askingsupernatural · 5 years
A Heavenly Monster 3
Part 1 here   Part 2 here
Okay so... yes. It has been years since I’ve updated this story or even this blog to say the least. I have had a very rough few years, but I have always wanted to start writing again. I’m not fully better and ready to hop back on the saddle writing all the time, but I do want to come back and update when I can. This story is my favorite and I’ve worked so hard to make this chapter worth reading because it’s the one I’ve wanted to write the most. I hope you guys enjoy it! Please message me if you have any questions!
Warnings: Sexual themes
The Queen
It started as a low burn, an unquenchable ache in the back of my throat. I couldn’t understand why it seemed to be spreading, burning my insides like fire in my veins. It was maddening and painful, yet I craved more, and I simply couldn’t understand why. And then the feeling overwhelmed me. It washed over my body like I was being born again into something even darker than I was before, and a jolt was sent through my limbs.
My eyes shot open to see Crowley hovering over me, a blank expression on his face, but worry filled his eyes. My first instinct was to lunge for him, but I was somehow held back. Looking to my ankles and wrists, I found I had been chained to the bed. But as I went to ask why and how I had gotten there, the sensation that had awoken me in the first place hit me once more. “DAMN IT!” I screamed in agony. Squeezing my eyes shut in pure agony, I began to thrash against the chains.
Crowley quickly put both hands on each of my cheeks, willing me to get a hold of myself. “Kiley! Kiley, calm down and tell me why you're screaming! What’s hurting you?” I managed to stop just long enough to figure out why I was in so much pain, why I felt that fire spreading through me only minutes before. “I’m thirsty.” I replied, fangs covering my teeth. He furrowed his brows, not understanding why I was acting this way if I was only thirsty. “Fornius!” he yelled aggravated. The young demon appeared within seconds. “Go fetch me some humans. I don’t care who. But bring them quickly.” 
He nodded and went to disappear, but I growled in disapproval. “NO!” The both of them turned to look at me in shock. “I want you.” I stated, my eyes set on Fornius. Crowley blinked as the cogs in his head began to turn. He knew what I wanted. “Fornius, go down to the dungeon and bring back any demon you please, but make it quick.” The demon vanished quickly, leaving me alone with the King. “Kiley, he is getting you food will you please stop screaming!” My voice came out as a distorted overlay, sounding as demonic as the demon I had killed. “I have been alive for millennium. You will not speak down to me, boy.” He staggered backwards, eyes wide. “I have allowed you to coddle me, when you should be at my feet, and I will no longer tolerate it.”
I pulled hard against the chains, and grinned as they finally snapped. Crowley watched me as I rose from the bed, unsure whether to help me or flee. “Kiley, I-” he didn’t get to finish as Fornius opened the door and threw in another demon. My eyes snapped to the fresh blood before me, and my fangs were entering him before I even realized that I had moved. I didn’t even know how long I had been feeding or if I had just begun. I could faintly make out Crowley’s voice over my bloodlust, “Don’t let anyone in here, Fornius, and keep the door locked until I say so.” I heard the click of the door as I was finishing, and I let the husk of the demon slip through my fingers as I stood.
“Kiley,” Crowley began, “Look at me.” I turned slowly to meet his gaze, and he froze in shock. “...Your eyes are black.” He paused for a while, but then chuckled lightly. “It’s a good look on you.” I flinched. My eyes were... black? I shook my head and blinked, trying to change them back. What was happening to me? I walked towards Crowley only to be met by him backing away. Was he afraid of me? “Sorry, love. Can’t blame me for being precautious when you just devoured one of my demons.” I looked back towards the demon I had killed, then back to Crowley. “I... I don’t know what’s happening. I couldn’t control myself, but it’s like i didn’t even want to. The only thing I could stop myself from doing was killing you. I smelled you and I wanted you so bad... I don’t know what I would have done to you if Fornius hadn’t come...” He saw my confusion and worry and sighed, taking a few cautious steps forward. “Kitten, you couldn’t have hurt me if you tried. And even if you did try you know I can just disappear whenever and wherever I please.” I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. “Crowley I don’t even know how I got in this room! I don’t even know what I can do now! Apparently my eyes turn black?! I could have hurt you I could have killed you!” 
