bessiejoan · 12 hours
Don't worry, tumblr, you'll always be my favourite ❤️
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bessiejoan · 4 months
Astrology: Ruler of the 6th House and Where Your Enemies Come From
Identify which planet rules your 6th house, and then find what house that planet is in.
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1st house - those close to you, you might be the one to start the fight believing that you see your enemies coming.
2nd house - enemies come to take your money or belongings, enemies that inflict upon your self-worth.
3rd house - siblings and neighbours, teenage friends, and local travel. Your own mind can feel like an enemy at times.
4th house - mother or mothers side of the family. Enemies are in the home or within the family.
5th house - flings, childhood, brief romances, and affairs.
6th house - everyday work, your community environment, and the people you consider beneath you. You can be your own worst enemy .
7th house - partnerships and business dealings. Enemies with your own shadow.
8th house - in-laws, debt collectors, sexual assault, secret people, actions, and places. Enemies emerge at times of death or change.
9th house - authority figures, the father, teachers, the fathers side of the family.
10th house - career, establishments, law makers, or the police.
11th house - workplace, friends, and social circles. Enemies emerge as money is made.
12th house - in far away places. Enemies emerge from the unknown, unexpectedly or in secret. Enemies result in loss.
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bessiejoan · 5 months
Astrology: A Cheat Sheet to Understand Angular Houses and Aspects
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What do the planets see clearly:
All planets see their 7th house fully (opposite house).
Saturn sees its 3rd and 10th house from itself, in full.
Jupiter sees its 5th and 9th from itself, in full.
Mars sees its 4th and 8th from itself, in full.
What do the planets struggle to see:
All other planets gradually lose power when viewing houses from their 7th (opposite) onwards. These planets are Sun, Mercury, Venus (and Pluto, Uranus, Neptune if in Tropical Astrology).
For example, a planet in the 1st House sees the 7th house as completely visible. However, the 8th house gets "weaker" or harder to see. It is now 75% visual, 9th is then even harder 50% visual, 10th is then harder again at 25% visual. This makes the following house not visual at all.
What is unseen by the planet:
A planet or house can not see its 2nd, 12th, 11th, or 6th house.
What are the aspects:
Squares are based on Mars' effect of being 4 houses away (90 degrees), therefore challenging, aggressive, or relentless.
Trines are based on the Jupiter effect of 5 houses away (120 degrees), therefore beneficial, growth and abundance orientated.
Sextile is based on Saturn, so 3 houses away (60 degrees). It reaps rewards, but the person will need to work harder for it.
What about conjunctions:
Conjunctions work by enhancing the energy of each planet. The planets merge to look outwards rather than looking at each other. These reactions can feel more innate or automatic.
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bessiejoan · 5 months
Astrology: Money and Travel Houses
Houses that represent travel (3rd, 9th, and 12th) follow houses that represent resources (2nd, 8th, and 11th).
Growth and movement are dependent on resources. Money is required for education, moving houses, seeking knowledge, and travelling.
On the other end of the spectrum, over accumulation of resources can prohibit movement or growth. This can be seen in hoarders, being overly tight with money, or those that inherit large amounts of family wealth or privilege without understanding the impact of this.
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The movement houses:
3rd house - everyday travel and movement around your neighbourhood. As well as early education.
9th house - travel for education and growth, travel to far away places and interstate. As well as higher education.
12th house - overseas travel and travel to unknown places, including the spirit world.
Now add in the resource houses:
2nd house - how money is spent and household items. This is everyday spending for everyday travel and duties seen in the 3rd house.
8th house - other people's money, inheritance, debt, and shared resources. Higher learning accumulates debt, which is required for higher learning in the 9th house. In the time of early vedic astrology, women and girls did not have opportunities for higher learning, whereas boys and men did. As such, it was seen that after marriage occurs (7th house) and resources are merged (8th house), wisdom or knowledge of the husband or father would be passed onto his wife.
11th house - how money is earned and overall accumulation of wealth. If the 11th and 12th house show connections, then money may be earned overseas or from work in hidden places, such as hospitals, prisons, hospices, or the psychic world. As the 12th house represents loss and suffering, this connection may indicate losing wealth from the 11th house. In early vedic astrology, the 11th house represented death before moving onto unknown places in the 12th house. The 12th house also represents sorrows, and as they say, more money more problems.
