butterflytvttoo · 2 years
Guess who’s back
Hi guys, 
guess who’s back, back again. I’m taking requests and I’m so excited to share new material with you guys. 
for those of you that follow my personal twitter, you know last night was a rollercoaster of emotions! 
I've missed yous 
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butterflytvttoo · 5 years
You should try 3rd person x
I want to experiment with it honestly!
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butterflytvttoo · 5 years
# 1 and # 80
Here is the first prompt imagine! I hope its everything you expected and more also i’m sorry its so long!
#80 He’s your neighbor and he holds a package for you
#1 Attending the listening party and getting noticed.
word count; 1403
Prompt list
It’s finally time! I’ve just moved to London got myself a really cool loft just outside the city and whew chile the relief of it all, as if all the stars aligned Harry Styles just announced a secret show in London. I might actually faint of excitement.
I got my tickets and the show is in a few days, I went out and got myself a brand-new outfit. I’m hoping its subtle, but I KNOW it screams “harry”. I literally have no friends here yet but sis stan twitter has got my back and I already have people to que with, so I don’t look like a total loner.
The next few days fly by and my loft is starting to feel like home a little more every day with subtle hints of fangirl in it, I found this really cute poster of a kiwi that’s hanging just above my fake fireplace in the living room only to be described in one word AMAZING.
There’s a new neighbor in the loft above mine this week who’s being pretty mysterious like, I have not seen them once, but I guess we might cross paths eventually. Who knows they might be cute lol a little romance never killed anyone.
Its concert day and I AM FREAKING OUT like I need to pull it together sis but how could I when the LA show looked so amazing and was literally EVERYTHING. I’ve done a cute makeup look and my hair is in a cute messy bun, but I have never looked this goof, let’s be real I’ve waited on this moment since forever an intimate show of ANY of the OT5 is a dream come true!
I take the subway to the koko and I’m met by a reasonable line. I can tell I’m definitely going to have a good spot!
It’s time to good inside and I have a perfect view of the stage, I am loving life right now. It’s almost showtime and I just know I’m not mentally prepared for the outfits, the live songs but most all just harry in general.
The moment he’s about to hit the stage the whole mood in the room changes, I can smell his dominant aura coming and there he is in all his glory, the crowd goes wild and in the mids of the hysteria I can’t help but stay calm. I can imagine how weird I looked to others, but I’ve never felt so calm, how does he do that?
I think I’ve been going crazy cause I swear I saw Harry glance in my direction a few times, but I hear the opening note of Falling and I lose it like I’m singing along holding my heart with tears streaming down my face. Harry looks over at me and I can’t help but smile even though I look a mess, but he looks at me and winks. He mouths something but I couldn’t tell you if I tried.
The girls around me freak out and honestly so am I on the INSIDE, I can’t seem like a crazy fangirl, now can I? The concert is nearing the end and I never want to lose this feeling!
It’s been a week since the concert, and I’ve been through severe PCD. After the concert the girls I met there, and I went out for a late coffee. Turns out I wasn’t the only person noticing Harry’s continuous glance in our/my direction, so I am not going crazy.
I’ve been expecting a package for over a month right and apparently my mysterious neighbor has had it for the past 3 days and every time I go up to get it, they’re not home. Honestly why take a package if you knew you weren’t going to be home? What sense does that make?
It’s been a week without my package and I’ve honestly had enough, I am over it.
Honestly, I’m on my way up and if I don’t get my package, they can keep it. The books were expensive and I’m looking forward to reading but, sheesh.
The elevator opens and It’s a hall with one door, so I ring the doorbell. Color me surprised cause I see Jeff Azoff in front of me and I’m star struck! When I catch myself, I muster up my most confident voice and say “um hi I’m looking for my package it was delivered here. I’m y/n from the loft a floor down” And an all too familiar voice goes “Jeff who is it” and then there he is once again in front of me. Someone catch me I’m going to faint.
Just kidding he looks at me and goes “Hi I’m Harry weren’t you at the concert last week?” HE KNOWS WHO I AM “ um hi yeah great show by the way” and I look over at jeff with a raised eyebrow cause um  MY PACKAGE and he goes “oh yeah H she’s looking for a package that was delivered here” like being in his presence is so demanding and he hasn’t done anything lol.
“Oh, you’re y/n then?” HE KNOWS MY NAME “yeah that’s me I’ve come by a few times to collect it, but no one was here” I said scratching my neck. Like a dear caught in headlights I hear Harry go “Yeah sorry about that things got kind of crazy for a little bit after the show” “It’s fine honestly It’s just a few paperback books I’ve been waiting to read” he gives the cutest little chuckle and tells Jeff where to locate the package before turning to me and going “ You caught my eye during the show you looked so wrecked during falling I was genuinely worried” I couldn’t held but laugh “Let’s just say the song hit home haha but I had the time of my life, don’t worry” he looks at me with the most amazing smile I’ve ever seen and I feel a slight blush making it’s way to my face as he replies “Well seeing as you live a floor under me does this mean I’ll be seeing you more?” I chuckle “If you want to, I can always leave a piece of me in the way you dress” and we both started laughing “I might actually like that especially if it’s the shirt you wore to the concert” what can I say ladies gentlemen and everything in between and far outside those norms a good outfit always does the trick. “It was cute wasn’t it? haha I was worried it would’ve been a bit too much if I’m honest” “You looked amazing.”
