New beginnings
So yesterday was my first day ever in the weights section of my gym. I was so scared at first, literally terrified. My friend said she would come with me and it was the best thing we have ever done. With abit of help, we learnt how to use the squat rack, leg press and many other machines. I'm still abit anxious about using other equipment because I'm afraid I'll look funny and people will laugh :( I wouldn't go on my own yet, I still need to build up some confidence being in that area. But honestly I CAN'T explain how happy I am that I ever set foot in there yday and my friend was great! She pushed me into it :) we went again today and killed it! Tomorrow I plan to go to my uncles home gym in his garage, so I can work on my form and some routines before I crack them in the gym :) As for my diet, I have been eating whole wheat pasta and tuna mixed with pesto. I need to wait for my mum to do a big grocery shop before I get into those clean eats!:) I have 3 months to get the best possible results for me and I'm ready for the challenge! So yea.. Here's to new beginnings I guess..
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How do I change my theme? You know those cool themes? I just don't get it.
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So Here it is. It's been over a year since I've started my blog and neglected it. For a while I've felt detached from the tumblr community. Personally I've overcome some many hurdles both physically and academically. As cliche as it sounds, this summer is hopefully like a new beginning. I'm leaving behind the party girl personna I created for myself, yes I will still go out of course but with minimal alcohol consumption. I plan this summer to document both personal but mainly fitness related ideas on my blog. Today I write up my lifting split and grocery list. I think there comes a stage in most people's lives where they are ready for change. I feel so inspired by blondevsworld, muffintopless, fullfatfitblr and becca maclin, it's time to write my own story and I hope you all enjoy the read.. Chat later, sorsh xox
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Grilled chicken, frozen veggies and whole grain pasta are a cookin! Oatmeal, greek yoghurt and more grilled chicken and quinoa, banana's and eggs are awaiting! ..such a good feeling:) 
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first day back at the gym in the morning
and i will probably die.. seriously. 
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sometimes we forget how precious life really is
even when your going through the darkest patch along the way, its important to value life for what it really is. i feel as though we forget about this and we shouldnt. 
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i hate this feeling
emptiness, worthlessness, horrible, ugly, uselessness..just that burning feeling of being such a bad person even though you've done nothing wrong but its as though everyone only sees the worst in me. whats the point anymore. 
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Just thought i should share..
Tumblr, nutrition and fitness research, half a peperonni pizza in the oven (how ironic, i wont feel sorry and i will ENJOY this AMAZING pizza!) and abit of Lana Del Rey to top it off.. what a beautiful moment.
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Currently loving life..
doing some online gym wear shopping! YESYESYES.
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yeah so i've been gone a while..
who thought summer would be so busy? i havent spent one day at home yet in the last 2 weeks..
and yeah i've been eatting shitty, not working out, not drinking enough water and getting very little sleep.. but NO, im NOT sorry. change dosnt happen over night and im happy with where i am right now, but im just not quite where i wanna be yet. July is my month, im gonna work it. 
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5 lbf of fat next to 5 lbs of muscle
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workout summer plan.
body rock workout in the morning(gonna pick one of their workouts at random each day)
following this weight lifting and cardio workout plan from  http://www.bodybuilding.com/guides/female-teen-fat-loss/training
before bed a quick POP pilates video at random each night. 
i will try to fit in yoga 3 times a week before i go to bed.
i will be working out 5-6 days a week and cant wait to get started tomorrow! These are just guidelines of what i will be doing, i planned this to suit ME. any queries then feel free to ask ! :)
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my completed summer meal plan.
M o n d a y
·      Half cup of porridge with almond milk
·      1 banana
·      Half cup nonfat greek yoghurt
·      4 chopped strawberries
·      Half Cup Quinoa
·      Grilled chicken
·      Grilled chicken
·      & 2 servings of steamed fibrous veggies
·      (I will eat half cup brocalli & 1 chopped carrot)
  P O S T W O R K O U T (essential)
1 scoop protein powder & 300ml of water
  Cheeky night time snack!
Tin of tuna (in water only)& 2 chopped celery sticks mixed together in a bowl with a spoon of pesto/mustard.. Delish!
  T U E S D A Y
•             Half cup of porridge with almond milk
•             1 banana
•             Half cup nonfat greek yoghurt
•             4 chopped strawberries
1 whole egg & 2 egg whites
Brocalli and carrot
P O S T W O R K O U T (essential)
1 scoop protein powder & 300ml of water
Cheeky night time snack!
Tin of tuna (in water only)& 2 chopped celery sticks mixed together in a bowl with a spoon of pesto/mustard.. Delish!
•             Half cup of porridge with almond milk
•             fruit of any choice
•             Half cup nonfat greek yoghurt
•             4 chopped strawberries
Half cup brown rice & fish fillet with brocalli
Chicken, asparagus and carrots
P O S T W O R K O U T (essential)
1 scoop protein powder & 300ml of water
Cheeky night time snack!
Celery sticks filled with natural peanut butter & raisons.. YUMM!
•             Half cup of porridge with almond milk
•             1 banana
Half cup nonfat cottage cheese and chopped banana
Fish half cup brown rice & carrots
Tuna in water, celery chopped and mixed with pesto/mustard on wholegrain bread
Cheeky night time snack!
Hard boiled egg.. adventurous I know..
•             Half cup of porridge with almond milk
•             fruit of any choice
Half cup nonfat cottage cheese and chopped banana
1 hard boiled egg and 2 poached egg whites
CHEAT MEAL. Eat whatever I want, this is the one time a week I wont have a set meal.
Cheeky night time snack!
2 squares dark chocolate and one banana.
Saturday (gonna call this veggie day! Even though I will still be eating meat, I plan to eat as many fruit and veg as I can J)
•             Fruit salad ..3 servings of any fruit!
Cucumber slices and greek yoghurt
Grilled chicken, spinach, quinoa
Grilled fish of some sort, green peas, asparagus and sweetcorn
Cheeky night time snack!
Half cup of cottage cheese and 1 cup of chopped strawberries
•             Half cup of porridge with almond milk
•             1 serving of any fruit
Half cup nonfat greek yoghurt and chopped banana
Tuna in water, celery chopped and mixed with pesto/mustard on wholegrain bread
Chicken, green peas, asparagus
Cheeky late night snack!
1 tsp natural peanut butter and half a cup greek yoghurt
So there we have it.. I have estimated each meal to be over 1200 cal.. I will be exercising 5-6 times a week and will update my stats on the 1st of September! Happy summer guys! Will post up my workout plan tonight also.
Each day I will have a protein shake post workout and drink an minimum of 2L of water a day. This is just an outline of what I will be eating in order for me to stay on track, i have designed it for ME. I will try and stick to it as closely as possible. Any queries on this then feel free to ask. time to lower that body fat percentage and up that muscle mass!
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motivation right there. 
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so im a day behind schedule..
was supposed to have my meal plan and workout plan at the weekend but i only started planning it today! 
things are crazy with exams finishing on friday so that was the cause of my delay!..
anyways, they will be up by tonight and im starting tomorrow! :).. and im going supplement shopping in the morning YAY. 
pretty sure i've put on like a stone over exams ..ohwell, time to lower that body fat percentage and increase the muscle mass, YEAH BUDDY. 
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i dont even like the taste of chocolate anymore.
Yet i still eat it? ugh. 
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