chell10xo · 3 years
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Well it’s been a while since I posted so I thought I’d go all out on this blog. I’m going to discuss, soul connections, astrology, inner work and the 7 chakras and a little bit of tarot.
In 2018 I began going through another spiritual awakening, I stumbled across the term twin flames and I was quite taken back by it. I always grew up thinking we all had one soul mate and it was a fairytale kind of love but the deeper I dove into spirituality my beliefs began to change.
We can have several soul mates but only one twin flame. The common theory for twin flames is that the soul splits and reincarnations into two different bodies for soul evolution. A twin flame is a mirror soul, a reflection of you , the good and the bad. Your twin will shed light on everything that you need to heal and what you try to run from and eventually they will help you to ascend. There is no other connection like it. They usually come in and out your life triggering different stages of spiritual awakenings and to ensure you continue doing the work you signed up before reincarnating on Earth.
The twin flame journey isn’t easy, there are many different stages and there is usually a runner and chaser dynamic going on. One of the main lessons is to learn that twin flames will always be connected it’s only their ego that separates them from each other.
🖤A soul mate is usually a relatively easy relationship, you grow together and are able to overcome challenges, the relationship brings stability, peace and love they are usually a life partner that you settle down with.
-🖤Karmic people are the ones you will meet through out your life, the union between karmic people can often be intense and short lived. The reason being is that they cross your path to teach you something valuable and it is up to you whether you want to learn the lesson. Sometimes we keep meeting the same people in different bodies so that we are forced  to pay attention to what they are trying to teach us.
🖤Catalyst twin flames A catalyst twin flame is a term used for someone who may be very similar to your twin flame, they may belong in the same soul group or share the same vibrational energy. They also trigger inner work
- You may find yourself meeting karmic people during retrograde seasons.
- South node in astrology represents our past lives, where we came from and where our souls last resided. I would look at personal planets, moon, mars, mercury and Venus aspecting South node to see what karma you have to unravel. I would look at harsh aspects usually squares, oppositions or conjunctions to the south node.
- Venus square south node would be a good indicator that you shared an emotional bond with this person in a previous life time.
🖤Megan fox and machine GK synastry 🖤
An article published on 22nd July 2020 - the date is definitely a synchronicity since 22 22 is considered a twin flame number, In the article Megan claims that MGK is her twin flame. She recalled feeling an instant connection with him.
“I went deep right away. I knew before I even did his chart, I said to him, he has a Pisces moon. I could tell by his energy,” she said.”
MGK also captioned a picture of them both on Instagram as
“waited for eternity to find you again... 🔪 💫❤️ 🔪 “
So let’s look into this magical connection they share.
With MF and MGK both having Taurus sun’s, they will share similar personality traits which will bring harmony. However their rising signs are quite different since Megan has Capricorn rising and MGK has Gemini, the Gemini energy and sun in his 11 denfentily gives MGK more an edgy style.
When have a soul tie with someone we are able to communicate with them telepathically but between twin flames the telepathic connection is very powerful.
Mental connection -
🌚Sun conjunct telephus - in 11th & 3rd house - telepathic connection, understanding, knowing
🌚Mercury conjunct mercury in 12th &4th house - psychic connection , mental connection, depth , understanding
🌚Both have mercury in Taurus , creating a conjunction this means similar ways of thinking / communicating
🌚Neptune in 8th trine mercury in 4th- telepathy, imagination, romance, dreamy , depth
Physical connection
⚡️Sun in 11th opposite Pluto in 5th
Electrical, life changing, obsessive, fated , magnetic , explosive
⚡️Megan’s mars falls into MGK 8th house
Sexual chemistry, exploring taboos, depth, intensity, reading the subconscious mind, sharing secrets , sexual tension
⚡️MGK Mars in Pisces is trine MF Pluto in Scorpio
Satisfying each other’s desires, intimacy, power games
⚡️Mars in 11th - squaring Pluto in 8th composite chart - experimenting, powerful emotions, bringing out each other’s shadow/ darker side, knowing what triggers one and other
connection -
🖤 Megan’s Leo moon is conjunct MGF south node - 3rd house of communication .Any personal planets aspecting the south node can indicate past life encounters. The moon represents our emotions and connections we have with others and since it’s touching his south node this can indicate an instant connection, familiarity and deep bond.
