#convo : rok
dyinggirldied · 28 days
My mind suddenly thinking, while Cale is mentally 36, his physical body is around 18-20 years old and everyone knows him as that age.
Like imagine if someone asks him what type of person he would consider dating, he just says, " At least 30 years old, good looking, is rich, etc." But everyone is stuck on the 30 years old part.
Then his family ask why at least 30 and Cale would be like "because it has to be for relationship to work." without elaborate.
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vveirdnobdy · 2 years
This Video but it's Og!Cale post transmigration into KRS
"Team Leader-nim?"
"Just trust the process"
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amarylliasky · 25 days
Number 29!
Soos in TBoaH
-A rough timeline-
- After dying to the unranked monster, Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo find themselves in a forest in the middle of nowhere. They soon realize that, not only are they not in Korea anymore, but their bodies have apparently changed from what they remember. They appear to be a few years younger than when they died. Luckily, they still have their skills and weapons with them in this new world.
- Unluckily, this new world is also apparently overrun with monsters. Great.
- They can only hope that their dongsaeng is doing okay without them.
- Their dongsaeng is not okay without them.
- For the next decade or so, he leads the new Team One with a death count of zero, solidifying his reputation as the number one team leader in the company.
- Until one lazy afternoon on his day off changes everything.
- He had just finished volume five of The Birth of a Hero, when the alarm sounds and swarms of monsters start attacking civilians.
- He can’t leave his team to fight alone, so he cuts his only day off short to assist.
- But he hadn’t expected it to end this way. Sure, it’s all part of the job, he does fight monsters for a living, he just didn’t expect that he’d go out like this; pierced through the heart by a monster with unmatched speed. Well, almost unmatched. He was luckily able to use instant in time to save his teammate. That teammate has a family waiting for him, it’s Kim Rok Soo’s responsibility as his leader to make sure he returns home. Besides, it’s not like there are many to miss him. Sure, his colleagues would mourn him for a bit, but Kim Min Ah will make a fine Team Leader. They’ll be ok.
- Closing his eyes amidst the sound of his teammates crying, he finally allows himself to rest. Maybe in the next life he’ll finally be able to be a slacker.
The rest of this will be Kim Rok Soo’s journey. I’ll do Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk in a different post.
- The boy wakes up in a forest. It’s cold and dark and he doesn’t know where he is. Or who he is, for that matter. It’s as if there’s a fog covering his mind, and when he tries to remember anything, all he gets is a sharp pain in his head and some wooziness. No thank you, he’ll do without.
- After some walking, he decides to take a small rest before BOOM, a wild Radish appears!
- Radish takes one look at the child and instantly sees a new accomplice/underling/successor. Also, this kid looks almost exactly like him, he would be an idiot to let him escape.
- So the boy, in the absence of any other options, trails along after the mask wearing redhead until they reach a secret Arm base, where the boy is given a room and questioned on his sudden appearance.
- After a brief convo in which he learns that the redhead’s name is Barrow, he reveals that he doesn’t have any memories. WS offers to name him, to which the boy answers that he’ll think about it.
- (Here’s the thing. I’m debating over whether to let him get a new name from Barrow before learning of his own name, or to remain nameless before he eventually remembers. So for now, we’ll say that Rok Soo is also debating whether or not to let this random stranger give him a name or think of one himself.)
- As time goes on and Barrow comes and goes, the boy starts picking up random bits of info about this world. Sometimes words of places just come to him, while other bits of knowledge are revealed in a dream or vision. All of this accumulates up until Barrow decides to take him to the Henituse territory.
- Barrow gives the boy some money, along with instructions to buy himself some new clothes and books (if the kid’s gonna work with him, he might as well have some sort of knowledge about the world. And besides, the boy is obviously suspicious of him, so there’s no need for him to know about Arm or the Ws’s goal just yet).
- Krs does buy himself some clothes and books, but he also finds that he has tons more money from Barrow, so why not spend some on a way to protect himself? That’s right, he picks up the shield. While he’s not entirely sure how he knows about this weird power, (or if it’s even real) he has nothing better to do while waiting for Barrow to return from his “errand.”
- After picking up a shield, he also picks up some kittens. Since he doesn’t know about the cat tribe, he also doesn’t know that On and Hong are not ordinary kittens. They follow him around the rest of the day after he gets the shield and he finds them cute, so he decides to take them with him.
- Of course, Barrow immediately recognizes them as Cat Tribe children, but they don’t recognize him. As he is in disguise and they had never actually seen a member of Arm in person before then, they don’t know about the WS or what he looks like. Of course, they are still very scared of this guy who is apparently taking care of their new companion, but they can tell that the boy is completely innocent at least, so they go with him anyway. They are still very cautious around this red haired human-but-not-human, but figure that their boy will not let them get hurt, so they’ll just observe for now.