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bessiejoan · 5 months
Astrology: Uranus in the houses
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Uranus is righteous. Uranus is compelled to uphold values and beliefs for the greater good. Unlike Pluto, which destroys for the purpose of transforming, or Mars that destroys for the purpose of overcoming, Uranus destroys for the sake of what is considered right and fair. It will destroy in the name of truth and equity. It is the ultimate rebel and anti-authoritarion. It causes chaos in the face of resistance.
The house with uranus in it must act righteously, and the desired results must be righteous. Otherwise, volatility occurs.
1st house - You see the world differently and sometimes can't believe that you are forced to live in the constraints of society. Use your presence righteously to help others who are alienated.
2nd house - Spend money unselfishly. What you give to others will come back unexpectedly. Perhaps you don't even "believe in money," and you understand it as a created concept that keeps the poor suffering and the rich richer. You value unusual items and gifts.
3rd house - Others find it difficult to understand you and follow your chain of thoughts. You may get frustrated and exhausted by this, but you try to always speak your truth no matter what. Do this, and those who understand will love you. The ones that do not understand will be left behind. Use your words to advocate for others less fortunate in your community. The more you are involved in sibling drama, the worse it will get.
4th house - It's hard to find solid ground to call your home, but the more you hold onto the past is the more sudden and unexpected shake ups will occur. Practice empathy towards your family, and you will be truly empathetic to yourself.
5th house - Be respectful and kind in love. Do not fuck with others hearts, or it will come back around. Be open about the strangeness and taboos that you seek from the beginning. Sudden wins and loses in gambling. Unexpected accidents with children or pregnancy. Consider revolutionary ideas around these topics and how you can advocate for others in such positions.
6th house - You're compelled to fight authoritarian figures in your day and in your society because you hate being controlled. Step outside of the defensive fight and come up with your own routine and process without expecting others to agree to follow along.
7th house - Approach others with a fair and equal attitude. The more you celebrate the difference in others, the more it will be celebrated in you. You seek unusual partnerships and have open ideas about marriage, however, this must be actioned with consent.
8th house - Respect the property of others and do not fight over inheritance for selfish reasons. Embrace the sudden changes and loss. Fighting against it will cause more chaos.
9th house - Take ownership of your own learning. Your views and beliefs are against the norm and for the bettering of society. Just don't let your ego get so attached to your opinion that you close yourself off to learning. Otherwise, a greater force will have no choice but to continuously shake up your beliefs.
10th house - You are viewed by others as "different" or "strange." You should work to change society's perceptions, not to justify your strangeness, but to free others of stigma and discrimination.
11th house - You are the natural humanitarian. Its easy to get suddenly swept up in revolutionary ideas. Earn your money outside of the norm. Be careful when you dream strange and big for society. It must be with the purpose of benefiting those who need it, not just anarchy for the sake of defiance.
12th house - You have a strong hidden desire to break away and be free. You want to travel and explore alone. However, you can not avoid your generational karma. It follows you everywhere. The more open you are to understanding this, the more pleasant surprises will be delivered to you in unusual ways.
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bessiejoan · 5 months
Astrology: Aries Women
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Aries, ruled by Mars, is the natural born soldier. Like their opposite sign, Libra, they too are justice and fairness orientated. However, because they are self-oriented, they need to be able to identify with the fight. The strongest soldier believes in what they are fighting for. This ensures they put their all into the battle.
When underdeveloped or in survival mode, Aries women put themselves before others. They are focused on fighting solely for themselves rather than lifting others up with their fight.
Aries women at their best are thriving, not just trying to survive. They push other women to the forefront and encourage their sisters to take up space.
Gender equality is a fight that many Aries women identify with because their existence as a "masculine woman" goes against the norm. They have often been shunned for their own masculine traits and for not being "feminine enough."
Some examples include:
Jamie Lee Curtis - Moon in Aries
Gloria Steinman - Sun in Aries
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Venus in Aries
Lady Gaga - Sun in Aries
Aretha Franklin - Sun in Aries
Mariah Carey - Sun in Aries
Lauryn Hill - Jupiter and Mars in Aries
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bessiejoan · 5 months
The Church and State should always be separate.
