avvy-lavvy · 7 months
Hi! This is no longer an acc for fanfic I will be posting rp related content such as memes and prompts!
Please understand I can’t always post or reply. Irl I’m married and have two kids, 8 days ago I had my second baby so don’t get upset when I can’t always be on.
I’m also a minor so please keep that in mind when interacting. I go by Dru or Avvy in the rp community feel free to call me whichever you want. My pronouns are also They/Them.
I don’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or transphobia. This is a safe space please understand that. I’m also open to making friends and new rp partners. I primarily rp on FB and Messenger as messenger bubbles make it easier for me to look at notifications and not miss them.
That’s all for now 🫶
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avvy-lavvy · 10 months
⚠️TW⚠️ this isn’t my usual content but I want to post somewhere. This is something I wrote about my life. ⚠️⚠️mentions of SA and child loss⚠️⚠️
I am 9 years old I'm told my shoulders are distracting
I am 9 years old my male teacher tells "be careful bending over boys will look"
I am 10 years old a man puts his hands on me. "You need to know how to please a man" he told me as i cried
I am 11 years old the 17 year old boy tells me he loves me. I'm just so young a pretty. He tells me over and over as he drives me to school.
I am 11 years old i cry and try and push him away "you want this, dont you love me?" I don't want it. I screamed out and others hear. They don't do anything.
I am 12 years old im pregnant. Not even a week ago i was playing with dolls.
I am 12 years old "you were busting it down? What a whore" do they not understand? I didn't ask for it.
Im 12 years old "well what were you wearing?" The cop and doctor ask me. Why does it matter? He HURT me.
I am 12 years old screaming in pain. My mother denied me pain management during birth. I blacked out, why can't i remember it?
I am 13 years old and confused, why is my baby crying is he tired? Is he hungry? I want to cry with him. I was a once just a baby.
I am 13 years old i was playing with dolls a year ago now I'm taking a baby to school as people laugh and talk about me. Why can't be normal?
I am 14 years old my male teacher tells me "you're so mature for your age. No one has to know" i believed he loved me like no other.
I am 14 years old "i have your pictures. You please me more than my wife. So young like she once was"
I am 14 years old. Im pregnant with his babies. "Abort them" i had no access. I lose both and have to have them. "Good." I return to school not even a week later.
I am 15 years old "stop acting like a child you are a mother"
I am 15 years old i am a child. I resent my son and his father. They took away my childhood.
I am 15 years old "you've gained weight why do you look like that?"
I am 16 years old i love my son but many hate "what a slut" i want to cry. Do they not hear when i cry for help?
I am 16 years old i am pregnant again. "Maybe its not bad"
I am 16 years old i got married. What happened to me? Just four years ago i was still playing in the rain and asking when dinner was done.
Im 16 years old and men still ask "can i get some" i learned what that meant when i was 10. I wish to be innocent again and not cry when i can't get "clean"
I am strong but i still cry. I have worked through it yet i still panic. I am proud but what if I wasn't?
I am responsible not only for myself but children. What happened to being a child myself?
I am 16 i want to be me again.
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avvy-lavvy · 10 months
Chapter four
The Photographer fem!oc x Tom Kaulitz
-The Morning Of Pictures-
Prue woke up not feeling well, there was no specific feeling other than feeling off. Tom had seemed to pick up on it so he tried to stay on her nice side. He played some music before handing her some breakfast from the hotel. She happily took the food as she mumbled. “What all do we have to do today?”
“Pictures, after that we have a free day.”
“Oh thank fuck, honestly I’m drained.” She spoke as she got up to get changed. Tom watched for a moment before speaking. “Yea I can tell, you look out of it. I don’t know how to put it in words but yea.”
“I look out of it because I am. Honestly I think I might be coming down with a cold.” She slipped on her outfit for the day before she spoke again. “Also wear something different for the shoot. We want you and the others to pop, not look normal.” She didn’t intend it to but it sounded kinda mean. Thankfully Tom understood she didn’t mean it the way it sounded.
Tom started to get dressed once Prue finished. “How about thi-“ he got cut off by Prue.
“No. Pick out a blue one, it’ll look better.” Tom just nodded. He trusted the girl, she had good taste in fashion. While he got sorted she went and harassed the rest of the band. Making sure they all looked decent.
Before they knew it they were headed to the photo shoot. “No way! We aren’t posting any pictures with me unless we hide my face.” Bill looked at her quickly “wait really? We could post as long as we hide your face?”
Prue took a moment to think about it. “Sure. But ONLY. If we do it in a fun and/or cool way.” Before she could even speak again all four boys said “DEAL!” Prue couldn’t help but laugh. The boys wanted to show her off but weren't really sure how to do so while staying respectful. But this gave them the chance.
They each get off the tour bus one by one before heading to the set up for the photo shoot. Prue started getting her cameras ready while the boys messed around. “You’re FALLINGGGGG for her!” They teased Tom and he only protested. “I am -NOT- falling for her we agreed it’s just some fun.”
“Just some fun ALWAYS turns into something Tom. Have you not paid attention to the movies?” Bill spoke and Tom only shook his head. “Well those aren’t real. This is real life not some book or movie”
“You say that now but have you seen how you look at her? Or how you even talk about her?” Georg spoke leaving Tom stuck in his own mind. ‘Maybe they’re right. But it’s probably just because we tend to sleep together. After that happens a lot I’m sure it’s bound for there to be feelings.’ Tom was in for some heart break. Prue didn’t feel the same way.
