One More Thing.
Hey lovelies,
Hopefully, you’ve managed to access and read the final parts of Baker Street, Season Two, and hopefully, you’ve loved them as much as we did.
We’re not gonna lie - it’s been sad, and difficult for us to let this project go. But we really did not want to keep you hanging, while we struggled to figure out increasingly less likely avenues of production.
That said, we think this has been a really marvelous story. We think we’ve done things never before done with the Sherlock Holmes canon, with Sherlock, Jane, Mary, or even The Woman - Irene Adler.
While we’re saying goodbye for now, Hannah, Karen, and Virgilia are still hard at work on other projects. We’ve loved being loved by you, and are so excited to have people behind us as we move into the future! Get ready to watch us rise!
So much love,
Baker Street.
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Part 9.
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And now...the final chapters. 
Part 8.
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Since we ran into the holidays, and fell behind, here’s TWO new episodes for you beautiful people today!
Last time, Mary gave Sherlock a makeover into the Ideal Woman, and now...
Ian shows up at Baker Street, and Jane thinks she might have missed something. A serious FOMO is building.
And then, A TOAST - to the new couple!
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Woo! What a fantastic vid - and obviously, we’re thrilled to be a part of it, and a part of Holmesian history!
Something Good (Will Come from That) 100 years of moving pictures about Holmes and Watson.
Download and complete list of sources at AO3.
Commentary: Dreamwidth / Livejournal
For @gardnerhill, made with the extensive assistance of @language-escapes.
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Ahhh, we loved this teaser!
And we love this next episode. Of course, Sherlock has no interest in Ian, but she does love her some buried treasure. Now, she’ll do whatever she can, and be whoever she must to get her hands on it.
Episode 5
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Throwing back to Sherlock’s childhood - every version wanted to be a pirate! 
Part Four:
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Did you release the scripts because there’s no chance you’ll ever film it or just because it will take you lots of time? I don’t want to spoil myself if there is a chance we’ll be able to watch it someday...
It’s VERY unlikely at this point that we will ever be able to film it, so we’re releasing the scripts because we wanted to give you as much as we could possibly guarantee. I’d say, go ahead and read! Don’t worry about spoilers!
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And a MERRY MONDAY to you, too!!!!
Here’s episode three! Last episode, the girls had an excellent night out, but unfortunately the hangover lasts even longer than expected.
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Episode Two:
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As a little “Going Away” gift, we will be releasing the completed scripts for our unfilmed Season Two over the course of the next ten days.
These are stories we’re incredibly proud of, that do things with canon that have never been done before, and, we think, examine and explore female agency in Sherlock Holmes in interesting, and thoughtful ways. 
We’d love for your feedback as you read, and enjoy our work, and hopefully in reading, you’ll gain some of the enjoyment we can’t give you on film right now.
Episode 1:
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Guess What!?
Hannah is a Top12Finalist for Crazy8s 2018!
What is Crazy8s? Crazy8s is an 8 day filmmaking challenge that provides funding and support to emerging filmmakers to help them produce a short film. 
How does Crazy8s work? Aspiring filmmakers are invited to present their short film idea in a 5-minute video. This year, over 200 people applied, 42 semi-finalists were chosen to pitch in person to a jury of industry professionals, and now, 12 finalists are work-shopping their script with a professional story editor.
In January, 6 winners will be chosen. They receive $1,000 and a production package provided by sponsors in the local production community with everything they need to make their short film in just 8 days. Finished films are screened at a gala event to the who’s who of the Vancouver film industry. It’s fast! It’s fun! It’s Crazy!
And...? And Hannah is Top 12! Which means she’s plugging away at a script based about girls in soccer! She wrote it, and she’s going to direct it, which is a massive, massive step for her!
What’s her film? DEFENCE is about two girls, their love for each other, their love for their family, and their love of soccer.
Alexa Wyatt is a good daughter, and an even better soccer player. But when she chooses to miss a championship game in order to attend her grandmother’s funeral, she could lose not just the chance at a scholarship, but her best friend, too. 
A love letter to sports movies that always let boys be ambitious, but leave girls aside as girlfriends and lovers, DEFENCE is about questioning our values, and coming into our own. It's about the responsibility we feel we owe to society as women, and the responsibility we owe to our teammates as a soccer player. This is not about romance, or love, or the gentle things that girls are supposed to become, but rather, it's about the mud, and the turf burns, the desire to be greater, and the support of our friends, because ambition is not the sole domain of men, and soccer is a full contact sport.
