brookiessecondblog · 1 year
Patience means everything
13.) Being patient with someone is the most important thing in life, starting from teaching someone to read and ending somewhere around waiting for your life to be over. It's all about patience, if you have none then how do you help others? How can you call yourself kind and empathetic if you can't even wait to hear what your friend has to say? Sometimes they need to tell you something and hear specific words in return, and most times those words end up being life-changing so if you can't stick around just a couple more minutes to read what your friend said then you are no friend at all. -Brookie "It bothers me that no one has the patience to deal with someone who is just sad" -Emily Haines
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
Have a little Empathy
12.) A while back I knew this boy who was a complete jerk. Of course, I felt bad calling him anything once I had found out that his brother OD when he was younger. I thought that this was the reason he was a jerk, because he had something tragic happen and no one had given him any reason to change or be better. Later I found out he had always been that way, and in the opinions of the people who knew him since he had always been that way, it was impossible for him to change. I may not like this guy but I have never countered an argument so quickly in my life. It's not fair that they get to decide what he can and can't do as he gets older! I stood up for him and every time I did they just shot me back down with the same excuse of 'he's never going to change'. I wish I could prove them wrong but I can't force somebody to change into a better person, so for now I will hope for the best, hope that he has a reason to be better that way I can wear a smug smile on my face and tell everybody 'I told you so'.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
Sometimes being Selfish is your only option
11.) In many cases it is okay to be selfish and to tell people everything about you and your life because if you don't you're never going to get to make friends. Friendship means that both sides need to talk about how they feel about specific things, how they think, and what their favorite and least favorite things are, if you aren't a little bit selfish you're never going to be able to tell anybody any of those things. That doesn't mean interrupting them when they ask to vent just to tell them how much worse your day was though because that's how you lose friends. It's important to know when to be selfish and when to be selfless! I learned that the hard way... come to think of it... many of us learned that the hard way. -Brookie
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Tenth Thing
10.) I wish I was a little girl again. My smile was real, every last ounce of happiness was real, and I didn't have to worry about grades the future or what other people thought of me. I’m afraid to get older because every time I think about how it will be when I'm 18 or 20 even I get sick, and I burst into tears because I don't see myself anywhere, I see nothing because it hasn't happened yet and that scares me. It scares me as much as dying does. The worst part about being afraid to die, for me at least, is that I am so afraid that I literally have no care in the world for my life ill throw it around like it's nothing and then afterward'll think about how much fun I had and how I would love to do it again. Most people would call this reckless and that if I’m so afraid then I should act like it and take care of myself! I call this living, life offers risks that everybody has the option to take, I will always take them because then someday I will have fun stories to tell... As I said in the very first one, I will be able to influence people and bring them joy with these stories inspire them to be who they really want to be, and help them figure it out without all the struggle that I went through to figure out who I was and wanted to be, I may still want to be a little girl but I also want to be the person everybody remembers in a positive way.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Ninth Thing
9.) Ok before I start this you have GOT to understand that in no way am I homophobic, This is just an issue I've seen that is pushing me slightly away from the LQBTQ community. If an Author/director says that a character is not gay then one, THE CHARACTER ISN'T GAY, and two, you CANNOT force them to change their mind by calling them homophobic for not writing in any gay characters! Just because those two guys were written as best friends doesn't mean they have to be gay unless the author specifies somehow in the writing that the character or characters are gay. I only have such strong feelings about this because it's not fair to people like me who are trying to write a book and now feel forced to make characters a certain way because of the way people are. It's not fair to anyone to have to feel like they have to write for other people. If you write you usually write it for yourself. All of this is for me, to make me feel better. The book I’m working on is for me because I need a way to keep all these ideas I have, so now they will be written on pages and turned into a story, a story for me, with characters as I’ve written them the only people who will influence me are the people whose opinions I ask for.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Eight Thing
8.) My dad always tells me that the more you try to not be like someone, the more you will be like them. So rather than constantly saying ‘What would so-and-so do in this situation’ I say ‘What would I do in this situation’ because if I don't think about what they would do I’m less likely to be like them. I’m thankful that my dad told me this too because he would always say it when I told him I didn't want to be the way my mom was, I didn't wanna make unfair rules for my kids or have them think I'm horrible because Ill completely ignore them for my phone, and when I told my dad this he said ‘then don't try not to be like her, it will only backfire’ so instead I think about how I can be like my dad because even when I think I have no-one I am constantly reminded that he will always be there for me.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Seventh Thing
