barefoot-a-pregnant · 17 days
I feel so called out! Thank you.
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 1 month
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 2 months
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 3 months
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me reading the bunker's terminal in fallout 4
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 3 months
A great tip, that I still use today (even if I don't like writing tips most of the times) is - "don't lost your flow". When you stuck on your novel because you have a great scene in your head, but there is space to get there - skip the space at the moment. I mostly do it like this: (Whatever need to happen in short points to get to my scene) "The Scene im wanting to write at the moment) You can even colour coded it, so it's easier to find, when you read your novel again. Maybe the Idea, how you can get to this when I have the desired scene out of my head. Keep your writing flow going! You don't need to write your story straight.
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
This is, what I loved on wattpad so much (didn't come into my account again! *sniff*) - yoou could interact with the writers. And the people interacted with my noel and was giving me feedback and things. This was so nice!
My favorite thing as someone who primarily reads fanfiction more so than writes it is when an author responds to your comment
Like- you write this beautifully thing and also took time to reply to my three keyboard smashes and conspiracy theory’s? 🥰
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
One of the things, that you feel your ancestors touching with you.
I love sitting down to crochet or knit while watching TV. Something about it feels very human. Like how many of my ancestors spent time weaving and stitching, creating little useful items with their hands while listening to the stories of the day? Something about it feels so connected to a past I have no real tangible connection to and its beautiful.
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
My writing would be dead without a good synonym website. Sometimes you brain, as a writer, is just blank and you could not - for your life - think of another world for "frighten". Without the website I use my writing would be so boring! *laugh*
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
Love this! *laugh* So true.
I didn't liked the ending of an Inuyasha episode. So I took a pen and an clear notebook and started writing a better one. And this is how I got into writing, dear children. Now excuse me, I have to stare at one of 96 unfinished stories on my desktop and make zero progress.
“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
Oh, huch much I heard this as a kid. Felt my dreams where crusched again and again in the name of money. "But why do you do it, when you don't intent to publish it?" (I'm writing in my free time.) "You need a better degree for this." etc. etc. etc. Why? Am I not allowed to made something just for fun? Just because i like it? Am I not allowed to dream a bit and let my ambioution get me as far ahead as possible? When my Kids tell me their dreams, what they want to become when they adults or something, I try my best to be supportive but still real. "I want to be a doctor", my youngest told me.
"You must study long and be good in school, but than you can do it. I believe in you, when you really want to be a doctor, you could be an doctor", I told her. Because why shouldn't I? When she is good in school, than maybe she will become a doctor one day. She is just class 1 - why should I determinined her future from this point on? She is my daugther. She is capble of doing everything, she sets her mind to and will find a way, that made her happy in life.
I don't think many people realize how much they've been turned into a bunch of casually cynical jerks.
Someone may come to their parents and say "I want to write a book" and their parents will say "it's really hard to get published".
Someone might confide in their sibling and say "I want to sell my art on "x" platform" and that sibling will say "do you know how many people you'd be competing with? Do you know how many shops are even on that platform?"
I know a kid who once told his best friend "I think I wanna start a dnd podcast" and the friend was like "do you know what the word "oversaturation" means?"
Personally, I don't know why any of that matters? And even if it did, perhaps your response should be "Do it! Do it and see where it goes!"
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
It was a complicated and hard year. So my good is: I took up crocheting in May and it's so therapeutic for me and I'm not that bad at it. I made so much nice things for my home and it gives me the feeling of growing up a lot more. Better times ahead for us all. I feel it.
Since 2024 is right in front of us and 2023 was a REALLY hard year, let’s all say something positive that happened. Maybe it’s a game you played. A song you liked. Something you accomplished. Whatever it is, mine is that I will be on the other side of struggling this year and it’s gonna be hard at first but I will be able to be a more present mother and all around a better person. What’s yours?
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
Seems like the goat is official "eaten". *laugh*
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We did it!
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
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Ok. This sounds like a flower I would associate with Sigyn. I need to write this down, in my mind this flower suits her just fine. And it's such a sweet flower. Found them in the wild sometimes ago, and they we're so little. You could overlook them so easy, but there was so many, keeping company to one another. Huch...so sweet...
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
Do you have a favourite deity and, if so, why?
(I think favourite deities are a thing pagans are allowed to have - am I right in this?)
