bean-bean2000 · 6 hours
LOL sorry not sorry 😉
The Maid - Part 11
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 10
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
You wake to the sun shining in from the small square window and the caws of a raven.
Sitting up slowly, you head directly to the bathroom to bathe. No thoughts have crossed your mind as you’re functioning on autopilot.
You look at your reflection and see nothing. In the deepest parts of your mind you can hear the locked chest rattling and moving to get out, much like Pandora's box, but you push it further.
Not anymore. Just focus on your job. I can’t do this anymore. For your own sanity, push them out.
You get ready for the day and head out to your first destination: the King’s bedroom.
As you perform your duties, it feels as though you’re floating. The world around you seems hazy, almost as if somebody else is controlling your body as you watch through your eyes.
You’re cleaning the room robotically, as you move around sweeping and dusting. You hear nothing besides this constant deep buzzing.
Suddenly you feel a hand wrap around your forearm and makes you turn around. You show no reaction as you’re turned to face Loki, staring at you with squinted eyes.
He’s saying something but you can’t hear until you shake your head out of the haze and focus again. You curtsy low and address him “Hello, my king. How may I be of assistance?”
He stares at you, searching your eyes. “Are you well?” he asks.
“How do you mean, my king?” you reply stoically.
He can’t find that fire behind your eyes that used to burn with defiance, nor that snarkiness he loves to see when you challenge him. He only sees empty eyes staring back at him.
“What happened?” he demands rather than asking.
“I'm unsure what you are referring to, my king. I am simply doing my job, as your maid. I’m doing as you said, your highness. I know my place.” Your eyes look sunken and void of anything.
He frowns at your reply when you turn around and continue your work as he stares at you in confusion and worry.
He steps in front of you “Stop.”
You immediately obey “Yes, my king.” and you stand there waiting for his next order.
He continues to search your eyes, not understanding how a woman with such strong character, the woman he met a few days prior who would rather be beaten than to obey an order, suddenly accept a command so easily.
He sits you down on a chair and analyzes you. He can’t sense any foreign or dark magic on you. There is no curse he can identify. He’s bewildered by your drastic change in character, until he notices this dark purple aura surrounding your body. He doesn’t understand how he hadn’t felt the presence of this magic before, but he quickly realizes that it isn’t foreign. It’s coming from within you.
Thinking out loud he says "You're not supposed to have magic. How is this possible?"
Then, he remembers something his mother had told him years ago when he was a boy:
"Mother, what do the colours I see around people mean? Everybody has a different one. Why is that?" Young Loki asks.
"My son, those colours are called auras. Everybody has a different aura depending on their type of magic that they have and use. Sometimes, people may have dormant magic, subdued from years of being unused. Those auras, are much different, however. They are usually a deep orange, which can eventually turn into another colour when and if they start using their magic again." The Allmother explains to her eldest child.
"But what about dark purple? I was reading a book in the library that mentioned dark purple auras but I wasn't able to find any details about it." the curious boy questions.
"Dark purple? That is a very rare aura... one I have not seen since our last Great War, centuries ago. A dark purple aura happens when somebody born with magic, has suffered greatly. As a result, their magic is naturally subdued, because the most dangerous and volatile person is one who uses and grows their magic through hate and pain. The dark purple aura reflects the pain and trauma they've endured and almost acts as a warning to others. It is well known by all experts of magic that a dark purple aura cannot be cleared without the affected person healing themselves fully from their trauma." she explains.
"How do you heal them?"
"That is where the issue lays, my sweet boy. Over the years we have learned that this can only happen one way: True love and complete trust. It has been noted that the only thing that can break such pain, sadness and anguish, is unconditional love. Very few cases have been recorded where one with a dark purple aura has found such love and managed to free themselves and accept their true aura, stemming from their true, healed, self." she grabs ahold of her sons hand and guides him through her garden.
"This type of magic is the most powerful and the most difficult to attain as it is not really magic at all. Nobody can simply enchant another to fall in love. The love must be true. This means, it cannot be influenced by any unnatural forces. It cannot be forced or tricked, which is why it is the most difficult ailment to cure, unfortunately. Even more so as times passes because true love has lost its meaning over the years. No book or magical spell can tell you what true love is because there is no singular definition. For a mother, it may be the love she has for her child, for another it may be their significant other, or their sibling...It differs from person to person. Sometimes, an act of true love by the affected person themselves or the one that they love, can break the dark purple aura. Unfortunately, at times, those acts of unconditional love, are fatal; sacrificing yourself for another. True love is a very fragile and fickle thing. Extremely difficult to attain but very easy to break." she sighs sadly as she walks through the mazes of her garden.
Young Loki remained silent the rest of their walk, mind reeling trying to understand what true love really means.
At that moment he decides to do the one thing he promised himself he would never do without one’s consent.
He places two fingers on your forehead, and you feel a tingle as he begins to read your mind and replay your memories. He starts from last night, with the intention of going back as far as possible to understand who you really are.
When he begins, he can see the box of emotions hidden deep within your subconscious, locked with chains and kept hidden well beyond. He replays your memories in your room and the bathroom.
He pulls back in surprise. “How did you do that?” he asks you.
You do not reply to him and stare blankly through him.
"But... if your magic is supposedly dormant, how are you able to dissociate yourself and psychologically lock your emotions away?... Can I reverse it?" he asks himself, thinking out loud.
He taps once again into your memories and chases after the locked chest hidden in the furthest part of your mind. As he begins to approach it, it moves again, further away every time. Finally, Loki decides to try halting it in its spot with his magic. When he tries to do so, a sudden intense wave of fire scorches around him. Confused, he touches it and to his surprise, he can feel the heat from the fire within your mind. As he tries to step through, a phoenix emerges and screams as it flies at him. He feels the power of the phoenix throw him backwards and he inhales depply as staggers back on the table in his room. He's breathing heavily, heart racing as stares at you in disbelief.
What just happened? Did she throw me out of her mind? How is that possible... that has never happened... Who are you?
"May I resume my work, my king?" you asks monotonously.
Loki shakes his head incredulously and waves his hand in the air "Yes, yes, continue. I must take my leave."
He quickly walks to the door and looks behind his shoulder before leaving, watching you broom the floor as if nothing happened.
Please let me know your opinions on the story so far and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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bean-bean2000 · 6 hours
Thank you so much! There's much more to come!
The Maid - Part 11
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 10
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
You wake to the sun shining in from the small square window and the caws of a raven.
Sitting up slowly, you head directly to the bathroom to bathe. No thoughts have crossed your mind as you’re functioning on autopilot.
You look at your reflection and see nothing. In the deepest parts of your mind you can hear the locked chest rattling and moving to get out, much like Pandora's box, but you push it further.
Not anymore. Just focus on your job. I can’t do this anymore. For your own sanity, push them out.
You get ready for the day and head out to your first destination: the King’s bedroom.
As you perform your duties, it feels as though you’re floating. The world around you seems hazy, almost as if somebody else is controlling your body as you watch through your eyes.
You’re cleaning the room robotically, as you move around sweeping and dusting. You hear nothing besides this constant deep buzzing.
Suddenly you feel a hand wrap around your forearm and makes you turn around. You show no reaction as you’re turned to face Loki, staring at you with squinted eyes.
He’s saying something but you can’t hear until you shake your head out of the haze and focus again. You curtsy low and address him “Hello, my king. How may I be of assistance?”
He stares at you, searching your eyes. “Are you well?” he asks.
“How do you mean, my king?” you reply stoically.
He can’t find that fire behind your eyes that used to burn with defiance, nor that snarkiness he loves to see when you challenge him. He only sees empty eyes staring back at him.
“What happened?” he demands rather than asking.
“I'm unsure what you are referring to, my king. I am simply doing my job, as your maid. I’m doing as you said, your highness. I know my place.” Your eyes look sunken and void of anything.
He frowns at your reply when you turn around and continue your work as he stares at you in confusion and worry.
He steps in front of you “Stop.”
You immediately obey “Yes, my king.” and you stand there waiting for his next order.
He continues to search your eyes, not understanding how a woman with such strong character, the woman he met a few days prior who would rather be beaten than to obey an order, suddenly accept a command so easily.
He sits you down on a chair and analyzes you. He can’t sense any foreign or dark magic on you. There is no curse he can identify. He’s bewildered by your drastic change in character, until he notices this dark purple aura surrounding your body. He doesn’t understand how he hadn’t felt the presence of this magic before, but he quickly realizes that it isn’t foreign. It’s coming from within you.
Thinking out loud he says "You're not supposed to have magic. How is this possible?"
Then, he remembers something his mother had told him years ago when he was a boy:
"Mother, what do the colours I see around people mean? Everybody has a different one. Why is that?" Young Loki asks.
"My son, those colours are called auras. Everybody has a different aura depending on their type of magic that they have and use. Sometimes, people may have dormant magic, subdued from years of being unused. Those auras, are much different, however. They are usually a deep orange, which can eventually turn into another colour when and if they start using their magic again." The Allmother explains to her eldest child.
"But what about dark purple? I was reading a book in the library that mentioned dark purple auras but I wasn't able to find any details about it." the curious boy questions.
"Dark purple? That is a very rare aura... one I have not seen since our last Great War, centuries ago. A dark purple aura happens when somebody born with magic, has suffered greatly. As a result, their magic is naturally subdued, because the most dangerous and volatile person is one who uses and grows their magic through hate and pain. The dark purple aura reflects the pain and trauma they've endured and almost acts as a warning to others. It is well known by all experts of magic that a dark purple aura cannot be cleared without the affected person healing themselves fully from their trauma." she explains.
"How do you heal them?"
"That is where the issue lays, my sweet boy. Over the years we have learned that this can only happen one way: True love and complete trust. It has been noted that the only thing that can break such pain, sadness and anguish, is unconditional love. Very few cases have been recorded where one with a dark purple aura has found such love and managed to free themselves and accept their true aura, stemming from their true, healed, self." she grabs ahold of her sons hand and guides him through her garden.
"This type of magic is the most powerful and the most difficult to attain as it is not really magic at all. Nobody can simply enchant another to fall in love. The love must be true. This means, it cannot be influenced by any unnatural forces. It cannot be forced or tricked, which is why it is the most difficult ailment to cure, unfortunately. Even more so as times passes because true love has lost its meaning over the years. No book or magical spell can tell you what true love is because there is no singular definition. For a mother, it may be the love she has for her child, for another it may be their significant other, or their sibling...It differs from person to person. Sometimes, an act of true love by the affected person themselves or the one that they love, can break the dark purple aura. Unfortunately, at times, those acts of unconditional love, are fatal; sacrificing yourself for another. True love is a very fragile and fickle thing. Extremely difficult to attain but very easy to break." she sighs sadly as she walks through the mazes of her garden.
Young Loki remained silent the rest of their walk, mind reeling trying to understand what true love really means.
At that moment he decides to do the one thing he promised himself he would never do without one’s consent.
He places two fingers on your forehead, and you feel a tingle as he begins to read your mind and replay your memories. He starts from last night, with the intention of going back as far as possible to understand who you really are.
