cecily-the-enigma · 2 years
i'm looking for someone with shared interests
interests include:
six of crows + ck, hozier, taylor swift, autumn, art, swapping literary quotes, derry girls, stranger things, jane austen, crows
dni: basic criteria
rt or like to be moots
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cecily-the-enigma · 2 years
Ben Barnes is the Tom Holland of the Shadow and Bone community
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cecily-the-enigma · 2 years
I can’t believe no one has talked about that fact that when Peter needed a lawyer, he managed to call Matt Murdock of all people. I think the only reason everyone has forgotten he was there was because Toby and Andrew were also in it and that crossover overshadowed it. But like, “how did you just do that?” “I’m a really good lawyer.” Hilarious.
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cecily-the-enigma · 2 years
Spider-Man: No Way Home is the best marvel movie fight me.
The way the multiverses crossed over so seamlessly, how we had to wait like half the movie for the other Spider-Man’s, to the point where there was so much tension that the theatre screamed when Andrew appeared. How the memory wipe went off, the sacrifice and loss Peter experienced in just a few hours and he was still ready to give up more for the world. Every bit of the movie was amazing, it was better than Endgame, than Loki and Wandavision, hell, it was even better than Shang-Chi.
Rant over. Go watch it.
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
Rating some of my recent reads
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
A masterpiece. The writing is beautifully done, and you quickly fall in love with Evelyn and her companions is amazing. The way Reid represents bisexuality actually made me cry, I loved it so much. It goes into such depths of romantic and platonic love, as well as the toll the media can take on one’s life.
Steel by Carrie Vaughn
This book was a great read, fast paced and full of action, the main character quickly adapts to her surroundings. I love how much effort was put into researching and writing the various topics, such as sailing in the 1800s and modern fencing, the author did a lovely job of putting a modern teenager so far back in time.
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
Such a cute, feel good, romance. It has fake dating, enemies to lovers, and lots of fluff and angst. The main character feels very real, she’s a teenager and she makes mistakes and has flaws, such good writing and I enjoyed this book immensely.
Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
I was disappointed. The plot was perhaps a nice idea, but the execution fell short. The main character felt superficial, too many “flaws” that weren’t really, she felt as if she was someone’s quirky strong female character in a Wattpad book. The writing was average and there was an obvious way out of every situation. I’ll admit, I only got about 75 percent through and I had to stop.
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
Stunning. It was poetic and heartbreaking, perfectly replicating insanity and panic, adrenaline and glory. The twists and turns this books takes you on, the differences between lust and love, rage and betrayal. I have a million things to say about this book, all of them good, it reignited the theatre kid in me.
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
Friendly reminder that Alina was aware there was an age difference between her and The Darkling, she was aware that he had far more experience and maturity, and that there was a major power imbalance. Everything they did up to the night of the Winter Fete was consensual.
I would also like to say that I am in no way condoning The Darklings actions, what he did was wrong. I’m only pointing out this one part of a larger situation.
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
Just convinced my friend to watch SaB and now he’s cursing me out for getting him addicted ✌️
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
finding a blog and realizing "holy shit we like all the same books" is such an underrated experience
Omg it totally is, especially if the books are some of the less talked about ones
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
I love how Vicious was very poetic, all well timed plans and powerful words, it was very refined and dark academia.
And then there’s Vengeful. So many people who have seemingly no connection. Eli is still hunting EOs, THERES A FUCKING EO PRISON, some random chick who is sure to fuck things up, and then thing start making sense, and then they don’t, and then they do, and then everything falls apart and it’s a hot mess and it’s fucking hilarious.
I love those books so much and they’re so well written.
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
I’m reading Vengeful and holy shit this is hilarious, no one knows shit and everyone is trying to kill everyone, Marcella is fucking insane and Victor is just constantly pissed off, Sydney is lonely and Stell is confused, and Eli is absolutely hilarious
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
Reading If We We’re Villains and falling in love with theatre and Shakespeare and the absolute poetic-ness of kissing them on stage off script because you know it’s the only chance you’ll get and knowing before you know that you will take the fall for them… it left me absolutely wrecked
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
lmao so I’m scrolling through tiktok, just wasting my time, ya know, and every single time I come across a video that says “sensitive content” or whatever, it is always, without fail, a grishaverse edit
idk really know the point I’m tryna make but it’s still funny as fuck, my violent fictional babies
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
This shit is hysterical
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i don't have words
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
I’m afraid of basically any and all forms of intimacy yet I yearn for it too
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
The Crows visit a farm
Colm invites Jesper to come stay for awhile, and suggests he bring some friends.
It was supposed to just be Wylan-
But then Nina wanted to see Novi Zem, and Inej had some time off, and Matthias thought…
Anyway they all ended up going.
Of course the nostalgia hits during the crossing.
And the seasickness.
“I am never letting you fools convince me to get on a boat again”
“Matthias, darling, calm down and look at the horizon”
“And why should I listen to you?”
“Because you know I’m right”
Inej is a natural at sea by now, even ordering Kaz around.
“Kaz release the mainsheet!” “NO NOT THAT ONE!!!”
He’s still learning.
When they get there Jesper is surprisingly nervous
Like, can’t seem to stop talking nervous.
Until he does stop and it puts everyone on edge.
There was nothing to worry about
Colm welcomed all of them with open arms
And then put them right to work.
No one is surprised by how well Inej adapts to it.
Everyone is suspicious at how well Kaz does
“Kaz what are you doing?”
“Milking the cow”
“I never showed you how to do that”
“…it’s common sense”
Inej figured it out right away of course, but she never said anything.
Wylan burns on the second day there.
Jesper shakes his head and takes care of him
Being the doting boyfriend.
“WYLAN!! Why are you out of bed!?”
It’s a sunburn Jes, not a life ending disease”
“It very well could be!!”
“How about you make me breakfast instead?”
Kaz got freckles.
Inej loves them.
She thinks they’re adorable.
Likes tracing her finger on them
Kaz secretly loves it, and knows it’s another step in their relationship.
Matthias is dying. Not literally it’s just the heat, and the dust, and the sun…
It’s everything really.
Until they go swimming at a sinkhole.
He loves that
Keeps asking to go back there
Until finally Jesper and Nina have enough and take him.
“Nina! Jump in with me!”
His tough guy act seems to drop.
Maybe it’s the way this place is so different? From Ketterdam, from Fjerda?
Who knows, Nina loves it.
And when they go back,
Wylan with a tan
Nina with a mouthful of stories
Kaz with freckles
Matthias with a lighter heart
Inej with a better understanding of her friends
And Jesper with a new love for his home.
They promise Colm that they will return next year.
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
The original SoC trio
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Also the Darkling because it’s amazing
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All by @enstatia
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cecily-the-enigma · 3 years
I love the show and everything that they added, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be ok with them cutting out the name scene
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