonderful threads to pull on.
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occidentaltourist · 6 months
Inspired by a convo with @disquietiswhatitis. :) Maybe add your second choice in the tags.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Our Ray of Sunshine -P.G
Also known as Gender Reveal (2), feedbacks are appreciated, enjoy! Fun fact: I didn't knew what Helena name meant, when I searched for it, it matched with the title I had already given to the fic :)
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Summary: Your babygirl is finally here
After the Gender Reveal, all people surrounding you have been over the moon, including you and Pablo, passing from calling it 'It' or 'Baby' to 'She/Her', coming up with names but never getting one, Pablo already had a nickname for her, her aunties, uncles, godfather and even grandparents (Both by blood and by choice/heart) have bought almost every single pink article of clothing, bib, everything, you name it, possible.
They forgot the fact they had already purchased her, a lot of things.
"She's not even born" You began folding her clothes, you already had eight piles of it "and I think I'm gonna have to give a few of these away to others"
"What? Why?" Pablo asked from besides you, looking up from his laptop
"I have already seen the same 'I'm aunties little girl' onesie five times" You look at him, said onesie in your hand showing it to him. He smiled without showing his teeth recognizing the gift as Aurora's one.
"I helped her get that one" You give him a look
"Helena already has that one" You say "In fact, she has other four like that but in different color"
"Just in case she doesn't like the other colors" You narrowed your eyes at him "Also, she's Paula"
"Helena sounds better" You defend
"I like Paula"
"Pablo, I won't put my baby girl your name in femenine!" He laughed hard at that
"I'm just kidding!" He closed his laptop "Helena's beautiful and it has a beautiful meaning" You smiled seeing him sit on the bed, back against the headboard as he grabbed you by the waist and kissed your 34 weeks tummy. Your shining light.
You gasped feeling her kick, you could never get used to it, it was something amazing and her unique way of letting you know she was also there, that she was good, uncomfortable with any x given position, in the convo and in your lifes too.
Even though she hereditated her dad's hard kick and sometimes hurted you a bit, you loved it.
You moved Pablo's hand towards where she was making herself known watching him smile
"You like Helena, little princess?" He asked speaking softly into your tummy leaving some kisses there with a smile on, seconds later, she kicked as you both smiled at each other widely "Helena is it, then"
Two nights after that, you had a bit of trouble while sleeping, she was moving around a lot and no matter what position you got into, it wasn't enough for her
"C'mon, Lena" You whispered "Mommy's tired" You carressed your lower tummy careful of not disrupting Pablo's sleep but failing.
"Something's wrong?" You heard your husband whisper, voice hoarse still filled with sleep "Can I help you in anything?" You hissed stopping your movements, Pablo instantly woke up "C'mon, mi vida. Let's get you up" Pablo stood up inmediately grabbing your hands and pulling you up
"She's being difficult tonight" You managed to say in between breaths. You were feeling an inmense amount of pain in your lower tummy and lower back too.
You took a deep breath feeling the pain knock it out of your lungs, you tried to calm down and take those deep breaths in and slow breaths out just like your mom and Belén had told you to.
"Amor?" You heard Pablo's voice at distance even though he was centimeters away from you, then you felt it.
You felt water run down your thighs and more pain came in
"Did you just-?" You nod humming cutting him off, your hands gripping his tightly "Joder, me cago en la-"
"Pablo" You said warningly taking deep breaths
"What should I do?" He asked you as you gave him a look still trying to breathe properly "Ok, ok! Don't worry, wait here, I'm gonna search for the keys" You nod humming one more time, not really taking in his words you were just keen on making the pain go away.
He left running as you stabilized yourself in your beside table
"Amor, c'mon, let's go" He came back pulling a hoodie of his over your almost naked frame
That's the little story of how you ended up in the hospital two hours later at 5.30am
"It hurts" You cracked out a bit before letting out air
"I know, mi vida, I know; I'm sorry" He kissed your hairline softly "Wish I could take your pain away" He was sat next to your bed, holding his hand tightly in yours "She'll be here soon" You smiled a bit
"She will" You closed your eyes a bit hissing as another contraction hit you "Our parents?" You tried to take your mind away from the pain
"Mine are on their way here along with Au and Javi, yours the car didn't start, they are waiting for you brother to pick them up" You nod "I already called the guys, Pedri and Baldé are here, they're on the waiting room"
"That really sweet of them" You smiled lightly
"Yes it is. Would you like to see them?"