She had been listening to the conversation. ‘That is NOT how that works. I’m not falling for him so how could he be falling for me? Sure, I have a crush, he’s cute and good in bed. But that’s all it is. A simple crush.’ She thought to herself before finally speaking.
“Alright losers, pose” The boys looked over before they did as told. Prue walked over and started to move them some. “I need it to look more natural.” She carefully moves them each just ever so slightly before finally stepping back.
“Perfect.” She took a couple pictures, the sound of her camera clicking lingering in the air for a moment. “P! Get over here! You gotta get some pictures with us.” Gustav yelled over to her.
“One second I have to set it up.” She spoke as she put on the timer for the camera before running over where they take funny pictures, hiding her face in strategic ways. One of which was her standing in the middle and the boys stretched, using their arms and hands to hide her face. Another was just as a joke but her and Tom acted like they kissed while they others acted surprised and ‘OMG LOOK’ as if they were fans or paparazzi.
They all went ahead and got some other pictures. It started to rain and they used that to their advantage even just playing around for a while after they got all the pictures.
By the end they were soaking wet and laughing.
“Letting our inner child out was much needed.” Georg spoke and all the others nodded along in agreement.”Truly.” Prue smiled a little at them all. She felt at home, she never understood what people meant when they said home was a person….But now she does. Home is four German boys who love chaos, even through the craziness she felt somehow at peace knowing home doesn’t have to be a place or a single person.
Prue was snapped out of her own head when she realized she was cold. “If I wasn't already coming down with a cold I sure will be now.” She laughs before feeling two of the boys grab her arms. “P! There’s a park!!” They all headed over “I CALL ONE OF THE SWINGS!” Prue yelled out but wasn’t fast enough the boys beat her to all four swings.
“No fair! You guys had a head start.” She pouted but was swiftly grabbed by Tom who placed her on his lap. “Come on now P, you don’t think I’m gonna leave you hanging do you?” Her back was pressed against his chest, she sank into the warmth of him. “Maybe. Who knows.” She responded back as Tom let one hand snake around her waist while the other held the chain on the swing.
“Yes, well I just so happen to care.” The boy chuckled and he and Prue started to hear the others whispering and giggling like little girls. “Get a roommmmm” all three spoke in sync and Prue and Tom just roll their eyes.
“Get over yourselves it’s not like we’re actually a couple.” Those last words rang in Tom’s mind. He knew it was true but it still hurt…maybe he was falling for their photographer.
Tom was silent for a moment before speaking. “Yea…we aren’t together it’s just some fun. She sits on Bill's lap all the time.”
“Me and Prue don’t sleep together though….she’s usually sitting on me so she can be comfy while doing my makeup or painting my face. She sits on my lap cause she’s my best friend. She sits on yours cause she fucks you. Big difference Tom.”
Prue just laughed. “Bill has a point. BUTTT we still aren’t a couple and aren’t stripping. So I think we’ll be fine for now.”
“We aren’t love birds!”
They eventually ended up leaving because Prue and even the others were getting cold. But Prue also started to not feel well. They walk into the hotel and say their goodbyes for the time being before heading to their rooms.
Prue starts to peel her clothes off, it felt like they wanted to stick to her and she couldn’t help but hate that feeling.”Hot.” She heard Tom speak from behind her and she rolls her eyes. “Tom, not tonight I feel like shit.”
He looks at her concerned for a moment. “Here, sit down. I’ll grab you clean clothes.” Prue just sat down while Tom came back with clothes he thinks she’d like to wear. “Thanks.” She smiled slightly at him before she slipped the clothes on.
“What exactly feels bad? I can see if we have anything for it.” He wouldn’t help but be worried and care. Prue truly meant a lot to him.
“I don’t know, I just feel off. I’m a little achy and my stomach kind of feels like shit.”
Tom paused for a moment. “We haven’t eaten yet, maybe that’s it? I’ll grab the others and we can figure out what to do for lunch.”
After about twenty minutes they all agreed on McDonald’s “I WANT CHICKEN NUGGETS!” Prue yelled like a child as she got up, tripping in the process.
“Ok ok, so nugget meal, 2 Big Mac meals, a double quarter pounder meal and a McRi-“
“AND a milkshake please.” Prue spoke and bill looked at her. “How about you just tag along with me so I don't have to suffer alone?”
Prue thought for a moment before she nodded. “Deal. But you’re driving my feet hurt.” She grabbed her bag and jacket before heading out to her van.
“WAIT Prue where are your keys?” Bill got hit with said keys as he followed the girl out of the hotel. “Damn Bill, can’t catch?” The boy would just groan. “I wasn’t expecting it to be thrown at me-“
Prue just laughed before jumping into the van. Bill followed soon after. “I hate your van with a passion P.”
“Yes- well it’s the only car that’s not the tour bus that we have. SO- deal with it cause I love her.”
“I still think it’s weird you named your car.” He spoke as he began driving. “So, you’ve been feeling off all day. I could see it. Are you okay?” Prue looked at him for a moment. “Yea, I’m fine. Tom thinks it’s because I haven’t eaten all day.”
