bookstringer-blog · 8 years
My grudge match with Colin Creevey will have to be postponed, since no one will fess up or give me any hints. Apparently I had to get two teeth removed because of it and I’ve been recovering from it. So I haven’t been reading. I’ll get back to posting this week. Fingers crossed I can track him down. 
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
How Colin Creevey broke me
It all started one night when I decided to go to a Harry Potter event... at a bar. In all fairness, I didn’t know it was a bar, and there was enough cosplayers that it took me awhile to notice it was.  It was a good night. Geeky music, friends, and Sprite. A few hours go by and the place is packed with glazed gryffindors, hyper hufflepuffs, sozzled slytherins, and rambunctious ravenclaws.
Enters Colin Creevey. He had a perfect 10/10 cosplay. Camera, school robes, and over-eagerness down to a T. Swerving past a couple grinding in the corner, he makes a beeline for Dumbledore. Slipping under the dark lords gaze he is halfway there.  Too bad for him he underestimated the dancing radius of a  Patronus and dobby dancing and almost lost an eye on her antlers.
In the process of avoiding his impaling, he slipped on butterbeer and pumpkin juice and landed a solid smack of his elbow on my jaw following with a closed fist punch that sealed the deal.  He then disappeared into the night. And that is the end of the story of how Colin Creevey broke me, or more specifically my FREAKING TOOTH.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Reading breathes life into our mundane world. 
Grab every book you can and hold on for dear life , because the adventure is yet to come.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
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I’m on break today. Here’s the smarmy giraffe baby. May it bring you good luck!!!
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Chocolate Fever By Robert Kimmel Smith
Just a fun break from all the murdery books that I have been posting as of late.
Henry is a kid who will do anything for chocolate. He eats it morning noon and night. Even in his mashed potatoes! But when he suddenly breaks out in strange brown spots, chocolate is the last thing on his mind. A trucker named Mac, a crazy doctor, and a heist.  Come join Henry as he runs through town trying to cure his chocolate fever. 
I read this book as part of an assignment I had to complete. It’s a nice book to read with little kids or just as a reminder of your childhood. It reminded me a lot of ‘The Chocolate Touch’ by  Patrick Skene Catling. If I was in Henry’s shoes I probably would have gotten completely covered in chocolate. I seriously love chocolate. 
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Lucky Day By Barry Lyga: A Prequel to the Jasper Dent series
Have you ever wondered how G. William Tanner, the sheriff of a sleepy podunk town caught the most notorious serial killer in living memory? It all started the year a girl went missing. Nothing much of note. Most had though she had run away to the city to make a name for herself. But when a body of another girl turns up everyone starts pointing the finger at G William. With losing his wife to cancer and a election coming up. There isn’t much holding G William up, but you can bet that he won’t let go of this till he finds their killer and put them to rest. 
‘Lucky Day” is an added prequel to the Jasper Dent series. It’s along a number of stories that were published alongside the Jasper Dent series and it’s worthy of checking out. For one thing we finally find out what the G stands for. Another we get a glimpse of the man who slaughter a 125 people before he was caught. That lucky day that ended it all.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Blood of my blood By Barry Lyga Book 3 in the Jasper Dent Series
The third book in series of Jasper Dent. Jazz must run to survive. When bodies are dropping all around you, who’s left to be a suspect. The police are on his trail, everyone is looking at him as if he is a killer And jazz has to decide if it’s time to live up to his father’s expectations. Will he become a killer to stop the most notorious killers in living memories? While all this is happening can Jazz find out the truth even if it means questioning everything he’s ever known.
Okay, so I pretty much read this killer series without taking a break in between. I apologies for that. I get addicted super quick and I just had to know the answer, and boy was the answer unexpected. This is a solid series that from the get-go had me shouting “what?!” as I read page to page. 
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
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a lover of books; one who loves to read, admire and collect books
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
The Cabinet of Earths by Anne Nesbet
Maya is in a strange new world. She’s only thirteen and yet she is expected to decide the fate of so many. Transported to Paris after her father receives a fellowship, Maya must navigate the ancient city in order to find out the truth behind the facade.  With the help of her new friend Valko, Maya sets out down through the maze that is Paris. Amongst devious immortals, mysterious cabinets, and the promise of saving her mother what will become of Maya?
I liked this book because even though it’s a children's book you can feel what it must be like to be Maya. To have the anxiety and worry over her mother and trying to solve an old mystery with only a handful of clues. Most of it tumbling out before you even have a chance to think between right and wrong.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Game By Barry Lyga: Book 2 in the Jasper Dent Series
The sequel to “I Hunt Killers”. Jazz is back in the game. At the end of the last novel Billy Dent the most notorious killer in the world has escaped from prison. If that weren’t enough to handle, new troubles are popping up one after another. Detective Hughes has come running from New York to convince Jazz to help catch the Hat-Dog killer. Add in all the fact that Billy thinks it’s time that Connie met the parents. It’s one chilling surprise after another.
