My country is the world, my religion is to do good.
Thomas Paine
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My dear, Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much better to be killed by a Lover.
Charles Bukowski
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sext: i pray your smile will never fade. sext: you look prettiest when you aren’t thinking about being pretty. sext: you are poetry. sext: the first time you wrote me poetry it knocked my knees to the ground and suddenly nothing else mattered but the way you loved me and you loved me so fucking good. sext: i need you to call me whenever you’re free, i want to tell you about my day. sext: i told my mom about you, she said you sound like something i gotta hang on to. sext: i know it’s 3 am but i just drove for 4 hours straight and now i’m in seattle, but the streets don’t feel alive and i wish you were here to take in the calm with me. seattle has never felt calmer than now, but i need you. sext: dude i really fucking love you. sext: your music taste is flawless, send me more songs you write poetry to. i need to feel something. sext: do you know what it means to be alive? i don’t and i’ve been thinking about it for hours. don’t you ever feel like life is fake and we don’t exist so nothing really matters? text me when you can, i’m having an existential crisis. sext: you smelled really good today and your hands were much softer. have you been using a new body wash perhaps? sext: you’ve grown up so much since i’ve known you. i’m enamored by you. sext: i’m coming over, no excuses, i’m bringing soup and i’ll make you a grilled cheese, cut diagonally the way you like it. sext: i miss you, come home soon. sext: can we just discuss obama and biden’s friendship for a couple minutes?  sext: my dog misses you. sext: i feel like i’ve known you forever. i want to know you forever. sext: dude, i really fucking love you, okay?
turn me on, but don’t tell me you want to fuck me |(morsus engel)| (via actuates)
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To the boy who will love her, When you first lay eyes on her, let it sink in. Stop and stare and realize she’s the one for you. When you first lock eyes, get lost in hers. When she smiles at you, smile back even if you’re nervous, even if you’re afraid she won’t like your smile. In the movies, reach for her hand even though yours is sweaty and shaking. Put your arm asking her and listen to your heartbeats sink over the film dialogue that is suddenly just mumbling. Take her home safe. Kiss her goodnight. That first kiss… make it count. She’ll remember it forever. She’ll remember the taste of your lips and the feel of your warmth. She’ll remember how you pulled away to leave when all she wanted was more time with you. When you take her to much, hold the door open. Be the gentleman she’s falling for. When you have your first fight, apologize. I can guarantee you she’ll be sitting in her room crying because she cares about you that much. Buy her flowers. Memorize her favorite things. Ask her about her day. Hug her when she’s crying and don’t let go. Let her laugh fill you up with that happy feeling. Miss her. Love her. Tell you you love her and don’t stop, because sometimes she forgets. Just fall in love with her. Fall so damn hard you can see the sparks flying.
-treat her well or someone else will (via rhapsodic-evanescence)
I found this truly beautiful <3
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What a solemn thing it was to move on through the lonely darkness over an unknown abyss, whose depths were secrets as profound as death
Charles Dickens
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Why are all writing extracts better when they are about love and pain? I would like to read something that sends a rush of contentment and happiness as I read every word.
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Fandometrics In Depth: Poetry Edition
This April marks the 21st annual National Poetry Month. Launched in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets (@poetsorg), it has become the largest literary celebration in the world. 
On Tumblr, #poetry is the most popular writing tag, with 10% more overall engagements than the next most popular writing tag, #prose. To top that off, #poetry was in the top 5% of all of the tags used on Tumblr in 2016.
From classic #haiku to transformative #visual poetry, #all caps poetry images and #spoken word videos, poetry on Tumblr has a variety of formats for you to tell your friend that you’ve eaten the plums out of their icebox.
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Where the writers go
Since many people share curated works using the #poetry tag, a few other tags for mostly original work have popped up. The first is #poets on tumblr, which was the fourth largest community tag on Tumblr last year. Writers began using the tag to share their original work in the early 2010s and between 2013 and 2014, overall engagements (searches, original posts, reblogs and likes) grew 1366%. Over the next two years, that growth continued at an average of 214% per year. 
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#Spilled Ink started in 2011 after a pair of friends wanted a create a tag for poets on Tumblr to find each other’s work. Since 2013, The tag has averaged 41% year over year growth and has expanded to also include prose and other writing. It’s now one of the largest writing communities on Tumblr. For some sense of scale, in 2016, there were 32% more posts tagged #spilled ink than #poets on tumblr.
Finally, #Excerpt From A Book I’ll Never Write started appearing three years ago for short snippets of poetry—pieces of work shared with no pressure to be complete or finished. In 2014, only a handful of original posts were made with the tag, but were reblogged extensively throughout the year. Between 2014 and 2016, overall engagements in the tag increased 10,407%.