Before I got the chance to freak myself out over the fact that I am actually flirting with Harry Styles, there comes Jeff with the box of books. “Those are heavy what did you order bricks y/n?” I laugh “They’re books haha” Jeff puts down the box and Harry picks it up the box and offers to help me bring it down to my loft. We head towards the elevator and got in when Harry says, “So how about we have coffee this week?” I look up at him and see him smiling down on me “I’d really like that; we can have coffee at my place if you’d like?”
I open the front door and tell him to place the box on the couch while leading him to the living room. I can see him scoping out the loft before his eyes land on the framed kiwi photo “Don’t tell me you’ve got a lyric letter sticker somewhere with the lyrics to Kiwi as well” he says laughing “haha Harold I just might put up the ‘Holland tunnel for a nose it’s always backed up’ lyric” I said while winking.
After 20 more minutes of casual flirting he announces he must leave so I walk him to the door and give a peck on the cheek thanking him for helping me with the package.
As I close the door and turn to the mirror to freak out, I see what I look like and freak out for a whole other reason I LOOK LIKE A MESS.
Harry styles is my insanely hot and talented neighbor and I met him looking like a whole MESS.
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butterflytvttoo · 5 years
I’m actually crying because I know literally nothing about Harry and it makes me sad that heartbreak is a thing and he had to go through it :(
I know right listening to the album for the first time was a rollercoaster of emotions because it's like a familiar feeling that we’ve all gone through during a heartbreak especially ‘falling’.
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butterflytvttoo · 5 years
Prompt list
As promised here’s the prompt list! you’ll send in a question with the number and I’ll do an imagine based on the scenario.
#1 Attending the listening party and getting noticed. 
#2 Boyfriend Harry surprising you with a trip to the German/Belgian x-mas market.
#3 Getting drunk with colleagues at a company party and kissing under the mistletoe
#4 Running into an ex-boyfriend and introducing a stranger as your boyfriend because you overheard your ex mocking you
#5 Running late for an important meeting and (nonfamous) Harry runs into you spilling coffee on you.
#6 BFF Harry checks on you after a huge power outage in your building.
#7 He gets you in a secret Santa challenge you have going with your mutual friends
#8 Building a snowman 
#9 Spending your first winter together
#10 You’re neighbors and he freaks out about your new dog.
#11 Sending out x-mas cards together.
#12 Stuck at the airport while he’s taking you home for the holidays to meet his parents.
#13 First snowfall as a couple
#14 Celebrating Friendsgiving
#15 He rents a creepy cabin in the woods for Thanksgiving 
#16 He’s sick and you take care of him 
#17 You’re freezing and he gives you his jacket
#18 Your first date
#19 You broke up a few years ago and he regrets it after running into you.
#20 You’re a family friend but he secretly fancies you.
#21 He forgets an important moment of your choice.
#22 He plays you the album for the first time. 
#23 He proposes after an argument.
#24 He’s on tour and sends you postcards from every city.
#25 He sends you handwritten letters weekly while he’s writing the album.
#26 Harry displays PDA for the first time.
#27 He takes you on a date to a concert
#28 You find out a huge secret
#29 You have your first big fight 
#30 Meeting him for the first time 
#31 You’re fighting and he hurts your feelings
#32 You surprise him with a lavish vacation 
#33 You’re friends but he kisses you 
#34 Dad Harry dresses up as Santa 
#35 He calls because he’s homesick 
#36 The Breakup 
#37 You see a pap pic and point out how much you look like a couple
#38 He can’t take you seriously when you’re upset
#39 Cuddly Harry 
#40 You miss him while he’s on tour 
#41 He accidentally tells you he’s in love with you.
#42 He’s jealous
#43 He hogs the blanket and you’re cold 
#44 He suffers selective memory when he realizes you’re right 
#45 You’re a YouTuber and you pull a prank on him 
#46 His first appearance on your YouTube page 
#47 You can’t sleep but he wants to cuddle 
#48 You start texting him memes 
#49 You let him listen to your Spotify playlist for the first time 
#50 You’re wrapping x-mas presents but he comes home
#51 “ I want to be your handest goodbye”
#52 He tries out new pickup lines on you
#53 The media finds out about you but you’re not famous 
#54 You meet on a dating app 
#55 You accidentally tell him you’re crushing on him
#56 He’s indecisive about who he wants to be with and you’re over it.
#57 You sneak into Disney together.
#58 He’s acting like a man child.
#59 He takes you to meet your celeb crush
#60 He gets really shy around you.