“Do YOU think that’s why you’ve felt off?” Prue’s silence said a lot and he glanced at her. “What do you think it is?”
“Well- i don’t know, maybe a cold or- something?”
“Prue…what’s something? I know you’re avoiding saying it.” Prue looked at him for a moment before she spoke, her words all slurred together quickly. “I’m late and i think it might be something more severe than a cold…like 18 years severe or until I die of old age severe.”
“SHHHHHH Bill it’s FINE it’s probably just the stress of the new job and shit. I’m just going to see if the bug passes.”
“And what happens when that BUG is born?”
“BILL! We don’t know if that’s it or not. I’m sure it’s not. If it gets worse or doesn’t go away I’ll buy a test or something. Until then keep your mouth shut or I’ll cut your tongue out and feed it to you.”
“I- fine. Only because it’s something you aren’t sure about.” He spoke as they pulled up to McDonald’s. They ordered and waited a bit before finally grabbing the order and heading back to the hotel.
“Alright here.” Prue starts handing out their orders. “So what are we doing the rest of the day? I personally think we should do karaoke.”
Gustav looked at Prue. “You? Willingly singing? This is a dream right?” Everyone nodded in agreement. Usually Prue refuses to sing. “I mean- karaoke is different then just randomly singing-“
“Ehhh- not really but sure.” Tom chuckled before they all started to eat.
“It is differenttttt” prue whined a bit before putting on some karaoke singalongs. She ended up being the first to sing. ‘I Love Rock n’ Roll’ By Joan Jett is what she opted to sing. She truly was in her own world singing the song.
They enjoyed the time, some of them did duets with each other. By the end they were all screaming ‘Footloose’ at the top of their lungs. Most definitely waking up their neighbors in the hotel.
“WELL IT IS NOWWWW” The chaos only seemed to grow and they all ended up asleep on the floor. Their McDonald’s trash scattered around them. The night was fun, they definitely deserved every bit of fun they had today.
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|| Author's Note: I’m working on chapters for the Photographer now. However I’m starting to take requests if there’s anything you’d like to see from the bunch. Specifically if you have any questions. I’ll be doing requests like one shots but they technically would probably still exist within this little world I’m building. Technically not part of the actual story though. ||
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avvy-lavvy · 10 months
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POV: the series of events after I realize my toddler knows I have a snack 😂😭
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avvy-lavvy · 10 months
Hi! I'm Avvy, a new writer to Tumblr, and finally decided to give it a go.
I take requests. Usually using my oc but I might start to do y/n!
I will not do full on smut at least for now. I still have a lot of improvement for it.
Some about me:
-I'm friendly! Ask questions and talk with me.
-i can't always respond or post.
-Irl I'm 16 almost seventeen. I have a child and soon that will be 2. But I'll try and respond and do requests as much as possible.
-if we make friends I'll probably ask to message on other platforms just cause it's easier but if you aren't comfortable that's ok!
-I'm wanting to use this platform to improve my writing. So please feel free to give advice I'm sure I'll need it. Hell, I want it!
-This is a LGBTQIA+ FRIENDLY PAGE! Irl I'm non-binary!
- currently I'm writing Tom Kaulitz a lot. But I might start writing for other fandoms and such. Anyone you want lmk I might give it a go!
-i have a Wattpad and TikTok
Wattpad: Avvy-Lavvy
TikTok: Avvylavvy (mostly just edits. But I take requests there too)
-I'm still learning Tumblr so bare with me while I do.
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avvy-lavvy · 10 months
Sorry for the late post of chapter three
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The Photographer fem!oc x Tom Kaulitz chapter Three
-The Interview Day-
Prue was the last to wake up, Tom had picked up on the fact she liked sleeping in but they needed to get dressed for the day. He carefully shook the sleeping girl “P. Time to get up, we actually have a busy day.”
Prue groaned before she finally got up. “How the hell do you deal with mornings like this?” She yawned as she started to get dressed.
Tom held up a cup “Coffee-“ before he knew it Prue had taken his coffee and started to drink it. He blinked a couple times before he finally spoke. “I- hey that’s mine-“
“Not anymore it’s not.” The two went on to go ahead and get dressed before meeting the others at their bus. Prue had to essentially drag herself to the bus but she knew she had to tag along to film some and get pictures.
“Oh I love when we get to answer questions, feels like I’m able to interact with fans when I usually wouldn’t be able to.” Bill spoke and the band all nodded in agreement while Prue raised a brow.
“I don’t know…that just feels like a lot of work just to get your face plastered everywhere. Always having people follow you and stuff. Just doesn’t feel appealing.”
Gustav spoke up next “some of it is appealing while some of it isn’t. We happen to mostly enjoy our lives being famous. Just isn’t for everyone.” They all, including Prue nodded in agreement with the statement.
The drive to the location was about 45 minutes, once they arrived they all got out. Tom being the somewhat gentle man he can be sometimes, helped Prue out before heading in. He lent Prue his hat so she could look down and keep her face hidden until they got to where they needed to be.
“Thanks for letting me borrow the hat, it means a lot.” She smiled at Tom slightly before she handed the hat back and started to get all her stuff set up. She stood with the filming crew for the interview so she could get the shots she needed.
