authorjoyroyal · 23 days
Today, I hope for you that you can sit in all of the nuance of this life… the stunning grayscale scape of intricate decision making, delicate and complex people, labyrinthine opinions to be formed, and shaded mistakes with so much grace to cover them. There is so much more than simply bold lines and broad strokes, and I hope you find all of the refracted beams of your life… with so much gentleness and care.
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authorjoyroyal · 2 months
The Puffin
I know it’s bad
Because I am not wearing my shoes.
I’ve blamed it on the aching back,
The work demands of the day,
The convenience,
(Or passing smirking remarks about)
The depression…
But I’ve kept coming back to my heels…
At least sometimes-
An addiction that doesn’t break
Too easily…
My comfort shoe
My best “fake it til you make it”
My favorite quirk
That kept people talking
And my posture erect.
I know it’s bad
Because my shoes still call to me
And my mind now tells me
I don’t deserve them.
They used to work
With my “pretty girl” aesthetic
That I didn’t fully believe,
But was at least
A plausible pretense.
They used to make the facade
More believable,
Even to my own eyes
Instilling confidence and relief.
I know it’s bad
Because now they feel like a cruel joke.
Too far gone
For the masquerade.
A monster in heels
In still just a monster.
A puffin among penguins,
Or something equally as out of place
(My mind should be inventive enough
To come up with better)…
I don’t want to be
So stunningly devoid
Of self awareness
That I make myself apparent as
The fraud,
The monster,
The puffin…
…but I miss my shoes…
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authorjoyroyal · 3 months
If I said how I really think
How much bourbon I drink
How incapable of growth and change…
The baggage I carry
Isn’t fun or novel
And I’m not handling it well…
It would only be a matter of time.
You’d realize
How worthless I really am.
I can’t fool the world forever.
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authorjoyroyal · 3 months
You don’t understand
This is not a passing fancy
A hobby, or a selfish
Flaunting of my “dramatic” flair…
I’m not a child,
Fighting to field my emotions
Or playing at statements
Above my pay grade…
I am an artist. An actor.
A professional.
Paid for my work-
Praised by the people I respect.
Fighting infinite imposter syndrome
And convinced of utter worthlessness….
But this need I have…
This thrill, this craving, this…
Desperate imperative
That has been placed on my life….
It is all-encompassing,
Obsessive, unwavering…
It is… involuntary.
Painful. Like a disease
That grabs hold and grips,
Unbidden, uninhibited,
Visceral. Real. Unmistakable.
The fingerprint of God on me?….
Who I am.
Who I was made to be.
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authorjoyroyal · 3 months
The heart just hurts.
I could explain a thousand times,
With metaphor and example…
Pontificate and expound,
Sob and stutter.
But the foundation is just what it is…
Pain and piercing grief.
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authorjoyroyal · 3 months
I hope that you live to see so much healing that whatever is stealing your breath and sending you to your knees today… whatever is scarring your soul and wrenching tears from your eyes and settling a pit in the deepest part of your stomach….
… becomes not a forgotten blip, but a memory of the moment that changed your life. The moment that sent you toward all of the good you’d always held hope for. The shift that put you on the trajectory toward joy.
Here to listen and pray for you if you need it.
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
The water rises again
And I feel it slightly different this time.
A new hell or a tiny reprieve
In oscillating movements,
This time the grief squeezes-
My chest concave
And my longing screaming
For a return to before.
It was so tightly bound,
A neat little stack of traumas
Piled into glass cases,
Like exhibits to be studied.
Now “growth” grants freedom to the pain
And “healing” exhibiting more as a hurricane
Than as a balm,
And I am left trembling on the floor
Begging for my old self back.
The soldier who endured,
The stalwart, steady hand
That wore “survivor” like a surname.
Where did she go?
A collapse and a broken dam
Don’t change the landscape for a day,
But for a lifetime.
What does the survivor do
When the need for saving is now her own?
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
I wish I could smile,
Turn, twirl, laugh
With my head to the sky.
I wish I could plumb the depths
Of my humor,
As playful and free as I want to be.
I wish I could give hugs
To all who need them-
Every time I sense that they do.
I wish my warmth
Would be seen for sunshine
And be allowed to radiate
As brightly as it can
With as much heat as it can muster.
I wish my sarcasm
Could be just what it is-
Pure fun and quick wit
And impressive wordplay.
I wish I could be
As emotionally assertive as necessary,
Taking hold of the moments
When those around me
Need my perception
And offering it with open hands.
I wish I could be as amazing
As I wonder if I could be…
Without the fear
Of perception
And of my own weakness
And of your weakness
And all of the boundaries
That are all on me….
I’m happy to cling to the boundaries…
But some days I just wish
I could freely be me
Without any versioning
Or fear
Or careful, timid, cautious steps.
Just me.
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
Today almost feels like a “before and after” moment. The “my life rended into ‘before and after’ segments”…. Maybe not quite? All I know is, I can’t quite feel hunger like normal, and my mind is oscillating rapidly between “I’m fine” and “I’m not”. Maybe that’s what trauma is… the desperation of our brain as it tries SO HARD to rectify what it witnessed and what it already knows. It didn’t even feel like MY trauma. But I watched three people I love, fall apart.
One convulsing on the floor, tipped back in the chair as you gagged on your own tongue and drooled on the floor, and then argued vehemently as a toddler does that “no- you couldn’t have possibly have had a seizure.”
