ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Are you currently working at a job?
As a matter of fact I am! Just started working behind the ticket stand at the local cinema, making some cash so I can keep paying for my apartment instead of having to pretend like I live under a bridge because I’d rather never sleep again than not being able to lounge in my soft soft sooooft bed. Or a tent. Okay now I wanna go camping.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Alfred: *sits down*
Alfred: *leisurely sips some mocha*
Alfred: *looks at follower count*
"Wtf where did all you guys come from???? I need to step up my game!"
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
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New virus going around?
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
I'm the one who asked the question and I would want an unlimited supply of money for me, and for all the people in need around the world. What's your excuse?
Well but I guess one thing about being immortal is you have a loooot of time to keep making money and I’d just be sitting on my ass all year long otherwise.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Okay this time, if you could wish for anything, except more wishes, what would it be?
That’s a difficult one bud- I can’t just wish for one thing! I mean, there’s the easy stuff like world peace and getting rid of all sorts of discrimination and stuff, then there’s the really easy one of just wishing for a burger or a nice sundae, and then there’s the harder stuff like wishing for mortality or bringing back humans who died or just the ability to know what the fuck you’re doing, but let’s not get into that :D
Anyway, what would YOU wish for huh? Turning tables here!
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Have you ever stayed out in the sun too long?
Oh yeah. I’m kinda stubborn, you know. Hah, yeah, comes as a surprise, but it’s true. Last time it happened, Mattie had to carry me inside because I was lying face-first in the gutter and talking nonsense about how aliens were gonna attack the White House. Which can still happen!
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
If you could wish for anything (No rules or limits) what would you wish for?
No rules or limits? I’d wish for a hundred more wishes of course! :D
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
I’m very sorry for you but also VERY HAPPY because I don’t know what else they’d wanna have me say.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Honesty hour is over!
And I’m gonna cry about the stuff I admitted. TwT
See y’all next evening.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Have you ever been thirsty for Ivan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
…Yes… (Please don’t make me say more.)
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Could you tell us what happened with Davey?
You mean Davie? He uh… He was the first human I tried to become friends with. Back when I was a lot younger. Let’s just say… I learnt the hard way that humans freak out when their friends don’t age, or appear to be immortal.
And I freak out when they die.
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Have your hormones messed with your vampire instincts before?
Oh frick yes- you don’t wanna know what it feels like to be horny and thirsty at the same time. I’m glad we have memory erasing powers, otherwise I’d never leave my room again.
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
Has there been anyone you've truly hated?
Not really anyone I’ve known personally… Like, I hated guys like Hitler and stuff, and bullies and creeps and perverts harrassing innocent people, but personally? I don’t think so.
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
What's the worst thing you've done?
I’ve killed the first person I ever hunted.
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
What are your true feelings about your family and Ivan?
I feel like, even though I haven’t known my family for that long that, I’d do anything for them. Like, I care about these guys, and I know I care about me- otherwise they’d just have sent me away when I stumbled upon their territory.
I may like him too much for my own good.
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon.
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon
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ask-vamp-al-blog · 8 years
For the next hour my muse cannot lie and is insanely blunt to any questions they get on anon
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