It wasn’t long before the interview got started. “We heard a rumor you got a new camera man, how’s that been?” The interviewer waited for an answer and Tom looked at Prue, he made eye contact with her for a moment before his eyes drifted back to the interviewer.
“Camera woman actually.” Tom couldn’t help but smirk but it was short lived as Bill took the microphone from him. “She’s wonderful! Such a darling really, she understands us and has beautiful work!” Him, Georg and Gustav all started gushing over the girl as a person, Tom even jumped in at one point before he took the microphone.
“She’s very pretty too.” Tom got up to his usual tricks when he talks about girls but it made the interviewer more curious.
“Yesterday you were seen with a girl at the beach, is this your photographer girl you speak of? May we know more about her?” The boys heard the question and looked to Prue for permission, she gave a side thumb hoping they understood what she meant.
They could talk about her but don’t give her name or too much information on her. Tom picked up and whispered it to the others before he spoke up. “Ah, yes. We met at a festival and we all just favored her and her work. She’s actually a little younger than us.”
Bill took the mic to speak “And for her own privacy we won’t be saying her name or showing her face. When she’s ready she’ll show herself, until then please respect her.”
The interviewer listened to the boys talk and honestly assumed they knew the girl for a while now. “You all seem rather fond of the girl, how is it having one traveling with you?” Tom got to let himself shine for a moment as he took the mic from Bill once more.
“It’s fun. If you know what I mean. However on a serious note it’s just nice having her around. She’s a new face and is at the age she understands us. She didn’t know who we were previously. It’s nice having someone who didn’t know us, it felt fresh like we didn’t have to put on a face for a fan who wanted to work for us. We actually offered her the job and had to talk her into it. I’m curious to watch her career grow with ours.”
Prue stood as she watched and listened while she got the photos she needed. Tom sounded so tender-hearted she couldn’t help but smile. Having a crush on him truly was starting to pay off.
Tom saw her smile and couldn’t help but smile back. “P. I know you’re watching, keep up the good work and you’ll go far with us.” P. Could stand for anything, Pretty, Princes, Poppy, Prue, Penny. But most assumed it stood for Photographer so they didn’t have to call her nothing.
After the first interview the five met in a lounge area to wait for the next one. Prue jumped up and took Tom’s hat before she put it on. “First interview went well…but P? What if they figure out my name?”
Tom spoke as he took a bite of a cookie. “Don’t worry if they ask, I'll say it stands for photographer. I’m not a complete idiot, I promise you that.”
She looked a little uncertain but she shrugged it off before taking his cookie. “Come onn get your own!” She shook her head as she took a bite of the cookie. “Not as fun.”
“Wow Tom, gonna let a 4’11 girl bully you?” Georg spoke with a laugh causing the others to chuckle.
-Over the next couple months-
Prue and the band had gotten even closer, she was practically best friends with them all, more like friends with benefits with Tom but overall they were all close with each other. They all made an effort to keep her name and face hidden and they did so successfully, despite being caught multiple times in public. They all formed a technique to it, keep eye and if someone was spotted trying to get a look she was given something to cover with.
Surprisingly not many actually tried to get pictures of her or anything, they respected her. However the few that didn’t often were reported and sent on their way.
This particular day they were swamped with stuff to do and were relieved when they finally were able to get back to their hotel room.
Tom walked in and immediately flopped on the bed while Prue started to take her makeup off. She didn’t notice but Tom was watching as she did so and he sat up. “You know you’re pretty right?”
She looked over confused. “No shit Sherlock.” She spoke before she continued to clean the makeup off. Tom got up grabbing a stool, he sat right behind her and made eye contact through the mirror.
Prue felt his hands snake around her waist. “People tell you that. But you know it? Do you believe it?” Prue looked confused once more unsure what to say. ‘Of course people tell me it….but do I believe it? I think I do.’ She thought to herself before she finally spoke. “Of course I’m pretty. I feel confident most days. Sure there’s some iffy days but I’m sure we all have those days.”
Tom listened carefully before he finally spoke. “As long as you know it’s true.” His hands left her waist as he got up from the stool, placing a gentle kiss on the side of her head. He was so gentle and genuine when he wanted to be. Prue couldn’t help but love it.
“I gotta shower, are you joining?” Prue spoke knowing it would be a yes. But Tom also knew no funny business would go on, they were both tired and getting a shower at the same time was just more convenient if they wanted to get to bed earlier.
Tom being his usual self smirked at the girl. “You know it.” The two gathered their stuff to get a shower before they headed to the bathroom. Tom turned on the water while Prue got undressed. While she got in, Tom stripped and got in after her before he started to speak.
“I’m thinking tomorrow for the photoshoot maybe we could get a couple pictures with you? We couldn’t release them, it'd just be for us to look back on. For the memories and stuff. You might not go on stage, but you’re one of us.” He spoke as they started to get showered.
Prue thought about it for a moment before finally she responded. “As long as we don’t release the photos I don’t see the harm. I don’t mind being in pictures but the public eye scares me honestly.” The two continued to shower as they talked.
“That makes sense honestly, it’s scary. And you shouldn’t be forced into their eyes, I know I say that a lot but it’s true. We choose to be stars, you chose to help us be stars not be one with us.”
