auggie-poggie · 5 months
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Lesbian + Girlflux =
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(Please read pinned post before interacting! <3)
Lesbian - Someone who experiences queer attraction towards fem-aligned people.
Girlflux - Someone who’s gender changes between fem-aligned genders.
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auggie-poggie · 5 months
I totally do NOT have a huge squish on my friend 👀
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auggie-poggie · 6 months
Sapphoplatonic Pride Flag
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Sapphoplatonic or saphatonic (saplatonic/sapphatonic, sapphiplatonic/saphiplatonic, saphlatonic, sapphlatonic, or saphplatonic/saphoplatonic): being sapphic platonically and/or queerplatonically/quasiplatonically (sapphoqueerplatonic, sapphoquasiplatonic/sapphiqueerplatonic/sapphiquasiplatonic, sapphasiplatonic, or quasisapphic); identifying as a wlw/qlw/wlq in a platonic way; experiencing platonic attraction to women as a woman and/or queer folk.
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auggie-poggie · 8 months
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meet: honk-yahooic! a gender based on honk, a silly lil dude who is also not a dude (clown is nonbinary, this gender can apply to anyone), just exists but also dosent and very happy and explodey but in a yahoo - ey way // btw his mouth is plush, so he eats from a home under and in his hat :D ( the hat is part of his body, if removee could cause catastrophe , summoning the anti honk the anti honk is extremley sensitive, and will try to eat you if it finds out you are the one who took its hat ) they are both 1 apple tall :)
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auggie-poggie · 8 months
Is he worthy of your reproductive labor?
Does he display the necessary skills to rear/raise a child?
Does he display functional care skills (cleaning, organization, nutrition etc.) nurturing qualities, or the emotional depth that is needed to raise a child?
Before you even conceive, would he school himself about pregnancy, the effects it has on the body, the risks, mortality rates, reading stories about the worst possible outcomes and the effects of pregnancy (i.e. pregnancy related depression, gestational diabetes)? Does he know what a pregnant body looks like, what a post pregnancy body looks like? Could he pass a class/be tested on this information? (Do courses like this exist? Because I wouldn’t procreate with someone who got anything lower than a B+, to be honest) 
Does he understand that even in light of all of this, ultimately the choice to be pregnant/give birth is yours?
If/when you are pregnant, does he cater to your needs as the pregnancy progresses? Has he continued to demonstrate through his actions that he understands the risks and takes the information he learned seriously? Does he want to be a parent? Is he learning the ins and outs of infant development and care? Does he want to raise a child and can he raise a child?
If you are open to adding children to your life/ experiencing pregnancy, keep those standards to the sky, the children will thank you.
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auggie-poggie · 11 months
a cis woman who thinks they should be a trans girl
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A cis man who feels like they should be a trans man
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A cis person who feels like they should be trans
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auggie-poggie · 1 year
Ideas for Coping With Gender Dysphoria:
-Wear affirming clothing
-Hear someone refer to you with your name and pronouns (either someone you trust or a website like pronoun dressing room)
-Do something artistic
-Read or write
-Go for a jog or do some form of exercise you fine enjoyable
-Talk to someone that you trust
-Repeat a series of affirming statements to yourself (Ex: My name is River. I am nonbinary. I am valid and deserve to be happy).
-Listen to music that you vibe with
-Do a breathing exercise, such as box breathing
-Make a list of things that you are hopeful about
-Many other things work for different people...please add on to the list!
Keep track of which coping strategies are effective for you, and try to use them the next time you are struggling! It also helps to be aware of your triggers so that you can try to avoid them. You can do this!
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auggie-poggie · 1 year
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-Non-binary girl
-Likes animals and art
-Autism & BPD
Carrd: https://auggie-poggie.carrd.co
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