#cait c: aldric cormier
cait-curious · 1 year
Goth Family Tree
This is the Goth Family tree, at the end of 11 rounds of gameplay (55 Sim days). I'll try to update this after every round.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He has never been married.
Adrian and Michael Lothario have never been married, but they live apart because they don't get along. Michael is the twin with glasses, wearing the traditional Goth round glasses.
Nova Lothario was born as a result of Cassandra's alien abduction. She just finished her sophomore year at Sim State University.
Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). They are currently not part of Cora's Story.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora, Nick, and Izzy are all very close, and are also friends with Rob and Sam Broke (unborn baby Broke), all born in Round 1.
Morty Goth is engaged to Diana Burb (born round 2, Lucy Burb's younger sister). He is friends with Adrian and Michael, as they all went to Sim State together. Morty was named after his father, who died before he was born.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 18
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 18 (90in-game days). Changes from the round 17 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they had four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). Izzy passed away at home surrounded by her family. Currently her son Donald lives in the Goth Manor with his daughter Anna (born round 17) and his father, Ricky.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his fiancée, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario lives on his own following the death of his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they had three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16). Following Orlando's passing, Whitney adopted a child, Isaiah (born approximately round 16).
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora passed away at her home, the same day Danny's twins were born.
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have four children together: Natalie (born round 16), Danielle (born round 17), and twins Lia and Cornelius (born round 18). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they had two children together: twins Parker and Arthur (born round 17). Morty Goth died of old age.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Aldric's house, his romantic interest Rosa Broke was still hanging around when his dad showed up.
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"Nice to see you, Rosa," Ricky said, trying to focus on the tv. "You're looking well." "You too, Ricky," Rosa said, looking around the room. "I think Aldric's down the hall, maybe we can sneak in a quick makeout?"
Aldric was coming back into the room and caught his father and his crush making out. He pulled his dad into the next room.
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"What the hell Dad?! How could you do that to Mom? And to me?? Rosa means the world to me!" Aldric shouted as he poked his father in the chest. "Ow! Son, you know she's not faithful to you. She's dated all of your brothers!" Ricky replied as he rubbed the spot Aldric poked. "I'd expect this from Donald or Walter, but not from you!" Aldric yelled. "You're cheating on Mom with the mother of your grandchild?! That's disgusting!" "I'm sorry you found out, Aldric. If you get married, you'll find out what it's like." Ricky warned. "Get out of my house, Dad. You're disgraceful."
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cait-curious · 1 year
Back in Pleasantview, Aldric Cormier bought the house his brother Donald just moved out of, and of course had to invite over Rosa Broke.
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"That air is so cold babe; you were smart to wear a wetsuit." "Don't worry, I'll keep you warm."
From the hot tub, Aldric heard the doorbell. It was his parents coming to visit.
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"What's taking so long? Are we sure he's home?" Isabella asked, getting frustrated of waiting out in the cold. "His car's there, I don't think he would've left without it," Ricky said, nodding toward the driveway.
Isabella got cold and left, but Ricky stayed to check on his son.
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"You look great kiddo! Is everything going okay?" Ricky asked. "Things are great! I'm even cooking my own meals!" Aldric answered enthusiastically.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 16
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 16 (80 in-game days). Changes from the round 15 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10, currently attending Sim State), and Richard (born round 11). She lives in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor, with her husband Ricky.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his fiancée, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario currently lives with his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they have three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16).
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8).
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have one child together: Natalie (born round 16). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they are expecting a baby.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Out on his own, away from his brothers, Aldric decided to invite a girl over to the dorms. He decided on Rosa Broke- he was really attracted to her, and thought that since he was a young adult now, he might have a chance with her.
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"I just wanted to say, I think it's messed up how Donald attacked you at Danny's wedding," Aldric said. "Thanks Aldric, that's really sweet of you. Donald and Walter were just on edge about this baby," Rosa explained with her hands on her round belly. "Why? Walter's the father, right?" Aldric asked. "Well, it's complicated," Rosa said.
Aldric furrowed his brow. He had never had WooHoo, but it didn't seem all that complicated to him. He decided to drop the subject, because he didn't want to upset Rosa.
They continued talking into the night, and Aldric worked up the courage to go in for his first kiss.
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"Y'know, Rosa, I think you're really special," Aldric said as he touched her cheek. "You're a nice boy, Aldric," Rosa said. She was fully aware that this was the third Cormier brother she was getting involved with, and she was also seeing their father on the side. But one kiss can't hurt, right?
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Rosa navigated around the familiar hooked Cormier nose to give Aldric his very first kiss.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Donald and Walter Cormier coasted by at the beginning of their college career, but as their classes got harder, they focused less on school and more on girls. They both got expelled from college.
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"Welp, guess that's it," Donald sighed. "What now?" "Well, we have to move back to Pleasantview," Walter said. "So I guess we take the money from our bank accounts and buy houses?" "Yes, we need to live on our own, though. I don't want you moving in on the girls I bring home," Donald noted. "Oh same."
After Donald and Walter moved out, their brother Aldric, the middle Cormier brother, moved into the dorms.
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"Ah, college. You'll have the best time of your life here," Ricky sighed as he dropped his son off.
"Thanks Dad! I'm totally going to reinvent myself. No more orange Hawaiian shirt!"