- Barrow decides not to say anything about them being from the Cat Tribe, letting them get more familiar with the kid first. Which krs does. He figures it out a few days after taking them in. Which works perfectly for him, since he does have a dragon to free in the near future.
- The only problem is how to smuggle a dragon out of the cave without Barrow noticing. While he could ask the man for help, his gut tells him that would be a bad idea, and he’s inclined to trust it. Besides, for whatever reason, this Barrow guy just gives him a bad feeling.
- His chance comes a few days later. Barrow has some business in another region(read: Endable), so he won’t be back for a month or so. That leaves him some time to procure all the needed supplies and equipment to save the dragon and be back, having erased any evidence, before the man returns.
- Luckily, Barrow leaves him in a nearby city, which just so happens to be Puzzle City, another place he’d seen in his dreams housing one of these “ancient powers” that Barrow had told him about.
- Speaking of, when Barrow had returned from Harris Village to Rain City, he was able to immediately tell that Krs had acquired an ancient power. How he could tell, the boy didn’t know, but he is determined to be extra cautious when collecting them from now on.
- WS actually thinks it’s a good thing for krs to be collecting ancient powers. Actually, him finding one on his own just proves even more that he should carry on Barrow’s legacy. In fact, he’s even keeping an eye out for some more for the boy. It’ll take some time, and he will have to be careful so the kid won’t explode, but he’s working on it. That’s one of the reasons WS frequently leaves him for a while.
- Meanwhile, Krs somehow manages to procure the mana disturbance tool and the cutters for the mission (whether through Billos like in the novel or through some other means), and finally sets out for the Tolz territory with several scrolls, potions, and means of quick escapes (one can never be too careful).
- He figures that once he saves the dragon, it’ll go off and do its own thing, so their should be no problem trying to hide it from Barrow after getting rid of the rest of the evidence.
- The dragon follows them. And now he has to figure out how to hide it from the man. He’s got roughly a week. Great…..
- Something tells him that even with invisibility, Barrow would still somehow be able to detect the dragon’s presence. Call it his intuition, which keeps being more and more reliable when it comes to the man.
- He manages to convince the dragon to stay in the cave where he got the Vitality of the Heart. It’s a bit of a hassle, but he promises to come visit when Barrow leaves again or if they have to move.
- He mostly stays away from the main plot, giving Cage and Taylor their new hope while in Puzzle City and saving the dragon will pretty much be the only way he interacts with it for a while. Though with the other Soo’s traveling with Choi Han, they manage to bring some much needed wisdom and stability that the heroes were lacking in the original timeline, “filling in” a lot of plot holes that krs’s absence leaves.
- As krs is absent during the plaza terror incident, Raon is also not there to help diffuse the mana bombs and there is no mana disturbance to interrupt them. He also hasn’t remembered a whole lot of the plot by that time, so he has no knowledge of it.
- So while the heroes travel around solving problems and saving people, Krs is busy collecting the Sound of the Wind, saving and ditching a whale, meeting a barbarian, and somehow getting acquainted with another redhead.
- Throughout the next few months or so, he gets brought to other Arm bases and meets Hannah and the Magic Spearman, training with them some time before they leave to fight the Whales. During all this, he doesn’t actually make a connection between them and the “secret organization.” He’d never actually seen them in uniform before, and even if he had, he’d never remembered.
- Until an offhanded comment by Raon sparks an impromptu vision. It was a vision of a single paragraph in some sort of book. He doesn’t know what it means, but what he does know is that he needs to stay away from whatever this “secret organization” is.
- Easier said than done. Apparently Barrow is apart of this very secret organization. How does he know this? When he saw the Magic Spearman after the fight with the Whales, the man was wearing the very same outfit. Luckily, Raon wasn’t there. That’s a can of worms that he can’t afford to open right now. Not while he’s in the middle of a terrorist organization. Why is this his life? Just what did he do in his past life to deserve this sort of situation?!
- Now he’s gotta tiptoe around Barrow and the rest of the base’s inhabitants. There mostly seems to be low level grunts in their newest “temporary home,” but who’s to say that he won’t eventually meet someone at the level of the Spearman again? Or even more powerful? He already has suspicions about this “Barrow” being some sort of authority figure, given how everyone refers to him as “liege.” Don’t tell him this guy is the leader….
- Really, what did he get himself into?