The two eventually got out and Prue wrapped a towel around herself while Tom wrapped one around his waist. They let their minds wander as they started to get dressed.
Prue thought about her and Tom, he’s the man he presents to the media there was no doubt but he seemed to care more than he leads on. She liked that, he’s tender hearted and sweet when he wants to be, especially to her or the band. She was slowly starting to think about the future more and more each day she had with them.
Tom was also thinking about them, he loved the way Prue is, the way she speaks her mind and acts like she could floor anyone. The way she smiles when she sees something to her interest. It wasn’t all about sex anymore he truly cared, he honestly has since the beginning. He wasn’t necessarily sure in what ways he cared but he knew that one day he would figure it out.
Tom zoned back in and looked at Prue for a moment before he started to tickle her without warning. That surely caught her attention and she squealed. “WHA HEY- NO NO TICKLINGGGGGG”
Tom laughed like an evil person. “HAHA too bad!” Prue slipped from his grip and started to tickle him back. “PAYBACK SUCKERRRRRRR!” Tom couldn’t help but laugh and let her tickle him for a second before he picked her up without warning. He took the chance to carefully toss her onto the bed but she just smiled. She thought it was fun, like a child being tossed in the air screaming ‘AGAIN AGAIN!’
They both chuckled before finally getting settled in bed. It had kind of just became their routine. The others knew they were hookup buddies so they decided it was easier to just pay for one room instead of an extra one. But they’d get the extra one if Prue asked, they respected her.
“Goodnight P.” Tom spoke before rolling over and Prue smiled. “Goodnight Tom.” They both started to fall asleep but Prue clung to Tom. It wasn’t anything new and he honestly didn’t mind it. He knew it was due to nightmares but wasn’t sure what they were about. Only knew that he was there when she needed it and she was there when he needed it. They truthfully had been dependent on each other, the whole band honestly had been. But Prue and Tom were the worst about it. They often sought out each other's touch simply because it was calming in stressful situations.
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avvy-lavvy · 10 months
The Photographer female!oc x Tom Kaulitz
Chapter 2 -The Beach-
Bill couldn't help but laugh "We wanted to surprise you as a welcome to the chaos gift. We kind of just hoped and prayed you like the beach." Prue couldn't help but smile. "Of course I like the beach! I actually love it!"
Tom grinned. "So I get a girl to make out with in the water?" The others gagged while Prue laughed. "Sure. If you can catch me."
The girl spoke before making a run for it as she kicked her shoes off. "Catch me if you can lover boy!" Tom was caught off guard but he quickly kicked his shoes off before he ran after her.
"You're quick despite your short legs!" He yelled towards her as she laughed running from him. "What can I say I'm prepared!" The girl spoke as she bobbed and weaved through some people and over towels. Prue finally tripped up and almost fell but Tom snatched her from her waist. "Got you!"
"No fair! I tripped!" Tom chuckles a bit. "Life isn't fair P. It's brutal. Sooooo I win!" Prue laughs and rolls her eyes. "Fine just this once, only cause I'm curious to know what you mean by make out in the water."
"Go get changed and I'll show you." He grinned like a child and Prue chuckled, going to her van to change.
Once she was back Tom picked her up throwing her over his shoulder without warning. "HEY-" She kicked around a bit trying to get out of his grasp but quickly realized she didn't want to eat sand.
"Don't worry, I won't drop you!" He ran to the water till he was about waist high. He carefully adjusted how he was holding Prue as he spoke. "Hold on and wrap your legs around me."
He was so gentle as he moved her, she did as asked and spoke to him. "You better not dunk me in the water." He couldn't help but laugh. "I did this to make out with a pretty girl, not drown her. I promise."
"Then start kissing. I'm getting impatient." Prue locked eyes with him as she spoke, that's when Tom locked their lips together. The two let themselves enjoy the session, their lips moved in sync. A couple "mm" and hum's coming from the two here and there. Tom let one arm rest around her waist while the other held her up under her butt.
Both of Prue's arms rested around Tom's neck while one of her hands messed with his hair.
The two just chilled like that for a while until they heard one of the band members yelling for them, Georg. "LOVE BIRDS IT'S LUNCH TIME!"
They slowly pulled back and Tom yelled to Georg. "We'll be over in a second!" He carefully made it way back to the sand. Gently setting Prue down once they were in it. After that they made their way to the others for lunch.
"There were people taking pictures of you." Bill spoke as he handed them plates of food.
"Yea I know, it's why I carried her and walked a specific way. I didn't know if she wanted her face public or not." He felt no one should be forced into the public eye, especially anyone working for or with the band.
"Thanks...means a lot cause I truly would like to avoid the public eye at least for now that is." He actually cared and that meant everything to her. He's more than a fuck boy. She knows it, she can feel it. Despite loving to take pictures she isn't one to be in them. Especially if they'd be public.
"I also don't want people from my hometown seeing me public yet. I didn't necessarily tell them I was leaving so they easily could send the police to retrieve me until I turn 18."
"....Tom. You're fucking a runaway." Bill spoke and Prue laughed nervously.
"In my defense I just wanted to travel. Living in a small town in Kentucky wasn't going to get me far. I like traveling and being able to fulfill my dream of being a photographer. I'm working for you guys and I'm not even 21. That's a BIG accomplishment. I'm proud of myself."