Unless it's the church of astrology. In which case, all of our political decisions should be based on planetary changes.
Moon conjunct Mars? Push through laws for reproductive rights!
Saturn aspecting Pluto? Let the people riot!
Mars in Leo for 5 months? Sounds like 5 months of Pride, Mr President!
Sun in Cancer? Well that's just the best season to address the funking housing crises!
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bessiejoan · 5 months
Astrology: How trauma affects communication via Mercury
Warning - Content may be triggering. Reach out to those who love you and medical professionals when you need.
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Aries Mercury - They grew up in a loud atmosphere, with lots of yelling. Possibly had one “leader” or “dictator” in their childhood home that they felt they had to obey. They grow up believing that they need to communicate quickly and loudly or else they risk never being heard. For people who felt they were not allowed to play loudly as children, play is healing later in life.
Taurus Mercury - Someone else always came before them. They had to learn to be patient and wait for their turn to speak. Their survival was determined by your ability to cooperate and choose the right alliances. They saw that trusting the wrong person could be detrimental to their wellbeing. Keeping their language neutral and friendly was most palatable for their parents. Music, singing, and healing the throat chakra is healing for these people.
Gemini Mercury - If they were smart enough, they would be praised. When things got too much, they learnt that they could throw themselves in books and mysterious. Their parents or the adults around them had different communication styles, so they had to learn to pick up different styles of communication in order to get their needs met. They also learnt that looking good and pleasing to the eye would help them relate better to others. At its worst, Gemini mercury learnt to use information in exchange for power or leverage, such as gossiping and rumour spreading. Humour is healing for these people.
Cancer Mercury - It’s hard for them to process and move on from what happened, so speaking about it can feel very real and present in their body. It’s often on the mind, and as a result, they limit their communication. When they do speak, they can overwhelm others with the amount that comes out. Learning to be ok with their own voice and narrative above what others say is healing. Also , drink water.
Leo Mercury - As a child, the communication around them was excessive and over the top. They learnt that to avoid punishments or drama, it is best to take control of the situation and shut it down quickly. Others couldn’t always be there to care for them, so they had to become hyper self-sufficient. You had to learn things by themselves, and as a result, they don’t do well in group settings such as class rooms, unless they’re in charge. They’re better at grasping attention from men than women or gender diverse people. They may have strived for their fathers attention from a very young age. Letting their fire out via creativity is healing.
Virgo Mercury - Every move they made was criticised and resulted in punishments. To survive, they needed to absorb this style of thinking for themselves and those they love. They think that if they’re hyper aware, they can prevent anything bad from ever happening again. There are a lot of thoughts and concerns directed at their body. Healing their mind and their body simultaneously is paramount. This is why the physical work required with animals can be so healing for them. Also - eat well.
Libra Pisces - Criticised for making mistakes or not appearing as others thought they should, they learnt to cover up their mistakes and insecurities by pretending everything is fine. They’ll do better than fine, they’ll speak a whole PR performance about how fine everything is... Allow them space to be imperfect. Finding the beauty in their mistakes is healing.
Scorpio Mercury - Defiant and secretive, the trauma is in the eyes. They can not take back all that they have seen, but they’ve also been taught to hide it. They may avoid eye contact in an attempt to avoid an argument. Their eye contact is intense when they want others to hear their pain. They didn’t have strong parental figures, so they learnt to be independent and in control of themselves. Growing up, people around them weren’t always truthful or honest. This has left them with a feeling of always seeking the truth. They were led to believe that their emotions were too much for others. However, these intense emotions never leave them, they just learn to hide or redirect intense thoughts in secretive ways. Self compassion is the key to healing.
Sagittarius Mercury - Naturally intelligent, they received more attention and praise at school than at home. They aim big and far away as a way to avoid addressing the present situation. As a result they don’t address the repressed hurt that pushed them to run away or towards that thing so far away. The more they heal from the past, the bigger the future truly becomes.
Capricorn Mercury - Their parents were practical and analytical. They were put to work at a young age, either around the house or in a family business. Their parents weren’t emotionally open or affectionate, as a result their tone of voice is blunt and controlled. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of fear, there was a sense of fear at a primary age when they were first learning to speak. Working in what they love is healing and where they find joy. Also - move them bones.