Hey! Yes, I have and I know many that have. *laugh* Even when we say, we mostly work with pantheon xy doesn't that mean, that we worship all the gods the same or that we will not get astray and maybe will worship an outsider once in a while. When we took it from a traditional point, it's really natural. A farmer, as example, wouldn't honour the same god as an skald (norse bard) or a "payed warrior". At the moment I'm working with Frigg. If you know norse paganism, it's very clear why. She is the wife of Odin, first of the aesir. "Foremost among the goddess", like the edda call her. She is the godess of "rightful" (from society and family approved) marriage, of pregnancy, childbearing, motherhood and domestic arts. So as a Wife, Mother, Homemaker and fiber artist (I love this word, sounds so eleant), I find it quiet natural, that I'm drawn to her.
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
I see that you're into traditional feminity. I'm not familiar with a lot on tumblr, but does this mean you're a traditionalist? (Believe that gendered roles are what's best for society, etc.)? I also see you're a nordic witch! Do you believe that anyone can worship the Gods?
Are you homophobic? Transphobic?
I guess I'm trying to figure out what you stand for before I really move forward with engaging with your blog.
Hello. Hope you haven't waited long for your answer, I was ill over all the christmas days. Still a little bit, so sorry if my answer is confuse. *laugh* So...I don't think traditional gender roles are best. I think, and feel, that they are best FOR ME. It's a lable I use, because it's convinient and discribe best, what I feel. Being and doing, what was traditional branded as feminity and female work, just feels right and best FOR ME. Yes. I totally believe, that everyone could worship the gods. I mean - i'm just human, what am I in the universe to took it on me to decide what the gods find proper and what not. As far as I can tell, is that you wouldn't be an outcast, as long as you're respectful. Feel free to work with them. When they call you - no human can tell you otherwise. (Or should dare....we all know, the norse gods somethimes have quiet a temper...*laugh*) No, I'm totally not. Love is love as long as both are consentual adults. If you love the same, another or no gender is totally up to you. Same with the Trans community. What happens in your bedroom and what is in your pants should only be my concern when 1) - I'm interested in joining or 2) you overstep a boundry and drag someone with out consent into your bedroom or your pants. Otherweise - feel free. It's your own body. Totally fine with me. I, as a german who worship the old norse gods and like a more traditonal way in her marriage, can totally see, why someone would be careful with his sources and with who they interact. I have to be on the fence all the time, or I will reblog nazi art od terf blogs, just because I maybe don't looked good or long enough and just saw a nice picture or nice saying. (The blind hen and so...hope you understand. *smile*) Take care and I hope you have nice and happy holidays!
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
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It's supposed to be a tudor fanart... ...but sorry. I'm seeing Loki and Sigyn here. So sweet!
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 4 months
Deity of the Week - Frigga
In Germanic mythology, there are multiple pantheons of Gods, and one pantheon is known as the Aesir - the Gods of sky and warriors, whose world is Asgard at the top of the World Tree. Frigga (also known as Frigg) is their Queen and All-Mother. She is the wife of Odin, the King and All-Father of the Aesir, and the mother of Baldur, the god of light who was slain by Loki. She may also be the mother of Hodur and Hermod, and she is stepmother to many of Odin’s children by other goddesses, including Heimdall and Thor. She is the daughter of Jord, Goddess of the Earth, and thus is Thor’s older half-sister.
Frigga is the goddess of marriage - more properly, the goddess of marriage that is sanctioned by society, as unsanctioned unions are under the guidance of Frey and Gerda. She is the protector of home and families, and was much beloved by married women. She gave solace and aid in childbirth, and was also called upon for help in the domestic arts and cottage industries, especially the spinning of wool, which took up much of the time of women in northern Europe. It was said that she pulled the wool from the cloud-sheep to spin and weave the garments of the Aesir. She was also known as a goddess of frith, which is a combination of peace and social order; in this guise she is called upon as the Lady of the Hall, carrying the mead horn around, and both sending off and welcoming back warriors with the cup of victory.Thus she is also called upon for matters of diplomacy, especially among leaders. She is also said to see many things with her seer’s powers, but she speaks of very few of them.
Frigga’s name means “beloved”, and it is cognate to several Indo-European words, variously meaning “to marry”, “to love”, “wife”, and “beloved lady”. Her hall in Asgard is called Fensalir, meaning “Marshlands”; like Nerthus she may be associated with sacred bogs. She has a bevy of handmaidens, all goddesses in their own right, who make up the domestic industry of Asgard.
