carevixe · 5 months
some of you need to romanticise the fucking paragraph break
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carevixe · 9 months
I will be ok. I will be happy one day even if I have to claw, fight, scream, cry, bite, break, and tear my way to it, covered in blood and the only one left standing.
I will be happy one day, even if I have to fight for it.
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carevixe · 1 year
why do I have to be nice to people? Why can’t I just metaphorically tear my teeth into their jugular and be the monster I know I am? Why do I have to have a moral compass that feels bad when I upset people? Why the fuck do I have to have to anxiety and a fear of confrontation? Like wtf.
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carevixe · 1 year
“I could fix him.” I could snap him like a fucking glow stick.
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carevixe · 1 year
Maturing is realizing that Molly Weasley was not a good mother to her children. Conditional love is not actually love (EX: Percy, the twins, etc) and unless they conformed to her ideas of what they should do, they were harassed or neglected. (EX: all of her children). I loved her in the first books, but the older I get the more I recognize that she’s toxic.
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carevixe · 2 years
Do you remember what you’ve done to me
All those years ago?
My trust betrayed
And I’ve only just remembered?
Do you feel guilty?
You were older than me,
You should’ve known better,
Why would you manipulate me like that?
Were you even aware?
We were children
Do you even think about it,
Or have you forgotten about it too?
You never told me or brought it up,
I assume you’ve repressed it,
Is it from the guilt or blame?
Is it your conscience?
Is it even truly as bad as I think it is
Or am I being dramatic?
I can’t help but want to think of you as the monster
But I know you as only my sister
Is that why it’s so hard to come to terms?
Because of our relation?
That makes everything worse in the end
But for now it makes me feel like a villain
Our little secret
No parents home
The start of a horror story
Of my story
It explains why I never liked your touch
Why I loathed you holding my hand
Or your hugs
Or those snacks you’d always eat and would make me sick from just the smell
I want to forget again
To go back to normal
But I know that will only mean remembering again
And it don’t want that
How can I stand to look at you,
Be near you,
With everything you’ve done to me,
Your little sister
Would our parents believe me?
Shun you or make you apologize?
Or would they believe you?
Always the victim, always right.
Why should I feel bad
When you did me wrong?
Why should I second guess myself
When you acted as if nothing happened
In honor of me remembering, after 10 years, that I got m*lested by my sibling <3
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carevixe · 3 years
I have this like…Minecraft head canon
That Herobrine is essentially god. He’s thought to have created the realms (creative mode), thought to be an evil trickster, one to curse the people/players of the overworld, etc, etc.
But no one really knows of him. Like yeah they have history books, and traditions to honor him, and they fear him, and respect him, but speaking his name is considered taboo, and once a year they leave gifts out on their doorsteps/streets for him to come collect so their families aren’t cursed and they receive good luck for the year.
And the Farlands are considered to be a myth since no one’s actually seen them, but legend says that if you manage to find them, then you get to walk straight into the Aether and stay there forever like the other gods,
And my HC, is that Herobrine has other children, besides the two mortal dumb assess he adopted because they tried to fight god (him), that no one knows about. They’re considered myths, legends, etc. since no one knows of any of them, or their names, or what they do. But I think that they do have the signature white eyes that their pops has as well.
Just a little something to give spice to Minecraft.
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carevixe · 3 years
Alex and Steve aren’t Herobrine’s biological children or anything… but he decides to adopt them because these two stupid ass teenagers decide they’re gonna try and fight “the maker”, “the trickster”, “the evil one”, the equivalent of fucking god in overworld lore/religioin, and he’s just like “where tf are your parents?”
He’s like, “who gave them weapons? Who let you dumbasses walk around without adult supervision? No, you two are gonna get yourself killed, so now you two are my problem.”
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carevixe · 3 years
Also, remember your makeup won't look like pros bc they use filters and lighting. And it's all at experimenting. Lots of love!!!
Hi everyone, my name is Sena, I'm a non transitioned MTF (parents aren't supportive of that kind of thing) and I'm pretty much brand new to the makeup community aside from a few James Charles tutorials. If anyone could send me some tips on getting started as well as places to get makeup without having to literally sell my soul and give up my firstborn to pay for it I would greatly appreciate it, I hope to one day get transitioned and start my own makeup channel and maybe get somewhere
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carevixe · 3 years
E.L.F is phenomenal for any experience level because it’s cheap but good quality (same with colorpop if you’d like to splurge a bit, still relatively cheap but more name brand). Eyeliner is gonna be a bitch until your comfortable with it, so don’t get discouraged. Practice will be your best friend because I know this from experience. (practice right before you shower, this is what I do).
Start with simple eye looks before getting extreme bc this will help you gain confidence and skill. ALWAYS PRIME AND MOISTURIZE BEFORE BECAUSE YOUR SKIN WILL NEED IT. highlight your nose, the inner corners of your eyes, the curve of your brow, the Cupid’s bow of your lip, your cheek and temple. This will make you POP. Blush placement is everything. Overlining your lips is a pain to practice but keep at it babe.
Covergirl mascara is my personal favorite but remember that on days you don’t want to stand out (especially in front of your parents) use brown eyeliner and mascara, or clear primer mascara.
And remember to not get discouraged and that you are loved by us ;)❤️
Hi everyone, my name is Sena, I'm a non transitioned MTF (parents aren't supportive of that kind of thing) and I'm pretty much brand new to the makeup community aside from a few James Charles tutorials. If anyone could send me some tips on getting started as well as places to get makeup without having to literally sell my soul and give up my firstborn to pay for it I would greatly appreciate it, I hope to one day get transitioned and start my own makeup channel and maybe get somewhere
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carevixe · 3 years
50 Prompts with Little One
Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
Shopping for nursery furniture for little one.