And that’s about how I imagine events going from the beginning through the sea battle. I’ve definitely got more things planned, but I’ll have to go through the novel again to see which events happen when, and which events from tboah happen or don’t, based on krs’s presence.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
RoR Kyoshi thoughts (From someone who jumped to her parts in the book) SPOILERS
(tw suicide mention)
Ok I finally got to see what's in the damn book. So I skipped to Kyoshi's backstory portions (the only two instances I know of). And........yeah I still don't like it, but it's not......as inflammatory as I thought it'd be. It's just so vague? (I still plan on making that other rant, but I want full context first)
*The only two moments of Kyoshi I know of are the meditation thing and Disha revealing her old companionship.*
I don't know the full context within the book (I'm kind of eh on going into it now because I heard they mary sue'd Sozin/Roku by giving them special powers because they are special boys, which I would've stomached if they just didn't screw Kyoshi over). But what I got from the dialogue within just those two scenes were.........lackluster and odd. (of course maybe I'm missing context, but I know I wasn't lost in the convo and I know some spoilers of what lead up to some, but the interactions AS IS? It's just making me go "hmmm")
Maybe they'll go more in depth in a 2nd novel (I hope not! <3 I don't want another thank you <3 I'm afraid of what you'll do <3), kinda like how we got more Kuruk in SoK. Because there's still a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. And it makes me wonder if they are just taking us for a ride ngl (I'm still recovering from the burns of my other fandom, I'm not giving myself hope that is for the case here, but the feeling is still nagging at me).
I think what annoys me now is..... 1) It still doesn't feel like it lines up with ATLA/LoK, and 2) It's wishy washy.
"Oh she was bad......well not too bad, she did a lot of good. But we still stopped working with her. :) And I mean it was A LOT of good.....but still bad things happened tee hee" Like?????? Pick a lane, don't make it so wishy washy TT0TT
I know they are constraint to ATLA/LoK, aka she needs to be viewed positively. Even by Aang (you know the people who didn't want to work with her?) when he first sees her statue in S1. And like??? Do you REALLY expect me to believe that Chin Village wouldn't be preaching about how horrible she was post-Chin???? Yes they are self centered, but I just know if they could use more slander to their advantage they would.
So anyway, she can't go full mad dog Dani from GoT (still feels like it due to lack of build up, we needed a few more books because RoK/SoK still gives us options of where she could end up, and ATLA/LoK cut off some of those options but there are still plenty of options regardless). Because then it wouldn't line up with later canon.
So like, if it's going to feel weird, maybe go a different route? "Oh we needed a way for her to die" she's immortal not invulnerable! Holy shit. There are 10000s ways you can write her character and it didn't have to lead here. She could've committed suicide because *insert reason*. She could've gotten hurt in battle, BY A SPIRIT! If no human is strong enough, then we can always "Spirit it away". Maybe she died protecting Rangi. Or just protecting someone! Anyone!
Speaking of Rangi. Where is she? :) Where's Rangi? :) This is coming from someone who thought she wouldn't live to see Chin, where the fuck is Rangi? Cause you can't open the book about "oh there's firebenders who can learn immortality" AND THEN NOT DO ANYTHING WITH THAT! You cannot put such an important emphasis on her character in relation to Kyoshi's well being in the Kyoshi novels, and THEN NOT MENTION HER???? Ok ok I haven't read the whole book, but I was told she wasn't even MENTIONED?!
You know, this is why I think something is up. Disha's perspective, the lack of Rangi mention AT ALL, the vagueness of it all esp her death, why it took 2 damn years for her to die???? Something is up. If the next Roku novel comes out and they aren't like "Lol we had you, no she wasn't THAT bad, she did get abandoned by the Air Nomads but that was because of a misunderstanding/betrayal lol" (in all honesty, even more tragic if that was the case. She didn't even do the thing that cause her abandonment, which would track with how unlucky she is). And tbh, if her reputation was fucked over, it'd parallel Kuruk pretty well. (esp if spirits were involved)
Anyway, if they aren't going for a twist later. It feels like they just chose the most obvious/lazy (and not well thought out/planned) idea first. It needed to have a needle thread and I just don't think they threaded it. And it just comes off as messy.
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dayz72 · 8 days
Headcanons/assumptions and guesses about characters I know little to nothing about!!!
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Stanford pines:
gay or Aroace
has ptsd, anxiety, and depression
is dyslexic
smokes ALOT
Had a bf in the 80s that died
plays dnd
shares cigs and beers with Wendy against the will of the other uncle guy
adopts the Mable and dipper
has hallucinations
lives deep in the woods because he withdrew from society after ✨trauma✨ happened
has beef with his brother at first then they are besties again
makes dad jokes
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Bisexual Demi girl
does weed with Stanford
Irish Canadian
is besties with Stanford and has deep convos with him
is besties with dipper and Mable
vampire hunter
curses a lot
owns many many guns
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a bit more childish then her friends but actually the strongest
has a bunch of ocs
writes fanfiction
draws a lot
potion maker
witch possibly?
fights with daggers
basically nifty from hazbin hotel but toned down a bit and more child appropriate
theater kid for sure
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I’m getting Luz vibes
pan and agender
ptsd and anxiety idk why
also theater kid
her and Marcy belt songs
is good with computers
has many plushies
Rok so that’s it for now please tell me what I got right and wrong or what yall agree with or don’t agree with! And please tell me what other characters I should do!