"Later" You took a deep breath already feeling tired "Not a fan of people looking at me while I'm looking awful"
"You're not looking awful at all" Pablo said shaking his head inmediately "You're looking extremely beautiful, more than you always do. You're about to give birth to our babygirl, bring a new life. You're absolutely gorgeous and I love you so much" You smiled feeling another contraction "Feeling okay?" You nod
You spent seven hours more like that, by the time it was due for Helena to come into the world, everyone was inside the room. The guys, your girl friends and families.
"Señora Páez" The doctor came inside with a smile "Ready to bring your little one into this world?" You nod excited as everyone left the room
"Want you here" You whispered to Pablo
"I wasn't going to leave you, mi vida" He kissed your forehead grabbing your hand tightly
"What if I can't do it?" You asked being afraid watching the nurses and the doctor get everything and preparing themselves
"Don't say that. You can and you will do this. You are the strongest woman I've ever met in my whole life, you can do absolutely everything. I love you" He kissed you softly on the lips "You're about to bring the most beautiful thing ever into our lives, mi amor. I trust you, I know you can do this, preciosa"
"Ready?" The doctor asked
"Get ready, mi amor. I'm here with you. Let's become parents"
When you heard those words come out from his mouth, you pushed, pushed and pushed with your everything. You were going to be a mom, you have waited for this moment ever since you found out of your pregnancy, you wanted to hold you baby in your arms.
And you finally collapsed after hearing the doctor's yell of joy, Pablo's arms catching you and soon you heard her screams and you smiled happily
"Here she is!"
"I'm alright" You breathed out with a smile on "I'm alright" You smiled at Pablo, he smiled back at you and kissed your lips
"Dad, wanna cut the umbilical cord?" Pablo nodded excited hand already out to grab the scissors from the nurse's hand.
Pablo was shaking, he was feeling happier than ever and the excitement he was already a dad was settling in
"Momma, here's your babygirl" One of the nurses passed her to you, she was crying but as soon as you got her into your chest she stopped
"Lena, mi amor" You said softly, one of your fingers going to her little hand, as she gripped it tightly "Mi niña hermosa, we're mommy and daddy" Your voice cracked a bit.
You felt arms around you and saw Pablo hugging you both while crying lightly
"Joder, que es preciosa" Pablo let out and Helena wriggled a little, he put his arm underneath yours and she relaxed again, it was beautiufl how she seemed to understand, sense the voices and touches you had given her through your belly eight months back. Soon Pablo's hand gripped both of yours "Hija mía, we're extremely happy to finally have you here with us" You smiled "You're so loved already and we're going to take so much care of you for the rest of your life" He spoke his voice cracking too, he couldn't stop watching her and neither could you "Mommy and daddy love you so much"
She was gorgeous. She was perfect already.
"Thank you so much, mi vida" He finally looked at you "I can't ever thank you enough for this. You've made me a dad and I'm truly and forever grateful for it. Te amo, mi reina"
"Y yo a ti" You whispered kissing his lips. You gestured him to hold her too and he smiled grabbing her "I think she'll look like you"
"I don't think so. She's too beautiful to have my beauty genes" You laughed lightly
"You're extremely handsome, Pablo"
"But you have the good looks in our relationship" He said looking at you smiling, you blushed as he laughed lightly "I can still make your momma blush, Lena. I haven't lost my touch and I better never do" You shook your head
"You know you won't" He winked ready to keep joking until your moment was cut by the nurse who asked him for Helena to check her out and all.
"We're parents" Pablo said as soon as the nurse left with your daughter. You smiled at him and nodded
"We are" You kissed him and broke the kiss thanks to your yawn, making Pablo laugh
"Are my kisses that boring?"
"Oh shut up" You laughed
"Go to sleep for a bit, mi amor. I'll take care of Helena for now" You smiled
"You need to sleep too, you know?"
"I didn't just pushed a human out of me, you know?" You laughed "Go to sleep. I'll be fine with her and if something happens or if she needs you, I'll call you" You nodded "Te amo"
"Y yo a ti" You said closing your eyes
When you woke up, you woke up by some shushing and a few laughs
"Hijos de su madre, que se callen" You heard your husband say "Y/N is asleep and so is Helena"
"Already in dad mode?"
"I swear to God, I will kick you guys out of the room if you don't stay quiet"
"You'll have to kick yourself too" You replied watching Pablo instantly wip his face towards you, you smiled watching the pink blanket on his arms "you're also being loud"
"Sorry mi amor" He inmediately apologized going over to you to kiss you "How are you feeling?"
