#convo : max
lestappen-inchident · 3 months
Charles: I’m not feeling well lately, I’ve been so nauseous.
Max: Maybe you’re pregnant.
Charles: I don’t know who’s the bigger idiot. You for suggesting that, or me because I almost had a panic attack.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Dustin posting a Tiktok where the background is a screenshot of his last text conversation with Steve.
Steve sent him a text that says ‘I will destroy you’ followed by a text that says ‘LOL sorry, meant to send that to Eddie.’
Dustin’s just like, “RIP Eddie Munson. I don’t know what you did but start groveling.”
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randomfingthings · 4 months
Have we thought of max in these trying timessss, man had to cofather Ollie and have Leo take his name (ish) and now Charles went and got another kid for him to cofather yet again 😭😭
In Charles‘ defense (not that he really needs it, he just gotta bat his lashes a little and Max can’t say no) Max technically started it when he adopted first Jimmy and Sassy and then Liam Lawson.
Though Charles was admittedly very quick at doubling that number of kids 😅😭
So what you’re saying issss (and totally agree 🤣)
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But damnnn do they have their work cut out for them 😭🤕
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
so many thoughts about this interaction (husband-coded) but my main one is the way charles looks at max when he thinks max isn't watching him 👀
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stubz · 7 months
"You said you'd be better after the Tri-Eclipse festival, when we all come back from vacation."
"Yeah that's right."
"Will you promise me that you'll run with me when we get back?"
"...I'll do my best. Yeah. I'll do my best buddy."
"Max when we get back after the holidays will you run with me?"
"Yeah. I'll start training, practice running."
"Oh yeah, cause it's been a long time since you ran."
"Yeah...almost 2 months...wow."
"Got any plans for the 2 weeks we get off?"
"Yeah I'm gonna train."
"Train for what?"
"Running. I told the kids I'd run with them when we get back."
"Aww that's cute. But yeah you need to test things out right? Start off slow so as to not overdue it when you play with them again."
"Yeah...wanna hear something funny?"
"I, I miss running. I know I said I hate running and that I only ran with the kids because it's good exercise but...I miss it." he puts down his fork. Staring at his plate of food from the ship's cafeteria. He continues.
"I had a dream last night. I was on Earth, in a field of tall grass and flowers, it was summer. The sun was shining, a beautiful warmth on my skin, with a cool gentle breeze on my skin. I was barefoot. I could run and I ran for miles. I ran even after my lungs were on fire, even when the sun went down...I miss running."
Going on field trip. Yanosh came early so we took the noon shuttle. Come as soon as you can. Shuttle A-11.
'I didn't know we had a field trip today.' he thought after reading the text Kim sent.
He grabbed his hoodie and the other emergency bag and made his way to the shuttles. Luckily the A-11 was an express and he would be wherever it was going in 20 minutes.
12 minutes into the ride he noticed that they were approaching Earth.
Turn left in 200 meters...You have reached your destination.
"...ha haha hahahahaha! Are you guys serious?!"
"Surprise Max!!"
In front of the young man was his class of youngling alien children (with a handful of humans ones), co-worker and friend. Standing in a field of tall grass and flowers. Yanosh and Kim held a banner saying congratulations.
"I know you've been training in the gym but I thought you'd want your first real run to be somewhere...special."
He scooped his friend into a hug. Then pulled in the children until they were all sent crashing down into a pile full of laughter and giggles.
"You ready?"
"Yeah, yeah definitely!"
And for the first time in 2 months human Max ran. Past the slowest ones first. He tried to pat every one of them on the head as he flew bye. Broke through the pack of the average runners. A laugh trailed behind him. One by one surpassed the faster one's. His unused lungs somehow allowing him to whoop in-between pants.
He raced every child. Played every game he could not play before. Carried those who longed to be carried again. He ran despite the burning in his lungs and the sweat in his eyes. He ran through the pain in his feet and the exhaustion in his body until he collapsed.
Laying there in the dirt surrounded by the children and his friend he smiled. And he wore that smile in his sleep on the way back to the centre.