He smirked, continuing to walk towards me until he was directly in front of me. “It’s cute that you’re worried about me, love. I don’t seem to recall you liking me so much.” I scoffed, but he continued. “I agree your outburst was concerning. And we will have to figure out what the hell happened to you and how you managed to do the things you did. But... how do you feel?” I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating the emotions I had, the new surges of power I felt running through me. It was like a wave of clarity and assertion had washed over me after feeding. “I feel like how I used to, before the angels left I mean. Actually, I feel even more powerful than then. As if I’ve sort of merged with the demon I drained. I feel like I finally have some dark form of control. I don’t want to wallow in self-pity or just try to get by anymore. I want to be me again.” 
Crowley sat down beside me, looking absolutely delighted. “Well, it’s about damn time!” Rolling my eyes, I made to get off the bed. “Okay okay let me rephrase.” He said, pulling me back down. “As much as I hate having to deal with your nightmares, I hate that you have them more. You don’t deserve what the angels put you through, and I’m glad we can finally forget the winged bastards.” A slight smile crept on to my lips. Crowley could annoy the living hell out of me, but he always did know how to make me feel better. 
“Now,” he began, “do you remember what you said to me during your little performance?” I groaned. “Do I even want to know?” Chuckling, he turned my chin so that we were fully facing each other. “You said that you had allowed me to coddle you when I should be at your feet, and that you will no longer tolerate it.” I blushed, and he snickered, but continued. “So, darling, I think we might need to chat about any pent up feelings you have towards me.” Groaning, I fell back onto the pillows. I stared towards the ceiling for a bit, then took a deep breath, letting that energy surge through me once more, filling me with confidence and power. I propped myself up onto my elbows and took a good look at my King of the Crossroads. He was eyeing me as much as I was eyeing him. “Come on, kitten. I know I’m ravishing but I asked you a question.” Rolling my eyes, I sat up again and let out a deep sigh.
“I’m embarrassed, not only because I said that to you, but because it’s true.” He raised his eyebrows and scoffed. “Not that you’re supposed to be down at my feet! Goodness... But the fact that I have been allowing you to control me. I didn’t want to lead anymore. I didn’t want to make decisions. I wanted to be free of it all and you allowed me to do that, but I can’t do it anymore. I won’t actually. In fact, I don’t know why the hell I even thought it made sense I mean I am much older than you.” He chuckled, nodding his head. “I know I don’t technically belong in hell, but I want to be your equal here now. I no longer want to take orders from you or anyone else.”
He was silent for a minute, contemplating. Normally, I would have felt scared or intimidated by his silence. Gotta love those abandonment issues. But, strangely, I knew he wouldn’t leave. Demon or not, he wouldn’t do that to me. Not after everything I had been through, that we had been through. He turned to me and smiled. “You know, I had always wondered why you let me boss you around. Gotta say I quite enjoyed it while it lasted. Made me tingle in all the right places.” I reached over to smack him, but he teleported behind me, locking his arms around mine, and whispering in my ear, “It was a joke, kitten. Calm yourself.” I knew he would teleport behind me as soon as I went to smack him. I knew it, and did it anyway, because of the other pent up feelings I needed to discuss. He was so warm and inviting. How ironic that a demon saved me from angels. I had been heeding the angels warnings for years, but now, I was seeing things from a new perspective, and I was finally coming to terms with their disappearance. I craved happiness, and warmth, and love. And Crowley was willing to give me that. I just... I craved Crowley.
