#v. disaster turned happily ever after.
razorblade180 · 5 months
Safe Bet
[Swarm Disaster V]
Qingque:I heard you like to gamble?
Aventurine:You could call it the spice of my life. Let me guess, you’re betting I will do well?
Qingque:Oh that’s way too simple. We will have no healer.
Qingque:I tend to try to take things easy but after numerous failures here it’s only natural to form plans. I’m not betting on you doing well, I’m wagering your ability to protect us long enough for us to gather blessing I need plus curios.
Aventurine:And how long to you typically last in here?
Silver Wolf: The first elite. Sometimes we make it.
Sparkle:If we get resonance. Though your fellow gambler over here has gotten much more reliable since our last attempt.
Aventurine:..Alright. Let’s do it. Should be fun. Let’s see what’s about curio option number one!
Nullify attacks
QASS: (Oh shit this might actually be the run…)
Floor 2
Aventurine:Little lady, is there any reason why you refuse to keep a shield?
Silver Wolf: It’s not my fault these enemies understand who the real threat is. I’m alive aren’t I? Good job, but I recommend investing in speed.
Aventurine:Learn to take a hit.
Qingque:Don’t sweat it guys. It’s time for the easier part. *presses downloader*
Acheron:Hey. Oh, it’s you.
Aventurine:I think that’s my line. To think I’d get your aid in a place like this.
Acheron:I’m just here to cut through the fodder and potentially give you a chance to win it big. Consider me your guide.
Aventurine:We’re bound to get lost then.
Acheron:Heh, then I guess you’ll be getting enough blessings. Stay close.
Knight of beauty appears
Aventurine:Well would you look at that!
Sparkle:Okay, so I typically don’t care how far these runs go, but if you somehow ruin this I’m actually going to be disappointed.
Aventurine:Oh you know a situation is dire if I have a Fool acting serious. I was already planning on proving my value anyway.
Floor 3
Silver Wolf: Well it’s be real everyone. Don’t really need me for that oversized bug. It’s got every weakness you need.
Sparkle:What an interesting way of saying “I am a liability.”
Silver Wolf:It’s simple strategy. We didn’t come all this way to gain nothing. I’ll just cheer from the bench. Qingque, don’t miss your crits. *
Qingque:I literally can’t.
Silver Wolf:And don’t eat too many points. *leaves*
Qingque:…No promise. *hits downloader*
Ruan Mei: Shall we begin?
Aventurine:All this talent and you needed my help?
Ruan Mei:Have you ever felt the wind shear of a Swarm Disaster? Some people say it’s like a personal hurricane on your body.
Qingque:I’m “some people”
20+ Propagation blessings. Various Curios, interplays achieved, and additional blessings gained. Danger level Eight
Swarm buzzing violently
Qingque:I’m gonna be honest guys, I don’t know if I’m trembling because I’m nervous, or because this is about to be pretty spectacular. Aventurine, if you would? *holds out tiles*
Aventurine:Heh, you really want all the luck possible huh? Alright then, strut yourself.
He leans over to his left and gently blows on the pieces.
“Let’s play a game!” Qingque tosses them into the air and twirls as metamorphosis begins; catching the pieces as they fell. Without stopping, she throws out a four of kind then immediately flicks her wrist like a slite of hand trick to reveal another set of tiles to throw.
The experienced gambler watches the girl pass the tiles between her hands twice before throwing another eight, killing a bug and keeping the pace by tossing a new set once before suddenly slamming down a tile that shakes everything and hands her another four of a kind she quickly turned into eight. It’s still her turn. Gambling is partly a numbers game, and Qingque has clearly crunched them.
Aventurine:(Oh shit…)
Sparkle:Wooooo! Don’t stop the fireworks!
Three more tosses before another hit! No worries! Qingque happily took a single tile and beamed it another insect before slamming down another that caused it to explode. She tossed her set to a corner bug as she took another break turn to eat up all four points before hearing Sparkle laughing as she topped off the difference.
Qingque: Can’t stop won’t stop!
Another eight tiles exploded and knocked the main bug down briefly. Aventurine was thinking he didn’t need to be here, until it got back up and tore through the shield like paper. Without hesitation he let his wealth pour down like rain and redeployed a shield. He confidently scoffed, but Ruan Mei could see his hand twitch in his pocket.
Ruan Mei:Fear is a healthy way of understanding your current situation as well providing alertness. Are you alert?
Aventurine: Vividly. *stacks shield*
Ruan Mei:Welcome to the Swarm Disaster.
Qingque:You get a front row seat to VICTORY!
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the-bar-sinister · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you to @meerawrites for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 209 on our thesavagesabretooth account and 91 on our overlord_mordax account.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
550,775 on thesavagesabretooth and 757,869 on overlord_mordax– but the statistics are skewed on that second account because it's also used as a repository for old RP logs.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Our top most written fandoms are: Marvel (various), Resident Evil, Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Homestuck, Persona, and Metal Gear Solid
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One (serrenedy drabble, 217 kudos)
Like a Thief in the Night (shuake smut one-shot, 178 kudos)
Recovery (serrenedy drabble, 170 kudos)
In Justice We Trust (phantomquill / blackbright longfic, 161 kudos)
Wandering Eyes (chrisker smut one-shot, 154 kudos)
bonus sixth highest
The Primrose Path to Hell (webecca smut longfic, 141 kudos)
and on our other account
Neat, Polished, Mahogany (lokius smut one shot, 1172 kudos)
Go The Fuck To Sleep (moonknight selcest smut one shot, 1,066 kudos)
Drawing The Line (octogoblin multichapter fic, 807 kudos)
Second Chances, Work to Do (Doc Ock one shot, 377 kudos)
Complicated (moonknight selfcest smut drabble, 339 kudos)
Bonus sixth highest
Games of Passion (hubernie multichapter smut fic, 276 kudos)
What I think this really displays quite clearly is the difference in reception and kudos between highly popular fandoms at their peak interaction, and smaller, older fandoms.
All of the fics in our first account are for small, well established fandoms– notably Resident Evil and Ace Attorney, and these fics were posted recently, long after the height of either series' popularity.
The fics in the second account are almost exclusively Marvel fics, a hugely popular fandom, and were all published almost immediately as the source material was airing. The Lokius fic– our highest kudos'd fic by far was posted the first day of the first episode of Loki, and was one of the first Lokius fics on AO3.
5. Do you respond to comments? 
As often as we can, but we can sometimes be slow! 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mmmm…. difficult question. I won't include drabbles because they tend to be ALL angst. This is hard because we tend to focus on heavy angst followed by a happy ending. The angstiest ending would probably be either our slayers fic, My Sister's Keeper (multi-chapter) which has a downbeat but hopeful ending, or our recent one-shot "Where Were You on the Night of the Murder" which doesn't end happily at all.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Probably In Justice We Trust, which we just finished. It very much takes a hopeless and tragic situation in canon and turns it into a much happier ending. Oh but there's also The Departure of the Great Returned Soul which of course brings someone back to life….
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not as of yet, though I can imagine it in the future.
9. Do you write s.mut?
Yes, and lots of it! We tend toward very character driven or situational smut, often integrated into or alongside larger romantic works.
10. Do you write crossovers? 
Largely no, but occasionally yes. Our biggest crossover is The Departure of the Great Returned Soul, which places Bunny and Raffles in the Great Ace Attorney universe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Yes, we had someone ask to translate The Monster's Name Was Adam into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
We habitually co-write longfic with our partner.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
This is like asking me to choose my favorite lover. What are you, some kind of monster?
Our top most written ships are: chrisker, webbeca, weskertine, shuake, octogoblin, togafuka,
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh. At this point probably Vinewood Disasters 1973, our retro era GTA V trikey fic. We want to finish it, we really do. But it keeps getting pushed off.
16. What are your writing strengths?  
We're always told we're very good at writing character voices.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing and typos for sure.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
We try to do it as little as possible because we're self conscious about getting it wrong.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Lord of the Rings, in 2002.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ever???? Uhhhh….
Toss up between The Departure of the Great Returned Soul, The Primrose Path to Hell, and In Justice We Trust.
I'm not tagging anybody because tagging makes it feel like a chore, but I am inviting all of my writer mutuals to answer these and tag us as having tagged you!
We couldn't find the questions by themselves anywhere, so we've copied them out ourselves and they're under the cut for anyone who wants to cut and paste them!
20 questions for fic writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? s.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write s.mut?
10. Do you write crossovers? 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?  
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? 
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theladyragnell · 2 years
Kel and Dom with some Neal and Raoul thrown in ficlet? Maybe at Raoul/Buri's wedding? Or whatever situmawaytion you think appropriate.
If there was one thing, Kel reflected gloomily, that her teachers had utterly failed in teaching her properly, it was dancing.
Etiquette class had always been boring. The lessons where the pages learned to dance, preparation for the future days when they would be worthy of escorting young ladies to parties, had been excruciating. Kel had never been asked to dance the lead with the boys in class, though she’d learned it anyway, Owen of Jesslaw being a disaster of a dancer who needed help outside of class. Instead, she’d forever been part of the group dancing the part of the follower as an example to those learning the lead, without learning the finer points of the part herself. Nobody, herself included, had particularly thought she would need to know those finer points.
Lord Raoul hadn’t taught her either, given his habit of adding body to the curtains at parties where dancing was done, which she hadn’t blamed him for before but certainly blamed him for when she was standing on the sidelines at his wedding trying very hard not to be noticed. There was a lot of her not to notice.
Tortall was still at war, and they were still within reach of it. There were more swords and spears than beams propping the walls of the room up, it seemed, and that meant that there were far many more men than women out on the floor. Kel was fairly sure she recognized at least two officers of the Own gamely dancing the follower’s role, now that she looked closely. Everyone was in a good mood, fuzzy with ale and the knowledge that the war was staggering its way to a close.
“Are you going to take after my lord, then, brooding against the walls at parties now that he’s a happily married man?”
Dom, tall and friendly as he was, could be sneaky when he felt like it. Kel didn’t jump before she turned to greet him, but it was closer than she ever would admit. “If my lord ever becomes the center of attention at parties after this one, married or not, we’d better check nobody has him enchanted,” she retorted, and smiled at him. “Hello, Dom. Any engagements since we returned from Scanra?”
“A few. No more than anyone. Word has it that New Hope is already bustling, and you’ve taken on a few raiding parties.”
Less raiding and more revenge. Scanra’s spy system was less effective than Tortall’s, since they didn’t have a Wildmage, but with the passage of several hundred people, they’d understood that Kel and her people were responsible for losing Scanra their greatest weapon, and they weren’t happy about it. “We do our best.”
“So modest. Commanders aren’t supposed to be modest, you know, especially unmarried ones. My lord always got that wrong. You’re supposed to brag about your exploits, make people swoon into your arms.”
Kel made a face. She wasn’t one for swooning, and found the prospect of anyone, man or woman, swooning into her arms sounded uncomfortable at best. “Is that what you do?”
He grinned at her. “Some people aren’t the swooning type. But I’m not here to brag at you. I’m here because surely one of the heroes of the war can’t mean to avoid dancing all night, and I hope to win honor and glory by being the first to take you out on the floor.”
Kel scoffed. “Heroes indeed. I’m just lucky my lord Wyldon hadn’t told anyone what orders he gave me before I disobeyed them.”
“Ask the Lioness how many orders she follows on a regular basis. My cousin and my lord have both told hair-raising stories.” He extended a hand. “Now, are you spurning me in front of the whole room, or will you dance?”
The Lioness, Kel noted, was dancing with Neal. She could almost feel sorry for him, except that Neal was much better at dancing than the rest of the pages and squires ever had been, a fact he loftily attributed to artistic sensibilities but that likely had more to do with his age and his sister. And, she noted, looking closer, the Lioness wasn’t a very good dancer either. Thinking about it, she probably had the same problem Kel did, but worse.
“If you put it that way, I can’t possibly spurn you,” she said belatedly. She wasn’t sure if she wanted it to sound like flirtation or self-deprecation, so it mostly came out flat. She winced, but put her hand in Dom’s expectant one. “I’m not a very good dancer, though, I’ll warn you.”
“Something the great and good Lady Kel can’t do? Don’t worry, I’ll see you through successfully, dancing is one of my many skills and I like to share the largesse.”
Kel had no time and no need to find a way to respond to that. Dom, with his good sense of timing, swept them into the dance as it started again, stepping and twirling with the rest of the couples. True to his word, he didn’t leave Kel on her own long enough to make a misstep, and it turned out that dancing with someone she knew how to fight beside was easier than trying not to step on Seaver’s toes or let Owen step on hers. She trusted Dom to watch out behind her so she wouldn’t back into anyone and to move her if she needed to be moved.
“That was fun,” she said as the music came to a close and everyone applauded and started looking around for their next partners.
Dom grinned at her, that crooked smile she couldn’t help but feel a little fluttery over. “You sound surprised. Should I be offended that you thought so lowly of me, or was it even better than your wildest imaginings?”
Kel opened her mouth to say something tart, though she wasn’t yet sure what, when Neal interrupted. He was usually much less subtle than his cousin was, Kel would have to be embarrassed later that he’d managed to surprise her. “She thinks exactly as lowly of you as she should,” he said, at his very loftiest, and turned to Kel with a grin. “And you’re dancing! I’ll have to write all our friends about this historic occasion, after I’ve checked that you don’t disgrace our lessons completely. Come along, Kel, lest my knight-mistress step on my toes again.”
“You’d better hope she’s well out of earshot,” said Kel, and smiled at Dom. “I’m not sure I’ll forgive you for making me an open target now, but thank you for the dance anyway.”
“I’ll find you again later, lady knight,” he said, and kissed her hand (eliciting a scoff from Neal) before disappearing into the crowd.
“As your friend and his cousin—” Neal began.
Kel interrupted. “You don’t want to finish that sentence if you don’t want bruised toes.”
“The north has made you so brutish,” he complained, but he swept her into the forming set despite it.
It was easier to talk while she danced with Neal than with Dom, though he was also less adept at rescuing her from her missteps. Still, he confided before trotting back to Yuki (decorously on the sidelines, having danced two dances with her betrothed before declaring that she didn’t yet know enough of the steps) that Kel at least didn’t try to lead him the way Lady Alanna did.
Kel, about to retreat to the wall again, found herself confronted by Raoul, pink-cheeked and expansive with happiness. “Kel! You’re dancing at my wedding, I think I must insist as your knight-master that we stand up for one.”
“I’m sure you danced with all your other squires too,” she said with a roll of her eyes, but by then she was finished protesting, and anyway, he mostly wanted to find as many ways to say “my wife” as smugly as possible to someone who hadn’t yet grown sick of it.
Every time after that Kel thought she might have the opportunity to return to the sidelines, someone else wanted to dance: half the Own, including Lerant of Eldorne, to her endless surprise, nearly every one of her year-mates and friends who had received an invitation and even Alanna, who by then was tipsy and insisted on leading despite the disparity in their heights.
