beltiel · 16 days
*elated shrieking*
For the sixth (holy sh*t how?) year in a row, Aisha and I are kicking off Trektober 2024 with release of the official prompt lists. Releasing the lists now gives everyone participating plenty of time to plan ahead before posting starts in October.
As in previous years, there are three lists, each with their own theme.
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The final (spicy) prompt list is below the cut, for those who wish to avoid it!
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beltiel · 19 days
Silly little Vulcan Biology head canon hour: Sharpened, fang like canines is recessive trait in Vulcans. It is considered an unfortunate and demeaning quirk of biology, and so all Vulcan’s who have them undergo a procedure as a child to have them smoothed out. Similar, to the removal of wisdom teeth in humans.
It’s an interesting bit of mostly unknown pub trivia
Until, of course, Spock gets most of his teeth knocked out following an unfortunate first contact. Modern technology means it’s an easy enough process to regrow, only what comes out is not the flat teeth Bones is used to, nor even the slightly pointed canines Spock remembered from childhood, but the full grown fangs of an adult Vulcan who is CLEARLY showing off their feline ancestory.
Now Bones in a doctor, not a dentist, and the onboard dentist has only been trained in basic Vulcan hygiene not complicated species-specific dental surgery
Due to the presence of Vulcan’s meld point and general psychic capabilities, any sort of surgery on a Vulcan’s facial area is extremely risky and only can be done by a specialist on Vulcan itself. Since it is technically an elective (but major) surgery, the wait time is atrocious and the time off difficult to get, so Spock just had to make do.
Cue Bones struggling, ensigns who were already terrified of him shitting themselves, and Jim who finds himself mildly turned on and WILDLY confused about it.
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beltiel · 1 month
Kirk & Spock fight scene but Mamma Mia is playing in the background
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beltiel · 1 month
You know what people don’t talk about often enough? Playing catch up in life after spending your teens or early 20s suicidally depressed. There’s so many more layers than just being able to say “I don’t want to die anymore.”
The difficulty in academia or a career after spending years thinking you wouldn’t be alive long enough for any of it to matter.
The exhaustion that comes from self awareness and self soothing, with the constant voice in your head saying “don’t go backwards.”
How lonely it is to watch the people your age starting families when you’re just barely learning what stable relationships are, and the sudden societal pressure of being “up against a clock” for these kinds of things.
The judgement from others if you change your image or interests this late in the game just because you finally figured out who you really are under the demons.
Be kind to those who are developing and blooming after years of not planning on being here long. We are living a life we absolutely didn’t think we’d have, and it’s hard enough without society reminding us there’s expectations of our age.
We didn’t get to be young; we were too busy fighting battles few know.
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beltiel · 4 months
sometimes u listen to some pop song from 2010 and realize oh my younger self is still in here
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beltiel · 4 months
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beltiel · 6 months
I don’t know what I would do without fanfiction😭
That’s it.
That’s the post.
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beltiel · 9 months
K/S Spring Fever – FAQs and Rules
Why is K/S Day on March 24th?
William Shatner's birthday is March 22nd, Leonard Nimoy's birthday March 26th. K/S Day was originally based on the pattern of Presidents' Day in the U.S. which takes place on the third Monday of February every year. When fans invented K/S Day in 1997, the idea was to pick the Monday closest to Shatner's and Nimoy's birthdays, and that happened to be Monday, March 24th. While President's Day is not on a fixed date each year but can move a few days back and forth depending on the date of the third Monday of February, K/S Day is always celebrated on the 24th of March; it just makes things easier.
Wait, I thought there's a K/S Day in September?
In 2009, K/S fans on social media declared September 15th as K/S Day, as this was the original air date of Amok Time in 1967. It is likely that they had no idea that this fannish holiday had already been created a decade earlier. September 15th is therefore the date most likely associated with K/S Day on Twitter and Tumblr. K/S Spring Fever takes place in time for K/S Day #1, but we wholeheartedly welcome the existence of a K/S Day #2. There can never be too many days to celebrate the delight of K/S! ;-)
Do I have to be on Dreamwidth in order to take part in this fest?