Slowly, I raised my hands and placed them over his. He practically went stiff behind me as I began to trace my fingers across his arms. “Kiley,” his voice was deep, “what are you doing?” I leaned back further into him, letting out another deep sigh. “Everyone says that demons are bad. It’s all I’ve ever been taught and told. But it’s the angels that broke me, and it was you that put me back together.” I turned around to face him, our faces only inches apart. “I’ve been waiting for people who are not coming back, and for what? It’s not like I would just forget that they abandoned me for millennium. I gave up life and power to wallow in self-pity. I pushed everything to the side to wait for them. I pushed you away... and the feelings I knew I had for you but didn’t want to admit.” He lifted his hand to trace his thumb lightly over my lips as he stared at them, and I realized we had never been so close before. His voice was still deep and his breath heavy as he responded, “And what feelings would those be, love?” I twisted my body a bit more so that I was sitting on his lap, still facing him, but even closer to him now than before. “That I want you. I really, really, want you.”
That was all it took before his lips crashed into mine. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me closer as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I hadn’t felt this type of fire in centuries; it was as if I had been reborn today into something chaotic and free, and I loved it. I pulled away from him to breathe, both of us panting and staring at the other curiously. He ran his hand through my hair slowly, “Kiley, I-”. But he was interrupted by the door swinging open and a very terrified demon stepping through. He looked between the both of us, “S-sorry sir, but we have a  problem on the ground. We need you to-” I heard Crowley snarl and I whipped my head around to look at him as he started yelling. “WHAT? WHAT COULD YOU MORONS POSSIBLY NEED AT THIS VERY MOMENT?!” The demon looked like it was fixing to pee itself. Could it pee itself? That would be a hilarious thing to watch. “Please, sir, it’s about Azazel.” Crowley took a deep breath and sighed. “Fine. Get out.” The demon happily closed the door and ran off to wherever he came from. 
Crowley turned to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, rubbing up and down my arms. “Now, kitten, do you think we can finish this up after my meeting? Or was this a one time only deal?” he said with a smirk. I twirled my finger around his tie and pulled his face up to mine, letting my tongue run lightly over his lower lip. “Trust me, Crowley” I said pulling away again, “This is not a one time deal.” He groaned as he picked me up and placed me on the bed beside him. “You, my dear, are going to be the death of me.” He stood up from the bed and adjusted his pants with a sigh. “This better damn well be important.” I chuckled under my breath at his irritation, and furrowed my brows in confusion as he held his hand out for me to join him. He smirked, “Didn’t you say you wanted to rule beside me, love? If something is important enough to require me I’d say it requires you as well.” My eyes practically sparkled with delight as I took his hand and rocketed off the bed. “I have to dress for the occasion! If you’re going to introduce me as a Queen I want to look like one.” He smiled at my excitement. “I think I know just the thing for you to wear, darling.” 
He snapped his fingers and a dress appeared on the bed. It was absolutely stunning. I walked over and ran my fingers along the fabric in awe. It was so soft, almost like lingerie, and if it wasn’t so elegant, it would certainly look like it too. I started to undress, letting my clothes fall to the floor, when I heard a deep growl from behind me. “Kitten, if you keep this up we won’t be going to that meeting.” Giggling, I faced him and motioned for him to turn around. He rolled his eyes, but obliged, allowing me to finish stripping and dress. I looked in the mirror and was stunned. It was a black silk dress with spaghetti straps and a loose neck-line, with a hem that fell just above my knees. The belt around the waist was a dark grey that matched Crowley’s tie, with a large diamond encrusted brooch in the center. Crowley turned and I saw him lick his lips. “Well don’t you look delicious.” It was my turn to roll my eyes. He stepped towards me, inspecting the dress. “I couldn’t help but make it tight at the top,” he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “but I did make it loose on the bottom in case you need to run or decide to brawl with one of my demons.” 