Dom found her again when she was insisting to Roald, there representing his family when Queen Thayet was angry she wasn’t yet allowed near enough the border to attend her best friend’s wedding, that she really did need to sit down, and surely he could tempt Yuki out for a dance instead. “Water,” he said, after a respectful bow to the crown prince, who looked between them, grinned, and excused himself quickly.
Kel, ignoring everything about that she possibly could, took a few quick swallows of the water. “The least you could do,” she accused. “This is all your fault.”
“Yes, the horrible crime of making sure you have some fun.” Dom smiled at her and just waited while she finished her drink. “If you want to escape the dance floor, it’s a beautiful night outside. Shall we take a stroll?”
There was a lot of future ahead, and a war to finish, with all its attendant dangers even if the ending was all but decided. Kel wasn’t the sort of person to leap into anything, even if she’d been certain of what Dom was offering. He was smart, through. He’d offered her something she could accept without too much worry. “A walk sounds perfect,” she said, and let him lead her away from the boisterous crowd.
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bydesiign · 5 years
     Maybe he should feel guilty for suggesting that Laura would intentionally try and get him to stick around. Perhaps, though, it’s all wishful thinking. Beneath the anger and grief that he feels, there remains a desire to be accepted and wanted by the only friend he’s ever really had. More than anything, Liam wants to give her the chance to prove that he was more than just a pawn in the Railroad’s game, but the more rational part of him knows staying would only lead to more trouble for both of them. Either way, he’ll have to make a choice eventually.
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     He shakes his head, scuffing the ground with his boots. “Whatever. I’ll leave when it’s safe. I don’t want to put you . . . or the rest of the Minutemen out just to escort me across the wasteland.” He eyes her quietly, notes the tired way she holds her body. There’s still a lot on her shoulders, even without pressures from the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel.
     “Are you okay?”
@fromlandtosea    //   cont.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Girl That You Love - Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers smut
The one where there's a threesome on a mission.
Warnings: smut, punishment, oral sex (m), dom!stucky, asphyxiation on dick, p in v, subspace, double penetration, anal, name-calling,  dacrophylia, threat of noncon?, but most likely cnc, references to suicidal behavior
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: this was requested a while ago. Thank you to the lovely @sinking-in-mercury​ for helping me make it better.
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We barely made it inside the cabin when Steve’s voice reverberated on the wooden walls. “Kneel,” he ordered, and I turned around to find him staring at me with icy cold eyes I barely recognized as his.
I knew I had fucked up. The mission had been a disaster on all ends, but he didn’t care about his own mistakes at a time like this. We had an entire evening to kill before the quinjet could come pick us up, and I knew I’d have to suffer through a lot of punishment before the light of morning appeared again.
I heard fumbling behind me, but couldn’t find the courage I needed to look for Bucky. Steve was staring, waiting for me to follow his orders, and if I made it obvious that he wasn’t the only thing in my mind, I’d be in even deeper troubled waters.
And so I sank to my knees, sitting back on my legs as I made quick work of his suit’s pants to expose his gorgeous cock to me. No matter how long I was with them, the sight of their members would still frighten just as much as they excited me.
The head was red and throbbing, much like Steve’s temples as he waited for me to get on with it already. I wanted to look around for Bucky so badly, but I resisted the temptation as I leaned closer and engulfed his dick with my lips, making sure to keep my hands behind my back so I wouldn’t piss off my captain even further.
Any time Steve played the bad cop, James would be there to calm him down, counter each rough action with a sweet movement, and I missed that now. I wanted to feel his fingers massaging my scalp, his soft voice urging me to take Steve even deeper, to let him fuck my throat fully.
But he didn’t seem to be near us, and that scared me. The disappointed expression on his face when he saw just how narrowly I had escaped death in that old factory was all I could think about.
So I tried to focus on Steve and his pleasure. He wasn’t giving me any signs of it, knowing how much I enjoyed hearing his moans and grunts, but just the sight of his sculpted body paired with the taste of his skin was enough to have me dripping.
And that’s when I felt it. That familiar tingle up my spine, the rush of being watched by a predator. Bucky was near, I instinctively knew it before he even pulled me by my hair so I’d release Steve and leaned over me, devouring my lips in an upside-down kiss.
This wasn’t soft, or sweet, or even kind. It was a show of possession that invaded every part of my soul, leaving me soft and pliant under his fingers, exactly how he wanted me to be. I could only ever get this way when both of them had their hands on me.
Without any sort of preamble, he pushed me back onto Steve’s dick, gagging me against it with the help of the grip he had on my head. The sounds of my suffocation only had them laughing, and I was relieved when he relented and let go of the back of my neck, but that was only until I felt his hands gripping my ankles.
I knew what was coming before Steve’s hands held my chest. They’d done this before, but still, my heartbeat spiraled out of control once I was suspended in the air, mouth still filled with Steve’s cock when Bucky’s entered me from behind.
My desire skyrocketed. There was just something about the rush of adrenaline that being on these men’s hands caused me… It got to me every time.
I knew they’d never let me fall. But the uncertainty caused by the position was still there, and it just had me falling into subspace that much quicker.
They moved in silence, grunts barely audible as they each pulled me in different directions to use my body in search of their releases, knowing how much I loved to hear any sounds that escaped from them. By the time Steve finally pulled me off of his cock, pushing me into Bucky’s arms, who then turned me around so I could face him, there were tears and spit running down my face, yet I didn’t make any move to brush them off.
They liked it, and I didn’t want to do anything else to disappoint them today.
I felt Steve approach me from behind before I felt his fingers brushing the hair away from my back so he could deposit a kiss on one of my shoulders.
A soft gesture, gentle, even, but I couldn’t be fooled. I knew my boys too well by now. This was only the calm before the storm.
“I hope you’re ready, princess,” his tone putting an icy cast on the usually sweet pet name. “By the time we’re done with you, you won’t be able to walk for a week straight.”
I screamed as he penetrated my other hole, my head falling back on his shoulder as his hands took a hold of my hips laying over where Bucky’s already were holding. I’d taken both of them enough times to be able to handle being used like this, but the stretch and burn of being filled so completely never fully went away, regardless of how frantically they fucked me.
Bucky was watching my blissed out face with darkened eyes by the time I was able to open mine again, a dangerous smirk taking over his expression. I knew I wouldn’t like what he was going to say.
“You know she enjoys this,” he addressed Steve, although his gaze remained on me, “the little whore.” The comment felt like a slap to the face, I was never used to hearing them address me as anything other than the loveliest pet names.
Except in times like these. Times when I disappointed them, made their stomachs churn with fear and angst, thinking I’d left them for good, thinking I was dead.
Was it weird that I silently thrived on it? Bucky wasn’t wrong. I loved when they treated me like this, like I was disposable, used me for their pleasures without caring about how it would impact me.
Ironically, it only ever happened when they were reminded of how much they couldn’t live without me.
“Just like she enjoys making us suffer,” Bucky continued, nothing but spite and anger in his gaze and tone. “Making us worry about her…” I yearned for a kiss, something soft in the midst of all of the roughness, even if I did love the roughness.
It was the beauty of times like these - they made me cherish what I usually took for granted, what I could have at any time.
“What do we have to do to get you to learn, huh?” Steve’s hands around my neck as he breathed out the question against my skin had me releasing a loud moan - louder than I usually felt comfortable letting escape. However, we were all alone in this safe house, with no one to hear my delicious torture for miles and miles, and I knew my boys would take advantage of that.
“Do we have to make you cry?” Steve insisted, other hand sneaking around my body to circle my clit, making my thighs tremble as I did begin to cry, desperate for a release I knew they wouldn’t grant me. “Fuck you until you pass out and then continue to use you?”
The suggestion shouldn’t have made me so aroused, but it did. It did and they both knew it, so they continued, “So you’ll wake up covered in our cum, drowning in it, knowing that we took full advantage of this body that you’re so careless of?”
Punishment be damned, I came with a scream. As my walls contracted around them, I heard them curse, hips losing control as they too were brought to their releases because of me.
I whimpered when they both pulled away, hiding my face in Steve’s neck as he carried me in his arms to the bed we’d all have to share. I don’t think any of us minded the prospect, even if it wasn’t what the people who designed the safe house probably intended it for.
Two hands brushed the hair off my face as I was deposited on Bucky’s lap. Groggily, I struggled to open my eyes and focus on him after being fucked so brutally. “Sweetheart, pay attention to me.”
His tone didn’t leave space for any arguments.
“Will you promise to be good from now on?” He questioned. “Obey our orders?” But I was too out of it to answer them. At my innocent silence, Steve sighed, sitting by our side and grabbing my jaw so I’d look at him.
“Honey, we are so in love with you.” I sighed happily at the words, making him smile at my visible comfort around their presence. “And we need you here, with us. For as long as possible. So we need you to learn to be afraid of death. Okay?”
And as I considered not being in their arms right then, but in the cold, hard ground of the battlefield, bleeding out, I swear that I began to know that fear.
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
Kinktober day 3:
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Todoroki x reader- something new
Chapter includes: Wax play, Shibari, Spanking
Of all the people to ask about bringing something new into the bedroom you never expected it to be your husband.
It wasn't that he wasn't engaged in intercourse, or that he didn't care, if anything he cared more about what you wanted and how you felt than he did which was sweet but he always focused on you more than him. To put it simply, he was too shy to ask for anything he wanted.
However, today at dinner he said something unexpected.
"Would you ever try wax play?" he asked suddenly, almost causing you to choke on your spaghetti carbonara. He stood abruptly ready to jump into hero mode but you raised your hand signalling your fine. "Sorry love I shouldn't have asked" he scowls.
You shake your head rapidly and slap your hands on the table excited he was finally putting some input into your sex life. "No no it's okay! It was just unexpected but yes I would try wax play" you twirl your fork in your carbonara looking at your husband with intrigue. He looked like he still had more on his mind. "Anything else you wanna ask about?"
He chuckles. He knew you would see right through him there was no point in even trying to hide it but this was a new subject he was broaching. Your sex life wasn't boring but it could be a lot more fun. "What about shibari?"
It took you a second to remember what he was referencing but you clicked your fingers like they would jog your memory. You made a finger gun pointing to the sky and your eye's went winder "Ah! The fancy ropes right? Sure as long as you know how to tie them safely and properly!" you said and a bigger smile caught his lips showing you were hitting all the marks.
"I do. Been practicing" he says simply with a mouthful of pasta and you don't bother questioning it. "What about... how to put it... spanking?" he kept his eyes on his dinner again trying to avoid your reaction.
You pushed your plate aside and sat on the table next to him. You cup his face gently and run your thumb over his cheek "you don't have to be embarrassed about it my love. Yes, spanking is fine." you seal the reassurance with a kiss and go back to your plate of carbonara.
After you finished dinner you washed up and Shoto went to the bedroom to have a nap. However you laughed when you could smell the soup of candle scents wafting into the kitchen as if you wouldn't notice. You stayed in the kitchen for 5 minutes to let Todoroki think he outsmarted you then excitedly skipped to your bedroom which was dimly lit by each of your yankee candles and the strings of led lights loosely hanging down on your walls. He was trying to hide a thick bundle of (f/c) rope between his feet and checked that your lighter was still working after going around those candles.
"Oh you're still awake I see" you interrupted his work and he jumped slightly almost dropping the candle which really could have become a disaster if he didn't have professional reflexes. "Sorry love I didn't mean to surprise you" you chuckle and lay down on the bed in a starfish.
"What are you doing?" he laughed and you snickered along realising how ridiculous you probably looked.
"I'm letting you move me however you want so you can tie me up" you said. Your quirk made you flexible so it wasn't like there was any position that would be particularly uncomfortable, you really were trusting your duel haired husband to do what he actually wanted to.
He was hesitant at first, gently touching your leg and contemplating what he should follow through with but he stretched it further out and he sat on the bed next to you and neatly tied your arm and leg together with intricate knots and patterns that rubbed against your skin with each movement. On the other side he did the same, essentially Turning you into a V and he admired his handiwork.
He looked at your face for any discomfort but smiled when he saw you happily wiggling around trying to escape his work and prove it was comfortable. "Does that feel okay?" he checked ripping off the underwear you had on since it was impossible to get off now and exposed your pussy glistening with slick.
"Feels good todo. I feel like I look silly though?" you chuckle nervously earning a soft kiss.
"You look beautiful"
You sigh softly and he flips you over onto your stomach contemplating the next ways he could tie you up in his mind but physically grabbed a low temperature candle from the drawer and lit the wick with the lighter.
Almost immediately drips of wax started falling off of the stick onto the bed that todoroki would keep to himself mainly so you didn't start freaking out about washing the sheets. He held the candle over your arm and allowed a droplet to fall onto your arm to test the feeling.
"Oh I like that! It feels nice love" you turned your hand into a thumbs up and he nodded moving the wax to your shoulder blades where they hit and started rolling down your side then hardened instantly. He moved the candle in a straight line down your spine, not moving the candle until each space on your spine was covered.
You whined trying to wriggle your wrists out of the cord but Todoroki was just too good with the ropes. He stopped moving the candle and struck your ass with a firm smack. Making you cry out and grip the sheets. "Stop moving so much baby you'll get wax on the duvet" his tone is entirely serious but you'd been married long enough to know he was wearing a shit eating grin on his face.
"Baby please fuck me, come on!" you moved your hips in a figure of 8 and he bit his lip. Tying the unlit end of the candle onto one of the beams across your canopy bed and letting it swing forward and back throwing sizzling wax droplets at your back, arms, and ass.
Another smack and you yelped from the unexpectedness of it. Todoroki pulled his hardening cock out of his jeans and rubbed the tip along your slit gleaming in the candle light. "You're so wet," he muttered.
You stuck your bottom lip out and your face flushed pink "yeah well you've been teasing me for so long" your pouty voice made todoroki laugh and kiss the top of your head.
"Sorry my love" he continued his soft laughter and shuffled forward, lining up his cock with your entrance. He smacked your ass again slowly leaving a reddening handprint and you moaned quietly "Are you ready?"
"Yes baby i'm ready" you assure him and he pushes in easily with the amount of wetness dripping out of your hole and messing the bedsheets. A soft gasp escaped your lips followed by a hiss when another 3 drops of wax splattered on your shoulder blade.
It was a gorgeous sight todoroki thought running his fingers along the track of wax hardening on the middle of your back while pistoning his cock in and out of your soaked pussy that was already sucking him in. the (f/c) ropes rubbed on your wrists and calves burning your skin and digging into your flesh creating a mold of where the ropes had been.
"Fuck shoto, faster please!" you cried and he spanked your ass once again before speeding up. Already your stomach was in knots and quickly unravelling as everything overloaded your senses. The hot splatters of wax left your skin sizzling and the ropes rubbing against you were almost too much but with Todoroki smacking your ass like a drum and thrusting into you at inhuman speeds you weren't lasting long.