No, a DW account is not required. We have a community on Dreamwidth for announcements and discussion, but schedules and important admin posts will always be publicly visible. The only account you really need for this fest is an AO3 account. You are, of course, encouraged to post/link to your work anywhere you like to after creator reveals.
Is this a fic exchange?
No. K/S Spring Fever is a prompt meme, that means participants will not get matched one-on-one and assigned to a gift recipient as is the case in exchanges. So no one is guaranteed a "gift", but there's also much less pressure on participants. Members sign up and post prompts until the defined deadline (see the schedule). Prompts can be claimed by anyone who has an account on the AO3, and the resulting fanworks need to be posted to the collection until the deadline according to schedule. If you need more detailed information on how a prompt meme works (e.g. how to edit your prompts, where to find your claimed prompts etc), please see this section in the AO3 FAQ.
Do I need to be signed up to claim & fill a prompt? What if I missed the sign-up phase?
Admittedly, the term "sign-up" is a tiny bit misleading. The "sign-up" form is for submitting your prompts; if you would like to claim & fill prompts without submitting a prompt yourself, then you do not need to go through the "sign-up" form. Just browse the list of prompts other fans submitted and use the "claim" button to pick whatever tickles your muse. When you claim a prompt it shows up under "My claims" on the collection profile and under "Claims" on your own dashboard. Use the "fulfil" button to post your work, please.
"Spring fever"? Is this a pon farr fest?
Your fanwork does not need to include fever (pon farr or not) or spring. There is no theme for this fest apart from its focus on Kirk and Spock. Feel free to go wild with your prompts.
1. K/S Spring Fever is an event for adults as some prompts or fanworks might be mature or explicit. By taking part you confirm that you are 18 or older.
2. The focus of your work should be on the pairing Kirk/Spock or Kirk & Spock. Slash (romantic and/or sexual relationship) and gen (friendship) are equally welcome. K/S has many layers and aspects, and this day is a celebration of them all. No other pairings will be accepted in this fest.
3. When we say K/S, we mean: both TOS (series and movies) and reboot; Discovery and Strange New Worlds content is also welcome (let's hope we'll get some K/S-worthy material from these series one day). No RPF, please. AUs and mirror universe are welcome.
4. Crossovers between different Trek franchises or between Trek and other media are permitted if the individual prompt states this or actively invites them.
5. All ratings are welcome in this fest. However, when you fill a prompt please stick to the preferred rating of the prompter (if stated in the prompt).
6. All genres welcome, including darker subjects if the prompter asks for them (as long as DNWs are respected). Use the AO3 warnings if applicable.
7. Prompts can be filled by more than one person. You can even fill the same prompt multiple times – the "fulfil" button will show up on the prompt you claimed even if you have already used it for posting a work before.
8. Participants can fill as many prompts as they want to. You can even fill your own prompt.
9. Please list your DNWs (Do-Not-Wants) in the prompt if you want to avoid certain types of content, e.g. rape or character death or specific tropes. When you submit several prompts, please state your DNWs for each. We kindly ask you to not abuse the DNW system: keep it short and simple, and don't box in your creator. When you fill a prompt, please respect the DNWs listed in the request.
10. All types of fanworks are welcome in this fest: fic, poetry, filks, art, vids, podfic etc. Made a giant cake with life-size Kirk and Spock marzipan figures? Post the photos.
11. Minimum word count for written fanworks is 100 words. There is no maximum word count. Minimum for art: a doodle or clean sketch (on unlined paper, if you use traditional media); manips are permitted. No banner or icon art, please, unless it accompanies a work of fiction. Absolutely no AI-generated art or fic allowed!!