Tom couldn't help but smile, seeing her talk about her dreams and how they're coming true. "If you happen to be found we'll talk to them. Try and get your folks to understand. But that's probably a big IF we might not even cross paths with."
Prue smiles at Tom and the band as they all agreed with him. She hadn't even been there a week and they're already the family she never had.
The five sat talking and laughing for another hour or so as they ate. They truly got to know each other and found themselves saying things they'd never thought they'd say.
"Gotta know, is he actually good in bed or does he just brag?" One asked Prue and she makes eye contact with Tom as she answers.
"He's the best I've had but I'm sure there's better." She grins as she leans back in her seat.
He raised a brow as he responded back. "Give it another couple nights. We'll know each other's bodies plenty more." He spoke confidently as he leaned back and played with his piercing some.
Gustav finally spoke up. "Alright change subject I don't want to hear the deets"
They all laughed and got back to talking, even showing weird talents they have.
Eventually Tom dragged Prue back to the water; however instead of making out with him, she splashed him without warning. "Hey! Not fair, I wasn't looking!"
"Oops-" she gets surprised when he swam up under her and grabbed her ankle before he yanked her under water with him. Once they both surface again he grins. "You played dirty so I did the same~" he spoke as he moved his hands in a wave motion towards her.
She glared at him and attempted to tackle him but failed due to a few reasons. One of which being her size. "Oh really now?" Tom spoke as he lifted her up over his shoulder. She let out a small squeal as he tossed her into the water.
They all didn't head to the van until it was dark. Prue was shivering at that point. Without saying anything Tom wraps his towel around her. "I CALL DRIVING!" Tom grabbed Prue's keys before he dashed to the car.
"WELL I CALL SHOTGUN!" Prue yelled as she followed behind Tom before getting in the passenger side. The others got in the back while Prue turned on the radio.
They all sang along to the radio laughing and dancing in their seats as they screamed along. The drive back to the hotel was about an hour. They all stumbled inside as they laughed and joked around. "HEY- I'M NOT THAT SHORT-"
Bill dramatically gasped as he laughed. "She's got attitude! But believe what you want, pipsqueak." Prue glared at him as she spoke. "You're just a fucking giraffe-" She wasn't wrong, all the boys were just tall in general especially compared to her.
Eventually they're all to their respective rooms. Prue started to change out of her beach wear throwing on the shirt Tom let her wear the night before. "Like me that much?" He raised a brow towards the girl and her face went red.
"I- what- I'm just putting it on cause I'm tired and it's right here." she spoke as she took her shirt off followed by her shorts before she slipped into Tom's shirt. "Besides. I think you secretly like seeing me in your shirt." She grinned at the boy as she sat down.
"Who said it was a secret?" He asked the girl as he sat by her, he carefully pulled her onto his lap so she was straddled across him. He moved a piece of hair behind her ear. "I can happily admit you wearing my shirt is attractive. But maybe I'm biased, I just think you're cute." He spoke before he placed a tender kiss on her lower neck.
Prue felt his lips hum against her skin causing her to close her eyes. "See, now I can't really say anything. I enjoy being called pretty by you. It feels nice." She lifted his head just slightly before she kissed him softly. "However it's not getting you laid tonight." She carefully gets off his lap before laying down, leaving the boy wanting more.
"I- ok fair. You really got me good with that, going along then cutting me off." He laughed as he laid down by her carefully. Even if he ate her alive every time he looked at her he still respected her not wanting to sleep with him that night. Even if he continued to make jokes about it.
"But I will happily steal your warmth." Without warning she puts her bare hands on his chest, her hands were ice cold and that caught Tom off guard. He let out a squeal sounding a little bit like a girl.
"WOAH HEY- COLD- warn me next time, Jesus lady." Tom spoke as Prue just grinned. "You're the one who wanted me to stay here with you. Soooo accept my cold or no?"
He squinted his eyes at her before wrapping his arms around her. It mice despite also feeling weird. They aren't in a relationship or even plan to be. Yet they just naturally act like a couple. Tom knew there was no way he loved, not yet at least. So he let himself settle for just thinking he had a crush, that might turn into love one day.
Prue had a similar thought to it. Just a crush, not dating but might fall in love one day. There's no way to see the future so she decided to just live in the present. 'I'll cross that bridge when I come to it' she thought to herself as she got comfortable with Tom.
The two just lay together eventually starting to talk. "So what do all your tattoos mean?" Tom asked the girl, curious to know the answer.
"I'll tell you about the one on my finger. It was a matching tattoo with my twin brother Hiro. Both of my tattoos were technically matching with him." Tom looked at her for a moment. "Was?"
"He died on our 16th birthday. The day after that I left. It has permanently broken me but I'm slowly becoming myself again. I actually started photography because of him."
"Can I know that story?" Tom asked as he just listened to the girl as she nodded. "Sure, started with a picture I took when we were 12. He told me it'd be good with it, however much like myself disliked being on camera so after he died there weren't many pictures of him. So I started photographing everything, I want these memories to look back on through visual aids. As I travel and move thing to thing."
Tom smiled softly at Prue. "That's both a sweet and sad story. I'm sorry you had to go through losing your brother." He planted a small kiss on her head. "We should get some rest. I'm sure we'll need it for tomorrow since we actually have a ton of interviews."