"You cumming?" Todoroki asked softly and you purse your lips not trusting your voice or the noises that would leave if you opened them. Your walls fluttered around todoroki's cock and he sped up slamming into your G-spot after each thrust. "C'mon cum for me baby" he spoke through grit teeth leaning further forward to drill harder into you and ignored the wax dripping onto the back of his neck and rolling down his back.
Your lips were forced open by a carnal moan and your face fell into the mattress squishing your cheeks and nose while todoroki kept thrusting in and out of your spasming pussy.
"Todo~" you whined moving your hips back against his as well as you could while being tied up and he grunted feeling his cock twitch.
"Where" he asked bluntly and you muffled your answer.
He pulled out pumping his cock a few more times and shuffled backwards shooting his cum onto your back and splashes of wax continued to drop onto your shoulder blades without todoroki in the way. The room filled with the sounds of your mixed panting and the bed squeaking as todoroki flopped down next to you catching his breath and sloppily untying his art piece and running his hands over the generous rope kisses.
He put out the candle and pulled it down putting the rest back in the drawer with the rope tied around it and shuffled over to untie the other side giving you soft kisses across all of your stretched out limbs. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, wiping his mess off your back with a baby wipe and picking the hardened wax off of your skin which left scarlet welts and cherry circles around where the wax droplets had made their homes.
"I'm okay, love. Are you?" you asked, sitting up and stretching all of your muscles, all the wax piling up and todoroki shoved it in a drawer not sure what to do with it but it looked cool.
He nodded and muttered that he was tired and you gave a soft grin. "Did I do good?" he asked, shutting his eyes without the intention of falling asleep though it was slowly trying to drag him in.
"You did a wonderful job baby. Let me change the duvet cover and then we can sleep okay?" you yank the cover off and change it like a pro spreading the duvet out over the bed and dropping the messy one into the laundry basket. You crawled in beside him and he wrapped his arms around you pulling you close and resting his chin on top of your head.
"I love you" he mumbled tiredly.
You grinned and snuggled into his chest muttering back a muffled "I love you too" 
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
In My Dreams V
Characters: Zhongli, fm!reader
Word Count: 3,492
Warnings: None
Premise: The past is many things. Something to admire, something to learn from, something to hold dear. And yet how unreliable it can be, especially in the hands of ghosts.
In which the reader dreams of the past.
Author’s Note: This one is probably the one that deviates most from the original prompt. Still I enjoyed writing it a lot, and I hope you enjoy reading it.  
This is the end! Thank you for reading and for your patience and I hope you enjoyed!
There was a young man standing in front of you. Standing in sharp contrast to the darkened landscape around him he naturally drew your eye. You stood facing him, making no effort to approach him. You weren’t even sure you’d be able to if you tried.
The morning sunlight burst forth suddenly from behind you eyelids. Blinking heavily you let out a groan, turning over and smashing your face into the nearest pillow, willing yourself to go back to sleep. A familiar chuckle sounded next to you as a kiss was planted on your cheek.
“You cannot evade the day forever my love. There is much to be done.”
“Five more minutes…”
“If I let you sleep five more minutes then it will surely turn into at least an hour. Besides, did you not tell me once that five minutes was hardly any sleep time at all?”
“Maybe.” You grumbled.
Sitting up you shielded your eyes with your hand. Though you appreciated the heavy curtains that kept the light out in the morning, you had to admit the adjustment every day could be difficult. Especially when your dreams had been so muted. What had you been dreaming of again? Random thoughts flower in and out of your head. Sometimes about a dark landscape. And maybe a person? You supposed it didn’t really matter.
Gathering your clothes you strapped your adventuring belt across your waist. Frowning at the weight of one of the bags you reached your hand into the satchel. Your fingers found rough stone, and when pulling the offending object out you found yourself face to face with a sort of mineral you’d never seen before.
“Hey, Zhongli?”
“Yes my love?”
“Tell me, have you ever seen this before?”
As you held the crystal out to Zhongli you could swear a flicker of darkness shadowed his eyes. Walking over to take the mineral out of your hand he turned it over gently, an expression of stony focus coating his features.
The crystal seemed to glow slightly. Reddish in hue it seemed to have been shot through with gold, if that was possible of a rock. The rusted red color was opaque, and the features of Zhongli’s hands faded into shadow underneath the mineral. Yet still it seemed almost delicate, the golden glow giving it a sense of fragility that undermined its general heaviness.
“This mineral, it is very strange. It reminds me of something I saw once, long ago, but the makeup is different. I cannot even be sure it is not a combination of various minerals. How very strange.”
“Do you think there’s something wrong?” You asked, surprised by the quiet intensity in Zhongli’s words.
“I doubt it very much. Thankfully I doubt that a single odd crystal could shake the foundations of Liyue. Still, it is very strange.” He rolled it over one more time before looking back into your eyes, stare deadly serious. “Do you mind if I keep this for a little while? I promise I shall return it, only there is one thing I wish to enquire after.”
“Of course you can! What’s mine is yours and besides, I don’t have any particular attachment to it. I found it on the ground somewhere.”
“Thank you my love.”
Zhongli leaned over to give you a soft kiss. You sighed happily, glad to be immersed in his proximity. Still a piece of you wondered at the look on his face, and the smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
The day passed quietly, with no interesting rock discoveries or sudden natural disasters in sight. You’d almost forgotten about the whole rock deal in fact, too busy with the sudden uptick in geovishaps on the plains of Liyue to think about much else. By the time you arrived home that evening your thoughts were filled with nothing other than some rest and time with the one you loved most.
“I’m home!” You announced loudly, taking your shoes off and hanging your pack in its usual spot.
“Welcome back my love.”
“Did you have a good day?” You called out, walking through the hall into the living room. Zhongli was sitting in his usual chair, back facing away from you. Walking over you leaned forward, kissing his cheek before going to face him.
The expression of quiet worry on Zhongli’s face quickly pulled you out of your reverie. Sitting down on his lap you pushed the hair out of his eyes, examining him for any fatigue.
“Is something wrong? Did Hu Tao give you a hard time?”
“Work was fine my love, do not worry. It is only the gemstone you gave to me, it… it is very strange.”
“Strange how?” You asked, a chill running down your spine.
“Only that it is quite unique, so unique in fact that I have never seen a mineral or crystal formation like it. As I said there was once a mineral similar in nature, but the means to that mineral was long ago destroyed, and the formation was different.”
“Was the other mineral dangerous?”
“Not intrinsically. Nor can I sense any intrinsic danger from this mineral. Still, I think you ought to keep it hidden for some time. Citizens would surely be curious, and until I can be sure that this symbolizes no threat to Liyue I would not speak of it.”
“Did you notify the Qixing?”
“I informed Ningguang about it today. I trust that she will come to a decision in regards to any monitoring by the Qixing. Still, there are a few things I wish to observe.” Glancing up at your face Zhongli softened a bit, smiling slightly. “Do not worry my love, I am sure there is nothing to fear.”
“I’m sure you’re right.” You replied. But the sense of mundane bliss that had coated you was now shattered, and you found threads of anxiety tugging at your brain, threatening to consume your thoughts and lead you down the path of worrying.
The young man was back that night, once more faraway and unapproachable. This time however his hand was stretched out, palm up, as if waiting for something.
“What do you want?” You called out. There was no reply.
Suddenly the side of your nightdress grew heavy. Reaching into your pocket you pulled out the gemstone, shining faintly in the dark.
“This? What is it?”
The young man smiled, eyes glinting.
“That is the truth?”
You blinked, eyes useless in the dark that still enveloped the world. What time was it? You lay on your back, listening to the soft sighs of your partner, the noise mixing with the soft sound of birds chirping; soon it would be daytime. You sighed, staring up at the ceiling. You’d been dreaming about something, what was it? It was somehow familiar, as if you’d dreamt it before, though surely it wasn’t a normal recurring dream, as you couldn’t seem to remember it. Still, it had made you uneasy, though you weren’t sure why.
Rolling over to face your partner you closed your eyes. No use thinking about it now. What you couldn’t remember you couldn’t remember. Besides, all you wanted to do was sleep.
The morning came far too soon, and with it the knowledge of a busy day that stretched out before you. Blinking away your fatigue you kissed Zhongli an absentminded goodbye before dragging yourself out the door. Collecting your commissions with equal sluggishness you ignored the stares from other Guild members, the quiet concern of Katheryne as she asked if you had slept alright.
Thankfully the day was gorgeous and the workload relatively light. Leaning against a rock, letting the grass of the Liyue plains tickle your hand you stared up at the blue sky. Absentmindedly you wondered again about the dream. What had it been about? Closing your eyes you tried to call it back. The lazy afternoon sun shined down upon you. Soon you found your thoughts melding together and before you knew it you slipped off into sleep.
There was a young man standing in front of you, eyes stony, smile superficial. You glanced around, confused by the black landscape in which you found yourself. This must be a dream. And yet it seemed so familiar that you were sure you’d dreamt this before.
“What do you want?” You called out. Something flickered in your memory. The gemstone, and the fact this young man had reached out for it.
“The truth.” The young man’s smile grew wider, somehow distorted and foreboding.
“What do you mean by the truth?”
“The truth that they wish to hide. The truth that only they can speak.”
“Who do you mean by that?” You felt panic rising as the dream weighed heavy on you. “What do you mean?”
But the young man said nothing. He merely smiled. Suddenly the black seemed to shatter like glass, falling onto your head and drowning you in pitch.
You lurched forward, breath harsh in your lungs. Standing up you glanced around wildly. That dream, what had that dream been? Searching your pockets you stopped, realizing that Zhongli had never given the crystal back. The memory of your dream, combined with the knowledge that the subject must’ve been the same as the one the previous night, left you stunned. More than shock however you felt panic, pure panic at what you’d just experienced. What did that young man mean? What did he want?
You picked up your equipment, not bothering to organize anything. Making your way down the slopes, the nearest waypoint over the crest of a rocky hill, you could think of only one thing. Zhongli, you had to tell Zhongli. Only he could tell you the answers, only he could stop this panic from consuming you. Looking up at the still blue sky you found yourself releasing a prayer into the wind. Please let everything be alright, please let nothing come crashing down.
The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was a surprisingly comfortable space, decorated to match the appearance of a tea room rather than a place where the dead were prepared for their final departure. Normally you appreciated this strangely homey atmosphere, so eagerly and carefully cultivated by Hu Tao. Today, however, you felt only urgency. Making your way down the familiar corridors you yanked the door to Zhongli’s office open, praying that he would be inside.
The sight of your love at work was always compelling. Though seriousness and concentration marked his features, the quiet passion for history and tradition could also be seen, softening his gaze and turning what might have been an unapproachable figure into one of surprising comfort. Glancing up at the sound of the door Zhongli smiled softly; a smile that quickly morphed into a frown as he took in your agitated state.
“My love, what is wrong?”
Zhongli stood up, making his way over to you. Dropping your equipment on the floor you launched yourself into his arms. Breathing in his comforting presence you felt your heartrate slow slightly, the shaking you hadn’t even been aware of subsiding.
“Are you alright?” Zhongli’s voice was soft and full of worry.
“I, I don’t know,” you took in a shaky breath, relaxing as Zhongli wrapped his arms around your waist, “I fell asleep while on a break and I dreamt something very, strange.”
Recounting the dream you watched as Zhongli’s eyes darkened. When you were done he pulled you into a tight hug. Carding his fingers through your hair you felt his arms tighten around you, a silent affirmation of his worry.
“I don’t know what to do,” you murmured into his shoulder, “I know it’s just a dream, but it seems so real, so frightening.”
“It will be alright my love. I promise, nothing ill will come to you, or to the people of Liyue.”
“I wonder what he meant,” you shivered slightly, “I wonder who he meant by ‘they’.”
You weren’t sure if you’d truly felt Zhongli freeze for a moment, so focused were you on the emotions that roiled inside your heart.
The young man seemed angrier than he had previously. Glaring at you from across the darkened landscape he shook his head in what seemed to be disgust.
“You didn’t confront him about it.”
“Confront who?” You asked, defensiveness mixing with the panic welling up once more inside of you.
“The hypocrite. The one who claims to love humans while crushing them under his heel.”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“You do! You’re simply a traitor. You betrayed me, you betrayed the rest of our family. You’ve cursed yourself.”
“I haven’t betrayed anyone!” You heard the pitch of your voice rising. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“You could’ve made us so happy. You could’ve continued our legacy. Instead your cursed us, instead you cursed yourself. You’re just like them, you’re just like the people who killed us!”
You jolted awake, gasping as you threw the coverlet off you, the heat oppressive and sticky against your sweat drenched skin. Sitting up you forced air into your lungs, breathing in and out, trying to match your rhythm with Zhongli’s, who slept quietly next to you. Gazing down at him you turned the words of your dream back over in your head. “You’re simply a traitor… You’ve cursed yourself.” The words were vague, but you felt a cold sensation creep over you, the unspoken sound of pieces fitting into place and fear clouding your mind.
The next day you could barely drag yourself out of bed, having spent the rest of the night sitting on the floor as thoughts raced through your head. Though you were sure Zhongli had asked you about your current state you couldn’t truly remember any conversation, and the trip to the Guild seemed longer than usual as you found yourself making wrong turns and bumping into various walls.
The commissions of the day certainly didn’t help. Ordered to chase a few Fatui members out of Liyue, or at least stop them from attacking every adventurer in the City, you felt your stomach dropped as you realized the location was that of where you’d found the fateful stone. Climbing over mountain ridges and dodging the occasional hilichurls camp you felt your limbs dragging underneath you. Though there couldn’t have been more than a few meters between you and the Fatui members it felt as if there were actually miles.
The situation only got worse when you finally scaled the last crest, pulling yourself up before two Hydro Legionnaires and an Anemo Vanguard. Summoning your claymore you felt as if your weapon had gotten heavier, and your steps were awkward and unsure as you charged the all too prepared Fatui members.
You swings sliced through the air as if it were made of gel, your steps stumbling and unsure. The Skirmishers dodged your strikes easily, laughing openly and jeering at you to make another dive towards them. You ignored their taunts, trying to focus on your breathing, on keeping your steps uniform and controlled. Still you knew that you were in over your head. You didn’t know what was going to happen, regretted that you hadn’t asked for help or simply requested a day off. Now however you were stuck, locked into a battle you knew you were going to lose.
Eventually the Anemo seemed to tired of your exhausted movements. Running up towards you, you felt your lungs burn as air rammed straight into your chest. Teetering on the edge of the mountain you felt yourself fall backwards. Seeing the sky above you, you let yourself scream. How could you have been so careless? How could you have failed so quickly? Closing your eyes you wished that you might faint. Whatever was at the bottom of this fall, it wasn’t going to be pretty.