🖤 Jupiter expands and blesses everything it touches, if aspected positively. MGK Venus in Pisces is exactly conjunct MF’s Jupiter in Pisces - this aspect would give a dreamy, fairy tale kind of love and with a dash of Jupiter for sure it would be expand their love for each other.
🖤 MGK Alma which is another term for soul is conjunct MF’s Neptune in Capricorn in her 12th house. As mentioned earlier the 12th house is known as the karmic house. Capricorn’s ruler is Saturn which also known for representing karma in astrology. Now let’s switch it round. Their Neptune conjunct Alma also falls into MF’s 7th house. Now taking in both placements, I would say this is a spiritual connection.
Fate, destiny and karma
The vertex is used in astrology to identify fated events, karma and destiny. Scorpio is considered the most interned sign of the zodiac because of the powerful energy Pluto carries.
Her Pluto is conjunct his vertex in his 5th house of fun, dating and romance. This is likely to be a life changing relationship filled with passion and. They will be strongly drawn to each other and with this conjunction also falling into MF 9th house, this union would more than likely transform her beliefs and lead her to search for spirtual guidance to make sense of their connection.
-South node conjunct union in Libra (spiritual reunion)
-Venus square Chiron (deep healing)
Fixed - Taurus , Scorpio , Leo , Aquarius
Mutable - Pisces , Virgo , Sagittarius, Gemini
Cardinal - Cancer , Aquarius, libra , Aries
🌚Feminine signs - Earth + water
💥Masculine signs -Air + fire
Usually with twin flames you will notice similarities or oppositions within the chart.
Both sun signs are in a fixed sign
🌙 Megan’s moon is in her 7th house which is a cardinal house
🌙 MGK Moon falls in his 10th house which is also cardinal house
🌪MF Venus is in Pisces & MGK Venus is in Gemini both are mutable signs
💥Megan’s mars falls Into her 1st house & MGK mars falls into his 10th both cardinal houses.
💥Megan’s mars is in Capricorn MGK mars falls into his 10th house which is the house of Capricorn.
🌙Mercury in Taurus are both in water houses 12 & 4
🌙Ruler of Megan’s DC is in cancer and her moon is in her 7th house.
🌙Ruler of MGK 7 house is in Jupiter which is in his 1st house
Alma means soul in Spanish it also considered the second moon in astrology.
🌙Megan’s Alma is in her 1st house
🌙And MGK Alma is in his 7th house
It is not clear whether they are actually twin flames but they are likely to share a soul connection. It will be interesting to see how this relationship plays out in the future as no twin flame journey is a walk in the park.
Astrology can not determine who your twin is.
Every twins journey is different, some are meant to be together in this life and some are not it all depends on the soul contract, all twins will have different strengths, weaknesses and connections which will show up differently in each individual chart. I found some asteroids which seem pretty interesting. You can go over to Astro. Com (extended chart) and calculate synastry between you and whoever. Asteroids should be in conjunction, opposition or squaring personal planets.
💫 Telephus 5264 - what a magical asteroid, it represents intuition, telepathy your inner voice.
💫 Psyche 16 - the Greek translation of soul. This asteroid can also indicate shadow work that one is yet to do.
💫 Juno- your ideal mate, a soul mate, a life partner, the one you’re likely to marry.
💫 Moria 638 - associated with destiny, fate synchronicities and karma
💫 Alma 390 another term for soul, connected with the heart , it can reveal information about your recent past life.
💫Urda 167 is similar to the south node as it is connected to past lives
💫 Child 4580 , child can represent our inner child and how to nurture , heal & connect with our inner child.
💫DNA 55555 , shows genetic information
💫Memoria 1247 - this is an astroid that holds memories of your past life
💫Union 1585 , reunion , being drawn to another , fate
💫193 Ambrosia , associated with healing, Devine masculine and feminine energy , eternity
💫ALTJIRA 148780 ,Shananic journeys , visions
🪄Numerology / synchronicities / dreams
-Some are born on the same day
-same life path numbers (this isn’t always) try calculating the numbers also
-Seeing repetitive numbers what are associated with twin flames - 1111/111/1212/1221/1313/2222/
-Reunion on the 11th month or 11th day etc
-months or days calculated between birth date may be meaningful
-having visions / dreams
-astral projection
-meeting/ unions during astrological events - new moons / full moons / portals
Dealing with separation / dark night of the soul
Energy work is a vital part of your spiritual journey. For those who feel they are on a twin flame journey then it is important that you balance your chakras especially if you are hoping for a reunion after separation or going through ‘the dark night of the soul’ or if you want to ascend high enough to meet a soul mate.