When he begins, he can see the box of emotions hidden deep within your subconscious, locked with chains and kept hidden well beyond. He replays your memories in your room and the bathroom.
He pulls back in surprise. “How did you do that?” he asks you.
You do not reply to him and stare blankly through him.
"But... if your magic is supposedly dormant, how are you able to dissociate yourself and psychologically lock your emotions away?... Can I reverse it?" he asks himself, thinking out loud.
He taps once again into your memories and chases after the locked chest hidden in the furthest part of your mind. As he begins to approach it, it moves again, further away every time. Finally, Loki decides to try halting it in its spot with his magic. When he tries to do so, a sudden intense wave of fire scorches around him. Confused, he touches it and to his surprise, he can feel the heat from the fire within your mind. As he tries to step through, a phoenix emerges and screams as it flies at him. He feels the power of the phoenix throw him backwards and he inhales depply as staggers back on the table in his room. He's breathing heavily, heart racing as stares at you in disbelief.
What just happened? Did she throw me out of her mind? How is that possible... that has never happened... Who are you?
"May I resume my work, my king?" you asks monotonously.
Loki shakes his head incredulously and waves his hand in the air "Yes, yes, continue. I must take my leave."
He quickly walks to the door and looks behind his shoulder before leaving, watching you broom the floor as if nothing happened.
Please let me know your opinions on the story so far and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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bean-bean2000 · 11 hours
The Maid - Part 11
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 10
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
You wake to the sun shining in from the small square window and the caws of a raven.
Sitting up slowly, you head directly to the bathroom to bathe. No thoughts have crossed your mind as you’re functioning on autopilot.
You look at your reflection and see nothing. In the deepest parts of your mind you can hear the locked chest rattling and moving to get out, much like Pandora's box, but you push it further.
Not anymore. Just focus on your job. I can’t do this anymore. For your own sanity, push them out.
You get ready for the day and head out to your first destination: the King’s bedroom.
As you perform your duties, it feels as though you’re floating. The world around you seems hazy, almost as if somebody else is controlling your body as you watch through your eyes.
You’re cleaning the room robotically, as you move around sweeping and dusting. You hear nothing besides this constant deep buzzing.
Suddenly you feel a hand wrap around your forearm and makes you turn around. You show no reaction as you’re turned to face Loki, staring at you with squinted eyes.
He’s saying something but you can’t hear until you shake your head out of the haze and focus again. You curtsy low and address him “Hello, my king. How may I be of assistance?”
He stares at you, searching your eyes. “Are you well?” he asks.
“How do you mean, my king?” you reply stoically.
He can’t find that fire behind your eyes that used to burn with defiance, nor that snarkiness he loves to see when you challenge him. He only sees empty eyes staring back at him.
“What happened?” he demands rather than asking.
“I'm unsure what you are referring to, my king. I am simply doing my job, as your maid. I’m doing as you said, your highness. I know my place.” Your eyes look sunken and void of anything.
He frowns at your reply when you turn around and continue your work as he stares at you in confusion and worry.
He steps in front of you “Stop.”
You immediately obey “Yes, my king.” and you stand there waiting for his next order.
He continues to search your eyes, not understanding how a woman with such strong character, the woman he met a few days prior who would rather be beaten than to obey an order, suddenly accept a command so easily.
He sits you down on a chair and analyzes you. He can’t sense any foreign or dark magic on you. There is no curse he can identify. He’s bewildered by your drastic change in character, until he notices this dark purple aura surrounding your body. He doesn’t understand how he hadn’t felt the presence of this magic before, but he quickly realizes that it isn’t foreign. It’s coming from within you.
Thinking out loud he says "You're not supposed to have magic. How is this possible?"
Then, he remembers something his mother had told him years ago when he was a boy:
"Mother, what do the colours I see around people mean? Everybody has a different one. Why is that?" Young Loki asks.
"My son, those colours are called auras. Everybody has a different aura depending on their type of magic that they have and use. Sometimes, people may have dormant magic, subdued from years of being unused. Those auras, are much different, however. They are usually a deep orange, which can eventually turn into another colour when and if they start using their magic again." The Allmother explains to her eldest child.
"But what about dark purple? I was reading a book in the library that mentioned dark purple auras but I wasn't able to find any details about it." the curious boy questions.
"Dark purple? That is a very rare aura... one I have not seen since our last Great War, centuries ago. A dark purple aura happens when somebody born with magic, has suffered greatly. As a result, their magic is naturally subdued, because the most dangerous and volatile person is one who uses and grows their magic through hate and pain. The dark purple aura reflects the pain and trauma they've endured and almost acts as a warning to others. It is well known by all experts of magic that a dark purple aura cannot be cleared without the affected person healing themselves fully from their trauma." she explains.
"How do you heal them?"
"That is where the issue lays, my sweet boy. Over the years we have learned that this can only happen one way: True love and complete trust. It has been noted that the only thing that can break such pain, sadness and anguish, is unconditional love. Very few cases have been recorded where one with a dark purple aura has found such love and managed to free themselves and accept their true aura, stemming from their true, healed, self." she grabs ahold of her sons hand and guides him through her garden.
"This type of magic is the most powerful and the most difficult to attain as it is not really magic at all. Nobody can simply enchant another to fall in love. The love must be true. This means, it cannot be influenced by any unnatural forces. It cannot be forced or tricked, which is why it is the most difficult ailment to cure, unfortunately. Even more so as times passes because true love has lost its meaning over the years. No book or magical spell can tell you what true love is because there is no singular definition. For a mother, it may be the love she has for her child, for another it may be their significant other, or their sibling...It differs from person to person. Sometimes, an act of true love by the affected person themselves or the one that they love, can break the dark purple aura. Unfortunately, at times, those acts of unconditional love, are fatal; sacrificing yourself for another. True love is a very fragile and fickle thing. Extremely difficult to attain but very easy to break." she sighs sadly as she walks through the mazes of her garden.
Young Loki remained silent the rest of their walk, mind reeling trying to understand what true love really means.
At that moment he decides to do the one thing he promised himself he would never do without one’s consent.
He places two fingers on your forehead, and you feel a tingle as he begins to read your mind and replay your memories. He starts from last night, with the intention of going back as far as possible to understand who you really are.
When he begins, he can see the box of emotions hidden deep within your subconscious, locked with chains and kept hidden well beyond. He replays your memories in your room and the bathroom.
He pulls back in surprise. “How did you do that?” he asks you.
You do not reply to him and stare blankly through him.
"But... if your magic is supposedly dormant, how are you able to dissociate yourself and psychologically lock your emotions away?... Can I reverse it?" he asks himself, thinking out loud.
He taps once again into your memories and chases after the locked chest hidden in the furthest part of your mind. As he begins to approach it, it moves again, further away every time. Finally, Loki decides to try halting it in its spot with his magic. When he tries to do so, a sudden intense wave of fire scorches around him. Confused, he touches it and to his surprise, he can feel the heat from the fire within your mind. As he tries to step through, a phoenix emerges and screams as it flies at him. He feels the power of the phoenix throw him backwards and he inhales depply as staggers back on the table in his room. He's breathing heavily, heart racing as stares at you in disbelief.
What just happened? Did she throw me out of her mind? How is that possible... that has never happened... Who are you?
"May I resume my work, my king?" you asks monotonously.
Loki shakes his head incredulously and waves his hand in the air "Yes, yes, continue. I must take my leave."
He quickly walks to the door and looks behind his shoulder before leaving, watching you broom the floor as if nothing happened.
Please let me know your opinions on the story so far and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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bean-bean2000 · 4 days
The Maid - Part 10
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 9
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You stand there, staring at each other until Loki breaks the silence.
"Why do you keep lying to me? What are you hiding from me?" he questions you, eyeing you up and down.
"I - I'm not hiding anything, I just -" you're cut-off by Loki slamming his hand against the reading desk next to him.
You shriek in fear and jump away.
"Damn it, woman! I will give you one last chance." staring into your eyes, you can see the anger swirling behind them.
You're breathing heavy, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. Unable to form an answer, your eyes are frantically searching around the room for a way out.
"I've enchanted the room. You can't leave and nobody can come in." he says, stalking closer to you like a predator ready to pounce on his prey.
"Are you a witch? A spy? A traitor? A clever ploy, how could anyone suspect a mere maid of anything?" He's circling you now. Your hairs stand on the back of your neck.
"No, I'm not a witch." you choke out.
"Ah so a spy or a traitor then?" he hisses.
"No - I'm... not I swear to you." He closes the distance between you again, towering over you in rage.
Boldly, you look up at him "Having trouble finding a lie? Because there isn't one." you bite back.
A smirk pulls at his lips as he studies you.
"So, not a witch, nor a traitor nor a spy... then what could you be hiding from me, the king and why?" he questions aloud.
You swallow thickly and stare at the floor.
"I don't know" you whisper as you look up.
"You don't what you're hiding or why you're lying?" he retorts.
You let out a shaky sigh as you pull out a chair and sit down. Loki follows suit, sitting in front of you.
He looks at you expectantly, waiting for your answer.
"No. I'm not a witch, or spy or traitor." you say to him, staring directly into his eyes. You see him searching for your lies but sits back when he can't find one.
"I don't know who I am. I'm nobody." your voice is shaking from containing your emotions.
"How do you mean? That is impossible" Loki replies dryly.
"And before you even think about it, there's no way out of this until I'm satisfied with your answer."
You pull at your fingers in your lap.
Nothing left to lose now anyway
"My parents found me one night while they were travelling between realms. They used to work as intermediaries for the royals between the realms, carrying to a fro items to be traded. My father told me that he found me between the nine realms."
Loki interrupts you "that is impossible."
"My father was told the same by the others when he returned with me, an infant, hungry, cold and crying. He went to every realm and searched for my parents but nobody claimed me. Soon, word spread of how I was found and the realms forbade my father from bringing me to any of them, out of fear that I was cursed. My parents always wanted a child but were never able to have so they considered me a blessing rather than a curse, and they adopted me.
"As I grew up, I was isolated, feared amongst everyone as I was an 'unknown'. I didn't belong anywhere. My parents home schooled me, until I was 18, since nobody would let me within a few feet from any of the villages. Then, my mother fell very ill. Healers refused to come to her aid in fear of crossing my path and being cursed as well. They warned my father that I was the reason for her illness and that she would never heal.'"
"A few years later, it was apparent that she was dying, quickly. My father could not bear it and turned to alcohol."
"Father, please stop! I can't do this alone!" you screamed at him desperately.
He stumbled across the room in rage in his drunken state.
"This would have never happened had I left you there to die. Everyone warned me but I could not believe that an infant could ever cause such suffering. Yet, here I am, watching my wife die as everybody watches and nobody helps. BECAUSE OF YOU!" his voice booms against the walls of your home.
"You're the reason we will both die. You were a curse disguised in an infants form. You will forever plague everyone and everything you touch." he spits at you. Chugging the last bit of the bottle he throws it across the room, shattering on the floor.
