OOC: your mun here is currently unemployed and broke because of the pandemic. I still have plans for this blog, but I might not be posting for a while because finding a job is priority right now. I've been trying to find one for months, and now I'm desperate. I'm sorry for disappointing you all :(
But this blog is NOT dead! I will be back to post again when I can.
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OOC: This dumb gif I made like 3 years ago isn’t part of this blog’s universe, but I was searching through my computer and randomly found it again. So enjoy
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OOC: Psst, my ask box is almost empty. Send in some questions!
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Do you trust anyone to come over and help take a look at the angel's wing?
Arthur: Erm, well... My ex husband Francis is a veterinarian... So he's probably the best person who could keep a secret and fix Alfred's wing but I hate him and I know he's going to probably flirt with Alfred and I swear to God I'm gonna strangle him to death one day, the bastard
U g h.
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So Alfred, have you ever heard of the term "embarrassment"? Any idea how that feels like?
Alfred: Of course I've heard of the term embarrassment! But why are you asking me? Am I s'posed to be embarrassed right now or something?
Arthur: ... Alfred. I just bathed you.
Alfred: Okay, and...?
Arthur: Wh-?! Do you... really not understand? You don't see what's awkward about this? At all?
Alfred: ...Um. No...? ;;
Arthur: 🤦‍♂️Well then. You're clearly very naive and have a lot to learn about being on Earth. Good God.
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man, no wonder alfred wanted to go.
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Alfred: Huh? Oh, no no no don’t worry! No, it’s okay. I’m just changing into my human form. You can’t really fix my wing right now, so I don’t see a point in leaving it exposed. Arthur: Oh... I see. Alfred: I mean, people can ... die if they bleed too much, right? Or wait, maybe it doesn’t matter since I’m not mortal. ...At least, I don’t think I became mortal? I dunno. I fell to Earth, so maybe I did? Either way, I don’t wanna risk it. Arthur: Sounds rational to me. Well, it’s late. You can borrow my clothes for the night and get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll see about fixing that wing. And getting you some clothes of your own.
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!! Hi!!
Alfred: Oh hi!!!! I'm Alfred, what's your na-
Arthur: Who are you and what are you doing in my house. GET OUT.
Bollocks, looks like I have to change the locks again.
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Despite outwardly acting calm with the situation, Arthur is, in fact, Not Okay™.
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how did alfred end up falling from heaven? what did he do that was so grievous?
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Arthur: …You fell from the heavens. Why? What happened? 
Alfred: I… It’s complicated. There are a lot of rules when you’re an angel. A LOT. And not long ago, some of them started to not make sense to me. Angels, we’re supposed to be… unbiased. Cold in judgement. God’s servants and all that. No emotion. Just following orders. We’re not like you humans–we’re his vessels. But I… started getting interested in humans and the things they do. I started wanting to try new things. Things angels aren’t really s’posed to do.
I eventually snuck out of Heaven. We can’t go to Earth unless we’re ordered to deliver a message. Or to fight off demons. But I just… I started feeling all these… new emotions, and wants, and things. It became so overwhelming. I couldn’t help myself– I had to see Earth.
Arthur: …You can’t be serious! They’d kick you out of Heaven for that?
Alfred: Heaven is really strict. But I guess I… I guess I’ve just become too… human to be a good angel. I mean, at least I wasn’t bad enough to fall to Hell? I didn’t commit a deadly sin or anything. But they said I’m on the path to evil, or whatever. Lucifer let his emotions cloud his judgement too.
Arthur: Still though, that’s awful, mate. You didn’t deserve this. God must be a complete arsehole.
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Did the sound of Alfred falling wake Arthur up (or as a result of the impact?)
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“I thought a meteorite landed in my backyard. And while I am annoyed, I... can’t exactly find myself mad at him? In any case, I’m going to have to look up how to fix a broken wing. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring an ang- ...... someone like him to a hospital. He’ll attract too much attention.”
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Arthur: …. Well, you’re bleeding quite a bit. Let’s, ah, get you inside and cleaned up, y-yes? And see if we can fix that wing. Fuck. _______ ASK BOX IS OPEN! Thanks for the wait!
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Hey if you’re a hetalia blog please reblog this
I don’t care if you’re an art blog, ask blog, or whatever. My dash is dead and I’m looking for people to interact with so I’ll follow of you reblog.
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I’m gonna die.
OOC: I can’t believe I’m really continuing this after two years. Lmao. Any reblogs to help gain traction again would be great! I’ll post the next section soon \o/ Not much else to do during quarantine.
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OOC: Yep, it’s official. We’re continuing this thing... After TWO YEARS. I had so many plans for this and never forgot them. But now I’ve finished college so I actually can have a life, yay.
Also WOW, my art style has changed a lot. 
Uhhh so any followers who are still here, if you could help me advertise by reblogging and stuff, that would mean so much to me! I think most of my followers are dead accounts at this point, lmao. Also, the ask box will be closed until I can get the opening sequence finished. The next few panels will be up soon.That’s all folks-
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Might actually restart this blog oop. Stay tuned, anyone who's still alive.
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Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
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“That’s not funny! I can’t even feel my left wing right now. Jerk.”
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That was quite a fall! Are you alright dear?
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“…My shoulder? What do you mean? Honestly it hurts a little but not enough to-
…wait a second. Oh, no.
That-… that’s not my shoulder that’s bleeding…!”
((Thank you everyone who sent in all your questions!))
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