Aquarius Mercury - Their language can somethings sounds strange or unusual, such as a lisp, a stutter, mumbling, or jumbles words. They detached from their voice when they detached from their body as a way to survive. Now they swing between detachment via humour and avoidance, and to re-experiencing the emotions in a flash. The more they analyse everything outside of them the better, it avoids turning the analysing inwards on themselves. Escaping into nature is healing and helps to quieten the mind, in order for the bigger issues to be healed.
Pisces Mercury - The dissociation struggle is real. Difficulty listening and following along with others that are speaking. Due to fearing that they may say the wrong thing, they learnt that it’s better to give vague, indirect responses. They learnt that it was better to be able to back peddle than say something blunt that can’t be taken back. The freedom to experience self expression is healing. The more that comes out of them, the more internal space to absorb new information and communication clearly.
*Consider Pluto/Saturn in Air Houses or Pluto/Saturn aspecting Mercury and/or Air houses.
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bessiejoan · 5 months
My Astrology Collection
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Interpreting the Natal Chart Tips
A Cheat Sheet Using Key Phrases of Astrology
The Relationship Between the Inner and Outer World in the Natal Chart
What Your Astro Placements and Stelliums Need to Hear
Rising Signs
Patterned Behaviour in Rising Signs
The 8th House Mystery
The Natal 8th House and Your Most Valuable Shared Resource
The 12th House and Where We Get Lost
Easy Locational Astrology Theory
What's Never Talked About in Locational Astrology
Easy Locational Astrology Tips
Friendships in the Natal Chart
Finding Friendships in the Natal Chart
Astro Observations for Friendships
Friendships for Each Astro Placement
Saturn in the Houses and What We Feel Chained To
Saturn in the Air Houses
Mars and What Makes You Strong
How Trauma Lives in the Body via Mars Signs
Mars Dominants and Burning Out
How Mars Signs are Intrusive as Fuck
Dragging the Mars Signs in Bed
How the Moon Signs Grieve
Avoidant Moon Styles
Misunderstood Air Moons
How the Venus Signs Learnt Love
Exploring the Meaning of Venus Part 1
Exploring the Meaning of Venus Part 2
What is Pleasure for the Venus Signs
Why Pluto Aspects Feel Obsessive and Intense
Worried Mercury Signs
How Trauma Affects Communication via Mercury
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bessiejoan · 6 months
Astrology: The ruler of the 12th house and where we get lost
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Aries/Mars - Lost in their sexual fantasies and ideas of winning something or overcoming challenges. A pull to get lost in the wilderness or out at sea.
Taurus/Venus - Sensual fantasies, the idea of being lost in a physical act. They can experience binge eating, drinking, drug induced states, and other moments of deep sensations.
Gemini/Mercury - Lost playing board games, online games, puzzles, and daydreaming. Lost in trying to solve problems and obstacles that others can not.
Cancer/Moon - Lost in the dream of finding a home and feeling safe, getting lost in your emotions, and feeling what you imagine to be true. Lost to subconscious triggers that cause changes of mood. Lost in your bedroom, either mulling over the past or bed rotting.
Leo/Sun - Lost in endless pursuits of polishing your image and analysing your public persona. There's so much to achieve, so many people to care for, so much to say and explore, and not enough time to do so.
Virgo - OCD like tendencies, lost in thoughts about illness, psychosomatic illnesses. Lost in the pursuit of peacefulness and the perfect relationship.
Libra - Lost in fantasies about love and the perfect partner. Lost in legal battles, political fights, and trying to sway justice.
Scorpio/Pluto - Thoughts around crime, murder, ghost stories, lost in orgasam, a constant feeling that you need to reach out and grab something. They can get caught up in nightmares and may suffer sleep disturbances. If Pluto is aspecting Mercury or Neptune, they may suffer from obsessive daydreaming.
Sagittarius/Jupiter - Lost in philosophy, religion, and ideology. They can get lost in their righteousness, caught up in what they believe is right. A pull to be lost while travelling, either physically or emotionally.
Capricorn - Lost in your work, lost in trying to achieve what can not be achieved and an endless pursuit of organised chaos.