12. Fanworks in languages other than English are allowed. As this is not a one-on-one gift exchange, but a prompt fest, fanworks in languages other than English are absolutely permitted and welcome! Each prompt can inspire a wide variety of fanworks, and as long as you respect the DNWs and the maximum rating of the chosen prompt, it’s all fine!
13. Please keep your work anonymous until creator reveals and don't blabber about it on social media. Guessing who wrote what is part of the fun.
14. Works posted to the collection must be new (created for this fest and unpublished) and complete. No WIPs or placeholder uploads! If you post a work with more than one chapter, it must be complete before the due date. Podfics of older and published works are allowed, as the podfic itself counts as new work.
15. We allow extra works to be posted to the collection: If nothing among the submitted prompts tickles your muse, and if you missed the chance of submitting a prompt that you could have filled yourself, then you can still take part in K/S Spring Fever by posting the work directly to the collection, without using any "claim" or "fulfil" button. Make sure to put the correct collection name into the appropriate field during the posting process (e.g. for 2024 the collection name is "KS_SpringFever2024", without the quote marks), so that the work stays unrevealed and anonymous until we go live / until creators are revealed. We think of these extra works as treats for the whole community. However, please do have a good look at the list of prompts before you choose to take this road. There are such lovely prompts waiting for creators to pick them, and this should take priority over treats.
16. Last but not least: Be courteous to the other participants, act in good faith and assume good faith. For all questions, please contact the mod (DW, Tumblr, or email: [email protected]). We are happy to help!
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beltiel · 10 months
It’s that time of the year again :)
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beltiel · 10 months
I'm so desperately excited about getting these cards but they're a bit behind on delivering donation rewards and I feel like the biggest villain in the world when I email them to follow up on it. I know they're volunteers, I'm just so freaking excited to get my cards 😭😍
Oh I'm definitely going to get this deck of cards
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Thank goodness for the recurring donation option!
Thank you for all of the work that you do, @transformativeworks and @ao3org! I really appreciate you 💕
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beltiel · 10 months
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beltiel · 10 months
Can confirm, love cheese and have def pushed through some writers block knowing there were readers who actively *wanted* more!
Shoutout to the dedicated cheerleaders of wips who comment on each chapter and motivate the poor fic writer to keep going you are crucial to the ecosystem
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beltiel · 10 months
doctor said i need to be kissed hard. for an hour
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beltiel · 10 months
"Boooo" 🤣🤣🤣
Re; that post that goes around about Jim's mind loving melds
Imagine once they're together and all bonded Spock just happens to touch Jim's face for some other purpose like to put sunscreen on him or something and Jim's brain is like "MELD?!"
And Spock's brain is like "No no, we're not melding right now, Jim's brain, calm down."
Jim's brain an actual puppy jumping and licking his favorite guest.
Just bandaging up Jim's head really quick on a mission and happy puppy Jim's brain "JIM MELD WITH SPOCKY TIMES?!!??"
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beltiel · 10 months
Each and every comment on my fics has filled me with the same radiant, effusive joy that I thought could only come from snuggling kittens or puppies. Chains of emojis, long essays, short and sweet, literally just a quote from the fic accompanied by an emoji... Doesn't matter, love ALL of them, and would hang them on my fridge in a heartbeat.
Comments have motivated me to work on a project when my motivation is low, when I've let the kudos to hit ratio discourage me, or when I've just run out of ideas! Commenters leaving questions or suggestions or what ifs on my fics have kick-started my creativity flow when I've lost all my steam.
I just love commenters a lot 😭❤️
I've always found it hard to find the right words for comments, but I used to try and put down something on all the fics I liked but after seeing what some of my writer friends, who are fairy popular in their fandoms, say privately in the groupchat about some of the comments they get, I can't bring myself to leave any comments at all any more.
I know it's a form or unloading where they can salt without hurting anyone and I generally think that's a good thing, saltmates are needed so you can talk about all the crappy annoying things in fandom in a private space and not spread shit on tumblr or ao3 etc.