"Sore and tired" You laughed lightly watching your babygirl sleep in her dad's chest. You made a bit of space in the bed for him and your baby to sit, which he glady took
"Wanna eat?" You nod kind of forgetting about the bunch of people that were in the room
"Hi everyone" You said softly earning a few giggles
"How are you, my dear?" Your mom asked you as you nod lighty
"Never been this good" You smiled
"Congratulations, momma" Pedri said smiling as you smiled back at him
"Thank you, godfather" He blushed coming over to hug you.
Soon you saw the whole team, your close friends and your family fill the room with balloons, teddy bears and some chocolate for you, you smiled widely
"Thank you everyone for being here" You said
"Thank you for giving us the prettiest daughter, grandaughter, niece, friend and babygirl ever" Baldé said winning a few 'aw's' from the guys. You laughed
"She definitely got your beauty"
"Stop with that" You smiled
"Hopefully she got your brains and personality too" Pablo himself said making you laugh, the guys started to talk about something but you shut them off.
You were watching your husband be with your baby girl when she started crying
"Might be hungry" You smiled at Aurora, Pablo passed you Helena as you accommodated her, the guys excused themselves to let you have that first mom-daughter communication but Pablo, both of your moms and Aurora who stayed
"Thank you" Aurora said "For making me an aunt, for giving me the most beautiful niece ever, I wish the two of you as a relation all the greatest things and happiness in the world, and to your little but gorgeous family the same thing" She kissed her brother's and yours temple before coming out of the room
"That might hurt a bit" Belén said making you smile ", but it's the worlds most precious feeling"
"I agree" Your mom said smiling, the two older woman helped you and instructed you om how to breastfeed for the first time before leaving the room, not before both of them thanking you too.
"You can sleep too, you know?" You said to Pablo after a few minutes, he was mesmerized watching the two woman of his life, he shook his head
"Don't really want to" He whispered
"But you have to" You smiled "I'll wake you up if I need anything. It's your time to rest, amor" He smiled giving in after three kisses. He jumped out of your bed towards one that the hospital had put for him.
And with a hand on your thigh he fell asleep. You smiled once more watching the two loves of your lives.
Helena is such a lucky baby, having the most beautiful family by blood and by choice ever. You knew that she would always be taken care of, if you and Pablo couldn't, she was going to be extremely spoiled by them too and she will grow up with so much love, respect and care in every aspect of the words. But you were also lucky to have Pablo in your life and also the guys.
"Lena" You called her softly "You and mommy are extremely lucky" Your eyes shiftened to Pablo "I've got the world's most perfect husband and you've got the world's most perfect dad. That's the man of our lives" You smiled at her as her hand was placed on your chest lightly "I'm sure he'll do anything to see both of us happy, but I'm also sure we only need him to be like that. Am I right?" She gripped your hand and kicked her feet making you laugh, you took it as an agreement of your statement "That's right, my little ray of sunshine"
Helena was in your lives since only five hours ago, but you already loved your little and perfect family of three.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @elijahslover @stuckinaf4nfiction
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While we wait for part three of season one: all of my thoughts on Lena Kelley as of tmagp 20 (spoilers, obviously):
At first, it definitely seemed like Lena was going to be set up as the new Elias. There was this whole mysterious creepy boss vibe happening, especially with all of the subtle food things. Her conversation with Gwen in that first episode was very interesting for both of their characters, but if you look at that conversation while ignoring our knowledge of tma, Lena is being very reasonable. At this point (without tma) there's no conformation of horrors in this universe. Lena is literally just a manager, and her employee is practically threatening her. She has obviously got a lot of patience and is being more than reasonable to not give Gwen some kind of disciplinary action, which, in my opinion at least, definitely goes against the creepy evil boss act.
The whole thing with Klaus is very very interesting, for a number of reasons: first; it gives us a whole new depth to Lena. Why did she do it? Did someone make her? How did she fail so horribly at it? What did she stand to gain? There are so many questions here that make us wonder about her past, but she's clearly not close with any of the other characters and so we are left floundering. She's isolated and so is a mystery. We only get information when it is brought up in conversation or through a statement. Because of this, we have very little to go off of. Her isolation is a point I will come to later. The second thing that this whole Klaus situation does is put her in danger. She now has Gwen threatening to expose her, and it is only after this that she agrees to give Gwen the promotion, AFTER stating how dangerous it is, after warning her so many times. I think that Lena is the canary here. She's been down this path, she's seen what it does, and she is (from what we can gather) worse off because of it. What is really striking here is that on a surface level it seems like she's just gatekeeping informed from Gwen, but as we know after the Lady Mowbray incident, Lena has a protective streak. Retrospectively, we can see that, despite how she feels about Gwen, this protectiveness extends at least in part to her as well.