Aquarius - Lost in science fiction movies and games. They can get lost in rabbit holes of research and endless information. A feeling of being lost in society, like you don't quite fit in.
Pisces/Neptune - Memories lost to your forgetfulness, lost in vivid dreams or trying to remember dreams, ghost stories, and stories about an invisible realm and fairy tales. Lost behind the veil.
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bessiejoan · 6 months
Astro Observations: Friendships
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A friend's Venus falling into your 6th house - you'll love doing small, daily tasks with them. House person might become the enemy of Venus's partners, especially if the sun or Mars is involved.
Venus ruling or sitting in the 11th house - too good at making friends with everyone. They act as PR reps for their friends, family, and social groups.
Mars falling in your partners 11th house - the house person's friends will see the Mars person as an instigator. Mars person will have fights with the friends.
Scorpio risings, 8th house and Aries placements - you'll expect your friendship to be ride or die because that's what you are. Quite often, you'll end up being hurt once you realise this is not how other friends act. As a result, you may have periods of isolation in your life. You have to learn to ride or die for yourself first.
A friends planets falling in your 2nd house - you just love them so much. You see the value in what they have to offer, and they find value in you, even when you struggle to find it yourself.
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bessiejoan · 6 months
Astrology: Natal placements and friendships
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Aries placements - they want you to be enthusiastic about the friendship you share, and they want to be enthusiastic back. They can cut friendships off because there's too much apathy from the other person. To them, apathy can feel like rejection. They don't naturally understand that their friends might be busy, struggling, or having a life of their own. Be honest with them about this, and they'll "forgive you" and keep your friendship.
Taurus placements - get yourself one of these friends if you just want to hang out at home and eat. Taurus Venus will also find little gifts to give you purely because they saw it, and it reminded them of you.
Gemini placements - their friendships mirror their relationships with their siblings. Being friends with their siblings is important to them. They'll want to talk to their friends about everything.
Cancer placements - will talk shit about their friends behind their backs, and they likely won't address the issue head-on. At the same time, they won't end the friendship and move on. They want to feel acknowledged but don't want to acknowledge the issue either. They need a friend who want to be critical of them no matter what.
Leo placements - you expect your friends to be there in your moment of glory and fame, supporting you and letting you shine. Some of ya'll are better than others at making sure you return this admiration for your friends. Leos with underdeveloped Capricorn and Scorpio placements can experience jealousy and resentment in these moments instead.
Virgo placements - I know you're critical of your friends because you think they can be better, but just stop. It comes across as mean and passive-aggressive. You'll get better at knowing how and when to help as you develop and grow.
Libra placements - need an Aries friends to teach them discernment and boundaries. Vice versa, Aries needs to learn to be more patient and kind. Libra can default to being silent, trying to make others happy, something Aries can not sit with. Libra won't stand for friends that try to embaress them or that make them feel humiliated, because they do a lot trying to make not just themselves look good but those they love too.
Scorpio placements - you don't have to remember every slight that ever happened in the friendship. I mean, I know you think you have to, but you don't really have to. Charming and witty in making friends. However, sometimes you don't really trust friends, and subconsciously, this causes friends to not really trust you. Your friendships are what you project onto others.
Capricorn placements - a bit like Virgo with wanting to help you. They want you to mature and grow with them. However, they can be a bit more hands-on and do the work for you instead.
Scorpio and Capricorn combinations are hard friends to cut off. They'll insist on being in your life forever.
Sagittarius placements - they want to go on adventures with their friends. They'll also feel the need to teach you something. When they look back on past friendships, they do so with the lense of 'what did I learn from the experience?'
Aquarius placements - caught between the hectic life of making so many friends and wanting to be alone. Be careful of collecting friends like trophies, wanting one of every kind.
Pisces placements - actually get along with mercurial people, like Gemini and Virgo, especially if they have some water in their chart. This is because mercurial people want to try to understand everything, so Gemini and Virgo will persist past the point where most people don't have the patience for Pisces.
Pisces Moon, when underdeveloped, change their whole personality based on the friend their around. After the friendship has ended, others look back at them and wonder who they really were. Friends can also project what they want to see onto Pisces and Neptune placements.