7.) Seven is my lucky number, I know it's kind of random but it's important to me so Instead of something about how complaining is unimportant or how people need to suck it up and deal with my honesty I'm going to write about one-time when I felt lucky. I feel like my fate has been sealed since the very beginning because I was born on January 7th so the world knew it would be my lucky number before I did. One time that I felt especially lucky was at the last Jazz band concert of my eighth-grade year. That whole year we had this song with a solo that I ended up with. No matter how many times I played it I just couldn't do it, I would get nervous, my hands would shake and the notes just wouldn't come out. The day came and our Jazz band was getting ready to play. I remember as soon as I started playing that solo my heart did a backflip and my stomach churned for only a second and then I played through it next to perfect for the first and last time. For once my hands didn't shake, and instead of being nervous, I felt happy, proud even. Ever since then, I've loved playing solos and I get giddy every time I stand up to play one. That's why the concert was special, I finally knew one thing about myself, and that was what I wanted to do, I wanted to play music for others, and knowing that made me feel extra lucky that day.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Sixth Thing
6.) Complaining never gets you anywhere. Despite popular belief complaining about a problem never gets you anywhere, it doesn't solve the problem it only makes you feel better in the moment. I can complain and complain and complain about how I have to write this (which I did) but if I sit and complain about it rather than just doing it, nothing will change. I'll still have to write this later on. Now if I write this for you and then complain about it after I'm just talking about how much I didn't like it. I feel like humans spend too much time complaining so rather than complaining half your life, just do it! Trust me you'll get much, much farther in life.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Fifth Thing
5.) Since my 6th-grade year, I had let this group of girls bully me and dictate how I lived, spoke, thought, and dressed for years! Until about last year, I had no idea who the hell I was, but I slowly started to realize that it doesn't matter what I do, say, or wear, someone is ALWAYS going to judge me or make fun of me for something. My advice? Screw them! If people say you're weird it is literally only because you are different than them in some way, and that's good, being different is good. It's Unique, and unique is the best compliment you could ever receive from anyone. Just be yourself, I don't see any reason to be like someone else. I'm finally happy with myself and I didn't even have to stand up to the bullies to get to this point. I'm done pretending to be someone else and now so are you. It's time to be ourselves again.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Fourth Thing
4.) Eventually you will die, the best thing you can do is remember to live while you can.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Third Thing
3.) I cannot stand people who ask me to be honest and then turn around and get angry at me for just how honest I can be. Yes, you asked me if your skirt looks good with your shirt, you asked for my honest opinion, I told you, it doesn't, it does not match at all and to be completely honest it looks horrible. If you want me to sugarcoat it don't ask me to be honest because even if I try to be nice I don't have a good poker face on purpose. If you can't take my criticism don't ask for it.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The Second Thing
2.) Sometimes its hard to get my feelings out, its hard to express myself and let someone know that I, infact, am not ok. I havnt ever admitted that to anyone when its happened though because somehow I have it in my head that whatever someone else is going through is worse than what I’m going through. It might be, but most times, its not, because everybody feels things different and when it comes time to tell someone I always have to remind myself that Its ok to not know what to say, or how to say what needs to be said, its ok to not be ok. I know firsthand that life gets tough and sometimes all you can do is sit down and cry, sometimes crying is worth more than any of the words you were going to say in the first place. So cry, sob, let your makeup get messed up, let everybody see it happen, and when its all over not only will you feel slightly better than you did before, but everyone will realize that just like them you are human, just like me.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The First Thing pt.2
1.) It might all just be a dream now but it doesn't have to stay that way. Make it happen. The path might not always be clear or easy, hell it might not even be there at all. Make a way, if you can't find one then make one, and make it happen. If you don't have the willpower to make your dreams come true on your own and you're always relying on someone else then that dream no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the person doing all the work and putting in effort and at that point why even have those kinds of dreams if you're not willing to work for it yourself.
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brookiessecondblog · 1 year
The First Thing pt. 1
1.) I have dreams, lots of them, and I don't mean the sleeping kind even though I also have plenty of those. I mean the dreams that most of the time seem like unrealistic goals. Sometimes I pretend I'm famous, or that I could be famous.. and... well... if I'm being completely honest... I could be if I really tried even if it's not Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift famous. I can still make people happy by playing music and writing things like this and to me that's all that matters. I hope someday to have the same impact on someone that Dylan O'Brian had on me when I was younger. I want to inspire people and help them to be themselves... or find themselves if they need help with that because then they can stop pretending to be someone that they aren't. I know a couple of my friends used to be different people and even if I wasn't the main reason they stopped being someone else I know that I helped them get on that path... sometimes it's not easy because the person they really are isn't always the best person and you wish you could take everything you said to that person back but, I don't regret helping anyone so far because at least it also helps me know who I need to stop being friends with and who I know I'll be able to stay with for a lifetime. That is why I'll never say no to helping someone and why I'll never regret it no matter how much I say I do
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