celestialsushi · 1 year
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A brand new Ace Attorney fan game by the people who brought you The BOSS? Heck yeah! Case 2 is ready, and Case 1 is still in development but not too far from completion. This is a fully playable case that connects to a larger story!
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celestialsushi · 2 years
There once was a man, voice adorning Whose devotion would ring without warning Would not give up, let down Desert you, run around, Say goodbye, lie, or leave you in mourning
Congratulations. You have just been Limerickrolled
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celestialsushi · 3 years
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celestialsushi · 3 years
Chapter 2 Part 4 is out!
This concludes Chapter 2. Thank you all so much for your support. Mac and Linux builds will be available a bit later, as they’re more difficult to create.
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celestialsushi · 3 years
Chapter 2 Part 4 is coming out TOMORROW, August 27th. We wanted to thank you all for your patience and hope you’ll enjoy it. This will be the last part of Chapter 2, so it will include a small preview for what’s to come. :)
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celestialsushi · 3 years
Oh wow, that really was a while back! Yep, that’s exactly the essay I was talking about :D It really did blow our minds, because we didn’t realize as we were making the game the connections like this that were just kind of hidden in there all along :O
Okay, this isn’t JSE Renaissance related, and this is lowkey extremely random of me, but.
I was just perusing The Official JSE Discord™ earlier (yknow, the one the man himself is in), and sometimes I peek in and search for “rogue” or my full URL to see if anyone ever links posts from my blog to things (is that weird of me? probably). And. On complete accident, I happened upon this message (from MARCH OF LAST YEAR, so like. Extremely out of left field):
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@celestialsushi, were you talking about this post that I made? Or did another person do that in response to The BOSS too? (If it’s mine, wow, I never knew it blew you guys away xD)
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celestialsushi · 4 years
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Chapter 2 is coming soon, everyone!! We can’t wait for you to see it!
This amazing poster was done by @annyalice!
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celestialsushi · 4 years
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celestialsushi · 4 years
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I’m the kind of person who feels bad if I’m not constantly productive - but especially in this current pandemic, we can’t expect ourselves to be productive every single day. It’s not realistic, and it’s not fair on us. 🌱
- It’s okay if you aren’t productive every day
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celestialsushi · 4 years
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celestialsushi · 4 years
Hey all, this is kind of a different post for us but we thought it was important. Our two directors, plus multiple people on our team, have ADHD. We gave Cliff ADHD so he could represent it to people who might not know what it looks like and a lot of his story in Glitch revolves around his struggles with ADHD. Jack might even have it. So to say that ADHD is very relevant to everything SPG does is an understatement and to hear Jessica recount her experience in the video hit close to home.
We deserve better than this. If you have ADHD or are questioning whether or not you have it, please don’t be afraid to reach out to a doctor or even one of the ADHD blogs here or even one of us, though I don’t know how we could help you outside of telling you what it looks like for us. You can be smart and have ADHD; one of the people on our team tested as very intelligent and still got a diagnosis, another was a straight A student in college. It’s not anything to be ashamed of, but you shouldn’t ignore it if you think you might have it because getting treatment could change your life.
You’re not alone and you’re not defective. A lot of people who have it go on to be successful and the way your brain works might be frustrating at times, but you have advantages other people don’t have. You’re not dumb, you’re not lazy, and you’re not worthless. You are beautiful and the only thing between you and what you want to achieve is the right treatment, be it medication, therapy, or both. Hang in there and just know we support you and we believe in you. <3
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celestialsushi · 4 years
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celestialsushi · 4 years
A game has stolen our music and several other things
Many of you are already aware of this, but the youtuber YuB played a fan made game on his channel today that was a copy of The BOSS. The person used several tracks from The BOSS without permission, copied its plot beat for beat, and even copied several lines of dialogue and running gags, such as Sans setting up shop in YuB’s house.
I want to clarify that YuB is innocent in this and he had no idea that he was playing a game ripped off from ours. He has already responded saying as much and apologized. We do not advocate any hate or vitriol whatsoever being thrown in his direction. It is not his fault that this happened and since he’s unfamiliar with Jack, he couldn’t have known. We also don’t advocate for hate being sent to the game’s creator either.
That being said, we would appreciate it if those with an itch.io account reported the game for stolen assets. I’m doubtful that the game’s creator is willing to take it down despite us telling him that we want him to remove all the things that he stole from us. We don’t object to the premise (youtuber sucked into their computer) being copied; a premise is a baseline from which a lot of very different creative decisions can be made. We’re not even the first Jack fan game to have done it. But this insulting lack of respect for the 9 months of effort and 50 people involved in the creation of The BOSS (or any game) cannot and should not fly under the radar.
Fan works are inherently derivative. That means they’re not copies but homages created to further the original work rather than replace it. That’s why we went to the effort of studying the characters we were writing so that we could write dialogue that fit them rather than copying jokes or dialogue outside of catchphrases that we all know the characters would use. There’s nothing wrong with fan works as long as their creators know that a good fan work builds on the original rather than steals from it. A game that pays homage to The BOSS would not be offensive to us at all because it goes to the effort of studying it and trying to add to it. A game that steals from it while offering very little is not okay.
We were never approached about this game. We never gave its creator permission to use our music or our running gags or our dialogue. That makes this stolen from rather than inspired by our work.
I’m going to be posting a link to the game’s itch.io page in a reblog of this. To anyone who has an account, please report it. As I said before, we have no issues with our premise being used, but we want our stolen music, at the very least, removed.
And to anyone looking to use our characters for cameos or reference The BOSS or anything like that in your own games, just know that it’s okay by us as long as you let us know in advance and aren’t stealing from us. I’ve actually given people pointers on writing their own dialogue for Billy, so we really don’t mind it. Just please don’t steal.
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celestialsushi · 4 years
Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn’t mean you can’t advocate against it now. It doesn’t make you a hypocrite. You just grew. Don’t let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset.
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celestialsushi · 4 years
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Here, have a quick sketch of Seán laughing while eating salad like those women in stock photos because idk man lol
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celestialsushi · 4 years
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Application form: forms.gle/zZJVjMAEQVVbWL7v5
All the text in the update image is written below. 
Keep reading
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celestialsushi · 4 years
I know we’re out here in the ‘all your feelings are real and valid and mean everything’ era
but I think it’s dangerous to mistake feelings for reality
As a mentally ill person, sometimes I get horribly angry for no reason, and the reality is that nobody did anything wrong. But if I relied just on my feeling of rage, I would feel entitled to lash out.
Our feelings are important, but we have to weigh them carefully. They do not mean everything.
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