But It's so so disheartening to me as a comment shy reader because it's never good enough. If it's just emoji hearts or someone saying "second kudos" it's too short and worthless. If it's epicly long well-written, funny, sweet, and clever love bombing, then it's too much and annoying.
I just don't understand, I don't write myself, I draw, badly, and I never get the kind of praise they sometimes get, but I would LOVE to have some of those things said about my work.
I love my friends a lot and I'm a firm believer in saltmates, but it makes me a little crazy and very paranoid to see the difference between what they say in private and what they actually answer to the comments in public on their fics.
I've read a lot here on tumblr about how fic writers love ALL comments etc etc and a lot of tips and tricks for people who have problems leaving comments, but I dont trust that now and I never comment anymore because I do not want a writer of a fic I love to think such things about me, even if it's just in their minds in private.
Do I have extra salty friends or is this a common thing among writers that no one wants to admits out loud?
From my experience, as a writer in fandom on and off for 20-ish years and as the mod of a comment-positive fandom ask blog, your friends are extra salty.
Have I heard people get frustrated with "I liked this!" comments? Sure. But for every one of those, I hear at least 10 people who are giddy and bouncing and just over the moon that someone liked their fic. I've never heard anyone complain about "epicly long well-written, funny, sweet, and clever love bombing." Most fic writers I know would probably pass out from happiness if they received one of those.
I don't know your friends, of course, but it sounds like someone in the group got a little toxic at some point and the rest of them went along, for whatever reason. Maybe burnout was a factor. Maybe they had a specific thing they wanted to get from their comments section that they weren't able to receive. Whatever the cause, the effect on you is bad.
I know you didn't ask for what to do about this, but I'm going to lay it out for you anyway:
stay in the group chat and feel worse and worse about every comment you've ever left on a fic
say something to your friends and ask that they have those conversations when you're not around (your choice if you include the part about it being because they make you feel bad)
leave the group chat and maybe also lose those friends
None of those options are great, but your current situation already sucks so it might be time to try something new.
I'm so so sorry that they made you feel like your comments weren't enough, anon. You don't deserve that. No one does. I hope if those authors see this ask that they pause and reflect and realize the audience they were speaking in front of.
I agree that people need a place to be salty, and I appreciate them doing it in a private space - but it wasn't private enough. ❤️
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beltiel · 10 months
This is a beautiful gift! I accept it and will cherish it dearly! ;) 💕
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Hello, I come bearing gifts. Please, accept it.
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beltiel · 10 months
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The ultimate guide to AOS James T. Kirk 'angst' in the 2009 movie - An in depth analysis
Sit down and buckle up guys because I decided to unleash my full AOS angst headcanons and theories here.
Also please note I was extremely inspired by and relied on this amazing post: exhuastedpigeons analysis on why tarsus IV happened for this entire thread
Firstly I'm going to skip the whole George Kirk dying scene in Star trek 2009, I mean there's not much to analyse there other than the fact that his father's death is the root of all Jim's angst.
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In this deleted scene we see Sam Kirk (Jim's Brother) leaving the house and being chased after by Frank. It's still uncertain whether Frank is their 'Uncle' or 'Stepfather' (whatever headcanon you prefer ig)
This is where our AOS Jim differs. TOS Jim had a much different upbringing simply because his father never died.
Frank is clearly verbally abusive (possible physically behind the scenes) and Sam has had enough, he's leaving. Here's where we learn some interesting facts.
Frank: (to Jim) "What you want doesn't matter, you're no-one and I asked you to wash the car."
Frank has instilled in Jim that he's nothing. Nothing he says or does matters. He just sees Jim as an obedient slave labourer for him to abuse.
Sam: (to Jim) “You’re gonna be okay, you always are. Always do everything right; good grades, obeying every stupid order. I can't be a kirk in this house. Show me how to do that and I'll stay.”
From this we learn that Jim has been somewhat of a people pleaser, maybe that's just his way of dealing with the abuse? He doesn't misbehave, he's always seeking approval.