"I never wanted you. I should have left you but she insisted you were only an infant, innocent... bah, FOOLS! You were never my daughter and never will be. You have caused the demise of this home and will suffer the rest of your life because of it." he growled at you as he slapped you across your face, sending you spiralling over the kitchen table.
Your mind was buzzing from the hit, unable to focus, until you feel your body being lifted and thrown to the wet ground.
"GET OUT! Stay out with the animals where you belong. Never return." he screamed at you and hurled another object in your direction.
"I said GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" he yelled as you scrambled to your feet in fear and ran as far as you could for as long as possible before collapsing on the ground in the middle of a field. You sobbed until you could no longer produce tears or feel anything. You felt hollow. The worst loneliness you have ever felt. You truly had nobody.
The next morning you awoke on the floor. Willing yourself to get up and find food and water, you stumbled upon a crowd, murmurring to themselves.
"Have you heard they both died last night? He threw her out and they shortly died after. They were found next to each other on the bed. They should have listened to the warnings. She is a curse." a stranger said to another as they worked through their items on the selling kiosk.
You felt like you couldn't breathe. You turned around and felt your feet pounding against the earth, running in any direction away from them. Tears flowed down your face freely as you ran and ran.
When you stopped, you collapsed once more onto the ground.
You were thrown away like an animal. Left to your devices, in the wild, with nothing.
They were right. I am cursed.
**end of flashback**
You shook your head from the terrible memories that replayed in your mind but when you looked back into Loki's eyes you knew he had seen your flashback. He stared at you with such pity and understanding.
Embarrassed you stood up quickly from your seat. Blinking away the tears.
"To answer your question, again. I am nobody. As you said, I am simply a maid." you looked at him with your lips placed in a tight smile.
Before he could say anything you grabbed your supplies "I must finish cleaning, my king. I have fallen behind schedule." you say to him mechanically.
He watches you as you climb the stairs and resume your cleaning.
Tapping his fingers on the table he releases the enchantment and walks out.
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in and lean against a wall.
How much of that did he see, if anything at all? Why did he look at me like that? Now that he knows some of my truth, he will surely cast me out like everyone else has. He is no different. Nobody wants to deal with a cursed woman. Especially not a king.
You sigh heavily as you continue sweeping, keeping your mind busy with the task at hand.
At the end of the day you retire to your room and sit on the floor, back leaning on the bed.
"I can do this. Just like we practiced. Focus on pushing those feelings down, locked away. Make sure you feel nothing before waking." you say to yourself.
You close your eyes and begin imagining locking your heart, and all emotions with it in a box, sealed tight and tucked away in the deepest parts of your mind. Once you felt hollow, felt nothing, you opened your eyes.
You walk to to the bathroom and stare at your reflection.
"Good. It worked."
Your eyes are blank and dull and now shining bright blue. Nothing is seen behind them. You feel empty, and finally at peace.
You've dissociated.
You had found out you could do this, years ago to survive through the trauma. You don't know how or why, but never cared to look into it as it has kept you alive far longer than without it.
"Now, hold on to this as long as you can and just keep going." you say aloud, comforting yourself in the dire room.
You lay down on the bed and close your eyes.
With your emotions and memories locked away in the deepest parts of your mind, you fall asleep easily.
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bean-bean2000 · 6 days
The Maid - Part 9
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 8
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Loki walks to the balcony and beckons you to follow.
You see a table with a spread ready for you. It's the most food you have ever seen and the most delicious-looking.
Trying to hide your shock and anticipation at the feast, you force yourself to sit down and intertwine your fingers.
Loki begins piling food on his plate when he realizes you have yet to reach for anything.
"Do you not like anything here?" he says to you.
"Oh, um, no no I just... I don't know what I like..." you stutter.
Loki looks at you confused "What do you mean? This is standard Asgardian food."
"I've never had... they serve the servants the scraps so..." you falter.
Loki looks to you with an accusatory stare.
"You're hiding something."
You breathe in sharply and fidget in your seat.
"How do you mean?" you question him, pushing your luck.
He's the god of lies you fool. Of course he knows you're hiding something.
"They may serve the servants scraps as you say, but you've undoubtedly tried at least the basics... even if they were in the form of scraps..." he says slowly while analyzing you.
You shift under his gaze.
"I guess you're right. I must have not realized when I ate them." you lie again.
He knows you're lying. He can taste lies.
Somehow, he doesn't push further and resumes eating his lunch.
He beckons you to try and eat. You take a few bites and your eyes widen with how delicious it is.
"Mmmm oh Norns, this is fantastic!" you say with your mouth full.
Loki laughs, and you blush embarrassingly covering your mouth with your hand.
As you're eating you start to question why he is being so nice to you. This isn't the rumours you've heard... he's said to be ruthless... selfish, and careless... but here he is eating lunch with you on the balcony of chambers fit for a princess?
You're so lost in thought you don't notice Loki watching you. He's staring at you, analyzing everything you do.
"Thank you for everything... this is a lot... nobody has ever been this kind and generous to me before. It means a lot to me." you say to him, eyes locked on to his.
You notice his entire demeanour change as soon as you expressed your gratitude.
"That is all for lunch. We're done here. I've entertained the strays enough for the day. Clean this up then start your duties as my personal maid." you're shocked by the sudden change in attitude.
"Well? Are you just going to stare at me? Go on. Do your job." Loki chastises you.
Confused, you get up and start cleaning up the table.
"Oh, and I've forgotten to specify....these chambers are not yours. You will be provided a more suitable living quarters for someone of your status. These chambers are for a queen. Don't forget your place. You're a maid." Loki says to you as he walks out of the room and slams the door shut.
You stare at the table, confused and shocked at the drastic change in mood. The room falls silent.
Did he just call me a stray?
He's right. I am just a maid. How could I ever think I could be anything else?
You feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes and you blink them away as your mind connects the pieces.
I was foolish. This was all some cruel trick; showing me everything I will never have. The god of trickery... he fooled me into believing I could have any of this. I trusted him... blindly. The rumours are true, he is twisted; he gets off on psychologically torturing people. I had promised myself to never trust anyone but myself again and yet he manipulated me into trusting him... the king... the god of lies and mischief...
As you're mind is spiralling you feel the anger and hurt bubbling inside you when suddenly the plates on the table fly across the room and shatter on the floor.
What the? I didn't throw those plates.. did I?...
Puzzled by the strange occurrence you keep replaying the last words he spoke to you.
You're a maid. Don't forget your place.
You repeat that to yourself multiple times as you finish cleaning the lunch table. Sighing, you gather the cleaning supplies and go into autopilot as you begin your routine.
You finish your rounds for the day and put the supplies back. Sighing, you realize you don't know where you're supposed to stay... he said to not go back to the maid's quarters but you have nowhere else to go.
You hear the flapping wings of a crow followed by its caw. It lands on the windowsill in front of you with a note attached to its claw.
Of course he would send his pet to relay his demands.
You slowly approach it and open the note. Flickers of green scatter across the page as the message appears:
'Your new sleeping quarters: The room behind the office.'
Obviously he would place me far away from everyone else to see but close enough for me to continue my work for him.
You make your way to the office and notice a door hidden at the far back behind a corner.
You turn the knob and push it open. A small room with a cot, a wardrobe and a small bathroom, with basic amenities lays before you. It was a fraction of the size of the other chambers.
Better than the hay-filled mattress and common bathrooms I used to share.
You sit down on the chair near the desk placed in the corner of the room. Scanning your surroundings you note that the walls are simply made of stone, no heating provided for the colder months ahead. Nothing you haven't survived before. A small square window in the middle of a wall sheds some bit of sunlight into the space.
On the bedside table you see a cloth with stale bread and nuts, with a glass of water.
Back to the usual menu I see...
You sit on the cot.
At least I get my own space.
You lay down and stare at the ceiling, contemplating your current situation.
I never have a choice. They are always made for me. This is my new life for now, until he decides he no longer needs me and I'm thrown into the wild to my own devices. It wouldn't be the first time.
You shiver as the nightmares from past flow through your head. Shaking your head to rid of the thoughts, you turn to lay on your side, your back still sore, amongst other injuries that have yet to fully heal.
Over the next few days, your routine remains the same. Today you're assigned a new section, the library.
You push open the doors and gasp at the immensity of the room. The walls are lined with floor to ceiling bookshelves, a staircase in the middle leads up to a second floor with a couch and another room filled with books.
You're overcome with excitement and immediately start walking throw every aisle, scanning what books he has.
When's the last time I stepped foot in a library? Let alone held a book in my hands...
One of them catches your eye and you pluck it from the shelf and delicately open it. You sigh with content at the familiarity and protection you feel from holding a book.
A way out... mentally, momentarily... to keep my sanity and forget who I am. An imaginary shield around my heart, keeping reality at bay, daydreaming to be someone, somewhere, I could only dream of... a fairytale of course.
You breathe in deeply the smell of the book, sighing again, feeling your shoulders relax for the first time in ages. The book is filled with the same stories you vaguely recall your parents reciting to you as a child. You're filled with nostalgia as you flip through the pages, smiling at the memories.
"I didn't know you liked to read." Loki says from across the room. You gasp, eyes wide, shutting the book closed quickly and placing it back in its spot on the shelf.
You decide not to reply and start gathering your supplies again to resume your cleaning.
Loki watches you as he approaches. You're dusting the shelves when he comes behind you, merely inches from you and takes the same book out.
Your heart is racing.
How dare I touch anything that is his without permission? Another reason for punishment. Damn it, I couldn't help it... old habits die hard.
You're plucked from your thoughts as his voice carries through the room.
"A storybook? These are for children." he states as he flips through the pages.
Again, you remain quiet and continue your work.
"Most servants are illiterate. How do you know how to read?" he questions as he leans against the bookshelf behind you.
Without turning around to face him you reply "My father taught me."
"Hmmm... and who was your father?" he pushes further.
"He was once a professor."
"So, you can read higher than this level I presume. Why choose this book then, out of everything else in this library?" he questions.
You're furiously dusting, trying to distract your racing heart. Keeping your back to him "My father read them to me at night. I read them to my parents when they fell ill." you reply stiffly.
Your once nostalgic joyful moment now soured by the painful memories of the beginning of your suffering.
"Why aren't you facing me when you speak?" he questions.
You pause and let out a quick breath "I'm trying to finish my work on time, your highness. I know you highly appreciate punctuality."
"You still haven't learned that I know when you're lying?"
You huff in annoyance and turn around facing him "I'm not lying. I would like to finish the work on time to avoid punishment for tardiness, my king" you bite our rather harshly. Your eyes widen again at your outburst.
You swallow thickly.
He approaches you slightly and raises his arm. Your gasp and flinch away. Shutting your eyes tightly, arms tucked to your chest in protection.
You don't see the way Loki's body shifts uncomfortably at your instinctual reaction. He continues his movement of his arm and places the book back on the shelf. He watches as you're shaking, shrinking into yourself.
What happened to you? he asks himself.
You wait for the pain but when nothing happens you open your eyes slowly and see him staring at you with his eyebrows raised.