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swiftsaltsweet · 4 months
The Hunt for Kyoshi: Chapter 3- Motivations
Characters: Rangi and Kyoshi (plus whoever appears in Rok)
Pairing: Rangshi
“What are we going to do?” She asked steely, still not looking up from the ground. She was ready to uphold her duty, or at least, what remained of it. “We need you to capture Kyoshi,” Jianzhu instructed. “Capture?” “Yes, we need to set an example of an Avatar murderer,” Jianzhu responded, oh so matter of factly again.
(Canon Divergent AU- “What if Rangi wasn’t there when Kyoshi ran away, and Rangi had to hunt her down?)
Prev chapter
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
A/N: Sorry this one is so short, I literally have nothing else to add to it (esp considering the canon convo that already took place, I just didn't want it to feel redundant).
Jianzhu walked into his gallery where he had left Hei-Ran, who was still pacing the same line he had left her in when Rangi left the estate. He'd excused himself from her presence to write out a quick message to Rangi, to fill in the gaps she was missing, and to make sure she was set with whatever she needed to bring Kyoshi back.
He hadn't expected the girl to lose control as she did; running off without getting all the information and supplies he was preparing for her. But Jianzhu had chosen to look at the incident in a more positive light, he really admired Rangi's ability to take the initiative and not waste time.
If she was really as good as everyone said, then it may be possible for them to get Kyoshi back within a fortnight at most!
Hei-Ran only noticed he had entered the room when she heard the door shut. She looked up and marched out of her trench straight over to Jianzhu, and slapped him.
Jianzhu had expected the reaction, in all honesty he was lucky she hadn't set fire to the estate. Firebending mothers can just be so dramatic.
"She's going to be fine, Hei-Ran," Jianzhu rubbed his jaw, sore from the second slap he'd received from Hei-Ran within the past twenty-four hours. The first time was when he told her his first version of events with Yun, Kyoshi, and Kelsang. This time, it was for holding her back from chasing after her daughter. Or maybe it was also for making her lie to her daughter? To be completely honest, both went hand in hand.
"How can you say she's fine when she looked-" Hei-Rang closed her eyes and looked away, unable to finish the sentence. Jianzhu understood it probably hurt a mother seeing their daughter like that. Grieving…and unstable.
"She's fine," he repeated to his old friend.
"She seemed out of control, Jian."
"She looked like she wanted to kill Kyoshi! Not capture her!" Hei-Ran waved her hands at him for emphasis.
"She won't do that, it would go against her duty. Her mission. Her honor!"
Hei-Ran slapped him again. Maybe he shouldn't have said the last bit?
"Don't you dare speak of honor! Of her honor!" She bellowed at him. Yeah, it was definitely the last part. "And how dare you speak as if you know my daughter better than I?!"
Jianzhu put his hands up in surrender. "You're right, I was out of line."
Hei-Ran took a step back, her fist clenched, but she seemed to accept his apology to some degree. "We shouldn't have lied to her."
Jianzhu frowned, he thought he finally made her see reason. Why they'd have to lie to Rangi, but apparently she needed a reminder. "Hei-Ran, remember, we need Kyoshi back here. That girl isn't thinking straight, she's blaming us for something outside our control."
He put a delicate hand on Hei-Ran's shoulder, and guided her to a chair and sat her down. He had to appear sympathetic, not that he wasn't. He was very understanding for his friend. He knew how hard it was for a parent to see their child go through such an arduous mental strain.
He had felt a similar feeling when Yun couldn't firebend.
"If we told Rangi the truth, how Kyoshi is the Avatar and she ran away under a misconception. Do you think she wouldn't run away with her? It's her duty to look after the Avatar, regardless of whatever asinine decisions they make." He rubbed a hand down his face in exasperation. "Remember Kuruk?"
Hei-Ran flinched at their old friend's name, and a deep frown creased her lovely face. Possibly remembering one of their botched adventures.
"Kyoshi is floundering, she doesn't know what decisions to make, let alone the right ones. And Rangi will nobly follow her because it's her duty." He paused. "And because of how close they are."
"Were." Hei-Ran interjected. "How close they were. We've destroyed a friendship, Jianzhu. If Rangi brings Kyo-"
"When she brings Kyoshi back."
"When she brings Kyoshi back, those two aren't going to be the same." Rangi and I won't be the same. Jianzhu could hear his old friend's other unsaid words in his own mind.
Jianzhu sighed mournfully, but this time he didn't really care. Two girls' friendship was small in the grand scheme of the whole world. Same for a mother and daughters. His friend knew there needed to be sacrifices in life, that's how she got to the position she was at.
Hei-Ran sighed too, exhausted. "I just don't want Rangi to be hurt more than she's already been. She's already lost Yun, I don't want her to lose Kyoshi too."