However just as soon as your eyes closed you felt your fall broken. Snapping your eyes open you were met with the sight of Zhongli, face stony, eyes glowing preternaturally. Floating down softly he deposited you on a grass ridge of the mountain. Saying nothing he seemed to float upward into the air, aiming right towards where the Fatui were gathered. Sighing you closed your eyes once more, stilling the emotions that swirled inside you, the knowledge that you may have just escaped serious injury or worse. Slumping forward you felt tears at the edges of your eyes. You were tired. You were oh so tired.
“Are you hurt?” Zhongli’s voice was soothing, even in its urgency.
“I’m fine,” you opened your eyes to gaze up at your partner who crouched before you, “I’m just shaken.”
“I should have paid more attention to your physical state this morning,” Zhongli frowned, his smooth features contrasting the emotions that roiled in his eyes, “if I had not been here you may have died.”
“But you were here. Why?”
“This place, it was once a very important place of trade. I returned here to see if there were any lingering traces of that trade, those contracts. It is where I saw the ore that is mimicked in the mineral you found.”
“I see.” You paused, unsure if you wanted your next words released into the world. “Zhongli?”
“Yes my love?”
“The tyrant that boy in my dream mentioned, is that you?”
Zhongli was silent for some time, his deepening frown the only indication he had heard you. Finally he sighed. Sitting down next to you he gazed out onto the landscape, surveying it as he must’ve done all those years as Rex Lapis.
“The place that I mentioned, the origin of the ore from which yours takes its likeness, was a kingdom unlike the Seven which now dominate Teyvat. It was created only by humans, untouched by the hands of a god or higher being. It dabble in alchemy, created stones that could not be found anywhere else. And then, long ago, it was razed to the ground.”
“By who?”
“By the seven archons.” Zhongli’s features were still, his eyes giving away no tangible emotion, no sense of loss or satisfaction or hate.
“I see.”
“The people of the land scattered. Yet some would not forget the destruction of their kingdom. They banded together, creating the Abyss. They hold the old artifacts of their city dear, the prospect of revenge even more so. Their hatred of the Seven runs deep.”
“And the young man who is in my dreams is part of the Abyss?”
“It appears to be that way. Yet there is something about your descriptions, about the stone. The Abyss has never before been able to manipulate people’s dreams. There is something about that young man that is foreign even to them.”
“Yet he must believe in the Abyss very deeply.” You remarked.
Zhongli said nothing more, simply continuing to look out over the mountain. You wondered if he held any regrets for the place he destroyed, if he wondered what might come to pass should Liyue be subject to such a thing. Yet you couldn’t find it in you to chastise him. Somehow you knew, the wounds that he already carried would be little helped by your words.
“Thank you for telling me.” You leaned over to lay your hand over your partner. Finally breaking his stare Zhongli gazed at you, face still as ever, eyes tinged with an ancient melancholy.
“I hope I have not betrayed you, or the contract of our trust.”
“How could it be a betrayal if I never asked or knew about it?” You leaned over to press a soft kiss on Zhongli’s forehead. “I’m only glad you told me now.”
The ex-archon’s frame seemed to relax a little. Leaning over he cupped your cheek, brushing his lips softly against yours.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
“Thank you for telling me.”
“What will you do now?”
“I’m not sure. Hope that whoever he was, that young man has given up on me I guess.”
“I hope you do not feel as if you have betrayed someone.”
“How can I feel betrayal for someone that I don’t know or don’t remember?” You shook your head. “I don’t know what that person is looking for, or what he expects of me. I do know you however, and what I do know is that if loving you has made me a traitor of something, so be it.”
Zhongli’s smile was one that reached his eyes, enveloping you in a silent warmth. As the two of you leaned against one another, gazing out upon the landscape shadowed in the afternoon sun, you let yourself finally relax. Questions still sifted through your head, but you let them fall through your consciousness, like sand through your fingers. You didn’t know whether Zhongli felt regret for what he did, whether or not he felt justified in the destruction he participated in. What you did know however was that you loved him.
And for now that was enough.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Hello, there. I hope you're feeling better. I saw your post about wanting soft Eskel blurbs and I would love to read goat dad tending to a field of goats. Like tooth rotting, diabetes inducing fluff. The fluffiest of fluff.
A/N: I hope you like this babe!!
One of the goats bleated loudly, catching Eskel’s attention. He looked up from the fence he was working on to see Gus, one of the kids you’d taken in over the summer, standing a little ways away from the herd that lingered near the witcher. 
Usually Gus didn’t stray far from Gertie, a brown calf, and Gus’s best friend. Gertie served as Gus’s eyes since the baby goat was born blind. 
“Gus? What are you doing?”
Gus bleated loudly, panicked that he didn’t know where his friends were. 
Lil Bleater made herself known, trotting to Eskel’s side and butting her head against his knees. 
“That’s rude.” Eskel patted her head, then went to Gus. 
The kid bleated again just as the witcher was scooping him up. 
Eskel placed Gus down by Gertie, then returned to the fence post he was fixing. Before he went back to work, he looked around to do a quick headcount of all the animals. There were three baby goats, Gus, Bastion, and Junior; one adult goat, Lil Bleater; two stallions, Ghost and Scorpion; Willow, a donkey; and Gertie, a calf. 
He smiled a little, content that no one had wandered off. 
Willow suddenly brayed, her ears pressing flat against her head. She was warning Eskel- and anyone else within hearing range -that someone was approaching the house. 
Eskel could hear it too, the sound of hooves on dirt. He almost panicked. There was more than one horse, more than one rider. No one ever came down the dirt road that led to your home. It was a deadend. There was no reason for strangers to stray that way. But then the witcher heard a familiar voice. It was his brother, Lambert, and Geralt was with him. 
Eskel began to move down the hill towards the house. The fence prevented Willow from charging the two intruders. She brayed as loud as she could until Eskel patted her flank. 
“Easy, girl.”
Her ears remained down against her head but she no longer brayed. 
Eskel watched as the two witchers came to a stop just a few feet away in front of the fence. 
“Look at you.” Lambert grinned. “The first ever retired witcher became a farmer.”
“I’m not retired.”
“Not yet.” Geralt got down from Roach first. 
Eskel easily scaled the fence and jumped down on the other side. It was easier than going to the gate and trying to squeeze out without letting one of the kids out. 
“Good to see you, brother.” The White Wolf tightly hugged Eskel, clapping him on the back.
“How did you find me?” Eskel asked as he pulled away from Geralt and moved on to Lambert. 
“Someone saw us in town. Asked if we were looking for another witcher.” Lambert explained. “Thought we’d swing by and give you some hell for retiring.”
Eskel smiled a little, happy to see that his little brother hadn’t changed in the years since they last saw each other. 
“Is that Lil Bleater?” Lambert asked, pointing at the old goat and moving towards the fence. He leaned over it, reaching down to pet Lil Bleater’s head. 
“Sure is.”
As Lambert was petting Lil Bleater, one of the kids, Junior, bleated and tried to headbutt Lambert’s hand. When that didn’t get the witcher’s attention, Junior resorted to biting at Lambert’s fingers. 
“Ouch! You little shit!”
“Lambert, meet Lambert Junior.” Eskel grinned, leaning against the fence. “We call him Junior.”
“Little bastard.” Lambert muttered, scowling at the kid as he bleated again. 
“We?” Geralt repeated, crooking one brow. 
Eskel brought his eyes to the witcher, nodding just a little. A faint smile came to his lips. 
“I’ve got someone I want you to meet. Both of you. Follow me.”
The three witchers walked across the large green yard that separated the field from the quaint little stone cottage that rested in the edge of the woods. 
“Take your boots off before you walk too far in.” Eskel told them as he pushed the door open. 
“Take our boots off?” Lambert repeated, scrunching his nose up. “I don’t take my boots off for anyone.”
“Take your boots off, or you’ll be the one cleaning the floor.” There was a teasing tone to Eskel’s threat. 
Lambert muttered a few curse words under his breath but did as told. 
“How’d you come across this place?” Geralt asked, looking around the small room curiously.
“There was a cockatrice problem. Three of them took to the town. Managed to take them down, but got a few new scars from them.” Eskel pulled his shirt up to reveal his side. Cutting across his side from his hip to his ribs was a thick, jagged scar. It was much paler than his sun kissed skin. He started to lead the way down a narrow hallway. “Heard the healer in town was exceptional.”
“Eskel? Who is it you’re talking….” You trailed off as Eskel came around the corner with the two men behind him. You stopped in your tracks, lips parting as you took in the sight of the two intimidating men. The dark haired one was lean, but still tall and muscular. The white haired one seemed to be built very similar to Eskel. Broad shoulders, thick muscles. 
“Y/N, these are my brothers.” Eskel gestured to each witcher as he introduced them. “Geralt and Lambert.”
A fond smile came to your lips. You put the rag in your hands down and moved towards them. 
“It’s so lovely to finally meet you gentlemen!” You didn’t shy away from hugging both men. 
Lambert’s eyes widened and he looked to Eskel for help as you wrapped your arms around him. 
“Y/N saved my life two years ago.” Eskel leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “Had to stay here for a couple weeks to get better. By then, I didn’t want to leave.”
“You make it sound like I kidnapped you.” You pulled away from Geralt and then moved towards your witcher. You put your hand on his arm, smiling happily. 
“What are you making?” Eskel looked over to the pot hanging over the fire. It smelled like something was burning. 
You cursed and moved over to the pot, stirring the soup. 
“Will you boys be staying for dinner?” You looked back at the two witchers. 
Geralt and Lambert shared a little look, then looked to Eskel. Lambert crossed his arms, shifting in his spot. Eskel nodded once to Geralt’s silent question, telling him you were trustworthy. 
“We’d love to stay.” Geralt answered, bumping his shoulder against Lambert’s. “Wouldn’t we, Lambert?” 
“I’m always down for free food.” 
After dinner, the sun had gone down and you insisted Geralt and Lambert stay for the night. 
Eskel took his brothers outside to round up the animals and put their horses in the barn with yours and Eskel’s.
You worked on cleaning the kitchen, humming softly and moving around.
“Doll, I told you I’d help you clean when I came back.” Eskel spoke as he walked into the kitchen.
“I can get it.” You assured him. “Where are they?”
“Still outside. They’re discussing plans for tomorrow.” Eskel moved around behind you. You turned your head to watch himm, a smile coming to your lips. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you back into his body. “Junior has taken quite a liking to Lambert.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Keeps trying to eat his boots.”
You laughed, leaning back into Eskel. 
He nuzzled his nose into your neck, eyes closing as he let out a soft breath. 
“Thank you.” He murmured against your skin, tickling you just a little. 
“For what?”
“For being so…. welcoming to them.”
You turned around in his arms, hands brushing up along his forearms. 
“They’re your brothers, Eskel. I’d treat them no different than how you treat my sister.”
“But it’s…. It’s different with us.” He spoke quietly, eyes flickering down.
You brought your hand to his jaw, fingertips brushing along the side of his face. You pushed a few stray pieces of hair behind his ear.
“I know it is.” You gently said. “And I’m so sorry it is.”
He pulled your hand from his face and pressed a kiss to your palm. 
“I love you.”
“I know.” You smiled. “I love you.”
He leaned in to kiss you but just before your lips could touch, he was pulling away and cursing under his breath.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, brows drawing together as you watched him move towards the front door. 
“Willow is chasing Lambert.”
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox@wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration@shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa@disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys@wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343@permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife@reaganjenelle@theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher@badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an–actual–human–disaster@rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles@awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @she-wolfoftheinquisition @titaniafire
125 notes · View notes
hermannsthumb · 4 years
Hello!! If you're not too busy and are so inclined, could you do 24, 27, 37 for the fall prompts? For Newt and Hermann o b v i o u s l y. Thank u so so much!! Keep up the great work xoxo
24. Warm Sweaters + 37. Cold
from autumn fic prompts here
im cheating a LITTLE and not filling the “27. corn maze” part because I wrote it last year and im def not inspired enough to do another HAHA. and also...because I want to work towards finishing my @theloccent bingo card belatedly with Spooning and Huddling for Warmth. SORRY I TOOK SO LONG, ive had a weird summer and i just moved/started grad school last week, it hasn't been very conducive for writing. set ambiguously before they're transferred to the HK shatterdome
“I must say, Newton,” Hermann says, “I believe I sorely underestimated your abilities.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Newt says, gloomily.
“You went above and beyond what I expected.”
“I get it,” Newt says.
“It takes a true sort of talent to screw things up as much as you have.”
“I get it,” Newt says.
Hermann is not smirking--he’s too angry right now for that--but he does have a somewhat unpleasant curl to his mouth that’s making Newt boil hot with embarrassment all the same. Sort of a sneer, maybe. “I get it,” Newt says for the third time. “I’m a fuck-up, I’m a walking disaster, I--” He kicks the front of the rental car hard with the end of his boot, relishing in the dull thud that echoes from it, and less in the dull pain. “--can’t even figure out how to patch a fucking tire.”
“Or drive,” Hermann offers, helpfully. “You can’t drive, either.”
“Neither can you, Mr. Speed Demon,” Newt shoots back, but he knows it falls flat. After all--when their connecting flight got cancelled, Hermann wasn't the one who insisted they leave the relative safety of the airport to peel out into a snowstorm in search of a hotel. Hermann wasn’t the one who insisted on driving the rental. Hermann isn’t the one who got them lost down some shitty little road in the middle of nowhere, with snow piling up all around them, and he definitely isn’t the one who got distracted behind the wheel trying to adjust the radio and didn't see a patch of ice in time and sent the car--well. The point is, they’re down two tires, probably an engine, most definitely their only mode of transportation, and sure as hell aren’t near any hotel.
Around them is snow as far as the eye can see. When they get home (and that’s if they ever make it back to the airport), Newt is requesting a transfer to the LA Shatterdome ASAP. “Well, Newton?” Hermann says. He’s bundled up in his stupid parka and more scarves than Newt even owns. Newt can barely see his face. “What’s your next brilliant plan? Build an igloo?”
Not a bad idea, at this rate; the snow is no joke. “I’m thinking,” Newt grumbles. His breath puffs out white in front of him. “Tow truck,” he says. “We need a tow truck.”
“Astute,” Hermann says.
Newt ignores him and pulls his cell phone from his pocket. No bars. Right, of course, middle of fucking nowhere. “Do you have any reception?” Newt sighs.
“I didn’t bring my mobile,” Hermann says.
Newt’s eyes snap up to fix on him incredulously. “You didn’t bring--?! What the hell, man?”
“I had no need for it on the trip,” Hermann says. “We’re meant to be at a conference. I didn't think we’d get lost.” He doesn’t even have the audacity to look ashamed. Newt debates hurling his cell phone into the snow bank in frustration, but decides against it, because it did kind of cost a lot.