Check out Crazy8s HERE or HERE
And stay tuned for more news!
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Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that we’re coming to you today in order to share the sad news that we will not be continuing on with Baker Street.
This has nothing to do with a lack of love for you, our fans, or for the story, the characters, or our belief in the project itself. The reasons are manifold, and all horrifically practical.
First, and foremost, since originally making Baker Street some of us have joined the union (Either ACTRA, or Equity). While unions are great, and help us get our teeth checked on the regular, they also have rules in place which prevent, or greatly inhibit our ability to work with team members who haven’t joined the union, yet. Rules that would cost us upwards of $40k to circumvent.
This is the big, big, big reason. If we were millionaires, or had studio backing, then we would take Baker Street up in a heartbeat. But most of us aren’t even thousandaires, or hundredaires, so it’s a pretty massive stumbling block. There are other, smaller reasons (time, distance, support), but the money is the insurmountable one.
Therefore, with great reluctance, we’re putting our beautiful, wonderful, rewarding show, Baker Street, on permanent hiatus.
(Never say never, of course, but...)
That being said -
We will continue to update this page with information on what people are getting up to, reblogging beautiful art, mood boards, and supporting as much femlock as we possibly can. So stay tuned!
With the greatest love, and appreciation,
The Baker Street Gang
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I feel so #blessed by all these casual amazon photos
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What is Asexuality?
Asexuality is a sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality, etc., but instead of being sexually attracted to men or women, asexual people are sexually attracted to no one.  This doesn’t mean we all hate sex or avoid it, it just means we don’t find people sexually attractive.
What is the Asexuality Archive?
The Asexuality Archive is a collection of all things Ace.  In these pages, I hope to provide a comprehensive and uncensored look into what asexuality is, what it means to us and how it shapes our lives.  My intention is to provide information that is approachable and informative, whether or not you’re asexual.
What is Asexuality?:  A companion site, dedicated to providing information about asexuality in multiple formats, including pamphlets and slideshows.
Asexuality: A Brief Introduction: An informational book about what asexuality is, what it’s like to be asexual, and what people should know about asexuality.
An Asexual’s Guide To…:  A series of in-depth posts on topics that are typically wondered about, but are rarely explored in ace circles.
The Comment Section:  A series of posts that explore troublesome comments left on articles about asexuality, and tips for responding to them.
Articles and Information:
Asexuality 101
Asexuality in the DSM-5
A Parent’s Guide To Asexuality
Under the Ace Umbrella: Demisexuality and Gray-asexuality
Things That Are Not Asexuality
Possible Signs of Asexuality – Part 3: About Others
Possible Signs of Asexuality – Part 2: About Sex
Possible Signs of Asexuality – Part 1: About You
Asexuality: Myths, Misconceptions and Other Things That Are Just Plain Wrong
Q & Ace: An Introduction to Asexuality
On the Existence of Asexual Men
A Bit of Attraction
An Asexual on Sex
Asexuality and Celibacy: What’s the difference, anyway?
Asexuality in the World
The Great Chicago Conspiracy
(in)Visibility Activist
Hey you! You wanna help change the world?
How Come You Haven’t Cured Cancer With All Your Free Time?
Black Rings
The Asexuality Flag
That word… I do not think it means what you think it means.
Tim Gunn on 29 Years of Celibacy
Mario: Secret Asexual?
Nikola Tesla
Isaac Newton
An Asexual’s Guide To …
An Asexual’s Guide To … Having Sex
An Asexual’s Guide To …
An Asexual’s Guide To … Orgasms
An Asexual’s Guide To … Anatomy
An Asexual’s Guide To … Arousal
An Asexual’s Guide To … Masturbation
An Asexual’s Guide To … Female Masturbation
An Asexual’s Guide To … Female Anatomy
An Asexual’s Guide To … Male Masturbation
An Asexual’s Guide To … Male Anatomy
Ace Images
Ace Pride Countries
Ace Pride Canadian Provinces
Ace Pride States
“I Am Asexual” Flag Animation
Asexuality for the Atari 2600
The U.S. of Ace
Ace The Ghost: A Story Of Awareness
There Are Several Hundred Asexuals In This Picture
Asexual Propaganda Poster
“Hey everyone! I’m asexual.”