"Not the entire truth but close enough." he says smugly.
Part 10
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bean-bean2000 · 12 days
The Maid - Part 8
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 7
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You spin around the room, taking in your surroundings. You try pulling at the doors, but they're locked. You try the windows, they open but when you try pushing your hand out, an invisible wall materializes and keeps you in.
I can't blame him for not trusting I wouldn't jump....
What now?
Great... I swapped one cell for another... at least this one is luxurious
You sigh heavily as you flop onto the bed. The room is as large as the king's suite, with a joining bathroom. The closet alone in this suite is larger than any home you have ever stayed in.
Everything adorned the colours of Asgard, and of course Loki's emerald green and gold.
You go through the wardrobe, unsurprised to find it fully stocked with pristine gowns and attire fit for a royal.
This room is for a visiting princess or queen. He just put me here for now. I shouldn't get too comfortable...
You suddenly feel anxiety bubble within you.
Surely he will send me back to the maid's quarters... I'm not fit for such royal chambers... or chambers at all for that matter...I can't go back... not after what I just admitted to, i will be ostricized, treated and belittled far worse than ever before for being a traitor!
You begin to panic, circling the room while biting your nails and running your hands through your hair.
I have to get out of here!
You start pulling at the doors again but they won't budge.
Okay, you need to breathe. You take in a few deep slow breaths.
He said I'm safe here... just wait for him to come back... will he come back?
You go into the bathroom and wash your face with cold water to ground you. Admiring the bath tub you notice the intricate details on the tile floor. Standing back you notice they form a snake in the middle of the room.
You turn to the cupboard and notice the luxurious scented oils.
Surely I can take a bath? Will he be mad if I do? If I don't? Am I allowed or was I supposed to just stay in the room and wait for his return?
Before you can let your anxiety get the best of you, you turn the tap on and splash some lavender oils in the tub. You strip yourself of the silk pyjamas Loki provided earlier and soak in the tub.
You sigh as you realize you can't remember the last time you've been this relaxed and you were going to savour every second of it.
You scrub yourself down with the other multitude of bathing products stocked in the bathroom. Once finished, you slowly get out and brush out your wet hair. Relishing in the smell and the feel of how soft and clean it now is.
Going through the wardrobe, you can only find maiden night gowns, which you have always despised. You quickly pick up the green silk top and shorts that Loki originally gave you and put them back on.
You slip into the bed and sink into the soft mattress. Within seconds, you're asleep.
You wake up a few hours later to the sound of a crow cawing at your window. You groan as you sit up and stretch.
"Sleep well?" you hear a voice from the corner of the room. You scream in surprise and throw the first pillow you can grab towards the sound.
Loki chuckles and he dodges it "I think you're going to need more than a pillow if you really wanted to hurt me."
"I - sorry - I just- I thought I could take a bath while I waited and I - um this is inappropriate I'm sorry -" you ramble as you jump out of the bed and start making it.
"Stop." Loki interrupts your rambling.
" I never ordered you couldn't take a bath or nap or anything. You can do whatever you want. You're not a prisoner." he states slowly.
You look down sheepishly. Loki chuckles quietly again and sits up as he closes his book, from his position on the couch in the corner of the room.
"Lavender is my favourite too. I see you chose to keep my set of nightwear on rather than the ones provided..." a smug smirk forming on his lips and he looks you up and down.
"I - they were just more comfortable. I don't like night gowns." you admit to him, cheeks burning with embarassment.
"There are no rules here. You may do as you please. Whatever makes you comfortable. Do you like the room?"
Caught off guard by his warm approach and the casual conversation you reply but remain guarded.
"Yes. I do. It's bigger than any home I have ever been in."
"You don't trust me." he states matter of fact.
Shocked by his bluntness you stutter out your reply "I don't know what you want, your highness. I am but a maid."
"Oh, you are more than that, darling." he says to you as his eyes lock onto yours. Loki beings to approach you.
Nervousness waves over you. You swallow thickly.
He steps forward, once, twice... suddenly you get scared and take a step back, your arms circling your body. A defence mechanism.
"I understand the lengths at which you have helped me, your highness, and I know not what you desire in return. However, I cannot offer you my maidenhood... for it has been taken from me long ago..."
I will not be your toy to play with.
"Have I ever requested such? I know you are no toy, as you put it. I have never and will never treat you as such. Is that all you think you are worth?" Loki questions.
"Wait... I never said that out loud. How did you know what I was thinking?" you question him, your brows furrow.
"You forget I am a God, darling. I did not mean to read your thoughts, they're sometimes so loud I can hear them." he explains to you.
"Now, you never answered my question. Is that all you think you are worth? Is that all you think I want?" he asks you again.
You shift on your heels, "I have nothing else to give you in return." you reply quietly.
"I ask for nothing in return. I have a debt to pay you, for what you have endured within my castle's walls, which should have never happened to begin with. I am indebted to you." Loki says slowly.
You begin to stutter, unable to form a reply.
"When you said your maidenhood was taken from you long ago... taken is a precise word to use..."
"I know what I said. It has always been taken from me... it was never wanted... not once..." you whisper. You feel tears forming and quickly blink them away.
"I see..." Loki says, hands behind his back and he taps his foot on the tile floor.
"I would like for us to have an arrangement." he declares. "And before you interrupt and assume anything, hear me out. I only want you as my personal maid; and as the kings personal maid you will not stay in the maid's quarters as they are unfit. You will stay here, in these chambers, beside me."
You blink at him with a blank stare. "Um, I -..Yes, your highness -" you reply, knowing no other answer would be accepted anyway.
"Loki.. just Loki, please." he says to you as he walks closer and puts his hand over yours.
For a moment your eyes lock and you feel this spark jolt through your body. Electrifying to the point where goosebumps formed on your arms and you both jolt your hands back in surprise.
You shiver and wrap your arms around yourself.
Loki stares at his hands for a moment and hesitates.
"Care for some lunch?"
Part 9
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
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bean-bean2000 · 17 days
The Maid - Part 7
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 6
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The tears in your eyes cloud your vision. Loki stares at you in shock. All he can see is a shell of the woman he met before. The woman with fire and passion, cursing out a king, purely feeding off of bravery and survival instinct. He realizes that it was a defence mechanism created to hide her true pain beneath.
You feel the walls within you building back up, brick by brick around your heart. Closing yourself off from everything. Until you feel nothing again. The tears stop, your heart rate slows, your hands are dry. All you can do is blink and stare out the window. It's like your brain goes into autopilot; shielding you from the trauma and pain you've endured.
You rise from the chair quickly "I apologize, your highness. This has all been an overreaction. I am sorry for bothering you. I will now take my leave." You turn towards the door but you're met with a blank wall.
You feel his hand gently grab your wrist.
"I know what you're doing. You're shielding yourself from the emotional pain. I know that look all too well. I mastered it, myself." He approaches you slightly, closing the gap between you.
"So you're solution is to lock me in here?!"
His eyes glistened as he spoke "Stop. Please, don't push me out, believe me. " Your breath hitches in your throat.
The king is pleading me to believe him?
Before you can answer you feel his thumb gently grasp your chin to lock in your gaze.
"I promise. He will pay for everything he did to you. I will seek it myself. However, I need to know what he did..." Loki softly says to you, his eyes burning with pure sincerity.
You don't know why but the glare in his eyes lit a fire in your heart you thought was extinguished and irreparable. When you looked at him, you could see a green aura surrounding him. You weren't afraid, you were enamoured by it. You felt this gravitational pull...You felt... warmth and tranquility; something you haven't felt in a very long time.
"Okay. I believe you." you breathe out.
The intensity of your words weighed heavy on Loki's heart. He knew a woman like you, trusted nobody but herself.
You don't know why but you feel this urge to tell him everything, from the moment you reached the castle until now. The abuse, the attempted rapes, the whipping, the pain and suffering.
When you finish explaining your truth, living as a maid, all Loki could do was listen to you intently, absorbing everything you say, never faltering. You had his undivided attention.
"Why didn't Banner ever mention it?......" Loki questions aloud.
"I told him not to. He promised he wouldn't. Banner keeps his word."
"Why didn't tell anyone? Why let yourself suffer all this time?" his green eyes are bright with emotion, almost as though he can feel your pain.
"Do you think anyone would believe me? Even if I did, Why would they say anything to oppose him? He is the pure essence of evil. Everybody fears him, nobody defies him without consequence. He says every action is ordered by YOU, the KING, might I remind you! Do you think ANY of us even THOUGHT of questioning that? Do you think anybody would bat and eyelash if I were to suddenly disappear? They would replace me the next day with no further thought. I've been gone for so long by now, they probably have done just that. We are enslaved to the crown. We have no rights. We are treated as objects who are easily replaceable. When you need this job to survive with basic necessities on a daily basis, you become numb to it all."
Loki stares at you, mouth slightly agape. His mind couldn't wrap itself around the fact that he failed you, he failed his people.
The king is speechless. That's a first.
Loki was calm on the outside but raging severely on the inside. He could not fathom how this could be happening within his castle walls without his knowledge.
He suddenly felt this uncontrollable rage bubbling up inside him. His hands began to glow green as he attempted to contain his emotions.
What is happening? I haven't reacted like this since I was a teenager.
Your story was replaying in his head, over and over again as he stared out his window, trying to contain his powers to not scare you away.
How DARE HE touch even one hair on her head. I will make him pay for this.
His hands grew brighter with every thought of you suffering by his hands. He felt this intense urge to protect you, to regain vengeance on the pain he has caused you.
He suddenly spins on his heel and walks towards you, placing a gentle hand your cheek. "Believe me when I say that none of this was my doing. I never ordered any of these commands. They are foolish dogs who managed to loosen their leashes without me noticing. I will make him pay. All of them." he hissed through gritted teeth.
Before you can retort he cuts you off.
"You shall stay in the chambers besides mine. You will be safe." he says before he disappears into the thin air and you appear into chambers you do not recognize.
What did I just do?
Part 8
Let me know what you all think of the story so far! Feedback is welcome!
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bean-bean2000 · 26 days
PLEASE cut your fics!!!!!!!!!
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bean-bean2000 · 26 days
LMAO this is too good 😂
The Maid - Part 6
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
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You walk towards the middle of the bedroom. You decide to not push your luck and remain silence. It is a pure miracle he has yet to punish you for your disrespectful actions and words. He is a royal, the king, a god. He should be ordering your beheading, or worse.
You shiver at the idea and shuffle in place in the centre of his room.
Loki stalks towards you slowly, hands behind his back with his lips pursed together in thought.
"Sit down." he commands. Before you can point out to him that there was no chair for you to sit, you see a cloud of green smoke and a chair appear right beside you.
You notice Loki's gaze following your every move, trying to decipher your thoughts and feelings. He smirks when he sees you shake your head in annoyance at the appearance of the chair and huff as you sit down.
Loki steps toward his window and opens it, whistling three distinct notes into the sky.
Is he really whistling right now?
Then you hear a caw and the flapping of wings as a crow lands on the windowsill.