“Unbelievable,” he says instead. “Fucking unbelievable. Fine. Let’s go find--”
“You’re not saying we ought to walk somewhere?” Hermann interrupts.
“What other options do we have?” Newt says. “Freeze to death? There’s gotta be at least a gas station or something nearby--I could find someone to tow the car, while you--” He looks Hermann up and down, from his oversized Oxfords to his twenty scarves to his pathetic red cheeks. Hermann’s leg gets stiff as hell in the cold; there’s no way he’d be able to make any kind of distance right now, and who knows how long they’d be walking. There’s also no way Newt’s leaving him behind. “Come on,” he finally sighs, and touches Hermann’s elbow tentatively. “Let’s just get back in the car. It’s warmer in there.”
Maybe he’ll go off by himself once the snow stops. Or maybe, if they’re lucky, someone will stop by and offer them a ride before that. “Only barely,” Hermann says with a scowl, but he obliges.
Newt doesn’t get back in the car right away, though. Instead, he pops the trunk, pulls out their duffel bags, and begins feeling around the backseat. They’ve only had the rental for a few hours, and Newt isn’t exactly the most skilled around cars, but he thinks... “What are you doing back there?” Hermann says.
“One sec,” Newt says, and when he tugs a little lever off to the side, the seats fold down. Another tug, and they fold back into the trunk, leaving the back half of the car entirely flat. “Oh, awesome!”
Newt ignores Hermann and begins digging around in their duffel bags. He has nothing but a few spare sweatshirts and boxers in his own; Hermann’s proves far more promising. “Score,” Newt whistles, and pulls out two--three--four ugly sweaters. “Holy shit, dude, we were only supposed to be there for a night. Why’d you pack so much?”
“I like to be prepared,” Hermann says. “Which you clearly know nothing about. Hang on--” He cranes his neck around his seat headrest to frown at Newt. “Why are you--?”
“You’re a regular Boy Scout,” Newt interrupts. He climbs into the back of the car, kicks his boots a few times against the back fender to knock off all the snow, and shuts the trunk behind him. “Come on,” he says, unlacing his boots, “get back here already. I’m cold.”
Hermann stares at him.
Newt shucks off his leather jacket and pulls one of Hermann’s sweater over his head instead. It’s insane how much of a difference it makes--maybe Hermann has been on something all these years when he tells Newt he needs proper winter wear or whatever the fuck. He pulls on a second one for good measure, pleasantly surprised to find he can still move his arms, and then pulls on a second pair of his socks over his first. “C’mon, Hermann,” he says. “Time to share some body heat, dude.”
Hermann grumbles, and he shakes his head, and he tucks the hood of his parka down over his face (like being unable to see Newt means Newt will just magically forget he’s there), and then--finally--he turns back to face Newt again. “This is ridiculous,” he declares. “We must have other options.”
Newt lays down and stretches out on his side, blinking up at Hermann coyly. “You’re making it weird for no reason,” he says. “It doesn’t have to be weird, you know.” It can be perfectly natural--two dudes, who sometimes fight, and sometimes do things a little more amorous than fight, sharing body heat. That's all. “It’s just biology. Cats do it, penguins do it--”
“No,” Hermann says.
He comes to the backseat anyway. Newt likes to think it’s because he’s too irresistible.
“I call being big spoon,” Newt says happily, and he tucks himself around Hermann’s bony--and, at the moment, puffy--back before Hermann can protest. One leg, he nudges between Hermann’s, making sure not to put any weight where he shouldn’t; he settles the arm wrapped around Hermann at his waist, splaying his hand somewhere around Hermann’s upper abdomen. “There. Isn’t that nice?”
“Hmph,” Hermann says.
Outside, the storm rages on around them, snow piling up on the windows and frosting them over where it hasn’t landed yet. The last dregs of the heat in the car die out. Newt tucks himself a little closer to Hermann, inhaling his shampoo, the slight damp scent his fuzzy parka hood always has. Hasn’t the guy ever heard of dry-cleaning? “Feeling cozy?” Newt mumbles.
“You’re shivering,” Hermann tells him.
“Am I?” Newt says.
He is. Huh. Hermann turns over with a grunt, then unzips his parka and tucks Newt into it in one fluid motion. Newt winds his arms around Hermann instinctively. “There we are,” Hermann murmurs. “Let’s get you warm.”
The zipper goes back up with some difficulty, pressing Newt so tight against Hermann’s chest he can barely move. Hermann’s chin bumps his forehead. Newt looks up to find his wide mouth parted slightly. “I think I want to kiss you,” Newt says, surprising himself.
“Hm?” Hermann says.
“I want to kiss you,” Newt repeats a little louder, and that gets a reaction--Hermann’s eyebrows leap to his sweaty bangs, and his whole body stiffens. “Listen--listen. Uh. The best way to share body heat--you know--it’s stuff like that. Kissing, and--”
“I am not having sex with you in the back of a bloody rental car,” Hermann half-shouts. 
Newt wriggles around a little until he can steal an uncoordinated kiss from Hermann, landing it somewhere to the left of his mouth. He has better aim with his next one. “I won’t tell anyone if you don't,” he promises.
“We are not,” Hermann says, but the next kiss, he instigates himself.
They’re rescued half an hour later when a local knocks on the window and asks if they need a lift; the bed and breakfast Newt was so sure he was leading them to, as it turns out, is only a five minute walk away, hidden from view by some trees and the snow. “At least we had some fun bonding time,” Newt tells Hermann sheepishly in the lobby.
Hermann scowls, but to Newt’s delight, requests a single queen for them both.
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Toru Oikawa x F!Reader
Song ~ Wedding Dress by Levi Hummon
Warning - Swearing maybe? I can’t remember \(≧▽≦)/
Fluff SFW
Word Count ~ 2.6k
Part 1 <you are here>| Part 2 | Part 3
Posted 09/07/20
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July 16th, 2018. That was the day that Toru Oikawa stood proudly next to his best friend Hajime Iwaizumi as his best man. 
"What if she's changed her mind and ran away? That she thinks marrying me is a huge mistake." Oikawa rolled his eyes at his best friend, in all the years he had known him he has never seen his best friend this anxious, not even in a volleyball game against a powerhouse school back in high school if anything, it was Iwa trying to calm Oikawa. The poor lad was all jittery. 
"I wouldn't worry so much, you know Y/n is there with Emiko, and we both know how much she loves you. Y/n will get her here on time, and the second you see her in that stunning white dress, you will cry." Oikawa stepped forward, smoothing out the white shirt before straightening out his mint blue tie and peach coloured rose corsage. 
"Remember if it weren't for you and Emiko, I would not have met Y/n and fallen for her. Y/n will not let anything happen to Emiko; no a hair will be out of a place or an eyelash on her cheek, we owe the pair of you too much for matching us up so your wedding today will be flawless." Oikawa gave his confident smile and patted his best friend on his shoulder, Iwaizumi slipped his hand in his mint blue slacks as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. 
Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Oikawa spotted that it was only a couple of minutes to one, the ceremony would begin shortly. He spotted the text on his screen from Y/n - on our way see you soon (♡ω♡)
He smiled at the message before; sending back his own kaomoji o(>ω<)o, the pair were obsessed with sending kaomojis back and forth.
Locking his screen again before smiling at the photo, it was one of his favourites taking by Emiko herself. It was taken back last year when the four of them went to the beach to celebrate their engagement. Oikawa was giving Y/n a piggyback, his hands under her thighs, they were both in their swimwear, soak from swimming in the sea. Y/n had one arm wrapped around his shoulder with the other outstretched in from of them as she threw up the peace sign. Her h/c thrown up in a messy beach swept ponytail, her chin resting on his shoulder with a broad playful closed-eyed smile spread across her lips, Oikawa could see his matching grin spread across his face as his head was leant against hers. 
He loved that photo. She was showing off her natural beauty. No makeup or hair done up just right, with the tiny scar above her right eyebrow, he couldn't see it in the photo, but he knew it was there, he knew it was from a childhood accident of that one time she fell out of a tree when she was playing with her brothers. He knew all the scars, and where they were, his fingers had traced them all, knowing all the different childhood stories behind, ranging from messing around with her brothers to the one of her breaking her arm and the bone sticking out when she fell rock climbing. 
"Oi Shittykawa." Iwaizumi hissed bring the love-struck boy out of his memories and back into the church. "She's seriously got you wrapped that tightly around her fingers, huh." He stated as he hit the old Seijoh captain around the back of the head. 
"Ow! Iwa-chan that hurts!" Oikawa grumbled as he slipped his phone back into the pocket of his mint blue slacks, before rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head, but he was glad that Iwaizumi wasn't quite as nervous as before, "You're being vulgar again." 
From behind him, he could hear Matsukawa and Hanamaki stifling there laughs at the pair, he sent a glare over his shoulder to the two groomsmen, who were wearing white shirts with peach coloured slacks with matching ties and corsages. 
Before either of them could comment, the music began to play, the guest stood. All turned towards the door, Oikawa could not help but smile as he watched Takeru walk down the aisle as the ring bearer in his outfit matching the two groomsmen. Next to him was (niece's name) dressed in a tea-length peach coloured ball gown dress. It was so cute to watch them walk along together, (niece's name) throwing little flower petals as she walked, Takeru proudly carrying the wooden box with the glass window in the lid showing the rings sat on the velvet mint coloured pillow. Next, to walk along was Emiko other two bridesmaids, wearing peach coloured a-line asymmetrical chiffon dresses with a sweetheart's neck. Their hair was curled, and a half was styled back, each holding a small bouquet of peach roses in their hands. Oikawa knew who was next, it was his beloved, he knew she would be wearing mint blue to match him, but he had no clue what dress she would be wearing. 
Emiko and Iwaizumi, well mostly Emiko, had decided they wanted a peach and mint summer wedding, the groomsmen and bridesmaids would be in peach while the maid of honour and the best man along with the bride and groom would be in mint. Well, Emiko would be in white, but she would have accents of mint to her hair and in her bouquet.
When Y/n stepped through the door, Oikawa could do nothing but stare. She looked stunning in her floor-length a-line dress. He loved the sweetheart neckline and the way the sleeves were off the shoulder. He loved the way the chiffon fell and made it look like she was gliding along the floor, the peach coloured roses of her bouquet stood out against the mint blue of her dress. Her hair was tied back into an intricate bun, and she donned a light layer of makeup that brought out her sparkling crystal-like e/c eyes.
Their eyes locked with one another's and she gave him a gentle smile, she took her place on the bride's side of the aisle, giving him a wink before Y/n looked down the aisle with a proud look. Oikawa's eye's flickered to the doorway where Emiko was stood in her pure white lace ballgown dress, with a v-neck neckline. Her hair was in an even more intricate way with braids and curls going into a bun, with mint blue gems weaved into her hair before they flickered to Iwaizumi. Oikawa could see the tears welling Iwaizumi's eyes as he saw the love of his life stood there with her father ready to walk down and to give her to him for the rest of lives together. 
The ceremony was beautiful. Oikawa's eyes would continuously flicker to where Y/n was stood and back to the bride wonder what she would look like in a wedding dress. He wanted to see that; he knew he was going to marry her one day. Still, the pair had agreed to take it slow, they didn't want to rush a thing, and with Oikawa being a professional Volleyball player for Argentina it was hard enough for him to have this time off for the wedding. 
The wedding breakfast was great, filled with great food, booze and of course the speeches, Oikawa teasing the newlyweds but also congratulating and thanking them both for setting him up with Y/n. 
He would quite often see Y/n tear up at the speeches and when Iwaizumi and Emiko did there thank you speech and handed out the presents to their parents and the wedding party. Emiko was especially thankful for Y/n, "Honestly Y/n if it wasn't for you I think this wedding would have been a disaster, you kept me grounded through all of this, if I were having a meltdown you would be on a flight from Argentina to me that night, I don't know how many times you did that-"
"She did it thirteen times we had a travel case sat by the front door of our flat ready~" Oikawa interjected with a smirk winking at Niko.
"Don't worry I spent his money on the flights~" Y/n smiled as she leaned into Oikawa's side planting a kiss on his cheek as he fake gasped at the fact she stated. The room laughed at the couple. 
"Toru you a professional volleyball player, get over it! Anyway, if it weren't for you Y/n I would have probably thrown in the towel and cancelled everything on many of occasion, so I must also thank you Toru for letting your girlfriend come and help me at the drop of a hat and fly back here to Japan. Honestly, if it weren't for you two, this wedding wouldn't have been a disaster." Emiko grinned, raising her champagne glass "To Y/n and Toru!" 
"To Y/n and Toru!" The room chorused after her, the toasted pair stood there with there arms wrapped around each other, and there own champagne glasses in hand, Y/n rested her head against his chest as Oikawa planted a kiss on the top of her head as he whispered: "I love you, baby girl."
The first dance was beautiful, just Iwaizumi and Emiko slow dancing across the dance floor to I'll Be by Edwin McCain now and again Iwaizumi would twirl her around. They were whispering to each other. Both grinning, ever now and again kissing, either on the cheek or lips or in Iwaizumi's case her forehead too. Once again, Y/n was cuddled into Oikawa's side, holding her newly filled champagne glass to her chest as she smiled the tears welling up again.
Oikawa was happily chatting away to his old Seijoh teammates. He wasn't sure where Y/n was she said something about catching up with her old high school friends. His ears pricked up at the sound of the music, Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison was playing. Knowing how much Y/n loved this song from the movie Pretty Women, his eye's drifted to the dance floor, where he instantly found the bridal party and their high school friends dancing together singing along. Y/n and Emiko were doing some kind of ballroom dancing, their hands linked together spinning around and laughing, he loved this side of her, she was just having fun and letting loose not caring what people thought of her and her dancing. The next song to come one was Love is Strange by Mickley and Sylvia. Oikawa sighed he knew the DJ was playing the song from Dirty Dancing and he knew them all seeing as Y/n loved that movie as well. Their eyes lock at a certain point, and they both smirked.
'Sylvia~' Oikawa lip-synced to the song. 
'Yes, Mickey?' Y/n hip swayed to the song as she slowly, swaying her hips as she moved closer to him.
'How ya call your loverboy?' He was leaning against the pillar, knowing that his old teammates and her friends were watching
'Come here, loverboy!' using her head to signal from him to come to her. 
'And if he doesn't answer?' He smirked grew 
'Oh, lover boy?' giving him big doe eyes, her hands linked behind her back trying to look innocent, still quite a bit away from him
'And if he still doesn't answer?' He pushed himself off the pillar
'I smiply say, baaaaby' She couldn't help but giggle at him when he did the air guitar to the song.
'Ooooohhhh, baaaaabbyyy' Now stood toe to toe both laughing at Oikawa as he continued to do the air guitar. 
'My sweet baabbyy, you're the one' Planting a kiss on his lips before returning to the girls on the dance floor. 