Everybody has 7 energy points in the body which is known as the chakras.
💜The crown chakra is associated with the planets Jupiter and the sun (Neutral)
👁The third eye chakra is connected with the moon and and Jupiter (feminine)
💙The throat chakra is associated with mercury (masculine)
💚The heart chakra is connected to the moon and Venus (feminine)
💛The solar plexus chakra represents the sun and mars (masculine)
🧡The sacral chakra is associated with Venus and the moon (feminine)
❤️The root chakra is connected with Saturn (masculine)
Use your astrology chart to connect with your chakras and find out identify your strengths and weaknesses. A person who has Neptune positively aspecting their personal planets may have an active third eye chakra which makes them in intuitive , spiritual and psychic. But they may have harsh aspects to their moon where they may shy away from emotionally intimacy, be guarded or have conflict feelings. They will need to do more work on their heart / sacral chakra through out their life time for spiritual healing.
An example of this would be moon square Saturn as it can indicate mother wounds, if you don’t heal then over time you can create and an emotional wall , this where the heart chakra becomes unbalanced or blocked. By observing where your moon is in your chart you can find where you will find comfort in life and what makes you feel content.
Your birth chart is a guide of what you need to heal, the more healing you do the less likely you are to keep recycling your experiences as you will raise your vibrations you will attract your soul family, be able to manifest the life you desire and ascend higher.
I’ve written a list of how the planets can relate to our shadow side.
🪐Pluto - what we desire, obsessions , secrets
🪐Lilith - Lilith is the wildness that resides within all of us, she holds the key to the closet that holds all your skeletons. She appears as taboos, addictions, obsessions, lust, and desires
🪐Chiron -the teacher and also the healer
🪐Saturn - what we fear , what we resent , karmic patterns
🪐Venus- What and how we love
🪐Mars - our drive , aggression
🪐Mercury - our mind
🪐Neptune - how we escape
🪐Squares and oppositions - challenges , work that we need to do -
🪐8th / 12th house
Shadow work
Our shadow side is the darkenss that lies with in us. It’s something that karmic partners usually trigger with in us and our twin reflects our dark parts which helps us to ascend. In astrology we could look at the astroid Lilith sign and placement to understand our darkest parts and what triggers us , or we can look at Pluto or even the more harsh challenging aspects such as squares which sometimes makes it difficult for others to understand us or even for us to understand our selves and why be behave in certain ways.
Shadow work usually rocks up as
-healing childhood trauma/ wounds
-recognising toxic patterns , how we self sabotage ie
-facing our ego
-embracing our wild side
-Devine masculine / feminine work
-Taboos sexual desires
Tarot cards I Associate with twinflames/soulmates /karmic
-Queen of wands and king of wands / devil (twin flame energy )
-The emperor (Devine masculine)
-The empress (Devine feminine)
-2 of wands / 3 of cups / 10 of cups for reunion
-Judgment -karmic
-The lovers /2of cups / ace of cups - soulmate
-Dark night of the soul / the tower
-separation 8 of cups , death
Happy new moon guys, thanks for reading. Please feel free to share your experiences/ thoughts 🖤🪐⚡️.
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chell10xo · 4 years
Heii I wish you a day sprinkled with abundance of love and joy!🌼🕊️I was wondering and its maybe a newbie question😅..Since my 5th house is empty,also 4th is there any other way/placement that could tell more info about my children? Someone mentioned smth about 7th house but idk there I have leo on a house cusp and in it only north node in leo🤔 On 5th house cusp I have gemini so I guess that would indicate child having traits of that sign? But still,so frustrating not having basically any insight on that part of life😩
Hi darling ✌🏽
How sweet, you too.
Yes I would look at the house ruler & it’s placement - for instance your 5th house is in Gemini so the ruler would be mercury. Check where mercury is in your chart etc. I would also suggest looking at asteroids ☄️
- Child (4580)
-DNA (55555)
-House (4950)
Check what signs your asteroids are and which house they fall into and don’t forget to look at aspects too.
If you have a partner I would also draw a composite chart and see what your composite DNA & child is.