I looked at him incredulously. “What do you expect me to be doing in this dress?” He chuckled. “I’m just being cautious due to the unveiling of your wild side today.” He slipped off his suit jacket, leaving him in his black dress shirt and tie, and laid it over my shoulders. “There. Now you look exquisite.” I studied myself in the mirror, and every bit of me looked like a panther ready to pounce. I felt powerful, sexy, and downright wicked. He grabbed my chin and turned me to face him as his finger traced over my lips once more. “There are many demons that are going to be very upset about this, and they are not going to want to follow your orders if you choose to give them. You’ve been hiding away in the shadows for too long and they have forgotten what you are. Show them what I saw the first day I met you. Kill them if you want. But don’t allow them to disrespect you or question you. You’re going to have a target on your back as soon as you walk out of this room. Are you ready?” A wicked smile lit up my face, and he returned it with a laugh. “I’m ready. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a little fun.” He pulled me closer and grinned. “Then prepare yourself for the funhouse, my dear.” And with that, he snapped his fingers, and we vanished into the night.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
Hey Lucifer, was it fun being in the cage with Sammy?
Was it fun? Oh where do I begin... I mean, I certainly had fun. But Sammy... weeeellll his mind could only take so much before it... snapped. I did try to play nice... But uh, I guess I am the devil.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
(To Dean) When are you gonna make a move on Cas?!? Or are we gonna have to ask Sam to help you???
Am I gonna... excuse me?! I-I’m, I mean... Sorry, but I don't swing that way! And Cas, really? He’s family! I couldn’t possibly, you know-
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Uh, Dean. I ship you. I mean it’s kind of impossible not to.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
okay, i'm not the anon that asked for the lucifer and crowley with the scars, but i have scars in multiple places and what you wrote for each of the characters.. has me in tears.. i can not thank you enough for what you wrote..
There is no thanks necessary. Thank YOU for being strong and having the courage to wake up every single day and face the world. I’ve been in that spot so I really wanted to come across because I realized that every person in this world has something going for them, and that includes me and you.
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I love you :)
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
What would lucifer and Crowley think of the scars on my thigh and hand?
After everything I’ve been through for you and you still can’t see what a wonderful creature you are? I stopped the apocalypse for you. I went back to hell to keep you and your world safe. And the first thing I did when I came back from that filthy cage was look for you. I want the world for you because that’s what you deserve. Please, little dove, stay strong for me.
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Excuse me? Why in hell do you think it’s okay to do this to yourself? You are a Queen, darling. My Queen. Do you know what that means? It means that you are better than every piece of scum in hell, every human that walks the Earth, and every winged bastard above. You are absolute perfection, love. Don’t you dare think otherwise.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
(To Lucifer) Are you Single?
Oooo aren’t you a curious one. Well I have been stuck down in a cage for quite some time without any company except that of Michael... And while he was an... exquisite... bunk buddy, I’m afraid there’s nothing blooming there. But you. You’ve caught my interest, little one. Perhaps I should look into you a bit more. Anyone brave enough to speak to me... well... I feel I should pay them a visit... But as to answer your question, I’m afraid not. Though, that could soon change...
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
How would Sam and Dean react to all those fresh sh scars on my upper arms and shoulders?
How long... how long have you been doing this to yourself? Damnit I don’t know why you even started because you and Cas and Sammy, you’re the only family I have. Don’t you dare think you're not worth it or you're not good enough because you are the best damn thing this world has to offer and I will go to hell and back for you. No more.
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No. No this right. This isn’t you. You don’t deserve to have this done to you by anyone, let alone yourself. I will stay by your side every second of every day if that’s what it takes. Me and my brother? We’re here for you and we’d raise hell if you got hurt. If you... Please... please don’t do this to yourself anymore. We’re here and we have your back through the thick and thin. We love you.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
(To Cas) How much do you love burgers? And what could you possibly do to have one?