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Aldric instead chose an orange button down to wear to college.
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cait-curious · 1 year
The Cormier family was enjoying some time together before the younger boys left for college.
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When Richard wanted to go out for the evening, he asked his father, knowing he was more likely to agree to it.
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"Sure, I don't see why not. Just don't stay out too late."
Richard asked his cousin Luna, who was immediately down for it.
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"Um, Luna? Why do you have a limo?" "Don't ask questions. Just get in the back."
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 12
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 12 (60 in-game days). Changes from the round 11 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He has never been married.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel.
Michael Lothario has never been married.
Nova Lothario just graduated from Sim State University and moved back to Pleasantview.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). Whitney currently attends Sim State, and Johnna enjoys bullying her younger cousins in high school.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Danny is friends with the other teens in the family- Donald Cormier, Walter Cormier, and Johnna Goth.
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Morty Goth is engaged to Diana Burb (born round 2, Lucy Burb's younger sister), with whom he currently lives.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Isabella Goth's house, her oldest three children are in grade school, leaving her husband Ricky more free time to get up to mischief.
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Ricky and townie Jill Smith have been getting very close, spending their afternoons together at Doc Alan's bar.
Meanwhile, Izzy is working hard and being a great mom.
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Aldric loves greeting his mom when she comes home from work. Today Izzy was spending time with her uncle Alexander at work and invited him over to the Goth Manor.
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It was very strange for Alex to be back in his childhood home, especially with how different it looked full of children (and modern technology). But Alex went right into Dad Mode, and helped with the kids. While Izzy made sure her older boys were taken care of, Alex gave baby Richard a bath.
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cait-curious · 1 year
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Isabella had her baby, another boy- Aldric Cormier. Already a big family, but fortunately she has a lot of help.
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Although she's busy with her own life, Cora Goth made time to stop by and help with the twins- now toddlers. She loved played with little Donny...
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And helping with Walter's bath. She's such a good auntie!
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Izzy's lucky she has so much support, because at the end of the round, she found out she was pregnant for the third time!
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cait-curious · 1 year
After graduating from Sim State, Christian Broke moved back in with his mom while he got his life as an adult started in Pleasantview.
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"I just got a job with the military, so things are going pretty well for me," Christian boasted to his friends Luna and Aldric at dinner. "Whoa look at you, Mr. Big Shot! Congratulations!" Luna replied. "I'm not sure that I've met your mom, is she here?" Aldric asked. "Yes, just in the next room." Christian was so busy trying to impress Luna that he didn't really worry about Aldric walking off to talk to his mother.
Aldric got along with Christian's widowed mother very well, and she was happy for the company.
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Christian's mom Christy giggled while cuddling in bed with Aldric. "Surely you don't want to have WooHoo with such an old lady," Christy mused. "Oh, surely I do," replied Aldric.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 17
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 17 (85 in-game days). Changes from the round 16 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She lives in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor, with her husband Ricky, son Donald, and granddaughter Anna (born round 17).
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11, currently attending Sim State). He currently lives with his fiancée, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario lives on his own, following the death of his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they had three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16). Orlando passed away, and Whitney lives alone with the children.
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8).
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have two children together: Natalie (born round 16) and Danielle (born round 17). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they have two children together: twins Parker and Arthur (born round 17).
Note #1: In this round, Mortimer Goth had his first great-great grandchild (Anna Cormier), as well as his 9th and 10th grandchildren (Parker and Arthur Goth). It makes me think of that president who was born in the 1700s and still has living grandchildren- that'll be Morty and Kaylynn's kids.
Note #2: I'm expecting my surviving Sims born in round 1 (Isabella, Nick, and Cora) to pass away in round 18, and I'm already sad about it. When Cora dies, my plan is to finish posting about that round, then that'll be the end. So, the next round may be the last, just a heads up.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Rosa Broke really enjoyed her visit with Aldric Cormier at the Sim State dorms. In high school she was much more interested in his older brothers, but now that Aldric was a young adult, Rosa really took a liking to him.
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"Thanks for inviting me over, Rosa. It's really nice to get away from campus for a while," Aldric said as they cuddled in the pool. "I'm glad you stopped by. It's nice to have a break from just being a mom. Besides, I thought you might enjoy the privacy here instead of all the eyes at the dorms." "It is nice to not have so many eyes on us," Aldric responded with a smile.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 15
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 15 (75 in-game days). Changes from the round 14 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9, currently attending Sim State), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his girlfriend, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario currently lives with his girlfriend, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). Alexander and Lucy have both passed away.
Whitney Goth has one child, Lucas (born round 15), with boyfriend Orlando Centowski. They are currently expecting a second child.
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8).
Danny Welsh-Goth just graduated from Sim State University and moved back to Pleasantview.
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Morty Goth lives with Cora and Tara. He has never been married.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 14
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 14 (70 in-game days). Changes from the round 13 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his girlfriend, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have one child, Cassie Lothario (born round 14).
Michael Lothario currently lives with his girlfriend, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth is expecting a baby with boyfriend Orlando Centowski.
Johnna Goth just graduated from Sim State University and moved back to Pleasantview.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8).
Danny Welsh-Goth currently attends Sim State.
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Morty Goth lives with Cora and Tara. He has never been married.
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