Another thing I find very interesting is that it seems like the only time she's ever shown is when she's in conflict with someone (apart from that one convo with Sam which I'll get to later), which links in nicely with her apparent isolation. She is always at odds with Gwen in one way or another, and if I remember correctly, aside from the Sam conversation, Gwen is always there when Lena is talking. Gwen is also the one that seems to be initiating these arguments. The only one you could say she didn't start was the Mowbray one, as Lena was the one to bring it up, but she was still the root cause. All of this marks Lena as someone who is constantly struggling, and I am very interested in seeing what her overarching battle will be.
Now. Her conversation with Sam. I have seen two interpretations of it so far, and they have been; "Lena is autistic and thinks this is normal" and "Lena is threatening Sam very subtly as a power play". From what we've seen, Lena is not one to threaten without cause. This would be the first instance of totally unprovoked hostility, unless, of course, she knows he knows something. That would be the only explanation for such threats.
Personally, I do headcanon Lena as autistic (there is more but that'll be a seperate post), and maybe it's me being autistic and so unable to read her, but she sounded normal. She sounded like she was just having a conversation. And to be honest, she's not wrong. Maybe it's a little unconventional only speaking to employees when they're in trouble, but I ask you to look at everything we know already:
Lena has had to kill people she's worked with before. She is actively sending out employees into situations where they could very well die. She is likely isolating herself for her own protection. She knows that people will die in this job. It's happened before. It makes total sense for this to be her outlook on the office and her employees. She's protecting them at a distance, subtly, so there's no way for them to know and get closer to her. Everyone is held t an arm's length because otherwise things get complicated. We see similar things happen in tma, like with the WTG cult, and it's common for writers to stick to themes and idea like that. One of the most relevant themes in tma is about loved ones getting hurt because they're too close and/or get in the way. It's very possible that a similar thing is happening here too.
Tldr: Lena Kelley has so much more depth than people give her credit for and I really want her character to be explored more.
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spooksnett · 4 months
Gwen and Lena's argument
me and my friends have been discussing this since Tuesday as to who we think was in the right. personally I'm more on Gwen's side but I do understand where Lena is coming from.
it's totally understandable that Lena is angry Lady Mowbray was just waltzed right into the building. Lena clearly panicked when she found out. she keeps saying how dangerous she is and Lena works hard to make sure the OIAR is a respected place for all the workers safety. she knows how dangerous that could have been. and yes loads of people have been saying 'Well Lena never said not to bring the externals into the office'. it's common sense guys 😭 Gwen isnt stupid. she knows full well how dangerous it was. Lena has spent years never bringing any externals into the OIAR cause she knows how stupid the idea would even be. Gwen knew bringing Lady Mowbray in was a very bad idea. she says the reason she did it was because Lena never said she couldn't. that's not true though, that's just her excuse
the real reason she did it was because she was scared. After their convo in ep11 it was very clear that it wouldn't surprise Lena if Gwen died to one of these externals. she doesn't have any protection put in place for Gwen. If I was Gwen of course I wouldn't want to go ALONE to another external I have no previous knowledge about. thats basically a suicide mission. who knows what she could encounter. bringing the externals to the OIAR was safer FOR HER (Not for everyone else. I'll come back to this)
Gwen knew it was highly unlikely the externals would attack in the building infront of other people. she knew she'd be much safer doing it this way. but she also knew she was putting the others in danger. Celia has been put in danger because of Gwens decision but I just can't bring myself to blame Gwen for that. She knew it was risky but it was less of a threat to herself. and now that she gained Lena's attention to it MAYBE Lena will put precautions for Gwen and Gwen can use this to pick out more info she needs from Lena.
this wasn't an accident at all 😭 it was definitely thought about. Both sides are totally understandable here. Lena never imagined Gwen would do something like this but now this has happened, Gwen has basically forced her into the position to tell her more info and put things in place to keep Gwen safer. No more sending Gwen out on suicide missions just because she can. SMART HONESTLY
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red-archivist · 2 months
Ah yes, this “watching figure” you mentioned. Presumably you didn’t get any contact details from them?
lena is so funny
but most important thing about this convo?
with the ministerial visit coming up
who is the minister that oversees the oiar and why is it gwen's stoner uncle elias?
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littencloud9 · 7 months
mtp is so good but whenever the politics come on i tune everything out 😭
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