Angels aren’t required to eat food. Even when I do it just tastes like... molecules. Though my vessel favors burgers very much. I remember when we battled the four horsemen and I ate... many... burgers. At the time, they tasted quite delightful. My time as a human also taught me what it was like to taste things and to feel things differently. Perhaps if I had had a burger then, I would have loved it. But now, things are different. Maybe one day I’ll be able to experience things as a human again.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
Balthazar, I can't move on. I can't fall asleep at night and I'm literally running on empty. I fainted three times today and I can't fight the anxiety about fainting again. It's like system breakdowns evry time it gets too much. Could you please cuddle me up tonight so that I could at least sleep one night at peace? :(
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Of course, little one. I will wrap my arms around you and hold you so tightly you’ll feel like we are one. And when your breathing finally slows and you fall into a deep sleep, just know I’ll be smiling and listening to the rhythmic beat of your beautiful heart. You are mine forever to watch and take care of and I truly apologize for not being able to be there to catch you earlier. Do try to be careful and not overexert yourself. No more worries; I promise to be with you every step of the way.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
Thank you. For everything.
Crowley x reader
Fluff fluff fluff! Reader is sad and Crowley buys pizza and chocolates while they watch readers fave movie to cheer her up
Warnings: none, just fluffiness!
It had been three hours since you’d called Crowley, and you hadn’t moved an inch from your curled up position in the corner of the couch. You knew he was busy, he had Hell to run, but you felt as if the weight of the world was trying to balance itself on your shoulders. After the first hour, you had finally run out of the tears that had welled up inside you. So for the rest of your time, you had simply stared at the blackish brown leather that covered your cold couch. You had no motivation left to move.
“I’m home, love.” you heard a familiar voice sing. “Now wh-” he stopped short when he saw your slightly swollen face buried into the couch cushions. “What happened, kitten?” he asked, gently lifting you onto his lap to face him. Even though it had been hours since your crying fit, he could still see the dried tears running down your cheeks and the redness at the tip of your nose. You shook your head lightly. “I don’t wanna talk about it... Not yet.” He nodded in understanding before pulling you close, letting your head fit into the crook of his shoulder.
“You know, if someone did this to you, all you have to do is tell me who it is and...” 
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Crowley finished off his statement with a snap and a smile, causing you to let out a light chuckle. It felt good to laugh. “No, no. Don’t kill anyone.” you replied. His hands went to your hair and stroked through it softly. “If you say so, kitten.” You could have laid there in his lap for hours, feeling his rough hands run through your nappy locks, but your stomach betrayed you.
Grumble. Hearing your hungry stomach, you grimaced. You know he heard that. “You hungry, doll?” he began, “Your stomach sounds like a whale.” When you refused to answer, he brought his hand to your chin, forcing you to look at him. “(Y/n), when’s the last time you ate?” he asked worriedly. To be honest, you couldn’t remember. You were pretty sure you ate breakfast... but after that, your emotions got the better of you, twisting time and priorities until food was the last thing on your mind.
Crowley sighed. “(Y/n) you have to eat. I can’t have you...” After seeing the sad look on your face, he decided to continue his rant another time, instead asking you what you’d like. “... Could I have some pizza?” you asked quietly. He gave you a heart-warming grin. “Anything my queen desires.” With a snap of his fingers, you found that the coffee table in front of you was full of delicious treats. There was candies of every kind, ice-cream, chips, sodas, and of course, your favorite pizza.
A smile tugged at your lips. “You didn’t have to get me all this.” you chuckled quietly, grabbing a slice of your pizza. His arm slipped around your shoulder, pulling you against his chest. “Oh I know, kitten. But you deserve it.” You let him stroke your hair as you bit into your pizza graciously, relishing the flavors that danced in your mouth before he asked you a question. “How about a movie?” You looked up at him in surprise. Though he was your boyfriend, it was strange to witness such kindness coming from the King of Hell.
“Yes, please.” you responded, eager to see what other sweet surprises he might have in store for you. He chuckled, “Alright, love. Your favorite I’m guessing?” Shaking your head enthusiastically, you watched as he snapped his fingers and your favorite motion picture lit up the screen. Sighing in content, you leaned further against his chest, and you felt your heart swell when he pressed a kiss to your temple and pulled you even tighter against him.