You can do this over at Astro.com
Hope this helps 🖤
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chell10xo · 4 years
Curious to see what house system people use to draw up their birth chart? Placidus or Koch? 🖤
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chell10xo · 4 years
Basic tarot observations 🖤
Tarot combinations & possible outcomes , check surrounding cards & consider what type of spread you are using🌚
The world + the high priestess
Astral projection
8 of cups + 6 of swords
End of a chapter
8 of cups + the world
Death as a spiritual perceptive(ones about to complete their journey here on earth)
Death + 4 of wands
A funeral
6 of cups + page of wands -
Chatting with someone from the past
The lovers + 8 of pentacles
Someone is thinking of you
King of pentacles + 6 of pentacles
Gift giving
9 of cups + 4 of pentacles / 4 of cups
Hooking up with someone from the past
7 of wands + the lovers
Unrequited love
7 of wands + the moon
Emotionally unavailable
10 of cups + 7 of wands
Family conflict
Ace of wands + the star
Spiritual guidance
7 of cups + the tower
7 of swords + 9 of wands
-Suspicions of cheating
-Confronting someone
3 of swords + 4 of wands
Cancelled plans / separation
8 of swords + 10 of swords
Revisiting the past
3 of swords + 3 of wands
Making future plans that could change/fall through
The moon + The tower
“Trusting our Intuition can save us from disaster”
9 of wands + high priestess
Something that you’ve been wondering will come to light / Clarity
4 of pentacles + 8 of cups
Letting go of things that no longer serve a purpose in your life
The chariot + the king of cups
A spiritual journey/ tapping into your subconscious
Ace of cups +The hierophant –
Spirtual love
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chell10xo · 4 years
We are ending mars retrograde & mercury Rx shadow period with a Scorpio new moon, how magical. It’s time to let go of all that no longer serves a purpose in our lives and for us to uncover our shadow self so then we can evolve to a higher frequency. Transformation is sometimes uncomfortable but necessary for soul and personal growth.
I’m so excited to work on some new astrology / tarot blogs. Happy new moon🖤♏️
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With Mars now direct, this Super New Moon is a perfect time to set intentions for what you want in your life!!
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chell10xo · 4 years
I dunno if you answer questions, but are there nay good apps/websites for calculating moon transits? Thanks in advance
Hi, Astro.com is good & im sure there are plenty of free apps that you could download 🙂
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chell10xo · 4 years
Can anyone else tell Chris North (Mr.BIG) has a Scorpio stellium - I really think that scorp energy helps him to play that role - Energy doesn’t lie ♏️
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chell10xo · 4 years
#newmoon #spirtuaility #love #selfcare
New Moon 🌑
The New Moon happens when the Moon and the Sun are in conjunction, meaning that the planets are in the same sign and same degree in the sky. The moon is between the Earth and the Sun and therefore we can not see the Moon as there is no light being reflected on the side that is facing the Earth. 
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Just like we can not see the moon we can not see our subconscious. We can only tap into our energy and feel our emotions with our mind and feelings. This is a great time for going inwards, meditating and on focusing on what feelings will surface and how we can make improvements.
With the New Moon we get to look at our past goals and see what did not work and make those changes for the upcoming month. 
If you have been in the masculine energy lately, this New Moon can help you get in touch with your inner feminine side no matter the gender. Within each person there is a masculine and feminine energy. 
The masculine energy is expressed externally through our ego and physical body.
The feminine energy is expressed internally through our emotions and subconscious. 
Because the moon rules our feminine side and subconscious mind, the moon phases can be helpful to control our energy.  With the New Moon to start something new, change our behaviours , cycles, patterns and set goals or with the Full moon to release and end them.