"I know." Jianzhu went over to a desk and grabbed a piece of paper and a brush. "Which is why we need to bring them both back as soon as possible."
He handed his friend the items, and she took them, knowing he wanted to get started on writing a letter of her own. As she had promised him earlier.
A/N: The next one should be longer, sadly it may take a minute because part of it has to be written alongside ch 5.
Also sorry it took a minute to get this one out, it was mostly because I wanted to make sure ch 4 was mostly done, alongside a big portion of ch 5.
Brightside, I might be posting another Kyoshi/Rangshi fanfic soon (it's a more canon compliant one ;U). This one gets priority tho.
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msbhagirathi · 7 months
It was a nice Sunday morning. Arnav was laying on his bed lazily, half asleep, with his hands folded behind his head. Khushi was, fresh out of the shower, getting ready for the day.
Khushi (quietely inching towards the bed) : Arnavji...? Aap so rahe hain kya...?
Arnav (already squinting at her with sleepy eyes and ruffled hair) : Khushi tum mujhese 'ji'-'aap' karke kyun baat karti ho...? Maine tumse kaha hai na that you are my equal. Tum me aur mujhme koi difference nahi hai.
Khushi (a knowing smile on her face, sat down beside him) : Yeh toh aapka baddappan hai Arnavji, joh aap humse aisa keh rahe hain.( You are being modest, Arnavji.)
Khushi : Hum aapse aise baat isiliye karte hain kyunki hum aapka samman karte hain. Humari nazron mein aapka kad bohot uncha hai.
Khushi : Hum jaante hain ki aap humein apna baraabar maante hain. Lekin aap nahi jaante ki aap humein jaan-anjaane mein kitna kuch sikha dete hain. Aap bhale hi kehte ho ki aap bhagwan mein vishwas nahi rakhte par humne apni puri zindagi mein aapke jaisa, nek insaan, aaj tak nahi dekha hai, joh apne aap ko nastik (atheist) kehta ho.
Arnav : But Khu-
*She placed her index finger on his lips*
Khushi : Hum jaante hain ki aapko purani baatein yaad karne ka koi shauk nahi hai par aaj humein bolne dijiye Arnavji. Aap humesha humein chup kara dete hain par aaj hum bolenge aur aap sunenge.
Khushi : Aaj hum aapko batana chahte hain ki hum aapki itni izzat kyun karte hain.
Khushi : Hum samajhte hain ki aapke liye kisi par bharosa karna kitna mushkil hai. Humein ab samajh mein aata hai ki, aap par kya beeti hogi, jab aapko yeh laga ki, jis ladki se aap pyaar karte hain, usne aapki zindagi ke sabse ahem insaan ke saath, dhoka karne ki koshish ki hai.
Khushi : Beshak tab aapke paas hum par vishwas karne ki koi vajah hi nahi thi kyunki tab hum aapke liye koi nahi the.
*Arnav knew where this was going and closed his eyes to steel himself*
Khushi : Hum jaante hain ki, har roz aap apne aap ko koste (curse) honge. Aapko lagta hoga ki, na aap Di ki raksha kar paaye aur na hi aap, humari vajah se, humare liye, apne aap ko, rakshas banne se rok paaye. Aapne kabhi socha hi nahi hoga ki, jis ladki se aap itna pyaar karte hain uski, nazron mein aapko itna niche girna hoga, ki aap apne aap se bhi nazrein nahi mila payenge.
*Arnav slowly starting to get teary-eyed, turned his face away from her, to hide it*
Khushi : Hum jaante hai ki hum galat nahi the phir bhi humare saath galat hua par hum yeh bhi jaante hain ki aapko bhi utna hi jhelna para tha. Hum samajhte hain ki aapko kitni ghutan hui hogi. Chahte hue bhi aap hum par vishwas kar hi nahi paaye honge.
*She laid her head on his chest with tears rolling down her face*
*Arnav slowly starting to sob, placed his hands softly on the back of her head, caressing her hair gently*
Khushi (speaking through her shaky voice) : Hum jaante hain ki aapko kitna dard hua hoga, ki aap hum se kitna pyaar karte hain, ki aapne hum par vishwas kiya aur humein mauka diya, humare pyaar ko apnaya.
*She started crying bitterly, shaking, trembling against his chest*
*Fresh tears, big and hot, rolled down his face as he took in her words*
He gently pulled her upright, sat up and wrapped his arms around her tightly, eyes shut, tears flowing continuously, his body trembling with the weight of the emotions, that her words held.
****Both of them sobbed for several minutes, calmed down gradually****
Khushi (wiped her tears, sniffing) : Isiliye jab hum aapke pair chune ke liye jhukte hain, toh aap humein roka mat kijiye.
Arnav (wiping his tears, look at her, pursing his lips) : Theek hai. Lekin SIRF tumhare liye.