However these words from Sam seem to be the catalyst for him to change. He's a kirk and he wants to prove it. With their mother up in space and Sam planning to abandon him, he has to do something.
We briefly see him cleaning the car like Frank told him to, only for him to find the keys and he decides to steal the corvette.
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It's often been debated whether this was a suicidal stunt or not, either:
A. He felt like he was going to lose everything and this was his 'way out' or B. He was trying to prove something to Sam. (perhaps even both??)
He's driving fast, passing by Sam and even ignoring the police robot who starts chasing him. He's on a misson and seems to know EXACTLY where he is going. The cliff.
He jumps out last minute (change of mind?) while the corvette drives over the edge of the cliff.
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Maybe the car represents control over 'kirk'. It was his father's car and Jim steals it back and takes it away from Frank (aka Frank's control over him as well)
This moment is clearly shown as some kind of 'turning point' in Jim's life. I also think this is the moment where Jim gets sent to Tarsus IV in the AOS films. (and where his abandonement issues start)
“John Harrison’s bio in ST:ITD claimed he was one of nine survivors of a attack on the (Tarsus) planet in the year 2246, his parents Richard and Sara perishing." (x)
The most important thing here is the year. 2246. Jim was born in 2233 which would make him 13 years old at the time of tarsus IV happening in the AOS verse. He seems to be roughly around that age in these scenes. I can only presume that shortly after this incident that Frank ships him off to Tarsus IV.
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The next scene we see is Jim in a bar, in Iowa. The year is now 2255 (x) This means it's been 9 years since Tarsus IV supposedly occured and Jim is now 22 years old.
It's clear here that Jim is different. He has a facade of confidence and arrogance, he's clearly hurting under the surface.
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The people at the bar assume he's just some 'dumb hick' and Jim uses this almost as a kind of self-defense mechanism. He dumbs himself down around other people and I feel like this plays into his previous approval-seeking behavior and fear of abandonement (No one has ever liked the real him afterall?)
Obviously we know this perceived image of him his wrong. Jim knows what xenolinguistics are when talking with Uhura and later after the bar fight Pike says this:
Pike: "Cause I looked up your file while you were drooling on the floor. Your aptitude tests are off the charts, so what is it? You like being the only genius level repeat offender in the Midwest?" Jim: "Maybe I love it."
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Going back to the actual bar-fight. I personally feel like Jim starts this fight because he's full of some kind of overwhelming emptiness (I mean if he survived tarsus IV and then just ends up back in Iowa, he's got to be feeling some kind of way about that) I think he seeks out this fight because he wants to FEEL something, anything.
ANOTHER thing to note is that Jim does not care about getting hurt or his own well-being, the pattern starts here with the bar-fight.
Also if we presume tarsus IV happened that is most likely where he learned how to fight ~and~ it would be adding onto his abandonment issues. Everyone he has ever cared about so far has either: left him or died.
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Pike dares Jim to do better (aka join starfleet) Jim accepts this dare, but why? I think in this moment Jim had another 'change'. He doesn't want to be just some 'dumb hick' getting into bar fights anymore, he wants to prove everyone wrong and maybe even a part of him wants to live up to the 'kirk' name.
The next scene is the following day, with Jim heading to the shipyard to enlist into starfleet. He stops and we see the Enterprise still under construction. AGAIN this feels like a massive metaphor right here. Jim is witnessing the birth of the Enterprise (which in turn, ends up being the birth of his new life)
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This is also when Jim meets Bones (Leonard H. McCoy) who is honestly such an integral part in the development of Jim's character, but we'll talk about that later.
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We are then shown a time-skip to Jim and Bones at starfleet academy.
Jim: "I'm taking the test again." Bones: "You've got to be kidding" Jim: "Yeah, tomorrow morning and I want you there." Bones: "You know I've got better things to do than watch you embarrass yourself for a third time."
