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Justice League (2017) dir. Zach Snyder
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We do this together.
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Why did my phone make those words emojis? I️ promise it wasn’t me.
Justice League thoughts!
I️ finally got to see Justice League last night and I️ have some thoughts. (Possible minor spoilers, but I️ don’t think so)
Overall, I️ enjoyed it and it was a lot of fun. The plot was not too complicated and was mostly streamlined. It wasn’t a perfect movie but still very good.
The best part was actually seeing the whole team together and their individual character moments. Every member was developed and had their moment to shine. I️ thought Cyborg would be kind of sidelined over the more well-known characters, but that was not the case at all, as he was as integral to the team as everyone else. The acting was overall great.
As I said, the plot was straightforward but for me that worked. A more complicated plot would take away from the character development. My one problem with the plot was Steppenwolf was kind of a generic villain with somewhat vague motivations, but he wasn’t meant to be the focal point, the team was.
Visually, I️ thought it looked great and was as smooth as the rest of the DCEU. People had problems with the effects, but I️ thought for the most part it was great. The underwater/Atlantis scenes with Aquaman had a very cool visual appeal that made me more excited for his solo movie. The opening scene was styled very much like a traditional Batman movie which I️ thought worked perfectly and set the mood well.
This was definitely a more lighthearted DCEU movie, but the point of the previous entries was to set up this hopeful direction. It sets up very well for more Justice League movies, and I️ really hope there are more because now that the characters are established, they can delve more into complex villains.
Random thoughts:
It was ballsy giving Amy Adams third billing in the credits. The whole League should have come first.
There’s a couple cool cameos/Easter eggs that I️ won’t spoil, but one is fairly early on in the movie and I️ freaked out. It’s during a flashback battle sequence.
They’re laying the seeds to let go of Ben Affleck so I️ think we’re getting a new Batman in the near future.
I️ really liked it but at times it felt too run-of-the-mill because there weren’t many game-changing twists. I️ blame the current state of superhero movies on this because there is always such an expectation of going above and beyond, even though sometimes a simple story is all that is needed.
Yes, Superman is in it.
A lot of rumors were not true (which was a little disappointing, but can’t hold it against the movie).
Aquaman is going to be awesome.
The weekend box office should be much higher and I️ can’t believe it’s making less than Wonder Woman.
Some Joss Whedon additions were obvious, but there was a natural flow.
There are two credit scenes: one is really fun and one is sequel-baiting.
Batman v Superman > Wonder Woman > Man of Steel > Justice League > Suicide Squad
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Justice League thoughts!
I️ finally got to see Justice League last night and I️ have some thoughts. (Possible minor spoilers, but I️ don’t think so)
Overall, I️ enjoyed it and it was a lot of fun. The plot was not too complicated and was mostly streamlined. It wasn’t a perfect movie but still very good.
The best part was actually seeing the whole team together and their individual character moments. Every member was developed and had their moment to shine. I️ thought Cyborg would be kind of sidelined over the more well-known characters, but that was not the case at all, as he was as integral to the team as everyone else. The acting was overall great.
As I said, the plot was straightforward but for me that worked. A more complicated plot would take away from the character development. My one problem with the plot was Steppenwolf was kind of a generic villain with somewhat vague motivations, but he wasn’t meant to be the focal point, the team was.
Visually, I️ thought it looked great and was as smooth as the rest of the DCEU. People had problems with the effects, but I️ thought for the most part it was great. The underwater/Atlantis scenes with Aquaman had a very cool visual appeal that made me more excited for his solo movie. The opening scene was styled very much like a traditional Batman movie which I️ thought worked perfectly and set the mood well.
This was definitely a more lighthearted DCEU movie, but the point of the previous entries was to set up this hopeful direction. It sets up very well for more Justice League movies, and I️ really hope there are more because now that the characters are established, they can delve more into complex villains.
Random thoughts:
It was ballsy giving Amy Adams third billing in the credits. The whole League should have come first.
There’s a couple cool cameos/Easter eggs that I️ won’t spoil, but one is fairly early on in the movie and I️ freaked out. It’s during a flashback battle sequence.
They’re laying the seeds to let go of Ben Affleck so I️ think we’re getting a new Batman in the near future.
I️ really liked it but at times it felt too run-of-the-mill because there weren’t many game-changing twists. I️ blame the current state of superhero movies on this because there is always such an expectation of going above and beyond, even though sometimes a simple story is all that is needed.
Yes, Superman is in it.
A lot of rumors were not true (which was a little disappointing, but can’t hold it against the movie).
Aquaman is going to be awesome.
The weekend box office should be much higher and I️ can’t believe it’s making less than Wonder Woman.
Some Joss Whedon additions were obvious, but there was a natural flow.
There are two credit scenes: one is really fun and one is sequel-baiting.
Batman v Superman > Wonder Woman > Man of Steel > Justice League > Suicide Squad
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# straight out of the comics
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I don’t believe it. What are you? A believer.
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Wonder Woman poster released
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New stills of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Justice League (2017)
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Justice League (2017)  dir. Zack Snyder
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Justice League Character Posters
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