"There you are my pet. Were you successful as always?" Loki questions the bird.
You're staring at the interaction with confusion. Is he talking to a bird? It then dawns on you that you do not know the true extent of his powers. All you know is that he is the god of lies and mischief but who is Loki truly?
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear Loki thank the bird who caws in reply and flies away.
"That bird as you call him, is my pet. My most trustworthy friend. He has never failed me."
Your head snaps up "I didn't say anything." How did he know I called it a bird? Was I talking out loud without knowing? I must be very tired.
You're so confused and lost in thought that you don't notice Loki shift uncomfortably at his realization.
She doesn't know that I can hear people's thoughts at times when they are loud enough... does she not know the extent of my powers? Loki thinks to himself.
"Who is this 'snake' you speak of?" he asks, abruptly distracting you from your thoughts.
You look at him in confusion. How can he not know who the snake is?
"He is the Chief in command of the royal guard." you explain.
"Impossible, I appoint only those with my highest regard to such positions of power. I know of no man under the name snake. He is an imposter." Loki declares.
You press your lips into a tight line and say nothing, staring at the floor.
He can't be serious? He appointed him. He orders that monster around. He tells him what to do... who to punish.. and how..
You swallow thickly and shiver from the terrible memories. You shift in your seat and remain silent.
"What are his duties, according to your understanding of his ranking. What has he told you?"
I can't. He'll find out. He knows everything. Deny it all. But he can taste lies... I can't lie... the truth with holes isn't lying.. right? It's just not telling him all the details...
Loki is watching you intently. He hears your thoughts, they are so loud, laced with such extreme fear, it sounds like you're shouting them in his head. You're terrified.
"I asked you a question." Loki says to you calmly. He pulls a chair out of thin air and sits across from you.
You try answering but your voice waivers. Your whole body is shaking. You will yourself to stop, to compartmentalize, for your own sanity.
You sit up straight and wring your hands together, clearing your throat. You cross your legs and notice Loki's eyes shift to your bare legs in his oversized green pyjama shorts. You uncross them immediately.
His eyes shift back up to you. You stare at the floor, avoiding his gaze. He looks at you with sadness. Small indications of a traumatized woman trying her best to survive in the world she was thrown into.
"You are terrified of him. Every time I mention his name you shrink into yourself. You stare at the floor. You begin to shake. You stop speaking and you slow your breathing. You do everything to make yourself as small and invisible as possible. Now, please answer my question."
Your throat feels dry, your hands are clammy and you're heart rate increases. You try to swallow again.
If I lie to him he will know and he will punish me. If I tell him the truth, the snake will punish me. Why do I get the feeling the snake's punishment would be worse than anything the king could ever do to me?
"His- his duties are to watch over the maids quarters. He - he um does the check every night with a few other guards. He said - I was told that he is your first in command. Everything he does is ordered by you." you explain and you continue to wring your fingers together and look anywhere but at the king.
Loki shifts in his seat and leans back, placing one leg above the other knee. You dare to glance at him and see his features flash with frustration and anger.
Oh norns. He knows I'm not telling the entire truth. There's no way he knows. I just didn't elaborate, that doesn't count as a lie, right?
You stare at the window and imagine yourself flying away like a bird. Free to do as you wish, fly wherever and whenever. Freedom and liberty.
"What does he do every night as part of his duties?" he pushes further.
"The check. He does the check." you answer quickly. keeping your gaze on the window.
He sighs heavily and leans forward.
"What is 'the check'? I want specifics." he pushes again.
" The Sn-...He- He checks the maids quarters. He makes us stand up in a horizontal line and makes sure we are all where we're supposed to be."
"That's it? That is 'the check'? This is what has you shaking at the very mention of his name?" Loki keeps pushing.
I can't I can't I can't I can't. Just lie to the king. The snake - if he finds out - he'll... I won't be able to stop him. They can all overpower me. They will torture me until I beg for mercy. I can't let it happen. Even if it costs me my head.
"Yes. That's it." you whisper as you continue to avoid eye contact. You're imagining yourself as a bird flying away, maladaptive daydreaming to maintain your sanity.
"The least you could do is look me in the eye when you lie to me." The king says stoically.
You freeze.
Oh my gods. I'm screwed. Why didn't I just do it faster in the bathroom? This wouldn't be happening right now. I had my chance...
"Look at me." he commands.
You slowly raise your eyes from the window and meet his. They're shining a dangerously dark green.
You immediately cower, shrinking into yourself further if possible, willing yourself to disappear.
"What does he and the guards do during 'the check' of the maid's quarters?" he asks again, slowly, in a threatening tone. He's challenging you to lie to him again.
"Please. I can't. Please let me go. I will not say a word to a single soul, I swear. I can't tell you, he'll - they will. Please. I'm begging you." You feel the tears cascading down your cheeks. A never-ending river. All of the repressed tears over the years, flowing out of the broken dam.
You stop shaking. You realize he did it. The Snake succeeded at what you vowed you would never let happen.
"He broke me." you whisper.
Loki's face falls and his eyes darken with rage and pain.
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
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bean-bean2000 · 26 days
PLEASE cut your fics!!!!!!!!!
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bean-bean2000 · 26 days
Thank you so much for the support!
The Maid - Part 6
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
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You walk towards the middle of the bedroom. You decide to not push your luck and remain silence. It is a pure miracle he has yet to punish you for your disrespectful actions and words. He is a royal, the king, a god. He should be ordering your beheading, or worse.
You shiver at the idea and shuffle in place in the centre of his room.
Loki stalks towards you slowly, hands behind his back with his lips pursed together in thought.
"Sit down." he commands. Before you can point out to him that there was no chair for you to sit, you see a cloud of green smoke and a chair appear right beside you.
You notice Loki's gaze following your every move, trying to decipher your thoughts and feelings. He smirks when he sees you shake your head in annoyance at the appearance of the chair and huff as you sit down.
Loki steps toward his window and opens it, whistling three distinct notes into the sky.
Is he really whistling right now?
Then you hear a caw and the flapping of wings as a crow lands on the windowsill.
"There you are my pet. Were you successful as always?" Loki questions the bird.
You're staring at the interaction with confusion. Is he talking to a bird? It then dawns on you that you do not know the true extent of his powers. All you know is that he is the god of lies and mischief but who is Loki truly?
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear Loki thank the bird who caws in reply and flies away.
"That bird as you call him, is my pet. My most trustworthy friend. He has never failed me."
Your head snaps up "I didn't say anything." How did he know I called it a bird? Was I talking out loud without knowing? I must be very tired.
You're so confused and lost in thought that you don't notice Loki shift uncomfortably at his realization.
She doesn't know that I can hear people's thoughts at times when they are loud enough... does she not know the extent of my powers? Loki thinks to himself.
"Who is this 'snake' you speak of?" he asks, abruptly distracting you from your thoughts.
You look at him in confusion. How can he not know who the snake is?
"He is the Chief in command of the royal guard." you explain.
"Impossible, I appoint only those with my highest regard to such positions of power. I know of no man under the name snake. He is an imposter." Loki declares.
You press your lips into a tight line and say nothing, staring at the floor.
He can't be serious? He appointed him. He orders that monster around. He tells him what to do... who to punish.. and how..
You swallow thickly and shiver from the terrible memories. You shift in your seat and remain silent.
"What are his duties, according to your understanding of his ranking. What has he told you?"
I can't. He'll find out. He knows everything. Deny it all. But he can taste lies... I can't lie... the truth with holes isn't lying.. right? It's just not telling him all the details...
Loki is watching you intently. He hears your thoughts, they are so loud, laced with such extreme fear, it sounds like you're shouting them in his head. You're terrified.
"I asked you a question." Loki says to you calmly. He pulls a chair out of thin air and sits across from you.
You try answering but your voice waivers. Your whole body is shaking. You will yourself to stop, to compartmentalize, for your own sanity.
You sit up straight and wring your hands together, clearing your throat. You cross your legs and notice Loki's eyes shift to your bare legs in his oversized green pyjama shorts. You uncross them immediately.
His eyes shift back up to you. You stare at the floor, avoiding his gaze. He looks at you with sadness. Small indications of a traumatized woman trying her best to survive in the world she was thrown into.
"You are terrified of him. Every time I mention his name you shrink into yourself. You stare at the floor. You begin to shake. You stop speaking and you slow your breathing. You do everything to make yourself as small and invisible as possible. Now, please answer my question."
Your throat feels dry, your hands are clammy and you're heart rate increases. You try to swallow again.
If I lie to him he will know and he will punish me. If I tell him the truth, the snake will punish me. Why do I get the feeling the snake's punishment would be worse than anything the king could ever do to me?
"His- his duties are to watch over the maids quarters. He - he um does the check every night with a few other guards. He said - I was told that he is your first in command. Everything he does is ordered by you." you explain and you continue to wring your fingers together and look anywhere but at the king.
Loki shifts in his seat and leans back, placing one leg above the other knee. You dare to glance at him and see his features flash with frustration and anger.
Oh norns. He knows I'm not telling the entire truth. There's no way he knows. I just didn't elaborate, that doesn't count as a lie, right?
You stare at the window and imagine yourself flying away like a bird. Free to do as you wish, fly wherever and whenever. Freedom and liberty.
"What does he do every night as part of his duties?" he pushes further.
"The check. He does the check." you answer quickly. keeping your gaze on the window.
He sighs heavily and leans forward.
"What is 'the check'? I want specifics." he pushes again.
" The Sn-...He- He checks the maids quarters. He makes us stand up in a horizontal line and makes sure we are all where we're supposed to be."
"That's it? That is 'the check'? This is what has you shaking at the very mention of his name?" Loki keeps pushing.
I can't I can't I can't I can't. Just lie to the king. The snake - if he finds out - he'll... I won't be able to stop him. They can all overpower me. They will torture me until I beg for mercy. I can't let it happen. Even if it costs me my head.
"Yes. That's it." you whisper as you continue to avoid eye contact. You're imagining yourself as a bird flying away, maladaptive daydreaming to maintain your sanity.
"The least you could do is look me in the eye when you lie to me." The king says stoically.
You freeze.
Oh my gods. I'm screwed. Why didn't I just do it faster in the bathroom? This wouldn't be happening right now. I had my chance...
"Look at me." he commands.
You slowly raise your eyes from the window and meet his. They're shining a dangerously dark green.
You immediately cower, shrinking into yourself further if possible, willing yourself to disappear.
"What does he and the guards do during 'the check' of the maid's quarters?" he asks again, slowly, in a threatening tone. He's challenging you to lie to him again.
"Please. I can't. Please let me go. I will not say a word to a single soul, I swear. I can't tell you, he'll - they will. Please. I'm begging you." You feel the tears cascading down your cheeks. A never-ending river. All of the repressed tears over the years, flowing out of the broken dam.
You stop shaking. You realize he did it. The Snake succeeded at what you vowed you would never let happen.
"He broke me." you whisper.
Loki's face falls and his eyes darken with rage and pain.