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chell10xo · 4 years
The moon transits each sign every two and half days and moves through the 12 houses. Fortunately, you can keep track of your transits online. Try planning around your moon transits so you can manifest some wonderful things and be feel more content during each cycle🌙💫
Moon transiting 1st house - house of Aries ♈️
💆🏾‍♀️ Have a pamper
✏️ Set yourself some goals
📖 Journal your feelings
💰 Buy your self-something new
💇🏾‍♀️ Get a haircut/ try a new hair style
💭 Talk about your feelings
📔 Look up Journal prompts to find out more about yourself
📝Tackle your to do list
🤸🏽Work out
 Moon transiting Second house - house of Taurus ♉️
💵 A good time to buy something valuable
💸Be cautious with money
💳Get finances together
📋Organise important documents
📜Set business goals
✨Write yourself a wish list
Moon transiting Third house - house of Gemini ♊️
❤️Chat with siblings
⁉️Ask questions
🎨 Do something creative ie, drawing or writing
-Get out and walk around locally
🎶 Listen to your favourite playlist
📖 Read a new book
🚲 Go for a bike ride
Moon transiting Fourth house- house of Cancer♋️
🥘 Make a homemade dish
👩‍🍳 Attempt to cook something new
❤️Call family
💌 Invite family over
💤 Take naps
⏰ Sleep earlier
🏡Make your home more cosey
✏️ Journal your feelings
💭 Write down your favourite childhood memories 💡 Look up home ideas
🖊 Write down home goals
Moon transiting 5th house - house of Leo ♌️
❤️Spend with friends
😎 Put on your favourite outfit
🤸🏽‍♂️Release your inner child
🛒Go shopping
🥋Start a new hobby
📱 Research hobbies
👚 Sort through your clothes
👶🏽 Spend time with the children in your life
📺 Watch a romantic comedy
Moon transiting 6th house - house of Virgo ♍️
🧽 Get that washing done
✔️ Organise your home
🛏Put fresh bedding on
🚶🏿‍♀️ Go for a walk
📆Make a cleaning Rota
🍎 Research nutrition
🐱 Spend time with your pets
🏃🏾‍♀️ Exercise
✅ Set your self some fitness goals
Moon transiting 7th house - house of libra ♎️
❤️Spend time with loved ones
💝Plan something romantic
📱If single get out or use a dating app
🖊 Write down what you want to attract in a
🕯Light a pink candle
☕️ Arrange a coffee date
🎧 Listen to love songs
💕research synastry
Moon transiting 8th house -house of Scorpio ♏️
💭 Research
👁 Watch a documentary on spirituality
🔮 Do or get a tarot reading done
👽 Watch conspiracy theories
💄 Wear something that makes you feel sexy
🖤Share secrets with people you trust
🖊Journal your secrets
🎥 Watch a horror film
Moon transiting 9th house - house of Sagittarius ♐️
💭 Learn something new
🌅Look through your travel album
🌍 Learn places on the map
💻 Set up a travel blog
📝 Write down all the places you want to travel
👄Practice a new language
🥘 Try new food cultures
🌃 Book a holiday
🚘 Go on a road trip
Moon transiting 10th house- house of Capricorn ♑️
📝 Make a to do list
🗃Organise your work
💭 Search new careers
⭐️Write down your career goals
🖇Order new work stuff
💻 Organise your emails
❓Ask for business advice
Moon transiting 11th house - house of Aquarius ♒️
❤️Spend time with friends
🎈 Go to a social event
💫Write down your hopes and wishes
📲 Connect with friends through the internet
🎲Play games
💭 Post something new on your social media
💻 Set up a blog
📆Make plans with your friends
📺 Watch your favourite tv show
🧐Search for blogs that youre intrested in
Moon transiting 12th house - house of Pisces ♓️
🧘🏽‍♀️ Meditate/ Listen to a guided meditation/ learn yoga
🎶 Listen to music
🎨 Do something creative
🌙Tap into your subconscious
🔮 Develop your psychic gifts (yes everyone has them)
🍃 Spend time in nature
💫Write down your dreams
⭐️Learn your astrology chart
📝Write down things you want to manifest
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chell10xo · 4 years
The sun is considered the most powerful planet in a birth chart chart, that’s why its also known as ‘star sign’. Although the sun sign can influence personality traits, the placement of the sun can also influence how one expresses their self.
Sun in the first house 
Sun in the first house people are likely to fully express their thoughts and feelings. In fact, they may even come across as direct or in some cases ignorant. You see, the first house is all about yourself, appearances and how you come across to other people. When the sun is placed in the first, it helps illuminate 1st house qualities, we may recognize the person to be bright, attractive and full of charisma.  They will no doubt stand out in a room full of people or may even hold enough power to influence a room full of people, natural leaders.
Sun in the 1st: Brad Pitt
 Sun in the second house
Sun in the second house may find they have talents which they could potentially can make profits from. The second house is all about the material side of life, so when the sun is placed here, it can make one focus on money and possessions. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as it can make one very focused in life and they may find that they land on their feet. These people seem to have a chilled vibe about them and are certainly hungry for life’s pleasures.