Frigga appears most intensely in the saga Baldrs Draumar, where in order to protect her son Baldur, she went to every creature and begged them to swear an oath not to harm him. She overlooked the mistletoe, believing it to be inconsequential, and the trickster god Loki, angry at the treatment of his first wife and family by the Aesir, fashioned a dart out of it. After Frigga’s work, the Aesir all made a game out of throwing things at Baldur and watching them bounce off. Loki put the dart into the hand of Baldur’s blind brother Hodur, and offered to aim it for him so that he could join in the game. The dart killed Baldur, and Frigga was plunged into deep mourning.
Hermod, another brother of Baldur, offered to ride to Helheim to ask the Queen of the Dead to release Baldur. Hela agreed, but only on the condition that all creatures must mourn for him. Frigga again made the round of the worlds, asking everyone to weep for her son, but one giantess named Thokk refused to weep, saying, “Let Hel keep her own.” Thus Frigga (like Sigyn) is sometimes called as the Mourning Mother, giving people solace in time of mourning their loved ones.
In another story, Frigga and Odin favor two different tribes who are about to have a battle. Frigga begs Odin to grant her favorites victory, but he tells her instead that he will only grant victory to whichever tribe he sees from his window upon awakening, knowing full well that his favorites are camped within sight while hers are too far away to arrive by morning. While he sleeps, Frigga brings the women of her favored tribe to cluster around his window, dressed in men’s clothing and with their hair drawn around their faces like long beards. When Odin awakes, he is surprised by the long-bearded men; after their victory, that tribe became known as the Langobards (long-beards). In general, Frigga is treated by Odin as a valuable and wise companion and partner, rather than a piece of chattel; this may speak to the generally stronger position of women in pagan northern Europe.
While Frigga is generally considered to be the archetypal faithful wife, during a period when Odin was gone for a very long time (perhaps during his nine-year sojourn in search of wisdom), Frigga is said to have taken up with Odin’s brothers, Vili and Ve. This story may hark back to a custom about the queen being the legitimizing factor to land-rule, or it may hark back to a custom of hospitality, including the lord’s wife’s bed. At any rate, in the Lokasenna Loki chides her for chasing after and enjoying Vili and Ve, so we may never know for sure. At any rate, Odin seems neither to blame her nor to care about it, so we may assume that he is not threatened by any such affairs, knowing that he is always first in her heart.
Frigga is a very popular goddess among those who celebrate the northern religion, because there are few good models of married goddesses who are full partners to powerful men, and who maintain their own power and authority. While she seems at first glance to concentrate on the domestic sphere, her work with diplomacy and small industry, and her Queenship, can extend to cover a tribe, a nation, a corporation, or an organization. She is a more versatile goddess than meets the eye.
Frigga is often called upon for protection of the family, for keeping family bonds together in times of strife, for safety in childbirth, and for protection of children. She is also called upon for peace in other organizations - tribes, clans, non-profits, small companies, etc. - and for diplomacy in times of strife. She blesses married women and is called upon for weddings, and to help married couples weather the storms of ill fortune. As the patron of wool-spinning and the home, she can be called upon for fiber arts and other domestic arts as well.
Common SPG’s shared between Frigga’s Followers
Colors: White, ivory, blues
Symbols: Norse spindle, spun wool, hearth, birch tree.
Altar Suggestions: Traditional Norse-style spindle, white wool (carded or spun), spinning equipment, bunch of old-fashioned keys, the rune Berkana, plants and trees sacred to Frigga (see article on this site).
Food and Drink: Organic milk, mead, pastry, light fruity wines, Riesling.
Service Offerings: Help mothers and children. Make peace between warring members of a group.Clean your house, or someone else’s.Help someone get organized.Comfort the grieving. Take in other people’s foster children. Put peace in the home first for a day.
Contraindicated: Letting the altar area get dirty. Frigga prefers cleanliness and neatness.
Frigga values kindness and work, in that order, so the best offerings are those of aid to others, especially to women in need. If it’s money or time you’d like to give, we suggest helping out local women’s shelters, midwives, local programs to aid nutrition in pregnant women, and programs that teach skills to housewives and mothers just entering the workplace.
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