#61 Singing together while cooking 
#62 Defending him during your first interview 
#63 Going to see a scary movie but he gets scared 
#64 Your first red carpet 
#65 “My boyfriend dresses me for a week challenge” on YouTube
#66 You move in together
#67 You’re always cold and he’s always hot
#68 You meet in a subway
#69 You run into an/his ex
#70 He finds your tattoo
#71 He introduces you to his friends 
#72 You adopt a dog together 
#73 You make it official 
#74 He mentions your relationship in an interview but you’re not public yet
#75 Deep late-night conversations because both of you cant sleep 
#76 Your first unknown adventure together
#77 You watch your favorite novella together for the first time 
#78 He finds out you used to run a full-on fan account 
#79 Introducing him to your parents 
#80 He’s your neighbor and he holds a package for you
let’s get down to business 
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butterflytvttoo · 5 years
Guess who’s back forreal this time!
I’ve just listened to “fine line” for the first time and my heart is full and I’m emotionally unstable BUT I AM INSPIRED! I will be posting a prompt list tomorrow and accepting request starting NOW!
I am back and i’m way better you guys! To the ones who are still here after me being inactive, thank you and i love you❤️
- B🌸
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
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Courtroom drawings by Petra Urban 
Dutch courtroom sketch artist Petra Urban’s illustrations are so realistic that attorneys ask her ‘whether they look good’ and the suspects in the courtroom try to face away from her to stay anonymous. The faces on some of her drawings get blurred in the media - because they are too recognizable. Recently, an attorney asked if Petra could leave the courtroom - because their clients were scared they would be recognized on the drawing. The judge however, denied the request because: ‘‘the court can’t determine that only bad drawings may be made.’’  Petra uses her tablet to draw in the courtroom and is the first to do so in the Netherlands.
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
i’ve watched this a gazillion times the past several days pls help
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
Im sorry I haven’t been active but here’s a new chapter
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
depression tips™
shower. not a bath, a shower. use water as hot or cold as u like. u dont even need to wash. just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. sit on the floor if you gotta.
moisturize everything. use whatever lotion u like. unscented? dollar store lotion? fancy ass 48 hour lotion that makes u smell like a field of wildflowers? use whatever you want, and use it all over. 
put on clean, comfortable clothes. 
put on ur favorite underwear. cute black lacy panties? those ridiculous boxers u bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? put em on.
drink cold water. use ice. if u want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost.
clean something. doesn’t have to be anything big. organize one drawer of ur desk. wash five dirty dishes. do a load of laundry. scrub the bathroom sink. 
blast music. listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both.
make food. don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. take the time and make food. even if it’s ramen. add something special to it, like a hard boiled egg or some veggies. prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something. 
make something. write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. even if you don’t think you’re good at it.
go outside. take a walk. sit in the grass. look at the clouds. smell flowers. put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin.
call someone. call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. talk to a stranger on the street. have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. if you can’t, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. even if you don’t say much, listen to them.
cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. take pictures of them. talk to them. tell them how u feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out.
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
reminder to:
straighten your back
go take your meds if you need to
drink some water
go get a snack if you havent eaten in a while
maybe wander around the house/stretch a little if you’ve been sat at the computer a while (artists especially: sTRETCH THOSE WRISTS)
reply to that text/message from earlier you’d forgotten about
maybe send a nice lil message to someone having a bad day?
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
URGENT ALERT: LAKE CONROE DAM OPENED—TAKE SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. [https://youtu.be/qacX3b9KLt4] Aug 28, 2017 -  Started streaming 5 hours ago. NATIONAL WEATHER STUDIO
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
what would it be like to date Harry Styles
- Cuddles loads of cuddles - Cute PDA - Always finding ways to touch you like holding your hand or poking your cheek -Sharing at you when you aren't paying attention - lots of puns and jokes - Romantic comedy's - rewatching the notebook a million times - letting pick his outfits to wear - Gucci lots and lots of Gucci - you're close to Anne and Gemma - He makes you feel comfortable - pranks - always finding new ways to make you laugh - Being friends with Grimmy - keeping your relationship private because he knows how his fans are - being close to all members of One Direction - Hearing loads of unreleased songs both solo & 1D in honor of my birthday yesterday ( July 16th) heres a little something ! leave me request!!
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
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Harry’s new twitter icon :)
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
reminder to:
straighten your back
go take your meds if you need to
drink some water
go get a snack if you havent eaten in a while
maybe wander around the house/stretch a little if you’ve been sat at the computer a while (artists especially: sTRETCH THOSE WRISTS)
reply to that text/message from earlier you’d forgotten about
maybe send a nice lil message to someone having a bad day?
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
One shot series
New Beginnings
The Next Step
Opening Up
One shots - pieces of writing that aren’t a part of the series
Birthday Blues - Harry’s 23rd birthday one shot. An angsty one shot in which H and Y/N have been fighting a lot lately. Fluffy ending
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butterflytvttoo · 7 years
hi guys please go check out my new fanfiction 'The wedding Date' which involves all members and former members of One Direction it would mean the world to me and let me know what you think ! love always B 🌹
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