Holding the little one for the first time.
Being immensely proud when little one takes their first steps alone.
Little one’s first reaction to seeing/feeling snow.
Singing nursery rhymes to get little one to sleep.
Finger painting with little one.
Little one getting food all over their face.
Going on a walk together with little one.
Little one coming to sleep with you after having a bad dream.
Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
Little one’s first birthday.
Keeping little one from trying to eat crayons.
Little one’s first trip to the zoo or aquarium.
Showing little one a lightning bug for the first time.
Little one sticking their toes in their mouth.
Little one pulling on your hair with surprising strength.
Helping little one go down a slide at the park.
Little one needing an emergency bath.
Tickling little one’s chubby thighs until they laugh.
Singing songs and rocking little one to sleep.
Reading a book with little one on your lap.
Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
Playing airplane/train to get little one to open their mouth and take a bite of food.
Little one chasing after bubbles to pop them.
Playing peek-a-boo with little one.
Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.
Playing “This Little Piggy” on little one’s toes.
Having little one help mix cookie dough.
Little one eating a slice of fruit and getting juice all down their chin.
Kissing little one where they got hurt to make the pain go away.
Little one stripping their clothes and running around in their diaper.
Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.
Little one biting everything they can stick in their mouth as they teethe.
Little one sticking pretzel sticks up their nose.
Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
Having little one help flip pancakes.
Giving little one a raspberry on their tummy after changing their diaper.
Watching little one go in and out of the kiddie pool.
Little one pointing out colors and shapes that they recognize.
Having little one wear their first formal wear.
Little one drifting off to sleep with a smile on their face.
Little one settling down after you finally figure out what they need.
Choosing little one’s name together.
Watching little one attempt to blow the seeds off a dandelion.
Little one getting in a laughing kick where everything is funny.
The first time little one picks their own outfit.
Little one chasing down the pet to rest their head on them and hold them tight.
Being unable to stay mad at little one when they give you puppy dog eyes.
Little one playing dress up with a grown-up set of shoes.
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carevixe · 3 years
Assorted writing prompts #16
"You still aren't sleeping right, are you?" 
"That smells really good, are you making cookies?" 
"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty, it's your turn to change the baby." 
"Come home to me when you're done." // "Home? I like the sound of that." 
"Hold your breath and don't let go of my hand." 
"Hot bath, wine and some chocolate?" // "I think I'm a stereotype." 
"This is going to really hurt." // "Why? What are you doi-" 
"If you lay a hand on my child you will lose the hand." 
"Oh god, am I in love with an idiot?" // "You're stuck with me now!" 
"Come on, walk to papa! You're doing it! Come on, just take one step more!" // "What? They're walking? I want to see!" 
"Don't let go. Please… I'm scared. Please… Don't let go." 
"Hello Sunshine, do you know what today is? It's your daddy's birthday and we're going to surprise him!" 
"What's in this? It tastes… I don't feel good."
"Close your eyes and give me your hand, I have a surprise for you." // "What is it?" // "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?" 
"My head is killing me, can you just shut up for five minutes?"
Sorry about the formatting, I'm on mobile and the spacing isn't working
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carevixe · 3 years
Hey! Do you have any parent-child prompts????? I’d love to see them if you do :) :) :) Thanks
(Spins around dramatically in my chair, Poco’s Udon World still playing on the computer in front of me)Matthew 7:7, my sweet anon child
“Don’t you dare use those puppy-dog eyes on me!”
Parent dressing Child in formal clothes for the first time and trying hard not to get emotional over how grown-up they look (even if Child is actually still tiny)
“Hey! I thought I told you no drawing on the walls!”
Child begging asking Parent to cook them their favorite food
Parent introducing Child to their closest friends as “aunts” and “uncles”
Child introducing Parent to their friends and Parent immediately adopting them all
“Hah! I beat you again!” “You little cheater.” “Well, where do you think I got it from?”
Child making Parent a gift for Mother’s/Father’s day and Parent absolutely adoring it, no matter how messy or tacky it is
“Can… can you sing me to sleep?”
Child falling asleep on Parent’s lap on the ride home from a long journey
Parent kneeling over to give little head kisses to Child
Parent picking Child up to give them little head kisses
Child imitating Parent in everything they do, even if they don’t actually understand what Parent is doing (e.x. Child trying to “shave” with a toothbrush)
“If you ever need me, call me and I’ll be there in a heartbeat. No exceptions.”
Parent crying every time they look through Child’s baby photos with the realization that soon their children’s photos will also be something of the past
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carevixe · 3 years
Have you got anything for parent-child comfort prompts?? Xx
Parent comforting child:
Cradling child close to their chest
Wrapping child in old blankets like a little burrito
“It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
Assuring child that the pain isn’t their fault
Distracting child with their favorite things (toys, comfort items, ect.)
“Nobody’s going to hurt you as long as I’m around.”
Watching child’s favorite childhood movie with them (bonus points if child is all grown up)
Wiping child’s tears away, cupping their entire face with their hand because child is so small
“It gets better, I promise.”
Child comforting parent:
Knowing parent is hurting, even when they hide it
Crawling into parent’s lap quietly
Gently patting their parent’s hands/head
“Even though you’re big, it’s okay to cry.”
Wiping parent’s tears away, using their entire hand to do so because parent is so big
Writing parent a note in crayon to cheer them up (bonus points if they include a messy drawing of their parent smiling)
Doing chores if they are a bit older, knowing that taking care of other tasks will help parent relax
Pretending they’re the one who needs comforting, because they know parent will try to hide weakness in front of them
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