Khushi (grinned) : Wada kijiye humse! (extended her palm)
Arnav (held her hand, smiling) : I promise, Khushi. Tumhare liye, kuch bhi.
Khushi : Hum bhi na! Ek hi din aap chutti par ghar-pe hote hain aur woh bhi hum roh-dho ke barbaad kar rahe hain.
She stood up hurriedly to complete drying her hair with the towel and placed it on the recliner.
Arnav : Tum chah kar bhi mera waqt barbaad nahi kar paogi, Khushi. (Note- *cue* when he had said something similar but very different to La, in her intro epi)
He made his bed, hung the towel on his shoulder and walked to the bathroom.
Few minutes later....
Khushi (to Garima, smiling dreamily) : Amma, aapko pata hai! Humare Arnavji duniya ke sabse acche pati the, hain aur humesha rahenge....
So.....I tried this one in Hindi....shall I...umm...is it better in English..? I don't even know... Also I don't know if I am allowed to casually tag people here or not. But I wanna thank them as well...so..
Phati-Sari, Jalebi-weds-bluetooth, Paobhaji, chutkiandchotte, onadaanparindey, dimaagkadahi, kashmakash, arnavsinghraizada, laadgovernorandsankadevi, pakki-ya-nahin and all the other IPK fans as well..
Mentioning all of you here because I have huge amount of gratitude to all of you, in some way or the other, I owe you the entertainment that I have received and enjoyed from all of your content and that too for...um...FREE!?!?! I can never thank all of you enough for all that you have done and are still doing for us IPK kids. So, I am trying to do something close to what all of you have done... THank you from the bottom of my heart.
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commajade · 1 year
someone tagged my ravi post as "hot take forcing citizens to enlist in the military is bad! is anyone gonna say it?" like who tf do u think i am. everything i post about korea is based on the premise that the rok is a neocolonial militarized state do u think korean ppl aren't having this convo just because i didn't explicitly say "this obviously bad thing is bad by the way!"
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chuunicalesimp · 3 years
Kim rok soo, angrily: ARE YOU-
Choi jung soo: Fucking
Kim rok soo: -KIDDING ME! YOU
Choi jung soo: fucking.
Kim rok soo: IDIOT-
Kim min ah: what was that?
Choi jung soo: the team leader banned rok soo from swearing, so i have volunteered him out-
Kim min ah: but you do realize that he is saying all that to you and you just helped him swear to yourself?
Choi jung soo: ....
Choi jung soo: ..oi rok soo
Kim rok soo: *shrugs* you volunteered yourself
Choi jung soo: .... istg-
Lee soo hyuk: *dumbfounded* yeah jung soo, you are banned from swearing too
Choi jung soo: .. but .. but .. DAMN IT ROK SOO
*meanwhile kim rok soo had already slipped away when he saw lee soo hyuk come in*
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I'm watching Touch Your Heart and the main leads are the most cliched examples of an INTJ×ENFP relationship I have ever seen.
She's a ball of sunshine and he's a shard of ice.
And he melts for her
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ciriwrites · 3 years
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i love this scene so much, not only because it’s from episode 11, which is my favorite mctna episode in general (so many good things — bang won fighting his brother with a fan, hello, seon-ho dropping hwi off at a doctor’s when the poison gets the better of him, sung-rok and seon-ho having their little convo at their own plotting hideout (which i consider to be pretty much their own version of that wooden hut seon-ho and hwi hung out at), and so, so much more), but because of the way they set up this scene?
bang-won in his discreet, plain black robes behind his father’s ostentatious outfit as king, a metaphor for the fact that he’s right behind his father, and that he’s going to take his father’s position soon, is only further emphasized by how they’re perfectly in step during this sequence. as yi seung-gye takes a left step, bang-won does so in unison. he’s following in his father’s footsteps. it’s also what i consider to be a reference to their relationship: yi seung-gye, up to this point, has been leading bang-won as if his son’s his shadow. he does the dirty work behind him for him as an extension of yi seung-gye, not acknowledged by the king as his own person in his own right, but just...a sharp knife and a thick shield.
and then they both stop, perfectly in step, perfectly mirroring each other, but you can see their statures compared. bang-won is following, but he’s grown taller than his father, and has successfully grown out of his father’s shadow, which only further represents the turning point that this acts as for the series. note how yi seung-gye is in the front during them walking, the camera angled as to make him appear taller, whereas that changes when both of them stop to reveal their true heights.
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stars-n-light · 4 years
thoughts on language barriers in TKN???