"Damn you are whipped, aren't ya!" Yahaba laughed patting his shoulder, he just shrugged, he knew he was and he did not care, he loved her wholeheartedly. He continued to watch her on the dance floor once again thinking back to how he wanted to see her in a wedding dress, maybe it was the champagne going to his head, but he wonders if he just went up to her right now and went down on one knee, would she say yes? 
Y/n continued to dance with Emiko before they disappeared out the door so Emiko could change into her evening dress, something a little lighter and more comfortable to wear. 
Later into the evening, Oikawa's eyes locked onto Iwaizumi walking up to the DJ, he didn't miss the smirk that Iwaizumi sent his way. Not long after Iwaizuki walked away, a song began to play that Oikawa instantly recognised. It was his and Y/n song, I Was Made For Loving you by Tori Kelly began to play, he's eyes darted around the room looking for his beloved, he felt a hand on his arm. He grinned, taking her hand in his placing a kiss on her knuckles. 
"Come dance with me," She asked, placing his drink down on the table next to them. He smiled as and followed after her to the dance floor, her left arm wrapped around his right shoulder, and his left arm was gently wrapped around her waist and their free hands conjoined, Oikawa held them to his chest, her head placed gently against his chest as well. They both had gentle smiles on their face as they slow danced on the floor. They didn't see the looks on Emiko, and Iwaizumi faces as they watched the pair, it was just them on the dance floor. 
"We did a good match with those two." Emiko smiled her head resting on Iwaizumi's shoulder. 
"That we did, I think when you throw the bouquet, aim it at Y/n." Iwaizumi commented.
"I already had that planned." The newly wedded couple smirked at each other. 
It was nearly midnight when the after-party started to wrap up, the couple were heading off on their honeymoon, but first, it was time to throw the bouquet. As Emiko said she was going to aim for her best friend, she wanted to see her married to Oikawa; she wanted their children to grow up together and be best friends, even if they would be in different countries. 
Turning her back to the group of girls, Emiko looked over her shoulder, winking at Y/n before she threw the bouquet over her head.
Oikawa was praying that she would catch it, he wanted to propose to her all night, he already planned to buy a ring when they get back to Argentina.
The peach coloured rose flew through the air and landed perfectly into Y/n outstretched hands. Y/n eyes met Oikawa's as he gave her a look that said well we're going to have to now, the blush flushed Y/n cheeks, as she made her way back towards him, cradling the bouquet in her arms.
Iwaizumi and Emiko smirked to one another, knowing they had worked there magic once again, they knew it wouldn't be long till Oikawa would propose now, knowing he wanted to all day anyway, they could tell by the way he looked at her. 
"I'll gladly be your matron of honour," Emiko said nudging Y/n arm as they joined the blushing couple. 
"Give me a shout when you need a best man." Iwaizumi lightly punched Oikawa shoulder as he smirked. "I've already got bits of the speech planned." Catching the scared look that crossed Oikawa's cause the other three to laugh.
"So, if I asked you, would you say yes?" Oikawa asked as his arms snaked around her waist once again. 
After that, there were lots of goodbyes, and even more congratulations as Emiko and Iwaizumi left on their Italian road trip honeymoon. 
"Blue topaz~" Was all Y/n said as he placed a butterfly kiss against his cheek, waving after the car as it drove away.
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Part 1 <you are here>| Part 2 | Part 3
©️ All content  belongs to lilmissbeanie, do not copy, edit, repost or translate. 
Haikyuu Masterlist
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I'm still completely stunned over the verdict. I honestly did not expect that.
I don't feel like I thought I would? I wanted him to see accountability for his part and it happened.
I still feel betrayed and used. I'm mad at myself for giving him the benefit of the doubt all those years even though red flags kept going up. For supporting him enthusiastically during his solo year and thinking he'd turned himself around. I admit, I turned a blind eye, even when I saw video and read actual testimony of how he treated fans who'd won a contest and got to meet him at his m/v shoot.
"Oh, he was tired. Oh, that's just narcissist Seungri flaring up under pressure. Don't worry about it. He'll do better tomorrow."
I still find it chilling now how the members ramped up their warnings and pleas to him, couched in jokes in public, during the run up to him being alone and responsible for carrying the BigBang banner.
I honestly think "Papa YG" had a really harmful influence on him. I mean, the whole kpop industry is a pressure cooker anyway, but he treated his non favorite artists terribly. Look what he did to 2ne1. He was misogynistic and cruel and threw them under the bus whenever they needed the company's support most.
That scene fans uwu over of him finally giving Seungri a birthday acknowledgement while Seungri is sobbing and apologizing always made me nauseous, personally. He treated him like dirt for years, took him under his wing for awhile while GD was gone and his album was getting noticed, then dumped him again because BlackPink was doing phenomenal.
We saw how he treated iKon, how the company abandoned B.I. even though they were the ones who let the kind of environment they shouldn't have flourish on the down low at their own company. Way to pass the buck and deflect your own wrongdoings, YG.
I personally think he's one who should be doing jail time.
That was a bad set of circumstances for someone with Seungri's personality to grow up and work in. It doesn't excuse him by any means but I think it explains a lot.
It's a shame someone was made to feel they had no talent because they weren't as shiny as the wunderkind that was Jiyong or as surprisingly successful as T.O.P. became and spent their whole career trying to get the boss's recognition.
He has talent. The Great Seungri is a good album. He definitely did not deserve to be abandoned on his tour and promotions, business wise.
I think he acted out and tried to prove himself in some obviously harmful ways. Coupled with the rampant misogyny in the culture and the industry where women are either dismissed or objectified, it had all the ingredients for disaster. (Not that he didn't already have those behaviors but having it condoned and excused by his peers and having the clout and wealth to get it covered up by a corrupt justice system as he saw the people he wanted to emulate do...well...that's a dumpster fire of Bad just waiting to happen. He got involved in dealings he should never have gone near and it got worse. He just got better at hiding it.)
I honestly liked his voice. Strong Baby was honestly my favorite solo BB song. He performed it beautifully and knocked it out of the park during the MADE tour. I loved VVIP and it's m/v. He never got enough credit for what he DID do right.
And it's not just Korea, take a look at the Weinstein sexual abuse culture in Hollywood that flourished for years. Look at uber rich billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile ring with other rich and famous men. Seriously, if you want to be thoroughly horrified watch the documentary about him on NetFlix. It will make you physically ill to see what he did and how long he got away with it because of money, power, and an army of lawyers, some who were also involved and also still lying about their involvement. Ex-Cheeto-Prez was one of his besties. It's a seething 💩-show.
The powerful, rich, and famous, mostly men, should not keep getting passes on their criminal behavior. Nor should corrupt government.
This was longer than I meant it to be but I needed to vent. There was never going to be any good outcome and happily ever after for everyone.
Mostly I am experiencing every bit of the confused feelings as I had when all this was first brought to light. And yeah, I'm shocked as hell he got a prison sentence and arrested as a flight risk. I was convinced he'd skate.
I never thought any of the ones still outside the initial net would be brought to account. My wish is that they prosecute some of the ones higher up the privileged, elitist, and monied ladder than Seungri and his circle of friends.
Lastly, a disclaimer to say I'm not setting my feelings on this matter down as the absolute gospel truth of everything. It's merely my take on what my view was/is.
I hope the remaining 4 get thru this with minimal shots and criticism aimed at them. l hope to see them come back and not have their legacy tarnished. They don't deserve that.
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Day 14- Eggnog
Various locations, London
 The staff Christmas party was in just a few days. It was the one night of the year where the entire staff was off and of course, required to be in attendance. There would be plenty of booze and food to be had, along with gifts and holiday cheer. 
 The house was a buzz of energy and excitement. In the kitchen, three women spoke of a shopping trip in the upcoming week for new holiday dresses in hopes of tempting their crushes. 
 “I think it’s a great idea, Liz, really,” Crowley said with a grin. Spending their entire Christmas bonus on a new dress guaranteed to never be worn again? It could easily be written as a temptation in his book and get Dagon off his ass for a few days. A true Christmas miracle. 
 Liz raised an eyebrow at him, “What about you Coraline? Hm? Plan on dressing up for a certain gardener?” she teased. 
  He blushed, unable to control the heat that crept up the back of his neck and cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered, looking down at his feet and certainly not towards the two maids who were now grinning cheekily at him.
“Coraline!” laughed Sarah, “You know he’s sweet on you!”
 “Exactly, oh!” exclaimed Liz, “You should get something that shows a bit of skin! Honey, show a man some cleavage and tell ‘em whose boss and you’ve got him!”
 Crowley had turned red from the tip of his nose to the top of his chest, this was not behavior becoming of a demon such as himself. He wondered how his simple temptation had suddenly been turned around on him, “Girls, he’s not interested in me like that.” He'd know, it wasn't like he hadn't been trying to get Aziraphale to notice him in that way for the last six thousand years. 
 Sarah snorted as Liz rolled her eyes.
 “Please! Honey, you don’t bring someone bouquets and plant their favorite flowers if you aren’t interested in them. He’s probably just shy!”
 Sarah nodded, “you don’t see the way he watches you when you walk away.”
 He tapped the side of his wine glass, a bottle they’d procured from the wine stores below the kitchen. Then, he sighed, “alright, tomorrow morning I’m off and so are the two of you.”
 “Yes!” said Liz, turning to high five Sarah, already making plans for a girls day out. 
   The next morning dawned bright and early, he’d hardly slept at all, especially once a certain three-year-old had found his way into his Nanny’s bed and was currently somehow taking up the entire mattress despite his size.
 He carefully lifted the child and returned him to his bed, then began to dress.
 His casual clothes as  Coraline Ashtoreth  were less constricting, softer and more flattering. He dressed carefully, pulling on a comfortable blouse, blazer, and jeans. He did his makeup as usual before deciding to allow his hair to hang in loose curls around his face.
 He was nervous, he knew clothing and he knew temptations; however, he’d never known the angel to be easily swayed and could only imagine what Aziraphale would do if he thought he was being tempted into something.
 The truth was, even if Aziraphale did for some reason decide to kiss him, hold him, do all the things Crowley so desperately wanted; nothing would come of it. Nothing good could come of it, no matter how much he wished it. 
 Aziraphale was his friend and the time for anything more developing between them was over and had been for a very long time. The moment he fell, Aziraphale put him out of mind. Which was fine. Yes, it hurt but he’d had time to come to terms with the fact Aziraphale didn’t want him in that way. He could love the angel and that would be enough.
 Crowley just hoped the night didn’t end in disaster.
   “Come out, Cor!” said Liz from outside the dressing room. They’d ended up in Knightsbridge after a brunch he’d paid for at a restaurant well above their paygrade. He liked them well enough and didn’t mind using a minor demonic miracle so they wouldn’t question how the Nanny could afford to eat at the  Mayfair .
 They’d been trying on dresses for the last two hours, Liz and Sarah had already purchased their own; and if by some chance both dresses rang up significantly less than on the tag, it was just a nice surprise that he certainly had nothing to do with.
 The dress was floor length with a deep plunging v-neckline. The slinky black material was adorned with silver sequined Celtic knots that accentuated his curves beautifully. Looking at himself in the mirror, he gulped.
 He opened the door to the dressing room and slowly stepped out, feeling much more self-conscious about himself that he had in the past.
 Sarah elbowed Liz and her mouth fell open, “Oh honey, you have to get it! Francis won’t know what hit ‘em!”
 He was starting to flush again, an excited flutter in his abdomen churning, “alright.”
   The day of the party, Crowley, Liz, and Sarah met for lunch followed by a brief spa day. Nails were manicured and hair perfectly coifed.
 They’d returned to Liz’s flat to get dressed, gossiping about the other staff and their new favorite person of topic; Francis.
 Once they were dressed, a cap arrived to take them to the Bulgari Hotel.
 The two women had excitedly been chattering beside him, mainly about David, one of the new secret service agents that had been assigned to the residence only two months prior.
   He’d yet to see Aziraphale, he knew he was going to be in attendance, it was expected of them and he’d mentioned that he would see him there.
Besides, when did Aziraphale ever turn down free food?
   He was feeling pleasantly buzzed between the eggnog and cranberry cocktails that he’d been consuming since they arrived.
 “Don’t look now, but your man is over there by the punch.” Said Liz, elbowing him not so subtly. 
 For the hundredth time that day, he flushed. He was a demon, the creator of original sin and fallen Archangel… who also happened to be completely besotted with an idiot and was unable to control the blood flow to his face. 
 He flicked his long curls over his shoulder, tipped back his third cocktail and sauntered towards Aziraphale, hips swaying seductively as he moved across the floor. 
 “Angel,” he purred as he came to stand beside his friend. He was dressed in clothes more similar to what he typically wore than his typical outfit as Francis. 
 When he turned to look at him he dropped the mini-quiche he was holding, his eyebrows raising into his hairline. “C-Crowley!” he stuttered, “what are you doing dressed like  that !”
 The demon frowned, “just wanted to look nice tonight, angel.”
 “Oh, of course.” Aziraphale, Crowley realized looked hurt and he couldn’t figure out why.
 He grinned at his friend, ladling some of the drink into the mug in his hand before passing it to Aziraphale, “try the eggnog, I have on good authority it has been spiked no less than three times.”
 Aziraphale nodded his head, a slight smile replacing his uncertain expression as he accepted a mug.
   They ended up sitting at the same table as one another while Crowley’s new friends went off to dance.
 Aziraphale sighed, glancing at the demon beside him, “Dear, you look lovely tonight.”
 Crowley felt heat rise to his face, “thankss, Angel, so do you.”
 Aziraphale looked away, tapping his fingers on the white linen cloth. “James has been looking at you all evening, as has Evan and Thomas.”
 Crowley shrugged, “part of the job, temptation and all that.”
 “Of course, of course… it’s just, I wouldn’t mind you dancing with them if you wished, I know I’m not the best company.”
 Crowley tilted his head, gazing at Aziraphale intently, “I’d rather sit here with you than get groped by inexperienced men any day.”
 The angel visibly relaxed but refused to meet his eyes, “but you like dancing, Crowley.”
 “Well, if we’re being honest here Angel, I’d hoped you’d saved a dance for me,” he winked.
 Aziraphale’s featured betrayed his shock momentarily before slightly nodding, “Well, then… that’s,” he swallowed, “My dear, would you care to dance?”
 Red lips pulled into a wide smile, “yeah, I think I would.”
   Aziraphale clumsily led Crowley towards the dance floor, placing his arms in the proper spots as he stiffly began to lead.
 Crowley chuckled warmly, “Angel, nobody dances like this anymore.”
 The angel huffed, furrowing his brow and pursing his lip in annoyance.
 “Here, like this Angel,” whispered Crowley as he pulled the angel flush against him, taking the opportunity to wind his arms around the angel.
 It was a bit awkward at first, but by the end of the song, they were happily swaying to the tune.
 One song, then another.
 As the notes faded on the third song, Crowley felt Aziraphale pull away.