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bessiejoan · 6 months
Astrology: Friendships in the Natal chart theory
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Friendships you develop and social groups you are in (11th house things) typically will share the same values as yourself (2nd house things). 
Look for planets in the 2nd house to determine what will blossom in the 11th.
The 4th house is the core self. The 2nd house is the fourth from the 11th. Therefore,  friends who have planets fall in your 11th house will trigger, change, or shake up your core beliefs. 
The 10th house is life purpose. The 11th house is 10th from the 2nd. Therefore,  people whose planets fall in your 2nd house will be friendships and social groups that share a common purpose or interest.  They are likely to be longer-term friends or impact your life long-term in some way.
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bessiejoan · 7 months
Astrology: More concepts of Venus
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What we attract: Seeking pleasure results in loss, as one had to lose or ignore something to go seeking. Therefore, the highest form of pleasure is what naturally draws itself to us. Hence why venus is about drawing in attraction, and Mars is how we go about getting something. Mars is also the motivator to experience what venus will find pleasurable.
Venus in challenging signs: Venus in Virgo is difficult because it feels compelled to sacrifice in order to receive pleasure. Even when it draws in pleasure from acting sacrificial and giving, it still has to give something of itself up. Likewise, Venus in Scorpio is challenging because it feels compelled to suffer in order to accept pleasure.
The Moon versus Venus: The moon is desire. Venus is pleasure. You might desire pleasure, but Venus itself is not desire. Venus aspecting the moon might have more desire for pleasure. The moon aspecting Mars might have more desire for destruction and action. The moon aspecting mercury might have more desire for exploration and intellectualism. These desires do not necessarily bring pleasure unless aspecting Venus in some way. Sometimes, desires can be self sabotage or destructive to ourselves.
Examples of applying this in synastry: mercury aspecting another's venus - the Venus person finds the way the mercury person communicates to be pleasurable.
Moon aspecting another's venus - the venus person finds pleasure in the other persons desires, or the moon person desires what venus finds pleasurable.
Venus and merging: Venus gets along with Mercury because they both assist with the experience of pleasure. They are also both driven to come together with another. Venus is unity, how we join with another. So venus aspecting another's planets in a synastry chart shows how we unify with them.
Examples of this:
Venus aspecting another's Saturn, finds unity slowly over time.
Venus aspecting another's Mars comes together through sex or action
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bessiejoan · 7 months
Astrology: How the moon signs grieve
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Aries - when they're not showing sudden burst of anger, they're being stoic, trying to do what needs to be done for everyone else. Not to say this isn't done with empathy, but the main motivation is to distract themselves from their own grief, and being of use gives them purpose when in hopelessness. Their grief feels primal to them, and they may confuse others with their immature and childlike behaviour.
Taurus - they can sit in their grief for a long time, especially if they also have water placements. They would like to nest at home in their own comforts, but they can wait for that while first they get done what needs to be done.
Gemini - will over intellectualise the reason for the death, breakup, or loss. If their mercury is in water, they'll likely internalise these thoughts. They can get themselves into a frenzy, just trying to get all of the pieces together to make some sense.
Cancer - they feel sorry for themselves and go into full bed rotting mode. They need to put their unused love somewhere, so they do well when surrounded by those closest to them. They can grieve the nurturing that they didn't receive or that they feel they never will.
Leo - differing from their usual need to be the star of the event, they'll cry alone, silently, in their room or the bathroom. They won't want to let others know that they're hurting, but they'll still do it in style like someone's watching, playing the right mood music, deleting old messages, and burning photos.
Virgo - they can get almost scorpio-onic with their grief. They'll be calculated and analytical in sorting through the practical components of a breakup or death. They can also be hyper critical of others around them.
Libra - they want to share their grief and emotions with another. They'll feel deeply that what they have suffered in unfair, and they may even consider getting even. If it's a breakup, it's important to them that they come out of it looking good and glowing up.
Scorpio - they fall into a pit of sadness that is hard to get out of, although they may not share this with anyone. If others around them are openly grieving, the Scorpio moon will walk a fine line of being empathetic and critical of others not keeping it together. If they've been hurt, they'll want the other person to hurt like they do.
Sagittarius - they'll have an abundance of grief and emotion, but they'll want it contained somehow. They'll want to grieve within the grieving steps or a deeper purpose for their suffering. They'll want to tell the people around them what they really think of them.