(disclaimer they aren’t actually analytical thoughts? just HCs :”0 )
(also disclaimer these are just my own HCs bc i’m half canto, also ik it’s super incorrect to completely assign any specific identity/language/dialect equivalent of the real world to avatarverse bc there just isn’t a parallel to make, but this is just fun musings, pls don’t take this seriously)
jianzhu mentions offhandedly that the earth kingdom dialects have been split so heavily in the north via the south, and so i imagine that yun and jianzhu speak similar dialects--we can presume that the earth kingdom was never particularly unified and existed as provinces, so maybe their dialects were similar enough that they understood each other. and maybe northern earth dialects was more standardized, so kelsang, as a monk, and rangi+heiran, as high-ranking nobility and soldiers, would have learned northern dialect specifically. i imagine as part of yun’s training that he learns the other dialects as well as the languages of the other three nations, just to perfect his communication abilities.
kyoshi, however, spent her childhood traveling all over with hark and jesa, right? i imagine she picks up multiple dialects as well as the native air nomad’s language, and although she never uses them during her time in yokoya, she still remembers them and ends up picking up the southern earth dialect (which i imagine to be a pidgin from the SWT and the original earth kingdom dialect) as her dominant speaking language,,
coming to the mansion, there’s a slight language barrier, she can’t quite understand yun or jianzhu or rangi or literally anyone else, and so kelsang tasks it upon himself to teach kyoshi the northern dialect so she’s not kept out of convos w everyone else. rangi eventually joins in, and everyone is pleasantly surprised w how quickly kyoshi picks it up (just bc she just needed to jog her memory, although it simultaneously triggers negative emotions :( ).
but i also believe in the inherent homoeroticism of overcoming language barriers, so i imagine rangi learned north earth dialect in school and as such is very not well-versed with slang and stuff, and so sometimes yun and kyoshi will throw that around rangi and rangi gets super flustered and later during lessons w kyoshi kyoshi also teaches rangi some of southern earth dialect so that she and rangi can tease yun later
(this later comes in handy when kyoshi and rangi flee bc the FOC speaks primarily the southern earth dialect--kirima and lek picked it up when they first joined and still remember their native languages, wong i hc to be from ba sing se so it was a slight adjustment)
does that make sense?? i’m just very emotional about pre-ROK rangshi and yun
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
shaadi mubarak 16.09.20 lb
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ugh a wholeass tarun/rati episode? literally who asked for this?!!?!?!!!?
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ugh i am just fwding, i really don't wanna watch these two beghairats.
piyu has done lotsa shopping for new job and kusum is oohing and aaahing. too cute.
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i love how freeeeeee KT is with the kotharis. he's gonna prank kusum isn't he??
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LOL WAR OF THE RIDICULOUSSSSS SUNGLASSES. sachhh mein ram milaye jodi these two are!!!!
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lol preeti's sweet eye rolls and smirks at his theatrics.
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awww man, poor kusummmmmmmm is sooooo sweeeet, she's doing minnatein for preeti.
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KT really milking this the most.
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my god, all the kothari women have gotten distraught. bless their hearts.
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“rajess khanna ki line hai, aaapki naa hai!” lmao kusum refusing to be consoled by KT, toooooo cute.
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preeti's smile is pureeeeeeee sunshineeeeeee.
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my heart gets all happy and glowy when i hear him call her “preeti partner”!
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kusum ki khushiiiiii is indescribableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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lol ofc kusum/KT have to wear their ginormous sunnies for the selfie.
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MY OT3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i love juhi's simpleeeeeee outfits so muchhhhh.
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lol kusum wants chamak dhamakkk waala outfit, with gota and zariiii maxxxxxx. 
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what is this aankhon hi aankhon mein convo between juhi/preeti?
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kusum totally upfrontttt about being jelllyyyyyyyy that preeti gets to hang out with KT all day.
idk kusum, he seems best in small doses. i really don't envy preeti for having to handle him all day.
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whoops. yeh thoda too much ho gaya, kusum.
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yeah, no need to drag the buzurgs into all this right now.
oh ho preeti and her farzzzzz.
thank god, bua-saa is out on thirthhh yaatra.
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lmao kusum is so me with the ‘achcha hua, bala taliiiiii’.
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KITNE ALARMS?!?!?!?!?!
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what he needs is a cat. best alarm clock in the world. i haven't overslept a single time since i got mine.
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chacha is serving the function of cat here.
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bechaare chacha will have to do this every morning now.
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kajal aur aastha mein ghamaasaan yudh about earrings.
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kusum is like “STFU. or don’t. idc.”
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preeti trying to be cautiously optimistic, but kajal ka excitement is at 4000%.
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kusum more saji dhajiii than she was for tarun's shaadi also.
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ugh tarun scene. nahiiiiiiiii chahiyeeeee.
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kusum, juhi. and kajal's ugh faces are giving me liiiiiiiiiiiife.
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“beendini pooja toh kar sake?”
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“badhaai ho.” snort.
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ugh. honestly the mosttttttttttt.
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omg rati you suckkkkkkkk.
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preeti, honestly, kis mitti ki bani ho tum???
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“apni mamta aise bachchon pe mat lutaa!”