Not Broken. Not Alone.
Ace Toothpick Flags
An Ace Bracelet
Achievement Unlocked
It’s Okay To Be Alone!
Late Bloomer
Asexual: Deal With It.
The Asexuality Flag
Asexuals Don’t Exist?
Asexuality Cheat Sheet
Just because it’s a stereotype doesn’t mean it’s not true…
“Amoeba Love”
Totally ace shirt.
My closet is ready for AAW.
Nikola Tesla
Isaac Newton
Multiple Choice
Asexual Life
The Great Chicago Conspiracy
An Ace At Work
Social Anxiety and Asexuality
Who Cares About Asexuality? (or: Why Visibility Matters)
Asexuals on Coming Out: Advice
Asexuals on Coming Out: Experiences
Possible Signs of Asexuality – Part 1: About You
I am Asexual
“Attraction, not Action”
Asexuality is Nothing to Hide
Asexuality and Me
An Ace At Work
Social Anxiety and Asexuality
Asexual Intercourse
Who Cares About Asexuality? (or: Why Visibility Matters)
…And Then What?
Living Alone
Forward Advances
AAW Day 7: Assorted Bits of Ace
AAW Day 6: Masturbation
AAW Day 5: Love
AAW Day 4: Porn
AAW Day 3: Attraction
AAW Day 2: Sex
Asexual Awareness Week Day 1: Asexuality and Me
Love, Romance, and Other Relationships
What I’ve Missed Out On Being Single
…And Then What?
Possible Signs of Asexuality – Part 3: About Others
Forward Advances
A Bit of Attraction
Sex, Masturbation, and Other Activities
Asexual Intercourse
Possible Signs of Asexuality – Part 2: About Sex
“But asexuals can’t masturbate!”
AAW Day 6: Masturbation
An Asexual on Sex
“Don’t you all hate sex?”
Quick Questions
How Old Do You Have To Be To Know You’re Asexual?
Is “Asexual” Another Way To Say “Celibate”?
Is There a Cure for Asexuality?
How Do I Tell If Someone Is Asexual?
Can Asexuals Fall In Love?
Can Asexuals Have Children?
Can Asexual Men Get Erections?
Do Asexual Men Exist?
Can Asexuals Masturbate?
Can Asexuals Have Sex?
What is Asexuality?
How Do I Become Asexual?
The Comment Section
The Comment Section: An Exploration of Negative Remarks on the Huffington Post Series About Asexuality
The Comment Section: It’s All Too Complicated!
The Comment Section: Everything’s Political
The Comment Section: Nothing Bad Happens
The Comment Section: I’m Not A Doctor, But I Play One On The Internet
The Comment Section: What About Me? ME ME ME!
The Comment Section: So What? Who Cares!
The Comment Section: I Know More About You Than You Do!
The Comment Section: You’re Not One Of Us!
Ask An Ace Guy
People aren’t born sexually attracted to others, so when is “too young”?
What are your thoughts on aesthetic versus sexual attraction?
What’s the hardest part about running a website about asexuality? What’s the best/worst response to your website (or book) you’ve received?
Do you ever have sexual fantasies?
How do aces/aros identify a lack of something?
Since you discovered what asexuality was, and came to understand what it meant for you, have you ever felt conflicted about it?
You’ve talked publicly about a lot of sexually explicit issues. How did you get to be so comfortable doing that?
Any movies or books with ace characters in them? Do you have a fav?
I’ve had crushes in the past, sex repulses me, do you think I may be asexual?
Are women more or less interested because you’re asexual?
North American Asexuality Conference
NAAC2015 Conference Takeaways
NAAC2015 Roundup: Day 2 Unconference
NAAC2015 Roundup: Session 4 — “Q & Ace”
NAAC2015 Roundup: Session 3 — Ace Content Creation
NAAC2015 Roundup: Session 2 — Articulating Asexuality
NAAC2015 Roundup: Session 1 — How To Handle Detractors
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Sherlock series is gonna have a new season?
We are working on it. But these things take a long time - mostly because now, due to how everyone has progressed in their own careers, we really require the backing of a studio.
Currently, in the market for producers. So if you know anybody, send them our way!
Right now, the best thing we can do for this series, is to keep that word of mouth going, and keep building our fanbase to show producers that there is an awesome show for them to invest in, here!
Cheers, and much love!
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