“We can’t dear, you know we can’t.”
 Crowley nodded, “I know Angel.”
 Aziraphale opened his mouth the speak before deciding better, instead, he glanced around the room before leaning over to place a small kiss on Crowley’s cheek.
 The demon felt warm the rest of the night. 
   It had been years since the party at the Bulgari Hotel, years since a stolen peck on the cheek and years since they  finally  confessed their love for one another.
 Aziraphale had decided It was past time to clean out the demon’s wardrobe that had somehow managed to make its home in piles on their bedroom floor and every surrounding flat surface.
 Between the two of them, there were several piles of designer clothing to be given away to charity. The closet had nearly been cleared, as had the piles laying around their bedroom.
 Aziraphale was pleased he could once again use their chairs and see the hardwood floor of their bedroom.
 The angel was rummaging around for more items to donate when his fingers brushed across a familiar garment.
 “Oh Crowley,” whispered Aziraphale as he pulled out the long dress from its spot in their closet, “you still have it.”
 “Hm?” he asked, not looking up from the pile of belts he was looking through.
 “The dress!”
 He glanced towards Aziraphale, ducking his head when he realized what he was holding, “Oh, course, Angel. It was a lucky dress.”
 Aziraphale leans over to give him a quick peck, “dear, perhaps you could wear this to dinner soon. It would be lovely to see you in the dress that sparked many  inspiring  dreams.”
 “Ngk,” he replied as a heavy flush bloomed across his face and neck.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Catching Up - Epilogue
A Joe Mazzello x Reader Fic
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Summary: Reader met Joe doing an interview for Bohemian Rhapsody. Now, after a whirlwind romance, they’re married and have a family.
Word Count: 1K 
Tag List: @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @jennyggggrrr, @somethinginthewayiam, @grandaddy-roger-trash, @rogerloveshiscar, @rogahloveshiscar, @danamaleksworld, @mrsmazzello, @reedusteinrambles, @rexorangecouny, @caborhapch, @kurt-nightcrawler, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls, @queendeakyy, @hotttspace, @anxious-diabetic, @someone-get-a-medic, @psychosupernatural, @lizvxx, @cobra-anon, @anotherhystericalqueen, @sam-mercurry-sixx, @briarrose26, @ziggymay
A/N: Wow I’m like....really sad this story is over?? Thank you all for going on this journey with me and showing this story so much love and support. It’s made writing it so much more fun. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this ending. I wanted to truly wrap everything up. Hope you feel good about it :)
Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV  Part V  Part VI  Part VII Part VIII  Part IX  Part X  Part XI  Part XII  Part XIII
Epilogue here we go!!!!
Life with Joe and the kids was everything you ever hoped for. Your daughter, Grace, was born the summer after Joey turned two. He adored his little sister, and that held true through their childhood. You also got a dog. A golden retriever who the kids named Ramen Noodle. His nickname inexplicably became “Noods.” Joe found that hilarious, and when he was away shooting somewhere, he’d often text you “send noods” which meant he wanted a picture of Noodle and the kids. You also found this funny, but the kids didn’t get it.
When they started school, you stopped travelling with Joe when he was filming. He also took fewer jobs that took him away from his family. When he was gone, you made sure to FaceTime with him every night before they went to bed so he could tell them he loved them and goodnight. It was a big part of making your home - ensuring that everyone knew how much they were loved.
You also had a lot of fun. On days when the kids seemed particularly drained as they sat at the dinner table - from school or friends or whatever - you and Joe would look at each other. Smirking, you’d both call out “Rude night!” and everything was allowed. They could put their elbows on the table, eat with their hands, even belching was permitted and encouraged. Rude night led to a lot of laughter, so it never failed to cheer them up.
As the kids grew and started making friends, they found you and Joe absolutely embarrassing. You were pretty much always holding hands, kissing, tapping each other on the ass, and when their friends came over it made Joey and Grace hide their faces behind their hands. It was especially bad when you would re-enact cheesy movie scenes, like the time you were cooking dinner for the kids and their friends when Joe came up behind you and you did the “I’m flying!” bit from Titanic. The kids protested so much that Noodle started barking and you and Joe were in hysterics.
Out of everything, your absolute favorite times with your family were the holidays. Christmas was especially wonderful. The kids were helpful and thoughtful and so excited about the season. They really loved baking cookies with you and Joe. The kitchen ended up a disaster, but you had so much fun, you barely noticed.
One Christmas morning, when the kids were still pretty little, you and Joe watched them tear open all their presents and go to town, playing with everything all at once. Joe’s mother was with you guys that year, so they were excitedly explaining everything they got to her. You took that moment to pull Joe aside and give him his present from you.
Gently, he tore open the paper around the box while you smiled. He examined it.
“A camera!” he said. “That’s a great gift, baby, thank you!”
It was a nice, but simple DSLR. He pulled you in to kiss you on the cheek. He stood on your toes to whisper in his ear.
“Turn it on,” you said. “I may have broken it in already.”
He raised his eyebrows at you as he opened the box and retrieved the camera. He took a sip of coffee as he flicked the switched to on, but he nearly choked on it when the first photo came up. It was you, clad only in lingerie and staring seductively up at the lens.
“Shit, baby,” he said under his breath as he gazed at it. “You...you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“I know,” you said. “I wanted to do this for you. I love you, Joe. And you’ve given me a life I couldn’t even dream of.”
“I love you too,” he replied, pecking your lips. “I know how big this is for you. Believe me, no one will see them but me.”
“I believe you,” you assured him.
“Out of curiosity, who took these?” he asked as he scrolled through them, his breath catching at some of the racier ones.
“Lucy,” you told him. “When we were out there for Thanksgiving I told her I had no idea what to get you for Christmas, so she suggested this.”
He swallowed. “I am gonna send her the biggest thank you card.”
You giggled. “You really like it?”
He turned it off, unable to look at anymore until he could get you alone. Then he wrapped his arms around you.
“I love it,” he said. “You’re legitimately the coolest wife in the world.”
“Seriously, Joe,” you said. “Thank you for asking me out that day we met again. If you hadn’t taken that chance...we wouldn’t have all of this.”
“I’d do it all again in a heartbeat,” he said, hugging you close. “Every moment of it.”
You hummed happily in his arms. The kids came tearing into the kitchen from the living room, their grandmother close behind, and you and Joe separated and looked at them.
“Mommy, Daddy,” Grace said. “Can we watch the Grinch, pleeeeeeeeease?”
“Sure, sweetie,” you said, stroking her hair.
“Is that what you wanna watch, bud?” Joe asked Joey.
“Yeah, if it’s what Grace wants,” he answered.
You kissed your son on the head. “You’re a very sweet big brother, Joey.”
He grinned. Grace gave him a quick hug and then darted back to the living room. 
“Grace, wait!” he called. “Nana said she needs more coffee first!”
“I’m just turning it on!” she insisted from the couch.
Joe fetched some coffee for his mother and then led her and Joey to join Grace. You watched, heart full. Everything in your life prior to Joe felt far away, as if it happened to another woman. In some other world. Like she was a character you’d read about in a book. And yet, every step you had taken led you to him, and who you were with him at your side. Your family looked at you expectantly as you stood there. You locked eyes with Joe and smiled before stepping forward to catch up.
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chernoblank · 5 years
Some day, tell us about stories incubating in WIPland, like a Neutral Evil version of you
Oh sure! I’ll do it for Chernobyl, since it’s the fandom we share.
WIPs I abandoned (enter at your own risk):
5 times two of Boris, Ulana and Valery almost had sex with each other, and the one time they did
All pairs, Abandoned at 5k
Technically I DID publish the second part of this as my latest Valana (Deer in the headlights), but it was originally divided into 5+1 parts. In each of the first 5, they fantasized very vividly about fucking the other until something made them snap and realize they’d been imagining stuff, which is very very embarrassing, and entirely inappropriate. So all the parts had smut, except some of them were imagined.
Valery fantasizing about Ulana when he asks her to go to Moscow in the bar scene
Ulana fantasizing about Valery when he hosts her in Moscow
Boris fantasizing about Valery one time they got drunk in Pripyat
Boris fantasizing about Ulana after they fight in the abandoned building
 Valery fantasizing about Boris in Vienna (this was going to include an actual kiss)
And  1. Ulana and Boris get together, in the depressing aftermath
I mean, in theory I’d still love to write all this (especially especially the Vienna Valoris, possibly going all the way), and it was only abandoned last month, but the lack of feedback in the fandom (plus considering I write het) made it not worth the effort, really. Also, this fic was supposed to use a lot of ideas from the other discarded WIPs in this list.
 Boris and Ulana hate sex after the abandoned building
Uloris. Abandoned only at 500 words, but I had it all mapped out until the end, very annoying
 After the tense meeting in the abandoned building, they have to stay in Pripyat for one night, and Boris corners Ulana and pushes his way into her room. They fight some more, Ulana goads him into admitting he’s into Valery, it’s very dub-con that turns to very very very con in the middle of it. They are really enjoying themselves but then they notice a movement in the balcony: Valery heard fighting, thought it was maybe the KGB attacking Ulana so he tried to come in the room, saw what was happening, and stayed for the show. He is now calmly smoking a cigarette. It was going to end with B and U very mortified but also wondering what this means for the future. This was abandoned because I found a more satisfying way to write Uloris, I guess, but damn I really liked this idea.
 Groundhog day AU
Valana. Abandoned at 900 words because lost motivation
This was a groundhog day AU where Valery relives April 25, 1986 over and over until he figures out what it is he has to do to stop the disaster. He tries many things, like going to Pripyat himself, trying to reach Boris (and getting ignored). Nothing works. One day he decides to just take the train to Minsk on a whim, he buys flowers for Ulana and shows up at her lab. She knows his name but thinks he’s lost his marbles, but Dmitri convinces her to at least listen to the man over coffee. I was going to have him convince her that stuff is going to happen at Chernobyl, and you know her, she jumps on her car, they have a long drive there and manage somehow to stop the stupid test. Over the course of their daytrip, he confesses the groundhog day situation, Ulana doesn’t’ believe him at first but he sure knows a lot about her and there’s a lot of familiarity there, and it was going to end with Ulana asking if they were something, in his alternate universe (they weren’t, but Valery wished they were).
 It had lovely things like:
“There’s a man here to see you,” Dmitri says, sounding a little bewildered. “He has flowers.”
“What?” Ulana says, lifting her eyes from the paper she’s reading. This sounds like a joke, but Dmitri has the sense of humor of a dried cod. “Who?”
 "Valery Legasov, from the Kurchatov Institute.“
 "Professor Legasov?” she repeats, disbelieving.
 "That’s what he said. He has flowers. For you.“
 "Yes, I got that the first time. But why would he be here? We weren’t told he’d visit.”
 "He’s here to see you.“
 Alright: she needs to put a stop to this, because Dmitri seems to be developing a belated sense of humor, and yes, it’s true she hasn’t been out with a man in over five years, but she isn’t about to the laughing stock of her equally awkward assistant.
 "Send him in,” she says. “And make yourself scarce.”
 "Understood,“ Dmitri says, and winks at her.
   Let’s Be Alive together, part 3
Valana. Abandoned at 4k, sigh. Loss of motivation, lack of feedback
Well, this one was always meant to exist, as I always meant to do a Valana trilogy. It was going to follow after the other 2. But yeah, almost no one reads Valana, it makes me annoyed to look at the low kudos every time I post one, so I gave up. It was also very difficult to write emotionally? I left them in a very difficult position in Part 2, and Ulana really doesn’t feel like forgiving him. I also did it from Valery’s POV and boy is he a difficult character when he’s a dick (which he was for a large part of this fic). It was all “but she’s so UNFAIR, why does she come to my house and fight with me” etc etc. I was not impressed with him. Anyway I think I was making some progress towards reconciliation, but just… gave up.
The gist of it was this: when Ulana visits Valery in Moscow, after he refuses to lie and they have their awful conversation, she has a plan B: let’s warn the operators of the other power plants about the graphite rods so that at least this mistake is never repeated again.
“Sure,” he says, as petulantly as he can manage, and crosses his arms across his chest. “Let’s hash it out. What are you suggesting, that we drive around the country to every nuclear plant with an RBMK reactor, knock on their door, and tell them, ‘By the way, did you know there’s a deadly flaw in the equipment you handle every day?’”
He has to give it to her: she doesn’t miss a beat as she answers, “Essentially, yes. Are you with me or not?”
“And Charkov and the KGB will just smile and nod as we go on our little crusade?”
“Oh, they’ll notice us. I don’t think this crusade is a return trip, Valery.”
 So off they go, and I took painstaking care to map out where the RMBK reactors were and what was the best route for them to go. Essentially a long road trip where they will slowly  make up (because boy is Ulana still not fond of him right now). Of course, Charkov notices what they are doing when they are on the way to the last few plants, but they are intercepted by Boris instead (this was close to Ukraine) who yells at them for being stupid and finds a way to smuggle them out of the country, at great risk, so that they aren’t caught by Charkov and co. Valery and Ulana live out a few years together, moderately happy.
 The Great OT3, aka the Canadian escape
OT3 for real! Poly. Abandoned at 5k because of serious characterization problems.
 Around late 1987, Valery is miserable in Moscow, a Canadian secret agent acoasts him on the street and offers to smuggle him out. He agrees on a whim. Once he arrives in Canada, he finds Ulana there, who explains that Boris arranged for this with some of his contacts (through her, as not to be implicated himself). She decided to join him on a whim too.  
I described it to @pottedmusic yesterday so I’m just going to paste what I told her here with some more details.
 U and V slept together at least once during the canon. V and B were veeeery close to things but never really got anywhere. V is bi and willing, but B never indicated he was anything other than het so V gave up during the series.
 V and U get hitched because of cabin fever while waiting for their refugee paperwork. B was going to try to join V but he was undecided because of his family, so V and U aren’t really expecting him. But he does come, and agreements have to be made.
 U isn’t thrilled about V/B but he got them out of the country so of course he has to live with them. And well, B is old and sick (but getting better, all are getting ~magically better~) so it’s not like they’re having vigorous sex every night - never mind his het sexual hang ups. I thought something with a lot of emotions, cuddling in bed, talking a lot etc. V is very patient and knows whatever time together is a gift. V and U, otoh, have much more of a sex life and B hears sometimes and doesn’t like it but also DOES, you know? I stopped a long time before I got there at all, but I was going to use the het sex to lure Boris in and make him more comfortable with the idea of Valery as a sexual being. And U and B didn’t have a sexual element in the past but were going to grow into it.
 I was going to have them relocate to Alberta, where there is a nuclear station, it’s suitably snowy. They would all live in the same house. Because paperwork made it easier, Valery and Ulana were a married couple (this was awkward at the beginning and is what precipitated their getting together). When Boris comes, Ulana suggests he could be her father on the paperwork, which everyone hates, but it kinda works. So they all live together.