When the movie finally ended and the credits rolled onto the screen, you felt Crowley shift down to look at you. “Are you better now, kitten?” You let a smile fall upon your lips as you nodded. “Thank you, Crowley. For everything.” He chuckled lightly and pulled you in for a kiss. “Oh I’m not done yet.” Before you could let out a squeal, his arms enveloped you, now carrying you like a princess to the bedroom you shared. “How about a massage?” He asked as he laid you down next to another assortment of chocolates.
You giggled, “A massage sounds amazing.” The King’s fingers danced across your skin for what felt like hours, knowing when to be gentle and when to be rough. You felt like an entirely new person. When he was finally finished, he pulled you up against his chest, snapping his fingers to put you both in pajamas and underneath the covers. “Sleep my dear. You’ve had an exhausting day. I’ll be here when you wake up.” you heard Crowley say as you began to slip into an incredibly peaceful slumber, a small smile still plastered upon your lips.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
I just got diagnosed with borderline syndrome and panic disorder and I dunno how to feel about it. Any advice, please? (Or could you send Balthazar over?)
Oh darling I’m touched that you called for me. Perhaps when I get the time, I’ll fly over.
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I want you to know you’ll be fine. I promise to watch over you and do anything you ask. Hell, I’ll even watch the damn Titanic movie if that’s what you want. My advice to you is to stay strong. You can make it through anything. I’ve watched over you thus far, and I will watch over you more. So stay strong. We will make it through this together.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
(To Crowley) What were you thinking when you sold your soul for extra inches???
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Ahh! Well... Priorities change. I wasn’t the bon vivant that I am today. Back then I was simply thinking what better to bring to the party than an extra three inches below the waist? It was a good way to pull... feistier... women in. Of course, nowadays I could get any demon or human I please. After all, I am the King of Hell.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
Would you pretty please do a Lucifer one shot where the reader is recovering from a panic attack and he comforts her? Smut is okay with me if it is okay with you. (I love your blog!!)
Of course darling! I’m glad someone requested Lucifer it’ll be a nice change :) and thank you so much i’m SOOOO glad that I can make you guys day brighter in any way. Also I’m so sorry I haven't been updating in a while. Tumblr is not letting me access my drafts and ipiccy (the website where I create imagines) is freezing my computer up :/ But yes I’ll try and get on this!!
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
I just got a question for Cas, what is the most fascinating thing you found out on a woman?
Their range of emotions is most intriguing. I’ve studied humans for many, many years, and I’m yet to figure out Dean, let alone a woman. But I wouldn’t say that’s the most fascinating thing I’ve found out. The most fascinating, I believe, is their strength. They can hold so much love in their hearts, yet so much hatred, and it can build them up until they’re stronger than any creature I’ve seen in my existence. They can hold their own even when internally I know they are broken. It’s incredible.
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
Can I give you an Internet hug?
Awww of course you may!! Don’t mind me... just blushing... and smiling
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
Hello! I absolutely loved "My Dark Knight" and I was wondering if I could request another Crowley x Reader because you wrote so well? If you can, can the plot line be along the lines of the reader and Crowley being evil rivals? Like they are both against the Winchesters and both have powers similar to one another, but they are rivals in the "Evil" industry. Then they fall in love because they have to work together to defeat some bigger evil
Sure will darling! I’ll go ahead and add it to the others! And thank you so much I’m blushing :) You guys sure do like a lot of Crowley, but hey! I can’t say I blame ya ;P
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askingsupernatural · 9 years
Hi! Could you please make a Crowley imagine, preferably fluff, where the reader is sad n he tries to cheer them up by buying them pizza n chocolate n cuddling with then whilst they watch the readers fave movie? I'm just rly sad and need cutesy stuff
Yes yes yes! Coming right up darling don’t you dare be sad you are absolute perfection :) 
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