Capricorn - their grief manifests as a feeling is defeat and be prolonged, leading to depression. They'll want to seem practical about moving on, but they can hold onto the memory and sadness much longer than others realise. Can also be true for Saturn aspecting the moon.
Aquarius - they'll want to grieve with a group and be able to intellectualise their emotions openly. They may feel shocked at the deepness of their feelings, and this may even shock others around them. They're naturally very independent and will want to be distracted by outings with their friends.
Pisces - they struggle with grief because they can't find the right narrative or intellectual reasoning to grasp onto. It can feel like they are lost in a sea of their grief. They can detach and disassociate from themselves and everything happening around them.
Astro Tip: Also, check your 8th House ruler
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bessiejoan · 7 months
Astrology: Exploring the meaning of Venus
Venus is flare. Venus is not the thing itself, but rather how that thing is expressed.
Venus is not love by itself. Rather, Venus is all that is created from love, such as a home, laughter, or companionship. It is also the ability to express love.
Venus is not just sex. Instead, Venus is the build-up to the orgasam, the flare of the event. It's the music playing, it's touch, it's flirting, it's connecting, it's the quality of bed or environment that the sex act takes place in. It is the ability to be able to enjoy sex.
Venus is not food, but rather the ability to make food enjoyable through attention to the whole experience, such as a beautiful table to eat at, a candle burning, or smells. It is the ability to be able to enjoy food.
Venus is not smell, touch, or taste by itself. Venus encompasses the senses surrounding an event or thing, but even more than this, it is our ability to find pleasure in these senses. Venus is what kind of entertainment or art we like and degree to which we like it. It is the ability to be able to enjoy art.
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bessiejoan · 7 months
Astrology: Venus and pleasure
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When we struggle with or disconnect from Venus, we are not able to enjoy and find pleasure. When Venus is operating in its integrity, this is some of what we experience:
Venus Aries/Mars - ability to enjoy hard, physical work or exercise. They enjoy independence and getting something done. They find excitement and challenges pleasurable.
Venus Taurus - the ability to derive and create pleasure through food, cooking, decor, and objects. Extra sensitive to textures. The ability to make the environment multi-sensory. Venus finds beauty in the act of creation.
Venus Gemini/Mercury - the ability to enjoy poetry, writing, art, and music. They find conversations pleasurable and can be fun for others to talk to.
Venus Caner/Moon - the ability to find enjoyment in their mum or motherhood. They feel the joy of being safe at home. They are extra sensitive to softness. At their best, they find listening to and following their intuition pleasurable.
Venus Leo/Sun - the ability to love the limelight and being the centre of attention. The way others love them can also bring them extra attention in public. They are proud of what they love.
Venus Virgo - they can find enjoyment in looking after themselves and others. They find pleasure is experiencing their health improve. They find pleasure in order and symmetry.
Venus Libra - the ability to find pleasure in shared experiences, in communicating with another, and in an exchange of love. They find joy in justice prevailing and equality. The ability to find beauty in others to equal degree in which they find it in themselves. Relationships are an art form that they continue to learn from.
Venus Scorpio/Pluto - ability to enjoy pain, control, money, hurt. Satisfaction from total dedication and loyalty. At their best, they can find pleasure in transformation and rawness.
Venus Sagittarius/Jupiter - ability to enjoy learning and teaching others. Venus well aspected and appropriately used is moral and honest. When venus operates truthfully here, it is humble because it loves its teachers. The ability to have fun at parties and events.
Venus in Capricorn/Saturn - the ability to find pleasure in hard work, control, and leadership positions. The ability to enjoy the slow process. At their best, being respected and respecting others is pleasure.
Venus in Aquarius/Uranus - the ability to enjoy destruction and change. They find beauty in rebels, punks, and outsiders. They find joy in breaking social norms and shocking conservatives.
Venus in Pisces/Neptune - the ability to find pleasure in drugs and alcohol. When Venus is well aspected here and operating well, it does not need to go to excess. Rather, it can experience intense pleasure through smaller amounts of drugs and alcohol. It is also the ability to find pleasure in spirituality. They find beauty in the mystic and magical. Venus finds limininal places pleasurable.
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