It was going to be 1. Valery POV, mostly Valana, until Boris arrives, at which point it becomes 2. Boris POV, Valoris + Valana, and finally 3. Ulana POV, Uloris and OT3 happily ever after for 10 years.
I do love this AU a lot. I wish I had managed to find a way not to make them sound OOC. As it is, I hate everything about this and can’t even find anything worth quoting from it.
 Drabbles from Discord that I was supposed to develop more, but never got around to:
 Minister/Miner, first time
 In a scenario similar to the ot3 above, where they are all together and live with each other, Valery and Ulana compare notes on Boris and the way they all have sex with each other
 So there you go. For the ones I still like, I wish the fandom was still active (and cared about Ulana in sexual configurations)
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aph-danish · 5 years
five coffees
written for day 5: coffee shop au of @neddenweek 2019. “Mathias has a different coffee each time he and barista Laurens meet.” word count: 1,688 rating: general netherlands’ name is taken from @askaphnl if you would rather read on ao3, it can be found here
i. The first time Mathias enters the coffee shop is because he’s far more eager to get out of the gusty rain than looking for his next caffeine hit. He shakes himself off like a dog as the bell over the door chimes his arrival, and he can’t help the shudder that passes through his body at the sudden heat that embraces him; a stark change to the coldness of the depressing weather outside. Now that he’s in the shop, he figures he might as well see if they have a decent brew, azure eyes scanning over the neatly handwritten menu board that hangs above the heads of the few staff behind the counter.
“Welcome,” a low voice says as he steps a little closer to make his order, earning a blink of surprise before his gaze drops to the man who had greeted him. Not that he has to lower his line of eyesight much - the barista is tall, is Mathias’ first assessment of him, followed by an acknowledgement that he’s really handsome.
“Hi,” he says, swallowing thickly. “Um. A cappuccino, please.”
A neat, scared eyebrow is quirked at him, and there is silence a moment before he asks, “What size?”
Mathias flushes darkly, before gesturing awkwardly to the middle-sized cup on the display for him. All of his smooth pick up lines and bright, flirtatious smiles seem to be eluding him in the presence of this man, leaving him a flustered mess, only just managing to stutter out his name when the barista asks for it. He somehow pays without further disaster before shuffling around to wait - out of the way - for his coffee to be made, unable to draw his eyes away from long-fingered, elegant hands easily working the machine.
“Mathias,” the barista calls soon enough, though he doesn’t really need to say his name when no one else has come into the quaint shop. Mathias is quick to step forward and take the cup, wrapping his hands eagerly around the warmth it provides.
“Thanks,” he says, finally noticing and reading the man’s name badge. “Laurens… Thanks, Laurens.” Finally, he manages to muster up one of his sunny smiles, allowing himself a brief few seconds to admire the ever so subtle rosiness his words bring to Laurens’ cheeks before he gives a short wave of departure and turns to head back outside into dismal weather.
ii. Mathias doesn’t return to the coffee shop for a couple of days, but he finally decides to take his chances and see if Laurens is working again. It feels foolish, even to him, to want to return to the shop because of a handsome man he’d lost his cool in front of instead of for the coffee, but those thoughts are swept aside when he sees Laurens behind the counter again. When green eyes meet his own, he smiles automatically but the happiness behind it is genuine.
“Hey,” he says as he steps up to the counter. “Mm… A caramel macchiato this time, please. Medium again.” His smile widens as he watches the barista write his name without asking what it is, flattered by the fact he’d clearly remembered it from the last time. He taps his card to pay for his drink before moving aside, watching once again as Laurens prepares his drink.
Their eyes meet as Mathias steps forward to take the cup when it’s ready, their fingers brushing for a fleeting second. “Rens,” the barista says. “You can call me Rens.”
Mathias blinks; Rens didn’t seem like the kind of person who often asked others to use a shortened form of his name, though it was hard to get much of a reading into his emotions with his resting bitch face. Did it mean there was a possibility of mutual interest, even if it was only as deep as thinking the other attractive? Pushing his thoughts aside for now, he smiles again. “Thanks, Rens,” he says. “Enjoy the rest of your day.” He bites his tongue from saying he’ll see him again soon, not wanting to sound too creepy, instead glancing back over his shoulder at the barista as he leaves the cafe to continue on with his own day.
iii. Mathias tells himself to not stand at the window of the cafe to try to see if Rens is working, but he still can’t help but feel slightly disappointed when none of the staff behind the counter are the tall Dutchman. He’s not just going to turn around and walk back out though, hands in his pockets as he looks over the menu board to decide what he’ll order this time around. The chime of the bells over the door have him glancing over his shoulder, his heart skipping a beat when he’s met with the green gaze he’s seen a few times in his dreams.
“Sorry I’m late,” he says, clearly talking to the other staff even though he maintains eye contact with Mathias. “My bicycle had a flat tyre.”
“It’s fine,” Mathias says breathlessly, without thought, before blushing in embarrassment when he realises he’d said that out loud.
“What can I get you today, Mathias?” Rens has moved around behind the counter, tying his apron behind his back. The girl who had been ready to serve Mathias opens and then closes her mouth, giving the Dane a smirk before she moves onto another task.
“A mocha, please. Medium again.” He takes a sachet of sugar to fiddle with as the barista works on his drink, humming happily when it’s handed over to him. “You make great coffee,” he comments once he’s stirred in the sweetener and taken a sip. “I don’t even like it the way I make it now.” Rens makes a sound that Mathias thinks is amusement, allowing himself a moment to admire then handsome barista until the bells chime with the entrance of another customer.
“Bye, Rens.” The slight wave of goodbye he gets in return makes his heart flutter like he’s a teenager with a crush. He supposes that isn’t far off the mark, except he’s twenty-four instead of fifteen. And then he groans with the realisation he just admitted to himself he has a crush on the man he only knows the name of.
iv. The fourth time Mathias steps into the coffee shop, he’s tired and in a bad mood. It’s not like his birthday had ever really meant much to him, but the fact that none of his family had even texted him to wish him a good day was rather disheartening. But even in his spiralling thoughts of the fact that his family didn’t like him enough to even wish him a happy birthday, seeing Rens made the corners of his mouth quirk up enough to bring out the dimples in his cheeks.
“Espresso, please,” he says when he reaches the counter, nodding when the barista's hand hovers over the middle-sized cup in question. After paying, he once again watches as his drink is prepared, humming slightly when Rens speaks.
“You know, you come in here often enough. It’s not something we really promote, but we do have a membership card. Every eighth drink free. And one on your birthday too.”
“Bit late for that one,” Mathias says with a laugh. “My birthday is today. But yeah, I’ll join. Even though I don’t really need more incentive to come in and see you.” Pink spreads over his cheeks when he realises what he’s said, but Rens doesn’t seem to mind if the amused smirk on his face is any indication.
“Well, happy birthday then,” the barista says. “Here. I’ll give you something else on the house. Some cake? They’re made fresh every morning.”
“Oh. That’d be nice. Thank you.” He moves around to the display the cakes are in, gesturing to the chocolate cake with a sheepish grin. Rens cuts him a sizeable piece and places it in a cardboard takeaway container, writing something inside the lid before he hands it over to Mathias.
“I just need your full name and email address for the membership too,” he says, moving back over to the register computer to type the information in before handing the Dane a card.
“Thanks,” Mathias says, tucking it into his pocket before gathering up his coffee and cake. “See you later.”
He forgets all about what the barista wrote on the inside of the cake container until he gets home and opens it up to eat. Happy Birthday, Mathias, it says, followed by a string of ten numbers. It takes Mathias a moment to realise that it’s a mobile number. More specifically Rens’.
v. It’s a week after Mathias had finally pulled together the courage to send Rens a text after being given the Dutchman’s mobile number when he next steps into the cafe. The barista is just finishing up his shift, giving Mathias a hint of a smile when he notices him enter and take a seat by the doorway. A few minutes later, he’s hanging his apron up and making his way over.
“Black tea latte with a hint of vanilla,” Rens says, holding out a cup to the Dane. “Seeing as you order something different each time you come in, I thought I’d make you something new.”
Mathias’ cheeks dust pink as he accepts the cup, pushing himself to his feet. Without the counter between them, he can finally gauge just how much taller Rens is than him. “Thank you,” he says, taking a sip and giving a sound of appreciation. “You make wonderful tea too. I hope I get to discover what else you’re good at.” Though he hadn’t meant to imply anything less than innocent with his words, Rens’ replying smirk has his imagination running off.
“At least let us have this first date, Mat,” the taller man says. The nickname makes Mathias grin over the rim of his takeaway cup, extending a hand in offering for the other to take.
“What are we waiting for then?” he asks. “We have to get the first date done so we can go out on a hundred more!”
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strigital · 5 years
you… you really do?
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‘cause if that’s true then hell yes! (tbh i’d yell about my ocs from a top of a mountain if only anyone would listen)
heck, where do i even start? anyways, long ass post ahead!
To makelong ass story somewhat short: Jax was raised by her big bro - Alek - and, for aslong as she could remember, she believed her brother’s explanation of theirlonely existence, which was that their parents were, simply put, a couple ofjerks not suited for a family life. By his words their dad was a borderline psychoborgtoo busy ripping implants out of people, while the mom was a dirtgirl tooaddicted to braindance to care for her kids. And when the young lad justcouldn’t take it anymore, he snatched his little sister out of bed and ran withher into the night so they could both start a new life. Jaxine never doubtedthe story, even if the way they lived always seemed kinda fishy - like they werein hiding - not to mention it was somewhat suspicious that her bro wouldconstantly “go to work” armed to the teeth.
Welp, turnsout that all of this was a lie (what a twist!). In truth, Jaxie’s dad was onehelluva Netrunner who got his bread by getting people into parts of the Netthat they had no legal access to and occasionally stealing a few files fromcorpos here and there to sell them to fixers for some extra eddies. And iftheir dad was all about that software, their mom was the hardware maestro whocould build a computer out of scrap metal like it was Legos. They were quite apower couple and managed to attract more than  a few followers and basically started theirown tiny little gang whose main job was to ruin all the fun for the corps inthe virtual world. And, of course, something had to go wrong eventually. So itdid. They stole info about a shipment of expensive Arasaka tech and sold it toa fixer. But before they could get their hands on that juicy high tech, somerat snitched on them. One of their guys turned up to be a corpo whistleblower whose sole purpose was to sniff out the infamous Netrunner who was stealing theirdata. A whole ass witch hunt began and the dad knew he fucked up big time. Sobig, in fact, he knew for damn sure Arasaka was coming for him and his family.So he put his little daughter into his son’s arms along with some valuable datashards regarding his work, made him promise he’ll keep his sis safe and senthim on his merry way, whilst running with the wife in the opposite direction.
And itworked! Surprisingly. Alek did such an amazing job at concealing theirfootsteps they managed to live pretty happily and untouched by the corpos formany years. The brother became a solo and an edgerunner pretty early and tookon an alias of the ‘Vulture’ - ‘V’ for short. He was so damn good at his job theynever knew poverty. Buuut as they say ‘the faster you run away from yourpast…’ Jax was almost 18 when Arasaka found them. He gunned them all downlike dogs, even though he knew there was no way he’d survive. In the aftermathof the bloodbath, leaning against the wall of their wrecked living room,bleeding and dying, he promised her he was going to be fine, gave her thosemysterious shards, told her to grab his gun and bike and go to Night City, makea simple delivery to his old friend. Jax felt it was a goodbye and that those mercswere no damn drug dealers who came to collect an old debt. But she listened tohim anyway and rode to Night City.
There, this‘friend’ person who turned out to be the last surviving associate of her parents,told her the truth. The entire story and not a single lie. That day she made ither life goal to harass Arasaka at every turn, make their lives miserable, DDoSthe fuck out of their Net, mess up their systems real good! She adopted herbrother’s alias (though this time it most likely stood for ‘Vendetta’ howeversaucy that might sound) and began to follow in her parents’ footsteps, learningall she could about hacking and tech. Eventually, V got good enough at it soshe could jam tracking devices and disable surveillance programming in order toremain ‘inivisible’ to those who’d find her pranks unfunny. Though, apparently,someone’s been looking for her recently… Wonder what’s that all about, huh?
JaxineBryce is a trash goblin and a bi disaster, who’s a not-so-bad Netrunner and asomewhat-acceptable Techie. She came to NC after her brother’s death to be apain in the Arasaka Corp.’s ass for personal reasons as well as for shits andgiggles.
She’s ofmixed race, though she mostly takes after her Asian mom. Her hazel eyesare long gone and replaced by some cute orange-glowing optics, and herbluish-black hair is always a hot mess that she just can’t be bothered to take careof it (if she could she’d wear a ‘Bad Hair Day’ beanie hat all day every day).Doesn’t really have that much skin wiring and such, prefers to conceal most of her cyberwareand look as natural as possible due to her fear of slipping into cyberpsychosis.
She alwaysloved to blast Johnny Silverhand on full volume in her room, but ever sinceArasaka kinda sorta ruined her life, she really started to like this guy, evengot herself a glowing tattoo of Samurais (not to mention the Samurai jacket,which was a birthday gift from the brother!).
She can’tdo shit in combat (besides firing a gun and only because her bro took her outshooting once), but boy can she fuck up your cyberware if you get too close.For these reasons she desperately relies on Jackie to be the ‘wall’ between herand the enemy, but at the same time she always makes T-Bug’s work a tad biteasier.
Other thanthat, she absolutely loves NiCola, dreams of owning at least a couple of cats, believes coffee and ramen to be the crowning achievments of humanity, is an AI rights supporter and a speed junkie to the bone despite not being the best driver in the book. Can’treally drive cars that well, but boy does she love bikes! And adding her ownlittle touches to her vehicles. Like, that one time she spray-painted Jackie’snew car neon pink and now he won’t leave her alone with his car unsupervised…
Jaxine issomewhat introverted and really clings onto people that she knows. T-Bug alwaysappeared to her like a caring big sister, while doctor Victor became a newfather figure in her life after her brother’s demise. V’s also got the biggestof crushes on Jackie, though she’d rather die in a fire than tell him, mostlybecause she really doesn’t want to ruin their amazing friendship (besides, shewon’t survive a day in NC without Jackie’s help). And even though she jokesaround a lot, she has a tendency to fall in and out of depression. Jackie’s happy attitudealways helped her deal with those kind of anxious feelings and going out forthe night on the town with her best amigo will always be her preferred way todo therapy. Despite all that, Jaxine’s genuinely a ‘good guy’, but definitely nota ‘knight in shining armor’. Sure, she’ll help you out if she happens upon youwhile on a job, but don’t expect her to go on a righteous quest to save theworld. Her only goal in life is avenging her family, letting go of the past andfinding a place to truly call home and nothing else. As soon as there’s nothingof importance holding her in Night City, she’ll hop on her bike and be gonebefore sunrise.
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