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
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bean-bean2000 · 26 days
You're so sweet! thank you so much for the support! I'm so happy you're loving the series so far!
The Maid - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: You wake up one day to the man who held you prisoner, throwing you to the ground at the feet of the royal guards. You’re being sold to work for the royal crown, as repayment for the debt left behind by your deceased parents. What will you do when the guards are given too much freedom to treat you as they wish. Will you get your revenge? What will happen when you’re suddenly chosen to be the king’s personal maid?
Note: I do not accept nor allow any of my work to be copied, reposted, translated, or used for anything without my explicit consent.
I am not responsible for what you consume and read on the internet. Please read all warnings at the beginning of each chapter before proceeding. Read at your own caution. Thank you!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
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bean-bean2000 · 26 days
The Maid - Part 6
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 5
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
You walk towards the middle of the bedroom. You decide to not push your luck and remain silence. It is a pure miracle he has yet to punish you for your disrespectful actions and words. He is a royal, the king, a god. He should be ordering your beheading, or worse.
You shiver at the idea and shuffle in place in the centre of his room.
Loki stalks towards you slowly, hands behind his back with his lips pursed together in thought.
"Sit down." he commands. Before you can point out to him that there was no chair for you to sit, you see a cloud of green smoke and a chair appear right beside you.
You notice Loki's gaze following your every move, trying to decipher your thoughts and feelings. He smirks when he sees you shake your head in annoyance at the appearance of the chair and huff as you sit down.
Loki steps toward his window and opens it, whistling three distinct notes into the sky.
Is he really whistling right now?
Then you hear a caw and the flapping of wings as a crow lands on the windowsill.
"There you are my pet. Were you successful as always?" Loki questions the bird.
You're staring at the interaction with confusion. Is he talking to a bird? It then dawns on you that you do not know the true extent of his powers. All you know is that he is the god of lies and mischief but who is Loki truly?
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear Loki thank the bird who caws in reply and flies away.
"That bird as you call him, is my pet. My most trustworthy friend. He has never failed me."
Your head snaps up "I didn't say anything." How did he know I called it a bird? Was I talking out loud without knowing? I must be very tired.
You're so confused and lost in thought that you don't notice Loki shift uncomfortably at his realization.
She doesn't know that I can hear people's thoughts at times when they are loud enough... does she not know the extent of my powers? Loki thinks to himself.
"Who is this 'snake' you speak of?" he asks, abruptly distracting you from your thoughts.
You look at him in confusion. How can he not know who the snake is?
"He is the Chief in command of the royal guard." you explain.
"Impossible, I appoint only those with my highest regard to such positions of power. I know of no man under the name snake. He is an imposter." Loki declares.
You press your lips into a tight line and say nothing, staring at the floor.
He can't be serious? He appointed him. He orders that monster around. He tells him what to do... who to punish.. and how..
You swallow thickly and shiver from the terrible memories. You shift in your seat and remain silent.
"What are his duties, according to your understanding of his ranking. What has he told you?"
I can't. He'll find out. He knows everything. Deny it all. But he can taste lies... I can't lie... the truth with holes isn't lying.. right? It's just not telling him all the details...
Loki is watching you intently. He hears your thoughts, they are so loud, laced with such extreme fear, it sounds like you're shouting them in his head. You're terrified.
"I asked you a question." Loki says to you calmly. He pulls a chair out of thin air and sits across from you.
You try answering but your voice waivers. Your whole body is shaking. You will yourself to stop, to compartmentalize, for your own sanity.
You sit up straight and wring your hands together, clearing your throat. You cross your legs and notice Loki's eyes shift to your bare legs in his oversized green pyjama shorts. You uncross them immediately.
His eyes shift back up to you. You stare at the floor, avoiding his gaze. He looks at you with sadness. Small indications of a traumatized woman trying her best to survive in the world she was thrown into.
"You are terrified of him. Every time I mention his name you shrink into yourself. You stare at the floor. You begin to shake. You stop speaking and you slow your breathing. You do everything to make yourself as small and invisible as possible. Now, please answer my question."
Your throat feels dry, your hands are clammy and you're heart rate increases. You try to swallow again.
If I lie to him he will know and he will punish me. If I tell him the truth, the snake will punish me. Why do I get the feeling the snake's punishment would be worse than anything the king could ever do to me?
"His- his duties are to watch over the maids quarters. He - he um does the check every night with a few other guards. He said - I was told that he is your first in command. Everything he does is ordered by you." you explain and you continue to wring your fingers together and look anywhere but at the king.
Loki shifts in his seat and leans back, placing one leg above the other knee. You dare to glance at him and see his features flash with frustration and anger.
Oh norns. He knows I'm not telling the entire truth. There's no way he knows. I just didn't elaborate, that doesn't count as a lie, right?
You stare at the window and imagine yourself flying away like a bird. Free to do as you wish, fly wherever and whenever. Freedom and liberty.
"What does he do every night as part of his duties?" he pushes further.
"The check. He does the check." you answer quickly. keeping your gaze on the window.
He sighs heavily and leans forward.
"What is 'the check'? I want specifics." he pushes again.
" The Sn-...He- He checks the maids quarters. He makes us stand up in a horizontal line and makes sure we are all where we're supposed to be."
"That's it? That is 'the check'? This is what has you shaking at the very mention of his name?" Loki keeps pushing.
I can't I can't I can't I can't. Just lie to the king. The snake - if he finds out - he'll... I won't be able to stop him. They can all overpower me. They will torture me until I beg for mercy. I can't let it happen. Even if it costs me my head.
"Yes. That's it." you whisper as you continue to avoid eye contact. You're imagining yourself as a bird flying away, maladaptive daydreaming to maintain your sanity.
"The least you could do is look me in the eye when you lie to me." The king says stoically.
You freeze.
Oh my gods. I'm screwed. Why didn't I just do it faster in the bathroom? This wouldn't be happening right now. I had my chance...
"Look at me." he commands.
You slowly raise your eyes from the window and meet his. They're shining a dangerously dark green.
You immediately cower, shrinking into yourself further if possible, willing yourself to disappear.
"What does he and the guards do during 'the check' of the maid's quarters?" he asks again, slowly, in a threatening tone. He's challenging you to lie to him again.
"Please. I can't. Please let me go. I will not say a word to a single soul, I swear. I can't tell you, he'll - they will. Please. I'm begging you." You feel the tears cascading down your cheeks. A never-ending river. All of the repressed tears over the years, flowing out of the broken dam.
You stop shaking. You realize he did it. The Snake succeeded at what you vowed you would never let happen.
"He broke me." you whisper.
Loki's face falls and his eyes darken with rage and pain.
Part 7
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
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bean-bean2000 · 28 days
The Maid - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: You wake up one day to the man who held you prisoner, throwing you to the ground at the feet of the royal guards. You’re being sold to work for the royal crown, as repayment for the debt left behind by your deceased parents. What will you do when the guards are given too much freedom to treat you as they wish. Will you get your revenge? What will happen when you’re suddenly chosen to be the king’s personal maid?
Note: I do not accept nor allow any of my work to be copied, reposted, translated, or used for anything without my explicit consent.
I am not responsible for what you consume and read on the internet. Please read all warnings at the beginning of each chapter before proceeding. Read at your own caution. Thank you!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
187 notes · View notes
bean-bean2000 · 28 days
The Maid - Part 5
Pairing: Loki x reader (on going series)
Warnings: Angst, abuse, mental health (depression, mentions of suicidal thoughts), swearing, mentions of torture and rape. Loki being an ass.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Author's note: Sorry for the wait! Work and school got hectic. Hope you enjoy!!
Part 4
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
Your head is pounding as you begin to stir awake. You groan as your hands sink into the soft sheets. You stop abruptly.
This isn't my cot.
Your heart is racing in panic. Your head is laying on the fluffiest pillow you've ever touched and the silk from the sheets slide smoothly across your skin.
You become acutely aware that you're lying face down again and feel the shiver from the cold across your back. You jolt up and groan out loudly in pain as your wounds on your back stretch from the sudden movement. You’re breathing heavily and shaking as you sit up, feet dangling off the bed.
You take in your surroundings, realizing the room seems very familiar, as you scan the room and notice the emerald green sheets on the bed and the book on the night stand.
I'm in the king’s chambers.
You gasp and your eyes go wide as you fumble off the bed. Your chest is exposed, and you grab onto the first green blanket you spot and cover yourself, so you're decent enough.
You're alone. It's quiet. You turn to the large mirror that is up against the wall facing the bed and examine your back. You notice that it has almost healed completely, leaving thick, ragged scars across your back.
How long have I been out? This should have taken at least one month to fully heal… the wounds are completely closed, the scars are white and red.
You're staring them, realizing that they will forever be there marking your skin of the trauma you've endured.
"You're up." you hear a voice from behind you say.
You scream in surprise and jump in the air, backing away from the sound.
You look up at lock eyes with the king.
"Your majesty, I'm - I don't - I woke up…" you stumble over your words trying to explain yourself. You notice that you are indecently exposed within the kings chambers, uninvited, and hug the blanket closer to your chest.
You decide to stop talking and stare at the floor.
He smirks as he crosses his arms, evaluating the scene before him "I requested Banner clean your wounds after our conversation in the kitchen."
You look up at him confused. Why would he care? He ordered I get whipped for my retaliation… for defending myself… You feel the anger bubbling inside you.
How dare he pretend to care? To make up this act before me when all he has done is make me suffer since the day I arrived.
You say nothing as you bite the inside of your cheek to prevent the words from spilling out. You know the consequences of speaking to a royal in such manner, let alone a king, would land you in much more dire situations than before.
The king takes a tentative step forward and you take a step back. He notices this and stops in his tracks, folding his hands together behind his back.
"You fear me. You despise me." He declares matter of fact.
You say nothing again. I'm much better off keeping my mouth shut. You stare at him with a fire in your eyes. Anger which you can never act upon.
He steps forward again, and you step back.
"I healed you. Your wounds were very badly infected. Banner thought you wouldn't make it past the night. I used my magic but couldn't get rid of the scars… they are too deep." he explains to you.
Because of you, you spoiled sheltered asshole! Oh, fuck it. If he kills me now it will be better than living this so-called life.
You straighten your posture and stare at him directly in the eyes. A sign of confidence and defiance. You think you see a spark behind his eyes as you do this and a small smirk tugging at his lips.
"Why?" you say stoically.
"Why, what? Be specific, darling." he says smugly.
"Why did you heal me?" you ask angrily, voice rising slightly from frustration.
"Because you were hurt."
Your jaw ticks. He's doing it on purpose to piss me off.
"Why do you care that I am hurt?" you push further.
"Hmmmm….." he taps his foot and lifts his chin in thought.
Pompous prick.
"I missed your work as my maid. You were rather thorough." he replies, head tilting to the side in challenge.
That's it. I've had enough. Fuck the consequences.
Your voice rises as you let go of your pent-up anger "Are you kidding me?! You missed my work as your MAID? Am I just an object? A toy you can fuck around with when you're bored?!"
He says nothing as he lets you continue your rant.