One tearing up, a mother- filled to overflowing with desperate need to make it go away. NOW. desperate desire to tie up all the loose ends and apologize to all the missed appointments and get the act together, while the mother in you SCREAMED silently with such grief that I don’t see on your face otherwise.
One holding tight. Hard. Rigid. “Okay.” The protector and the emotionless. The “I’m fine” no matter how deep the trauma, but the facade that doesn’t quite ring true after seeing your face as you held him…. Laying atop his twitching, choking, gagging, dying form… I SAW your face…. you can’t hide it anymore from me. I peeked into the depths of your sorrow and your concern, and I found only denial waiting as you turned to greet the day with the ever ready willingness to lie to me about how you feel.
And all I could do…. Was mop the floor. As soon as I navigated the 911 call, as soon as everyone was dispersed to hospitals and offices and etc…. I saw the floor and I knew to mop up the signs that trauma had been just moments before the calm… and then normalcy invaded like a thief and I hated the tears and the numbness equally, as they traded places in waves.
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
The word you used was fierceness.
“Fierceness that is not represented
In your personality.”
I’ve never had anyone pierce so quickly
To the heart of who I am…
Seeing through masks
And pretenses I thought
I was better at maintaining…
But without the self-loathing,
Without the shame…
Seeing only wonder and admiration
When you look at my war-scarred features.
The fierceness. The flame
Beneath all the hurt-
That is alive, chewing through trauma
And pain, and “I can’t”
With a bold and belligerent
“Watch me”…
Quiet. But fierce.
So why does it feel like a slap in the face?
And why do the tears rise
At the ready-
In the face of such genuine respect?
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
Pacing, marching, stepping,
Back and forth
Wearing erosion canyons in the floor
Waiting by for the buzzing
To pass through
On my way to exhaustion
And my head
To find my pillow’s welcoming embrace
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
The feelings of shame creep in.
No…. They swarm.
No…. They have already consumed flesh and bone
Leaving nothing for the birds
When decay rides in.
Embedded under my skin
Swirling through my bloodstream
Pushed further
With each unwitting beat of my heart.
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
Are a hit of ecstasy
And a fast let down
To the reality that
No one cares.
My neurotic need
Of goodness
Equates to nothing more
Than shouted professions
On deaf eardrums.
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
You were chill.
You were a professional.
I had no fear of my boundaries being broken
Or of your interest being piqued
Beyond what work we make together.
You were scared of me at first
And in some ways it was better.
But somewhere the conversation turned
So subtly that I wondered
Where your head was at…
Was I crazy? Self-obsessed?
Perfectly within the realm of the work,
And yet…
“Just text me. We’ll grab coffee and work on it.”
“Come over to my house, we can use my piano”
“Pretend it’s not you, but someone you actually like”
“If that happens we’ll just bugger off and get coffee and work on it ourselves”
Excuse me, Sir.
Why are you being perceptive about my own self?
Why does it matter that I hate myself?
And how did you know?
I’m not getting coffee with you or coming to your home
But why would you even want me to?
And why is my guard all the way up immediately?
When from someone else,
I might appreciate the gestures?
And now I wonder if I’m misreading every sign
Or if you feel bonded in a way that’s not there.
Or maybe it’s just the “hard things” bond.
We do hard things together.
The work is heavy, and you’re bearing half the load.
Or maybe my overthink is in overdrive.
Dangit I really wanted to enjoy you.
Fully- with no hesitations or worries.
I wanted you to be gay, or uninterested, or…
Not you, I guess.
You are kind, until religion comes up.
I see wounds in you, and softness.
I also see arrogance and anxiety and sharpness.
And I don’t want it all in my brain.
I don’t want to spend time and energy and emotion
On wondering if you are interested,
And if I am desirable enough
For that to even be plausible.
I want to focus at home.
I choose my home.
I choose him. Over and over, again and again.
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
To the men…
I don’t choose the bear.
I refuse to accept this rubric that MEN are unsafe and inherently animals… I know some are. I know there are bad men. I am not naive. I walk with my keys between my fingers… I protect myself. I see devastation where it rears its head, and I grieve for all those affected….
There are, CERTAINLY, many bad men… just as there are many bad women. I stand with the victims of bad men, just as I stand with my loved ones as they unpack decades of trauma inflicted by women.
But haven’t we for too long made these generalizations? Isn’t this what got us here in the first place? “Women are *fill in the blank*”… women are weak, women are dumb, women should be at home, women can’t… just as we’ve done to so many groups of people. Gender, skin color, ethnicity… have we not learned? How can we now turn around and label men as “dangerous” simply because of who they inherently are?
How many times do I encounter a stranger who is also a man in my life? Innumerable times. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, I encounter myriads of men who are simply like me… trying to be decent to those around them. Navigating the world with as much grace as they can- despite the hardships they face. And yes- they will all be varying degrees of healed… varying degrees of healthy…
But I refuse to pretend that I would rather encounter a literal wild animal. It would be a lie. Please, I’m begging you…. Be kind to each other. As much as humanly possible.
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authorjoyroyal · 4 months
I choose.
Regardless of what life throws
What feelings come
What fears or traumas raise their heads.
I choose.
When it’s all too much
And the only plausible solution
Feels like running far far away.
I choose.
I get to.
And I choose again.
And the choices add up
To a life lived
In a way that makes me proud.
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authorjoyroyal · 5 months
The urge to run away
Mixing, mingling
With the knowledge
That I can’t run from myself
Far enough to make any difference
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