Here we learn that Jim is taking the kobayshi maru test for, apparently, the third time. Failing is not an option to Jim, aka he hates 'no-win scenarios' I imagine this comes from tarsus IV where failure means death. He's a survivor and he doesn't know how to deal with losing.
It then skips to him in bed with Gaila, which we later learn is because he was using her to be able to beat the kobayshi maru. When she says:
Gaila: "Jim, I think I love you" Jim: "That is so weird"
He brushes her off, he's unable to say it back. I think he's afraid of getting to close to someone in that kind of way, because everyone he has ever cared about has left him eventually. Also it's hard to tell here if he was really being so callous as to use her for his own gain or if he did care somewhat about her.
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They are interrupted by Uhura before Jim can give an answer and he's thrown out of the room. We then see him retaking the kobayshi-maru test. It's important to note here that he's still using a facade.
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He's still acting arrogant and cocky, he's not allowing anyone to see the version of him that is afraid of failure. He's simply gone from dumb/arrogant to smart/arrogant. He changed the coding of the test so that he could win, which gives him the illusion that there is always a choice.
Then Spock comes along and challenges him.
Spock: "You of all people should know, cadet kirk, a captain cannot cheat death."
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Spock argues that Jim has failed to see the purpose of the kobayshi-maru and that he needs to accept fear in the face of certain death. (basically that death in not something you can just reprogram or cheat your way out of)
It's most likely, however, that Jim does not care about this. If he was on tarsus IV then he has already accepted fear and death, he literally just believes that he can work his way out of any scenario simply by being 'the best'
Before Jim can continue arguing with Spock they are interrupted by a distress call from Vulcan.
Bones comes over and gives him a pat on the back, clearly a sign of support, though makes a remark that he 'likes' Spock after Jim calls him a bastard (Obviously a joke, but he's probably also glad that someone is trying to speak some sense into Jim, as it seems he rarely listens to Bones)
The cadets are sent to the hangar, where we find out that Jim has not be assigned to a ship due to being on academic suspension. He's going to have to say farewell to Bones.
Look how he reacts here:
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He knows it's coming, Bones is going to leave him just like everyone else. We see when he turns around to face Bones that he's trying his best to act like it doesn't bother him with a fake smile on his face. Of course the best part here is that Bones doesn't actually leave him, he comes back for him.
Bones gives him a vaccine and drags him onto the shuttle. Important to note here:
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When Jim is alone with Bones, there is a level of vulnerability and authenticity in their friendship, Jim doesn't feel the need to maintain a facade of invincibility. (aka Jim shows he is in pain infront of Bones!)
I feel like this is such an important insight into their friendship, clearly Jim trusts Bones and I really wish we could have seen how exactly they got so close.
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In contrast when they are confronted by the officer, Jim is trying his damn hardest to act normal.
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Then when they are on the shuttle he tells Bones he 'might throw up on him' and while this is a funny throw-back to their first meeting, to me it's just another confirmation that he has a lot of trust in Bones. He's able to tell him when he doesn't feel well (and may or may not be needing his help)
Once they are on the Enterprise we see Jim make an 'attempt' at one of the passing nurses. Again I can only put this down to him trying to put up some kind of facade that he is 'fine', because in this moment he is actually incredibly vunerable. He's clearly in pain/feeling sick and being dragged through sickbay, yet he's still trying to maintain his 'playboy' status to distract from this.
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Again showing pain infront of Bones :) We also later learn that he's having an allergic reaction to the vaccine, so his symptoms might actually be worse than previously thought. and he's been trying to downplay them this whole time (yet complaining freely to Bones)
In the next scene we see again the fact that Jim has been hiding his intelligence. After hearing chekov's broadcast he rushes to the bridge to warn them of the upcoming attack.
