ask-sunny-omori · 2 days
12K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 6 days
10k notes and ill post a picture of myself in a skirt with cat ears
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ask-sunny-omori · 6 days
The day I started posting about #important stuff was the best day of my life.
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ask-sunny-omori · 6 days
According to all known laws of #aromantic men, there is no way a #sunny fictionkin should be able to #sunny irl.
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ask-sunny-omori · 9 days
casting a spell of finish your wip rb to pass it on
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ask-sunny-omori · 12 days
Tumblr media
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ask-sunny-omori · 12 days
if you think tumblr not adding a flash warning feature isnt a big deal because they already have tag filtering here is a list of all the tags i have to manually filter whenever i make a new account
cw eye strain
cw: eye strain
cw:eye strain
eye strain cw
tw eye strain
tw: eye strain
tw:eye strain
eye strain tw
eye strain
cw eyestrain
cw: eyestrain
eyestrain cw
tw eyestrain
tw: eyestrain
eyestrain tw
cw flashing
cw: flashing
flashing cw
tw flashing
tw: flashing
flashing tw
cw flashing lights
cw: flashing lights
cw:flashing lights
tw flashing lights
tw: flashing lights
tw:flashing lights
flashing lights
flash warning
warning flash
cw flashing images
cw: flashing images
cw:flashing images
flashing images cw
tw flashing images
tw: flashing images
tw:flashing images
flashing images tw
flashing images
cw flashing image
cw: flashing image
cw:flashing image
flashing image cw
tw flashing image
tw: flashing image
tw:flashing image
flashing image tw
flashing image
cw flashing gif
cw: flashing gif
cw:flashing gif
flashing gif cw
tw flashing gif
tw: flashing gif
tw:flashing gif
flashing gif tw
cw flashing gifs
cw: flashing gifs
cw:flashing gifs
flashing gifs cw
tw flashing gifs
tw: flashing gifs
tw:flashing gifs
flashing gifs tw
flashing gifs
but no its my fault for making a big deal of it!
42K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 18 days
Have any of your friendships ever ended because you were always the first one to talk to someone and one day you stopped to see if they would talk to you first and they never did so you just stopped talking to each other?
257K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
Guys update
My dad (both cis and het) just realized he's on the aro spectrum (he's demi) (and also polyamorous but that's not entirely relevant)
He was like "does that mean I'm part of the queer community?" And I was like "Yes dad, it does" and he was like "Oh. Cool!"
So I can now announce that all of my parents are queer
Aro men. you agree. reblog.
(plaintext because idk if gradient text will show up for everyone: aro men. you agree. reblog)
10K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
i have a love/hate relationship with the allure of stretching in bed because for the first few seconds you're like 'wow! this feels so nice!' and then you almost dislocate something moments after
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ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
At the lesbian meetup, met a kind of transphobic woman. Started gearing up to get fighty and then realised... she wasn't an actual terf. She was just older, genuinely didn't know stuff, had heard some terf talking points in passing and had been made kind of anxious by them, but hadn't made it her entire personality. She was open to learning that trans women weren't actually roaming around coercing unwilling cis lesbians into sex, thanked me earnestly for giving her a basic explanation of what "non-binary" meant and truly seemed to be relaxing bit by bit the more she heard. Obviously I'm aware that I can't be sure I've given her a sufficient dose of anti-transphobe vaccine to immunise her permanently against the shit that's out there, but overall it made me hopeful. Most people just aren't dyed-in-the-wool bigots. People can be curious and relieved to hear the fearmongering they've been exposed to is untrue. Telling people this stuff isn't a lost cause.
36K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
Guys you don't understand how funny this would be
Guys we need to get this to 10k notes
10k notes and ill post a picture of myself in a skirt with cat ears
6K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
Tumblr media
Been hearing this is a problem again. Don't be a dick in bookmarks, folks. And yes while I made this image, I'm giving free reign. Take it. Spread it far and wide. Because I'm hearing that some readers don't know that their bookmarks are visible.
54K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
there are more cool trans women than you will ever be able to conceptualize
3K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
Do you think they realize how much cooler that makes it sound?
Tumblr media
Like. I'm not even an apotheosis type of guy. But you do know that makes it sound so much cooler right?
7K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
I'm transmasc, will I look like my dad when I transition?
you will probably not look like a skinny white anime girl when you transition you will likely look like someone's mom and you need to realize how swag this is
138K notes · View notes
ask-sunny-omori · 29 days
queer platonic polycule whose primary purpose is to allow us to afford a house
30K notes · View notes