artemisxyz · 2 years
Thought #2
Don’t you hate it when someone Rickrolls you?
Btw… don’t scan the QR code I use for my profile picture…
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artemisxyz · 2 years
Overwatch Short Story
*Playing as Echo*
*Sees an enemy Lucio on a booping map*
*Prepares to use ult*
*Hits wrong character*
*Is now playing as Doomfist*
*Proceeds to launch oneself into the abyss*
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artemisxyz · 3 years
Thanks to my team distracting the enemy team, I was able to cap the point in overtime ☺️
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artemisxyz · 3 years
Common Mistake
*sees Cassidy*
Me - “Hey, it’s McCr… Mc… McCowboy”
Me - “It’s McCowboy” :)
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artemisxyz · 3 years
First Quintuple kill Play of the Game as Echo, as D.Va
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artemisxyz · 3 years
An Overwatch Truth #4
One of my favourite things about Overwatch is when an enemy ults and then all you hear is screaming in the voice channel. Let the panic... begin
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artemisxyz · 7 years
How To Make Friends In Overwatch
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artemisxyz · 7 years
Just Playing As Sombra And This Happened…
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artemisxyz · 7 years
An Overwatch Truth #3
Me: What do you get when your team is only composed of offensive characters?
My Team Mates: What?
Game: Defeat
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artemisxyz · 7 years
Famous Last Words #2
Reinhardt: Hammer Do-
Sombra: Appagando las lu-
Mercy: Heroes Never Di-
Genji: Ryūjin no ken o kur-
Torbjörn: Molten Co-
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artemisxyz · 7 years
Healers on Overwatch #2
We’ve all been there.
You’re low on health and you say ‘I need healing’ infront of a healer, and they just decide to run off and get killed.
Thanks a lot, Moira.
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artemisxyz · 7 years
An Overwatch Truth
Me: What do you get when you have a team with no healers or tank heroes ?
My Team mates: What?
Game: Defeat
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artemisxyz · 7 years
Famous Last Words
McCree: It’s High No-
Soldier 76: I’ve got you in my si-
Reaper: Die. Die. D-
Pharah: Justice Rains from a-
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artemisxyz · 7 years
Healers on Overwatch
I was playing as Pharah recently and I was low on health, so I said the famous phrase “ I need healing”. Well, I was a bit surprised by the next thing that happened. Both Moira and Mercy charged over to heal me and both proceeded to. I noticed that they started fighting over who should heal characters.
I did run away from them once as they both came to heal me, which was funny because they were probably thinking ‘Game On’.
What I learnt from it:
At least you get healed quicker
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artemisxyz · 7 years
Protective Barrier Activate?
Let’s have a moment silence to all those team mates who kept on dying because Orisa didn’t know how to place her shield.
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