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Jim: "That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth. Before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin." Jim: (to pike) "You know that sir, I read your dissertation"
Clearly he isn't stupid, even Pike hadn't connected the dots. (Plus he was smart enough to be able to reprogram the kobayshi maru, which was literally designed by Spock, who is supposedly their most prized graduate)
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Skipping ahead to the next scene. Jim wrecklessly attempts to rescue Sulu with no thought at all for his own life. They were literally only seconds away from dying but are saved at the last moment by Chekov. Most likely, after tarsus IV, Jim can't stand to see another person die infront of him. Not when he has the chance to at least try.
An alternative theory would be that he's just actively suicidal at this point, I mean he's on academic suspension and his life has been a shit-show so far. Maybe he thinks if he can save at least one person, that his life would at least mean something.
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After this we see Spock lose his Mother and Captain Pike is kidnapped by Nero. Jim ends up in an argument with Spock because he believes that he knows best how to take on Nero (perhaps the situation hits too close to home considering Nero killed his father)
Jim: "Every second we waste, Nero's getting closer to his next target." Spock: "That is correct, and why I'm instructing you to accept the fact that I alone am in command" Jim: "I will not allow us to go backwards!" Bones: "Jim, he's the Captain!"
Bones does this best to try and calm Jim down, but Jim is acting particularly headstrong in this scene and he's very against listening to Spock who is now acting captain (issues with authority?) Spock ends up marooning him onto the planet Delta vega.
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Just for fun, I will throw in that he probably got at least some trauma from waking up marooned on a planet, which then led to him being attacked by TWO massive alien monsters.
Also he's most likely still recovering from an allergic reaction, almost died saving Sulu and got knocked out with a vulcan nerve pinch?? He is not having a good day that's for sure. You also can't tell me he didn't get frostbite on his hands climbing out of that ice hole either??
Now for the interesting part: Meeting Prime Spock
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We see that Jim has an extremely strong emotional reaction to the mind meld with Prime Spock and it can be argued that this isn't just because of emotional transference. Doesn't the death of thousands of people and the destruction of an entire planet sound a little too familar? (Tarsus IV) Also fun theory, this is where Jim learns how Prime Spock defeated Khan and his relationship with Spock, but we will save this for the ITD post.
Jim is extremely motivated at this point to hunt down and kill Nero. Not only is it likely that he feels like he failed (which we know he absolutey hates) after the destruction of Vulcan, but now old memories of Tarsus IV have been dragged up ALONGSIDE Prime Spock's emotions. He's literally an emotional mess right now.
Prime Spock: "Billions of lives lost because of me, Jim. Because I failed."
So Prime spock just transferred all his feelings of failure to Jim. The same Jim who is extremely terrified of failure and would rather sacrifice himself than fail? Yeah this isn't going to be a good mix. (Again this will probably come up again in ITD)
Skipping ahead: They meet Scotty and Keenser, Jim & Scotty beam back up to the enterprise. Prime Spock insists that Jim needs to take over the Enterprise to stop Nero and he needs make Spock emotionally comprised. At this point I think Jim would literally do anything so long as it means a win against Nero.
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After arguing with Spock and getting literally choked out on the bridge infront of everyone. He gets up and acts like he's fine and the fact he almost just got strangled to death is perfectly normal.
This is because brushes with death and violence ARE normal to him.
Also if we add up the bar fight, saving sulu, fighting the security team and now this scene we can definitely confirm that he has some self-destructive tendancies, he really does not care about himself at all.
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and I guess the final trauma to wrap up this movie would be the fact that he gets CHOKED OUT AGAIN BY NERO and he's presumably still injured from being choked out by Spock here... Need I say more at this point?
SUMMARY: AOS Jim is suffering from childhood trauma. He has self destructive tendencies, no self preservation, a fear of failure, issues with authority, abandonment issues and likes to put up a facade to hide it all.
BUT we can see Bones actively trying to dissuade him from these actions and we now have the introduction of Spock + the crew into his life. So I am interested to see his character development in ITD (and oh god the angst that is coming from that)
btw if I missed anything or you have your own headcanons I'm very interested to hear them!
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