Hot tip, hot tip! Since I know all you gorgeous gals love a good amazon purchase here you go.
Since we have entered quarentine season a lot of you will be working (or pretending to work) from home. When you’re working from home what are we all doing? Staring at screens 24/7, like I am right now. Hey, I personally think everyone needs them even if they don’t work on a computer.
I present to you…
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Ok, lets discuss the 10 million pound elephant in the room. Coronavirus AKA COVID -19. Whichever way you fancy. This is horrific This is brutal. This is unfair. This is devastating This is all the things. From the bottom of my heart if you or anyone has suffered directly or indirectly from this I’m sorry and I pray for you. We will get through this and things will get better.
Now on a lighter…
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Girl, we are just gonna keep unpacking this "where have I been" suitcase. Long story short I have a dear friend who is in real estate.
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Great, day two and she’s already trying to sell us something. Swipe to shop! NO! So part of my journey (gosh I really need to find another word for that) was finding out what makes me, me. One of the biggest gifts of my life is my creativity. I have strongly felt I have lost my creativity in the last 10 years. It’s like I lost a limb. I didn’t feel like me. But you know you do as you do and keep…
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Yikes, that’s a loaded question. No but seriously, all my content is gone, my blog has a new look- a lot has changed. I’m speaking in terms of the blog and me. Honestly, I just got bored. I wanted something well, I guess more me. After all, the blog is named after me. So shouldn’t there be a little more me?
About 5 or so years ago I began on this journey (kill me) of self improvement. Wow isn’t…
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Introducing...Sarky Designs
Introducing…Sarky Designs
Hi friends! So I wanted to take a minute to introduce you guys to something I’ve been working on. As you may have noticed I went a little MIA for the past 6 months. Well…I’ve been building a business!
Sarky Designs is a business I started that sells mainly blankets but many other things too. I have everything from Harry Potter to Disney to NFL designs. Check it out!
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Hey friends! Here’s the rest of the photos!
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ashley beth
Disney Part 2 Hey friends! Here's the rest of the photos! xoxo ashley beth
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Hi friends! Thought I’d share some pictures from my Disney trip. Here you go!
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  come back for more later!
ashley beth
Disney 2019 Hi friends! Thought I'd share some pictures from my Disney trip. Here you go! come back for more later! xoxo ashley beth
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Heritage Store: Rosewater Spray
Heritage Store: Rosewater Spray
Hey friends! Welcome back, it’s been a while. I was away on vacation and I can wait to share it with you all real soon! Today lets talk about my favorite Rosewater spray. Rosewater spray is a great way to hydrate, control oil and balance pH. Not only is it literally made from roses it smells delicious as well. One of my favorite rosewater sprays is the Heritage Store spray. You can find it at Thr…
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Hey friends! Do we follow each other yet!? Follow me @ashleybethbeaut
I’d love to see what you guys are up to and follow y’all. Have a great week everyone!
ashley beth
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Hey friends! Do we follow each other yet!? Follow me @ashleybethbeaut
I’d love to see what you guys are up to and follow y’all. Have a great week everyone!
ashley beth
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Hey friends! Do we follow each other yet!? Follow me @ashleybethbeaut
I’d love to see what you guys are up to and follow y’all. Have a great week everyone!
ashley beth
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Hey friends! Do we follow each other yet!? Follow me @ashleybethbeaut
I’d love to see what you guys are up to and follow y’all. Have a great week everyone!
ashley beth
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Hey friends! Do we follow each other yet!? Follow me @ashleybethbeaut
I’d love to see what you guys are up to and follow y’all. Have a great week everyone!
ashley beth
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Hey friends! Do we follow each other yet!? Follow me @ashleybethbeaut
I’d love to see what you guys are up to and follow y’all. Have a great week everyone!
ashley beth
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Hey friends! Do we follow each other yet!? Follow me @ashleybethbeaut
I’d love to see what you guys are up to and follow y’all. Have a great week everyone!
ashley beth
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OPI- Flamenco Pink
Welcome back friends! I just wanted to take a hot second to tell y’all about a new nail color I found! I can’t believe I haven’t come across it before. OPI- Flamenco Pink!
Just in time for summer! It’s girly, and bright and fun! It’s an adorable pink that you won’t get sick of. I found it at my local nail salon but you also find it at Ulta for about $8.
Xoxo ashley beth
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