Prue nodded before she rolled over, allowing herself to drift off to sleep for the night alongside Tom.
||Author’s note: if these get any traction I’ll post the next chapter.||
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avvy-lavvy · 10 months
The Photographer female!oc x Tom Kaulitz. Chapter 1 -The Meeting- + Intro
The story of a girl falling for a guitarist.
Introducing Prue, played by Katie Douglas. Prue starts off 16, freshly away from home wanting to start a career in photography.
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The band, Tokio hotel. The twins will be 18, Gustav 19 and Georg 21. They'll meet Prue and get pretty close with her. Accepting her as one of their own. Translations for them will be bold italic text.
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Ever since leaving home Prue had started traveling, enjoying her time on the road. This particular day she found a festival. According to the posters a famous band and some small artists would be playing. It was a place where even artists like herself into painting and photography could share their work with others.
"Tokio Hotel?" She spoke to herself as she read one of the posters. She got her camera from her van before she headed into the festival. However on her way in she ran into a tall boy with dreads and brown eyes, his lip piercing stuck out to her as she stared for a moment before hearing the boy speak with a thick German accent.
"Take a picture it'll last longer" her eyes quickly dart to his. "I- wha- shit, sorry. I saw the piercing and it caught my eye"
The boy grinned at her "it catches many people's eyes. Especially fans." He raised a brow towards Prue and she just looked confused. "Fans?" She asked as she adjusted how she held her camera.
The boy was caught off guard, she didn't know who he was? "Don't worry about it. Nice to meet you though, I'm Tom." He offers to shake her hand and she hesitantly does so.
"Uh, likewise. I'm Prue" his hands were softer than expected, they felt quite nice despite having a couple blisters.
After the meeting Prue went to get a look at the artist's at the festival. They all had such good work. She felt like hers could never compare but she just smiled. 'I still have years to gain experience and get better, that's not a bad thing.' She thought to herself as she made her way around.
Prue even starts conversations with other artists. "Wow, so you use glass to make all these?" She asked one artist.
"How do you get this crisp look in your photos?" She asked another.
She continued on asking questions and made a couple friends at the festival until the concert was about to start. She was curious about the group, who wouldn't be? She heard some chatter, girls were swooning over the band, two boys in particular. But over all it seemed each of the band had their own fans.
The band was about to perform so she headed on over, she managed to get a front seat. Prue was curious to see if they were any good. She actually had her camera ready to record and take pictures. 'They're probably about looks and not music quality." She was pulled from her own mind when she heard "And now presenting, Tokio Hotel!"
The crowd went absolutely nuts. 'Wow they have a lot of fans...' she thought to herself as she turned to look at all the fans. She then turned back to the stage to see what all the hype was about.
Her eyes immediately darted to the stage where she recognized the boy she ran into. 'Holy shit that's Tom...HE'S FAMOUS!?' She thought to herself as her eyes were locked on him. She had run into the guitarist of a famous boy band and didn't even know till now.
Prue had zoned out watching the boy on stage, he was talented. This performance would make for some good photos. It wasn't until she locked eyes with Tom that she realized he had been staring back. Her eyes dart away quickly earning a smirk from Tom as he played with the band.
He noticed her camera and his eyes flickered to it, attempting to tell her to get some pictures. It took Prue a couple seconds to register what he was trying to do. 'SHIT RIGHT I'M A PHOTOGRAPHER!' She thought to herself as she grabbed her camera quickly.
Soon enough the girl was taking pictures, not just of Tom but of the whole band. The way they just go together was impressive to her. They looked nice on camera, she'd have to find a way to give them the photos she took.
After the concert she went to head to her van but she's caught off guard by her arm being grabbed. "Hey, let go of me!" She tried to yank away and even elbow the person but she's met with "Woah there princess, it's just your favorite muse." The boy joked as he grinned at her.
She quickly realized it was Tom and she rolled her eyes."Give a girl warning why don't ya. Also- why the hell didn't you tell me who you are?" She began rambling and Tom just stood looking down at her listening for a moment.
"Are you done yet?" He raised a brow towards the girl and watched as she realized. "I- yea. For now anyway." She spoke as she crossed her arms. "So, what do you want?"
Tom pointed at the camera "I wanna check out your work. Maybe even get lucky, who knows these days."
"Oh- right, the pictures I took" she grabbed her camera as she realized what he followed up with. Her face felt hot and burned red as she looked up at him. She was met with him raising his brows as he played with the lip piercing he had.
"Flustered?" He spoke as he carefully scoops the camera from her, she didn't protest him taking the camera but immediately denied being flustered. "What? No. I don't get flustered."
"Your cheeks say otherwise." He poked her cheek as he went through the camera. "These are really fucking good....are you self taught? You don't look older than me."
She swatted his hand away as she spoke. "Yea. It caught my interest and I kind of just...went with it."
"Do you make money from it?" He asked curiously as he continued going through the camera, impressed with her work.
"No..no one wants to hire a high school dropout. So it's just a hobby."
"Uh-huh." Tom spoke slowly before glancing at her. "Work for the band. I'll have to talk to them...but we need a good photographer. One who understands us and isn't older than dirt."