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“bohut khushi ho rahi hai bete ki tarakki dekh kar. iss mann ko main nahi rok sakti.”
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“pakad ke rakh le apne andar!!!!!!” lmaooooo
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yeh lo ji, sachiiiii waali luxury gaadi aa gayi inko le jaane.
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but preeti and her aatmasammaan look like they'd rather take an uber. 
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whoops. slight awkward moment about “ardhaangini” and all, but KT handled it well, methinks.
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aviatrickss · 5 years
Vox Machina Episode 26!!!
It’s so funny watching them like.... worry gossip about Percy. They’re such a good friend group
The Gang Decides Where They Stand on Murdering Fleeing Defenseless Enemies
Also ironic that they’re having this convo without Percy, who is maybe the most pro-Murder of them all
Vax: please give me my snake back
The little hrghh noise Scanlan made when Matt reminded them that this was where Pike died :’)
Ooooooooooh Assum got a long-game goin’
Everyone else is totally wrapped up in the Uriel/removed from the council drama and Vax is just like BELT???? ANYONE SEEN MY FUCKING BELT?????
Scanlan: we love the elderly. We’re NOTORIOUS for loving the elderly and treating them with care and respect. No one loves the elderly like Vox Machina
I’m laughing so hard at Scanlan asking Jarett to make sure Percy doesn’t kill the prisoner dude snsnwjzna
“YOUR KID IS WEIRD” znddjekvnwndn
I absolutely lost my shit when Keyleth asked which cow looked like the “alpha male” oh my GOD
“My cow goes stealth”
Scanlan Dimension Door-ing on the monster’s back and then Travis absolutely throwing him under the bus by shouting that he needs to do an acrobatics check
“You never need to worry about me. Haven’t you guys learned that by now? I’m fine, I’m FINE!” (Scanlan would come to regreat saying that in like 20 episodes)
“Earlier you said that this place was perfect because there were no large predators. Well, you’re looking at six large predators.” DAAAAAMNNNN SCALAN
Grog growing out the other side of his beard as the rok flew out over the sea was beautiful
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dcsnyder · 3 years
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The homies @djmrok and @leedzedu are talking #Hiphop today. Should be a great convo! Repost from @blakmadeen • At 3pm, our @spitslamrecordsofficial labelmate @djmrok will chop it up on IG live with @leedzedu. Tune in! Now based in Chicago, M-Rok is an ultra-talented scratch DJ and boombap producer. We had the honor of featuring on his recent album #NightOfTheLivingJeepBeats. He also did some cuts on our #LetTheGoodGetEven album, and he just released a project with @senseifromnj. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSzbp0TrraH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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briefinternetlady · 4 years
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"When it's fate,there are no coincidences". - Jeong Tae Eul ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ time is fast as lightning nowadays & now,#TheKingEternalMonarch is ending.there are tons of superlative words to describe the series & few of those would definitely be BRILLIANT, EXCELLENT & HIGH QUALITY.ep 15 was masterly compelling.🙌 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tae in danger was suspenseful.Shin finally facing Lim was thrilling,Shin's past is sad.Nari meeting Lim & Eunsup seeing them was interesting,Eun's presence can really change a mood.Luna & Tae meeting at front of Nari was a nice scene,their convo after was kinda blue.its amazing how #KImGoEun 's eyes can convey 2 emotions at a time.Gon & Tae reunion was so lovely yet it got me teary eyed.Gon nursing Tae is love & emotional.their goodbye moment was so heart wrenching,those rules & dreams.Yeong saying adieu to Eun brought me tears,aww.#WooDoHwan never fails to be impressive.Gon back to ROK was intense.the next scenes were just riveting:Shin meeting his mom,Gon's same face mom died,the time stopped. Gon & Lim confrontation was action packed.the scenes at the gates were so thought provoking. Gon's decision about the manpasikjeok was intriguing.Tae giving Luna her spot for awhile was a twist.Shin confessing her feelings to Tae & Tae begging him to hand over the manpa.. was rendering,ouch,thumbs up to #KimKyungNam.Gon in ceremonial outfit & on full determination of sacrificing himself is rendering,#LeeMinHo is portraying his role at its impeccable acting.Yeong going w/him made me in awe of his loyalty.💜 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #kdrama#koreandrama#한국드라마#드라마#한류#bittersweet #koreanentertainment#더킹영원의군주#leejungjin#jungeunchae #thekingtheeternalmonarch#love#blue#goodbye#fate#life#final#truelove#world#heart#best#kdramaquotes#kdramaland ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ p.s the latest stills are making me nervous,haha.i want this series to have season 2 though.whatever happens,im rooting for a happy & justifiable ending.let's all unite for a sure epic ending.🤗 congrats team TKEM!!🎉🙏🏻 *credit to Netflix (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBSVP1TJQqf/?igshid=6tx9bwq9cxge
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