"You send those disgusting rats you call guards to beat, rape and abuse the staff all they want. We can't say a damn word about it without getting beaten to a pulp to keep our mouths shut. I have succumbed to MONTHS of this fucking treatment, beaten down like a dog when I refused to submit to the Snake's desires. Every time he said it was a special message from YOU as a result of my defiance.” You point your finger at him and approach him challengingly, eyes seething with rage and pain.
“I don't regret a single thing I did. I wish I would have gouged his fucking eyes out when I had a chance! I defend myself from being forced onto and you order them to whip me because of it?!” What kind a monster are you? I've heard the stories, and I believed them when it came to war, but I never thought you to be so callous towards your own people, your own staff.”
You’re waving your arm in the air and your eyes and stinging, tears forming. You swallow hard and blink them away, refusing to let him see how much pain he has truly inflicted upon you internally. Feeling the anger bubbling up again, you continue.
“Then! THEN, YOU come to MY aid like I'm some damsel in distress? I DON'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS SHIT!" you’re panting and your voice is raw from screaming out your rant.
You realize your breathing heavily and look down at the floor, taking some slow breaths to calm down. The reality of what you’ve just done dawns on you, and you accept your fate. Your eyes become void of everything. When you lift your gaze up to his and lock eyes, you see something flash across his face. Pain? Worry?
"Just kill me now. I don't care what or how you do it just end it already. I will not be treated as a toy you can bend to your own desires and beat for your own pleasure. This isn't a life worth living. I would rather die than live another day inside these palace walls." Your voice calm and stoic.
You stare at him and notice all smugness has disappeared. Now, his jaw is locked, fists tightly at his side making his knuckles turn white. The anger in his eyes terrifies you.
You have nothing left in you to start begging he spare your life. "I understand the consequences of my actions." you say while slowly getting to your knees and maintain eye contact "Nothing I said was a lie, I regret nothing. I only ask for one thing: End it quickly."
You hear him approach you when he stops mere inches away. You close your eyes in anticipation, expecting the inevitable and let out a deep sigh.
You begin to smile, realizing your pain will be over soon and you will be able to join your family again among the stars. You feel a single tear fall down your cheek.
"Get up." he commands. Your brows furrow in confusion as you open your eyes and look up at him.
"Do not make me repeat myself." he says sternly.
You slowly get up and face him. Your neck slightly craned up from his imposing height, to meet his gaze.
“Here. Change in the bathroom. I will be waiting. There is much to discuss.”
You stare at him quizzically, brows furrowing in confusion. What is going on? In your confused and shocked state, you grab the clothes he has outstretched to you and walk to the bathroom. You look at your reflection, your bruises and cuts are gone but the look in your own eyes surprises you. Apathy. You realize you feel nothing, you care for nothing anymore.
Sighing heavily, you throw on the green pyjamas he provided. They are clearly too big for you, but you manage to tighten the shorts as much as possible around your frame with an elastic and the short-sleeve shirt cascades down to your knees.
What will he do to me? Fear courses through you, adrenaline kicks in and you start flinging the cabinets open.
There has to be something in here, please. Your breathing is heavy as you shakily throw things around until you spot the scissors and snatch them.
This is it. Do I do it? I can’t win against him. He’s a god for fuck’s sake! This is my only chance to escape. I know what he is capable of, he will hold me hostage and bend me at his will. I would rather die than let that happen again. I’ll be damned before I let a man control me again.
Your back is facing the door ,wrist outstretched as you raise the scissors. As you begin to lower them towards your wrist, you feel a strong hand grab onto yours, stopping it mid-air.
Suddenly you’re spun around and pinned against the wall, facing the king.
You stare into his eyes and notice the shocking swirl of emotions in his bright emerald eyes as they bore into yours. You don’t understand what it is. It looks like hurt?
His nostrils are flaring, his hand harshly holding yours above your head.
You gulp heavily. Suddenly aware of your proximity to him, your chest only inches apart.
“Drop it.” He commands.
You’re breathing heavily out of… fear? Adrenaline?
Before you can decipher your emotions you feel his hand place pressure over yours as your hand reflexively opens and the scissors scatter across the tile.
“You forget I am a God. I see all, I hear all, I know all.” He says, leaning in closer.
You realise there is no way out. Might as well go out with a bang.
“Do you? Hear all? See all? Know all? Almighty god”. You see his eyes flash and a smirk form across his face.
“Watch your mouth, maid.” He hisses.
“Or what?” you challenged. “You’ll kill me? Throw me to the dungeons? Be my guest. I’ll just try killing myself again until I succeed. I don’t care about this world, it has brought nothing but pain into my life. I don’t care what you do to me, but I’ll be damned before I let another man control me. God or not.” You say through gritted teeth.
He sees your eyes flash with emotions you can’t place.
There she is. Loki thinks to himself.
“I have more fitting plans for a woman such as yourself.” He says as he backs away from you, dropping your hand.
“Try that again, and I won’t stop you.” He says sternly.
“Is that supposed to be a threat? Sounds like a gift to me. By all means…. Please don’t, your highness…” you say as you mockingly curtsy to him.
His grits his teeth as he corners you against the wall once again. His hands begin to glow green.
Momentarily, your eyes flash with fear, then amazement. You turn your head and admire the glow.
“Let me reiterate.” His voice, breaks you from your trance as you look up at him again. He approaches you even closer, your chests barely inches apart.
“Try that again, and I’ll make you wish you were truly dead. Don’t push your luck.” He threatens.
You gulp heavily.
You see satisfaction cross his features as he realizes he has won this argument. He backs away and looks you up down and nods with a smirk.
“Now, as I said, we have much to discuss.” He steps to side and to the bedroom with one arm. You sigh heavily, defeated and with no other choice, you make your way out of the bathroom.
Fucking prick.
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
Part 6
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bean-bean2000 · 1 month
Mob! Bucky x Reader - Forced Marriage AU
Tumblr media
Warnings: swearing, violence, misogyny?, sexual content (MINORS DNI)
3.2k words
Summary; Bucky, a member of the mob, and the daughter of his enemy find themselves entangled in a complex relationship.
No fucking way.
Your throat tightened. The reflection in the mirror portrayed a stranger—pale complexion, vacant eyes.
“You look beautiful,” Nat reassured you, placing her steady hands on your bare shoulders, but you’d never felt so appalled. She was trying to comfort you but fell on deaf ears.
Your gaze dropped to the dress. It fits you perfectly, especially with your hair trailing down your back.
You wanted to rip it all off.
“Nat”, your voice meek, tears threatening to fall.
"I'll be by your side through it all, and if that mystery man dares to step out of line, well, a broken nose wouldn't hurt," she attempted a smile, but it faltered. Your best friend gave your shoulders a final squeeze.
Today is your wedding day.
As you found out yesterday. Yesterday. You seethed, manicured hands clenching.
“How could this happen to me, Nat?”, you asked through gritted teeth, the reality of the situation setting in.
Nat's gaze softened, her eyes filled with a sadness you couldn't bear to meet. "We both know why," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, the truth of her words like a knife to your heart. Your father's illicit dealings had finally caught up with you, dragging you into a web of deceit and manipulation from which there seemed to be no escape.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could I be so naive?
And so, you became a pawn in your father’s game. An object to be bought, owned and sold off at will.
It was all a show of power. You cross me, and I’ll rob your daughter of the rest of her life. You were nothing more than collateral damage.
As Bucky adjusted his tie in the mirror, the reflection staring back at him was that of a man with a steely resolve, a predator poised to strike. His jaw clenched with determination, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity.
“One last drink before you’re hitched?” Steve smirked, pushing a whiskey into his best friend's hand.
Bucky sent him a sharp look. “Come on Steve, you act like I'm not the one calling the shots here”, the glint in his eyes portraying a confidence that bordered on arrogance.
In a swift motion, he downed the alcohol and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His throat burned. He lavished the feeling.
“Marrying a woman you’ve never even seen?” Steve's grin widened, his tone holding a hint of scepticism.
Bucky dragged a hand down his face. “All part of the game, my friend” he responded cryptically, a flicker of anticipation glimmering in his eyes.
“You never know, pal, she might be a knockout”, Steve teased, a veiled reassurance towards his friend.
”Yeah. Fat fucking chance, as long as Pierce knows I can take everything he holds dear, I’m a happy man”
With a nod of agreement, Steve raised his glass in a silent salute. "I'll drink to that," he said.
Deep breaths.
You felt nauseous.
You stepped into the aisle, honing your vision on the figure standing by the altar. He had his back to you but, he was tall, broad and masculine.
Ripping your eyes from the man and planting them on your feet. Just make it down the aisle without tipping over.
Bucky turned to face you. Holy shit. His surprise was palpable. He wasn’t expecting this. You knocked the breath from his lungs. You looked beautiful. Your dress moulded perfectly to your body, skin glowing. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
You felt a cool hand press against the small of your back.
“Hey”, a deep voice whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
A response far too casual for the situation at hand.
His hand moved to your waist, guiding you to face him and look at him. Fuck him. You knew this was a stupid, stubborn attempt to maintain some form of control, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
That was until he placed a finger under your chin, his touch surprisingly gentle. Oh. He is gorgeous. Sculpted face, baby blue eyes, pink lips. His touch was far too gentle for someone so evil.
“H-hi”, you stammered, your voice portraying the nervousness you felt.
Bucky’s smirk only widened at your response, as if he found amusement in your discomfort. It was infuriating. He was drinking in your wide eyes and aloof expression. You were so innocent. He almost felt bad for inviting you into his world. Almost.
He wanted to devour you.
”Well…aren’t you a sweet little thing”, his finger tilted your head back as he unashamedly raked his eyes over your features, with an almost predatory hunger.
You forced a sweet smile, concealing the disgust you felt at his patronising comment, “get your fucking hands off of me”, you retorted sharply.
Bucky’s smirk faltered for a moment, a flicker of surprise crossing his features, before being replaced by amusement again. “Such a filthy mouth for a pretty girl… I’ll sort that out for you”, he replied, his grip on your chin tightening.
You snarled at him, resisting the urge to clock him in his cocky face.
It was almost humorous, the way the interaction looked like a loving husband whispering sweet nothings to his wife, when it couldn’t be further from the truth.
The vows went by in a blur, all words sounding muted and unreal, until the time came to kiss the man you met half an hour ago.
Bucky couldn’t look anymore gleeful, revelling in your discomfort.
“Come on honey, I promise I’m a fantastic kisser”, he taunted, arrogance in his smirk.
You opened your mouth for a retort, but his lips landed on yours before you could protest. You hated how he was so gentle, caressing your cheek while his tongue ran across your bottom lip.
Damn it, he is a fantastic kisser.
Pulling away, you forced yourself to compose, concealing the turmoil within. He was so gentle, as if he was afraid you’d break in two at his kiss. Bucky’s touch held a power over you. You despised it, but it was overwhelming.
The reception blurred into a whirlwind of congratulatory embraces and forced smiles. Every glance from Bucky sent shivers down your spine. He was everywhere. A hand on the small of your back, an arm draped across your waist.