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overtake · 1 year
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#1 Fernando Fan | Spain 2023
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seatawinan · 1 year
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longmaxsilvarg · 1 month
something about max being dressed in lighter colors at the beginning of the game vs her almost being dressed in all black / just straight up dark colors near the end just scratches my brain so good
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caruliaa · 8 months
angel on my shoulder, trying to get my attention and slowly growing smaller with a more squeaky voice as it speaks : please ! wouldnt it be so "based" and "slay pilled" if you let you weary body rest ? it is almost 2 am for goodness sake ! weren't you so tired earlier ? your body is precious ! it deserves rest ! please !
devil on my shoulder, pounding a celsius: you need to join a discord convo thats gonna keep you up for at least another hour with people in a differnt timezone for the fifth night in a row ruight fucking now
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year
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MAX VERSTAPPEN & CHARLES LECLERC Post Qualifying // Monaco GP 2023
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for28seconds · 1 year
These two are in their own world 😂. The fia guy had to interrupt cause they were going in the wrong direction lmao
Video- @/leclercsletters on twitter
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boltsinmycereal · 1 year
✨Besties who are sick together stick together✨
Ft. Sleepy Lando in Max’s stream
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie posting to Tiktok: So, I just got home and Steve’s not here which is fine but it is where I left him. So, I send him a text asking where he’s at and-
*Eddie makes his background a screenshot of their text conversation. Eddie texted ‘where are you?’ and Steve responded with that gif of Spike saying ‘out for a walk, bitch’*
Eddie: who taught this man about gifs? Do you have any idea how fucking funny this is going to be?
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jaesawalth · 8 months
*daniel after a workout*
max: he so sweaty 🥵
charles: LMAO
lando: BRO HIS SHIRT???
charles: DAYUUUUMM
lando: PUT IT BACK ON???
charles: LICK HIS ABS
max: ON GOD
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I need to see Nancy meet one night stand Reader😂 i just wanna see how it goes.
Hiii babes!! We’ll ask and you shall receive 😂 I hope you enjoy these conversations! I also added Max and Robin into the mix as well just to get that outta the way!💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
-also reminder you’re not very nice(yet) in this series so like…there’s that😂🙈
*Eddie just wants you to meet some of his friends and per usual you’re not really in the mood*
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“Hey I’m Nancy…it’s uhm great to finally meet you.” “Yeah? Why is it so great?” “Jesus can you be nice for like five minutes? Please?” “Fuck off Eddie and leave me alone…I don’t need a damn babysitter to meet your friends.” “Fine I’ll just…be over there…sorry in advance if she makes you cry.” “Uh…okay…” “It’s nice to meet you…so uhm you’re Will’s older sister?” “Uhm close I’m Mike’s older sister….” “Sorry they all kinda blend in…can I ask you a question?” “Sure sure yeah…go ahead.” “You get your car worked on a lot?” “What? My…car? No not really…oh that’s right I saw you at Eddie’s work the other day.” “Yeah I saw you too…have you two…hooked up or anything?” “Me and Eddie? God no…no no never…ever.” “Why’d you say it like…that?” “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude but uhm no Eddie and I are just friends…I uh did date Steve…for a bit.” “Snackless Steve? You dated him?….yeah I guess I can see why Eddie isn’t your type then.” “Snackless Steve?” “Long story…gotta save it for the next time we see each other or we won’t have anything to talk about.” “Right…..”
“It’s Robin right?” “Yes that’s me…you waiting for Eddie?” “Yes he told me to come to family video and wait with Robin until he gets here.” “What’s with the step by step instructions? He think you’re five or something?” “He does it because he knows it annoys me…” “ah…got it…so…what’s it like?” “What’s what like?” “Well having Eddie’s baby and having to deal with…all that.” “I haven’t had the baby yet so I don’t know what that’s going to be like…I’m assuming it’s going to suck ass…as far as dealing with Eddie I try to limit the time we spend together but it’s hard because he always wants to be around me…he’s fucking clingy.” “Yes! I knew it wasn’t just me! He’s like a damn spider monkey…doesn’t know personal space at all.” “Exactly…oh I think that’s him.” “Did he just-” “honk at me again asshole and I’m slashing your tires and calling Wayne.” “I like you.” “Thanks…you’re not terrible either.” “I’ll take that.”
“So he really knocked you up huh?” “He did…but he’s not…totally horrible.” “That’s good…but if he ever gets mean let me know and I’ll shove a potato in his exhaust pipe.” “I appreciate that…sorry what’s your name again?” “I’m Max…I live just over there…whats he doing anyway?” “He has convinced himself he can build a backseat in the van for a car seat…” “that’s…not going to work.” “Yeah he’s kinda an idiot…” “you sure know how to pick ‘em…” “it was dark and I was drunk okay?” “Son of a bitch…what the fucking hell…” “that’s my queue…gotta go tell him he’s a dumbass…nice talking to you Max.” “Yeah same…see you around.”
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maidstew · 2 months
au where gaul found out about the cannibalism and congratulates nero price and rewards him with another maid stew
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