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Further reading
No matter what your favorite kind of poetry is, there are dozens of tags to find your next favorite writer on Tumblr. In addition to those mentioned above, there’s also:
#slam poetry, for those who see poetry as a competitive sport
#poetryriot, similar to #spilled ink, this community meets at @poetryriot
#scream poem, to shout your feelings via caps lock
#blackout poetry, creating new poems using book pages and a black marker, and
#micropoetry, think haiku is short? these poems can be as short as a few words.
There are also a number of amazing poetry blogs to follow:
Lang Leav (@langleav), a poet who began sharing her work on Tumblr and is now an international best-seller
Steve Roggenbuck (@livemylief), whose artistic videos and image macro poems break boundaries 
Button Poetry (@buttonpoetry), which focuses on performance poetry, and
Tyler Knott Gregson (@tylerknott) who shares daily haikus on love.
For more blogs, head on over to @staff and check out the roundup.
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I'm done
I’m done
You keep trying to push me away, but when I get to far off you scramble to pull me back in, just not too close. It’s always worked too, I’m a dog on a leash.
This time you weren’t paying attention though. I got off my leash and I wandered too far. I saw what the world outside of you was like and I remembered.
So this time, I’m done. I’m done with the good morning texts. I’m done asking if you’ve eaten and if you feel okay. I’m done asking you if you got enough sleep and if you’re running on time. I’m done answering your calls on the first ring and texting you back immediately. I’m done holding you closer and closer when you’re having your nightmares. I won’t keep listening to all your drama and letting you drag me in. After all, you told me to leave. I’m done asking if you made it home safe and if you’ve charged your phone. I won’t be leaving any more roses on your car while you’re at work or buying your favorite chocolates when I know you’re gonna start cramping tomorrow.
It’s ironic really. I know that this is what is going to make you want me back, but it’s too late because I’m focused on building myself from all the shattered pieces you left behind. And this time I’m building myself up stronger. So thank you for breaking me apart and giving me the chance to be born again.
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Before you say yes, get him angry. See him scared, see him wanting, see him sick. Stress changes a person. Find out if he drinks and if he does, get him drunk - you’ll learn more about his sober thoughts. Discover his addictions. See if he puts you in front of them. You can’t change people, baby girl. If they are made one way, it doesn’t just wear off. If you hate how he acts when he’s out of it now, you’re going to hate it much worse eight years down the road. You might love him to bits but it doesn’t change that some people just don’t fit.
inkskinned, “My father’s recipe for the man I should marry” (via partygirlmeltdown)
This is one of the most important things I have ever read and I wish I would have come across it sooner. This is real, this is important.
(via thesearentveins)
wow thank you so much!! be safe out there okay?
(via inkskinned)
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He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of god. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Let's do this.
Let’s go on long drives with no destination and show each other cute music
Let’s take walks at night and look at the stars and play in the streets
Let’s hike through the woods, off the beaten paths and tell each other secrets no one else knows
Let’s rent a movie, only to ignore it and cuddle and talk until 4 in the morning
Let’s go try some hobbies that we’re both new to, and learn something together
Let’s go to the shelter and show some love to some animals that need it most
Let’s go buy a dozen roses and walk through downtown, handing them out to strangers and giving them compliments, just to spread some joy
Let’s let each other in and let’s take this chance
Let’s take on every day, good or bad, while never letting go of each other’s hands
Let’s do this.
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I can deal with the fact that you no longer care, you’re not the first and you won’t be the last. What keeps me up at night is that your actions show you never even cared in the past.
- C.M.
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All of humanity's problems stem from one thing. Man's inability to sit quietly in a room.
Blaise Pascal
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Folks always told me that my heart would grow. The older the man, yeah, the stronger the stone. Am I losing my mind? Am I growing backwards with time?
The Avett Brothers
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The aftermath
Why won’t it wash clean? So much blood, it’s everywhere. I can still smell you on it though, even over the strong scent of iron. I keep scrubbing and scrubbing because I refuse to throw this one out, not again. It was mine to begin with! I’ve tried everything to help wash it out, but nothing seems to be working. Maybe it’s ruined. Maybe I should give up. So much blood. It feels like it’s your blood somehow, but I know it’s all mine because you would never bleed for me. I’ll keep trying to rinse it though, until it’s clean again, or at least clean enough that it can get back out there, try to see the sunlight again. This might take years, but I have to keep rinsing. After all, you can’t just go buy a new heart.
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We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
Dead poets society
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