As the night wore on, you found yourself cornered by Bucky, his presence suffocating. His whispered promises of a future together sounded more like threats, each word tightening the knot of discomfort in your stomach.
“Is it time for that broken nose yet?” Nat whispered into your ear as you snorted at her comment, your first genuine smile all day.
“I’m ready whenever you are”, you replied, before taking her into an embrace. Her presence was a lifeline in the chaos of this ceremony.
Even after your moment of solace with Nat, Bucky's presence loomed like a dark cloud. His eyes followed your every move, logging everybody you spoke to, as he watched with an adverse gaze.
Unable to bear his suffocating presence any longer, you slipped away from the crowd, seeking refuge in the quiet solitude of the garden.
The cool night air enveloped you, offering a brief respite from the whirlwind wedding. Sitting on the wooden bench, you closed your eyes, simply focusing on breathing, before being unsurprisingly interrupted.
With a smirk playing at the corners of his lips, Bucky leaned against the stone wall, the faint glow of a cigarette illuminating his features in the darkness.
"You shouldn't be out here alone," he said, his voice low and gravelly, tinged with a hint of his streetwise charm.
"Yeah? Well, I’m fine," you replied curtly, refusing to show any vulnerability in his presence.
Bucky's smirk widened, the glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Sure you are," he said, his tone teasing. "But just in case you need a hand getting rid of any unwanted guests, you know what to say."
“Nobody’s watching here, you know? You don’t need to keep up this facade”, you replied, more angrily than you’d expected.
Bucky’s expression darkened at your accusation, a flicker of hurt crossing his features. “Facade? Come on, darlin’ you know me better than that”
”Do I?”, your voice echoed, not ready to submit to him.
He took a step closer, his movements fluid and deliberate. "Yeah, you do," he replied, his tone edgier now, devoid of its earlier teasing edge. "You think I’m doing this all for me?"
You found yourself unable to make eye contact with the mobster, “I think this is a game… where I’m being used as a pawn”, you confessed, a sadness in your voice.
Bucky was taken aback by your raw vulnerability. He lifted your chin with his forefinger, as he did in the ceremony, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes were a cocktail of remorse and sincerity.
“A game? I won’t lie, doll, I’ve done things that I’m not proud of”, he swallowed hard, grappling with the actions that had led to this moment, “but I wouldn’t drag you into this twisted world simply to be a pawn”.
You fought internally, unsure of what to believe.
Bucky stepped back slightly, his eyes raking over your features as his finger drew an arc over your jaw. "I know this ain't the ideal situation for either of us," he began, his voice softer now, tinged with a hint of regret. "But we're in this together now."
Your features softened and you let yourself relax into his gentle touch. The voice in your head stressing about how dangerous this man was began to quieten. You needed this comfort.
"I want you to know," Bucky continued, his words measured yet genuine, "that I ain't gonna let anyone hurt you. Not while I'm around."
"Thank you," you murmured, the weight of the day's events finally beginning to lift from your shoulders. "I appreciate that."
Bucky offered you a small, understanding smile before gesturing toward the door leading back to the reception hall. "Come on," he said gently, "let's get back inside.”
Bucky flicked his cigarette into the darkness, the ember glowing brightly before fading into nothingness.
As the night wore on, the exhaustion of the day's events began to weigh heavily on you.
“You ready to call it a night?” Bucky asked, sweeping a stray hair behind your ear.
His eyes were fixated on yours until you replied with a simple nod.
You began saying your farewells to the guests, making sure to hug Nat especially hard. You eyed Bucky as he seemed to be having an enthralling conversation with a man you recalled being introduced to as Steve. You made a mental note to ask him about his friend.
You let Bucky guide you into his mansion, down the large halls, to the bridal suite. Everything was gorgeous, sophisticated and modern.
You hadn’t let your mind trail to what your wedding night would bring, you found yourself wondering whether he’d even stay in the same wing as you.
As you and Bucky stepped into the dimly lit room, the air was hot with anticipation, charged with the unspoken tension between you.
As you turned to face him, ready to bid him goodnight and retreat to your separate quarters, Bucky's gaze met yours with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. There was a vulnerability in his eyes, a rawness that took you by surprise.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" His voice was low, almost hesitant, betraying the confident facade he often wore. There was a hint of uncertainty in his words, a vulnerability that made your heartache.
It was a bold move, really, you both knew it. For a request you were so sure you would’ve declined earlier in the day, you found yourself taken aback.
“Yes," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart. "Yes, you can stay."
As the door clicked shut behind Bucky, you felt anticipation in the air. His gaze lingered on you, his eyes tracing the contours of your figure with a certain hunger.
“Let me take off that wedding dress," he murmured, his words laced with desire. His eyes bore into yours, daring you to resist him, daring you to deny the attraction that pulsed between you.
Your head was spinning, the way he bounced between sincerity and domination.
For a brief moment, you hesitated, the thought of shedding the symbol of your forced marriage felt like an admission of defeat, surrendering to the forces that had brought you to this moment.
The primal hunger in Bucky’s eyes convinced you, with a hesitant nod, you faced your back to him and pulled your hair over your shoulder.
Bucky’s fingers delicately worked the fastens on your dress, his gaze transfixed on your back. You felt yourself becoming conscious, truly realising for the first time that this man was going to see you at your most vulnerable.
Sensing your apprehension, the air shifted, “you’re doing great, sweetheart”, he murmured, “Tonight, it’s just you and me”.
You eased at his words, as the fabric pooled at your feet in a cascade of silk and lace.
With a tender smile, Bucky reached out, his hand brushing against your cheek with a feather-light touch. “God, you’re beautiful”, he whispered, his voice filled with awe.
His words warmed you from the inside out. There was something more than desire in his gaze. It ignited a fire in you that threatened to consume everything in its path.
In the dim light of the room, you could see the raw hunger in Bucky's eyes, the longing that burned like a fire deep within his soul. But beneath the hardened exterior, there was a vulnerability—a longing for connection, for intimacy.
You doubted he was some sort of blushing virgin, especially with the stunt he pulled at the altar, but it was hard to believe he looked at other women like this.
“W-will you… are you going to…”, you faltered, not quite knowing how to ask him the question.
”Going to what, doll?”
“You know… it’s an arranged marriage. Are you planning to…see other women?”, you ventured, your voice hesitant, uncertain of how to broach the topic.
Bucky's gaze softened as he sensed the gravity of your words, his expression shifting from one of intensity to one of attentiveness. He reached out, gently grasping your hand in his, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand.
“I understand why you might have doubts, especially given the circumstances," he began, his voice calm and reassuring. "But I want you to know that I take this marriage seriously. This isn’t a game to me. You’re my wife".
His words carried a weight of sincerity that eased some of the tension in your chest. "I won't deny that my past may have been... adventurous," he continued with a wry smile, "but when it comes to you, I'm all in. I won't be seeing other women. You have my word."
“O-okay”, a small smile playing on your lips.
“And just so we’re clear”, he added, a playful glint in his eye, “you’re not allowed to see other men either”.
You rolled your eyes at that, your smile widening.
Bucky's eyes softened as they landed on your lips, a genuine smile tugging at the corners of his own. "You've got a beautiful smile, you know," he remarked, his tone unexpectedly sincere.
As you met his gaze once more, you couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled with a warmth that mirrored your own.
“Thank you," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, feeling the electricity between you intensify with each passing moment. The hunger in his eyes mirrored your own.
With a boldness you didn't know you possessed, you reach out to him, your fingers tangling in the fabric of his shirt as you draw him closer. The air crackles with tension as your lips meet in a searing kiss, passion and need colliding in a heady rush of sensation.
His hands pulled on your hips, desperate to get you impossibly closer. Your head was spinning.
Bucky gently walked you to the bed, falling onto the sheets when your calves knocked the frame. He ate up the gasp that escaped from your lips hungrily.
“Fuck. I want to devour you”, he murmured against your lips, before taking your bottom one between his teeth. You could only gasp in response as he rolled it.
Bucky’s hands grabbed your wrists, gently placing them above your head. A stark contrast between his gentleness and dominance. His lips trailed down the curve of your neck, nipping and tucking, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
You arched against him, a soft “B-Bucky” escaping your lips.
Bucky released a guttural moan as you bucked your hips into the muscular thigh positioned between your legs.
”Easy, sweetheart”, he whispered, his voice husky with desire. “I don’t want to overwhelm you”.
Bucky's hands trembled slightly as he fought to restrain his desire, the urge to lose himself in the moment almost overwhelming. His breath came in ragged gasps as he tried to control the primal urges that threatened to consume him.
His hands, which had been so commanding just moments before, now moved with a feather-light touch.
"I need to slow down," he muttered, more to himself than to you, his voice strained with effort.
You placed a gentle hand on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath your touch, “we can slow down, Bucky”, you whispered reassuringly, your eyes filled with concern.
Bucky's struggle was like a battle raging within him, the conflicting desires tearing at his very core. He was used to being in control, but with you, he felt a primal urge to let go, to surrender to the passion that threatened to consume him.
But he couldn't. Not yet. Not with you.
He looked into your eyes, his own filled with gratitude and longing. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice tinged with relief. "I just want to make sure I'm not pushing you too far, too fast."
He’d never cared for the women he’d taken to bed in the past. There was something about you, an innocence he wanted to preserve, but simultaneously fuck out of you, make it his own.
“I’m okay, I promise”, you reassured him.
“No…it’s me. I want to lose myself in you but… I won’t be able to control myself. I want to do this right”, he admitted.
You caressed his face with your hand, letting a silence fall over you and your husband. He traced circles on your bare skin with his fingertips.
Bucky's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a warm embrace, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. Feeling the weight of the day finally catching up with you, you nestled into Bucky's embrace, allowing the rhythm of his steady breathing to lull you into a peaceful slumber.
Bucky drifted into a calm sleep, the calmest he’d had in months, until the shrill ring of his phone shattered the silence. Groaning, he fumbled for the source of the disturbance, his hand eventually finding the cold metal of his cell phone on the nightstand.
"Steve?" Bucky muttered, his voice thick with sleep as he answered the call, his mind struggling to shake off the fog of slumber.
"Yeah, it's me," Steve's urgent voice crackled through the line, cutting through Bucky's drowsiness like a knife. "We got a problem”.
Bucky sent a glance to your sleeping form, the sheets pooling around your waist, with your chest lifting rhythmically.
He ran a hand down his face and groaned, not wanting to leave you. “How bad is it?”, he asked, debating whether to throw the phone at the wall.
“Bad enough”, Steve replied grimly.
@casa-boiardi @winterslove1917 @writingpastmybedtime @thealyrs @kandis-mom @blackhawkfanatic @scott-loki-barnes @mrsevans90 @melsunshine
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bean-bean2000 · 2 months
Requests now open! (Marvel x reader)
Please feel free to send in some requests on "The Maid" story I am currently working on, just so I can get an idea of what you guys want! You can request any marvel x reader + a trope or storyline you want to see. Thank you! <3
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