"I- what- no I couldn't ask that of yo-" she didn't even get to finish, Tom interrupted her.
"You aren't asking. I am. You fit the bill for what we need. Bonus is that you're cute."
Prue stood there staring at the boy, was she really about to agree to work for a famous band?
"So what do you say? Yes or no princess?"
It took some convincing but she eventually agreed. Tom carefully dragged her backstage with him. She felt eyes slowly turn to look at her, the band and their crew.
"I want you to meet someon-"
"Tom, I thought we agreed no bringing your girl toys backstage." The dark haired boy spoke and Tom rolled his eyes, handing the boy Prue's camera.
"Just look at the work she does." He pointed at Prue. "She's around our age and does work like that. We need a photographer and we don't have to worry about her being too weird."
The dark haired boy called the others over and they all started whispering in German back and forth. Prue just stood listening despite not knowing what they were saying.
Finally, Tom grinned and looked at her. "You're hired. Soooo meet Bill, Gustav and Georg."
Prue looks between them. "Nice to meet you... I'm Prue." The five started speaking and the boys warmed up quickly to her. Her and Tom had flirted back and forth the whole time before they headed to the hotel.
"I don't have a hotel room...or money to stay in one I usually stay in my van." She looked between the boys and Tom spoke up.
"Don't worry, you can stay with me." He smirked at her, having one thing in mind. Prue knew exactly what it was and truthfully didn't mind. He was cute, and she hasn't had the chance to be with anyone in that way since before she left home.
"Sounds like a plan." She grinned at him and motions for him to lead the way.
The other boys fake gag and Georg spoke. "Just try and be quiet." Tom laughs and quickly drags Prue to his room.
Prue happily follows Tom while the others head to their respective rooms.
She was swiftly pulled into a room, Tom closes the door quickly and carefully pushes her against it, immediately getting to business.
Tom started trailing kisses on her neck, up to her face where Prue connected their lips. The way his lips were soft and efficient, the metal of his piercing against her own lips. She lost herself in the boy, wrapping her arms around his neck as the two stumbled to the bed.
They got lost in each other's touch. They prioritized the other's pleasure making it rather enjoyable for the two. The two were loud but not in a way that was an inconvenience for others. Just loud enough for one another. Both experienced in their own ways they enjoyed their time till they were both finished.
Prue laid in bed with Tom, wrapped in the sheets as she let herself wind down. "We should probably get cleaned up." Prue spoke as she sat up. Usually girls were getting dressed and leaving by now. But Prue would actually be staying the night.
"Go get a shower, I'll go ahead and change the sheets and shower after you." He tosses her, her underwear and one of his shirts seeing as she didn't bring her bags in from her van.
"Thanks." She smiles slightly before slipping out of the bed to go shower. While she was in, Tom changed the sheets on the bed and grabbed an extra blanket in case she wanted or needed it.
By the time Tom was showered and out, Prue was already asleep on the bed. She fell asleep holding a scrapbook she was making. He carefully took the scrapbook, placing it safely on the bedside table before climbing into bed with Prue.
She migrated towards his warmth, he didn't mind he just carefully held her. It was nice having someone in his bed for the night. Just peacefully sleeping and seeking warmth. She looked so soft and fragile when she slept. He thought it was cute.
A thought crossed his mind.'What if I fall for her?' He shook his head knocking the idea out quickly. 'That would ruin everything if it got messy.' He thought to himself before finally drifting off to sleep, with Prue in his arms.
Through the night Prue clung to Tom. Sure she had some bad dreams but that wasn't why. She just liked the contact, not being alone. It was comforting, so why let go? Tom had also clung to her, they enjoyed each other's company despite being asleep. There was just something about not being alone at night.
Tom was the first to wake up in the morning. He didn't move in fear of waking Prue up but he started to feel her stir. He watched for a moment making sure she was ok.
When she finally woke up she was met with Tom looking at and holding her. "Morning sunshine. Sleep well?" She let out a groggy groan as she sat up.
"What time is it?" She spoke as she rubbed her eyes. "Around 9. Why? In a hurry to leave?"
She couldn't help but chuckle "no. However it is way to fucking early for this bullshit."
"I have to agree but we have stuff to do today." He spoke as he got up to get dressed. "You'll probably have to go grab some clothes from your van."
"Yea, good point." She chuckled as she got up. "I'll be right back." She grinned before running to her van where she just grabbed her bags before she ran back.
The two got dressed and Prue quickly brushed her hair and threw on some mascara. "So what exactly do we have to do today?"
"You'll see." Tom spoke as he soon began leading her to the others. Prue didn't like she wasn't being told what they were doing but she trusted Tom, so she went along.
"TA-DA!" All four members of the band spoke and Prue stared blankly at them.
"The beach...?" She was confused. What did they have to do at the beach that was so important?
|| Authors Note: I'm trying to make these decently long so there's actually content. Also I will try and keep it PG-13 for now. I won't write smut even though they sleep together, Prue is a minor. This fic will also span over 5 years so you'll see each character grow. In some later chapters other members of the band will be included more as well. They're just as important. This will also eventually involve pregnancy, specifically teen pregnancy. But it's not a drop and go. You'll see them evolve as parents and the child won't be their whole personality. I plan to just build on them. Ty for reading! ||
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