Jazz’s story line has gripped me so hard that I can’t seem to leave it alone. I have to know the ending. If you start reading this series you better be prepared for what is to come. It is one killer series.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
I Hunt Killers By Barry Lyga
Jazz is the son of the most infamous serial killer in history William “Billy” Dent. Jazz is trying hard not to become just like his father, which is hard when everything around you makes a perfect serial killer and the only thing keeping you sane is a handful of people.  When a body pops up in a field just outside his hometown, Jazz know it is a serial killer. He couldn’t stop his father but Jazz will do everything to catch the killer terrorizing his town. Now if only anyone will believe him.
This twisted tale kept me jumping from the get-go. Following each clue and all the creepy little pieces fitting together. Joined with characters who feel much realer then just words on the page. I especially loved Howie he’s funny and you can’t really turn away from a guy who bleeds just by standing there. Put in Jazz’s badass girlfriend Conscience “Connie” Hall and you have a pretty amazing crew.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Uprooted by Nina Novik
This is a tale of expectations turned on their head. The dragon is a man. He takes girls once every ten years and remakes them into beings that their families can barely recognize. This tribute is supposed to be Kasia. Everyone knows it. She is beautiful kind and smart. Heck she can even cook. So when the dragon comes to pick his tribute and it turns out to be Agneskia, everyone is dumbfounded. Being thrown into a life she has never thought of as being her own she must navigate through the perils if this new world. Can she figure out what the dragon saw in her before she is consumed by the corruption surrounding her? I actually liked this book a lot. It had a bunch of magic involved in the storyline but that didn't drive the plot. Novik gave breath and live to characters we would normally think of as just part of the scenery. She made us think of both sides, not as good vs. evil, but as too equally poignant forces who needed to be heard.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
If you didn’t know that Howl’s moving castle was a book, ho ho ho, get ready to hold onto your socks, because they are about to get knocked off. 
It is considered to be a misfortune to be born the eldest of three sisters. Sophie is resigned to live out a boring life as a hat shop apprentice. That is until one day a witch curses her to appear as an old woman. Setting out on journey to figure out how to undo it she ends up in the castle of the great and terrible wizard howl. Some details are the same as the movie but this book is much more then just an origin tale of a Miyazaki film.  
I liked this book a lot better then the movie. We see a lot more of the sisters and Sophie is a bigger character in her own story. She is afraid but quickly throws that aside in order to help out the ones she loves.  I just love Sophie. 
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
The Clockwork ScarabBy Colleen Gleason
Okay so I love anything to do with sherlock, and when a book comes up that not only involves secret societies, time travel, and kickass female protagonists, how can I say no?
In a world that is very familiar to all sherlockians, it is London 1889 and there is mischief a foot. Young women, gone missing or dead. It’s time to call in for help. Called on by none other then the infamous Irene Adler, Evaline Stoker, the sister of Bram Stoker and Mina Holmes the niece of Sherlock holmes enter the scene. It’s an adventure for epic proportions. Through the London underground, elegant balls, and near misses we follow these two as they piece together a mystery the like of which neither of them have ever seen  
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
The Penderwicks by Jeanna Birdsall
I read this book for the first time when I was a little kid. It’s an amazing book about four sisters and a bit about their misadventures. The Penderwicks are on vacation. Out to a cottage next to a giant mysterious mansion where their imaginations can soar. Add in the boy in the window, a bull in a field, and an attic filled with treasures. These girls create memories to last a lifetime and bonds that can’t be broken.
The first time I read this book I left a bit of my heart with each of the characters I met in this book. It’s one that I come back to every couple of years. No matter how childish it may seem I love this book
On a side note this is the first book in it’s series. I’ll check out the rest of the books and tell you my opinion about them
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
It’s been awhile since I actually posted. I got pretty messed up over the last couple months. It might not seem a big deal to most people but it was a big deal for me. Something went missing and I couldn’t get it back. Anyway, I hope to be on much more often and posting a whole bunch more. Hopefully, life will never suck as much again.
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bookstringer-blog · 8 years
Because you’ll never meet me by Leah Thomas
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Summary: Ollie is the cheeriest hermit you’ll ever meet. His two passions are: meeting new friends and anything with a charge. The only thing stopping him from going out into the world is his allergy to  electricity. 
Moritz is Ollie's opposite. He is a boy born without eyes. Though that doesn't mean he is blind. He is cynical about everything, including himself. This leaves him alone in the sea of people. 
These two become unlikely pen pals and even unlikelier best friends as they share advice and their pasts from opposite sides of the world. Watch as they decide what shape their future will take.
Let it never be said that I avoid heartbreak! I am a mess after reading this book. It tore my heart out and stepped on it and all I wanted to do was keep reading more. 
This book has character’s that leap off the page. Opening the book we meet Ollie. A boy who can never seem to sit still and has some odd quirks that make it impossible not to love him. Moritz, our second main character, is a tougher egg to crack. He is both pompous and self-critical with a strange and twisted past. Although the ending is a bit sad, I loved their journey and their growing bonds so much. I would definitely read this one again!!!
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