Sun in the 2nd: Cristiano Ranoldo
Sun in the third house
Sun in the third can make one have a creative imagination and a way with words. They may even come across as jokers. Since the third house is all about communication, 3rd house suns can use this to their own advantage. They may have a talent for singing or writing. Sometimes these people may come across differently depending on their surroundings, but they do hold valuable knowledge. They are just curious and are full of questions.
Sun in the 3rd Drake
 Sun in the 4th house,
The 4th house is a water house which means a mystic house! These people can be highly intuitive and absorb people’s energies. They prefer being in peaceful and quiet environments.  They are usually what you call introverts. These people are heavily influenced by the first half of their lives and if they experience trauma earlier on, they can spend many years trying to heal childhood wounds. However, once they find trust in themselves, they develop their gift of helping others so their emphatic aura can shine even brighter.
sun in the 4th house: Russel Brand
Sun in 5th house 
Sun in the 5th people loves living life in the fast lane. They are always up for fun and can be risk takers. This sometimes gets them in trouble. But they are usually admired for their approach to life and may have a lot of what you call acquaintances. They are always looking for their next thrill. Sun in the 5th house suns are usually blessed with some sort of creative gift.
5th house sun-  Amy Winehouse
Sun in 6th house 
Sun in the 6th can make people be very practical. Being practical means, they can take more control in day to day life tasks. Usually, creating routines, staying on top of things and being committed to work. They may have a talent of being able to cook and prepare tasty meals. Some may also be very committed to improving their health and decide to explore alternative medicine. 6th house suns really care how they present their selves, they may become obsessed with creating the perfect imagine.
6th house sun: Muhammed Ali
Sun in the 7th  house
Sun in the 7th house people tend to come across as quite placid. They have a good sense of judgment and will stand for what is right. Who they choose for a life partner will influence who they become. It is important they find themselves and what they stand for before settling down. 7th house suns should spend time with like-minded people as this way they have ability to find out more about themselves.
7th house sun: Princess Diana
Sun in the 8th  house
Sun in the 8th house people can be difficult to get to know as they are always changing and evolving. They also require relationships with depth and meaning. The 8th house is all about death, occult and sex. Which 8th house sun’s love to explore. They are the ones that sit back and observe and read people which can be both a blessing and a curse. 8th house suns soul’s purpose is to find out the hidden mysteries in life and dive into spiritual topics what can give them the answers they need.  
Sun 8th: Lana Del Rey
Sun in the 9th house
Sun in in the 9th people are like a sponge for soaking in knowledge. They have natural skills for research and they often begin as the seeker of knowledge and become the teacher full of wisdom. These people have an adventurous outlook on life, and they may travel to many different places. Routine can sometimes be an issue as they have desire for freedom.
9th house sun: Martin Luther king
Sun in the 10th house
Sun in the 10th people love to be in the spotlight, they are usually an authoritative figure and have a strong work ethic, which makes them very committed to work and of course they like to think they have a high status Although they may come across as serious, don’t be fooled. They love to mimic other people and can catch people’s attention easily, they tend to be great entertainers and hold a talent of making people laugh.  They are usually popular and well liked. 
Sun in the 10th: Tom hanks
Sun in the 11th house
There is something unique about these people. Maybe it’s the sense of style or how they chose to live their life may be different to the norm. However, the uniqueness is what gets them recognized in life. 11th house suns may be popular within society and although they have a lot of contacts, they are selective with friends. They may find that they have some sort of talent that lands them in the spot light.
sun in the 11th: Marilyn Monroe
Sun in the 12th house 
Sun in the 12th, when a person’s sun falls into their 12th house they may feel misunderstood by the world. Like other water house sun’s, it is difficult to peel back the layers, and got know them truly. This is because they value privacy and need alone time to re-charge especially after being around difficult people, who they tend to attract a lot. Although this can be challenging from time to time, the beauty of 12th house suns is that, they have the gift of healing and understanding.  They will learn how to make raise their consciousness at some point life because its part of their souls’ journey. 
Sun in the 12th:Mahatma Handhi
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chell10xo · 5 years
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That's not what I asked you to reveal to me. Please and thank you!
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chell10xo · 5 years
True Love Tarot Combinations My Grandma Taught Me
Death + Ace of Cups
Love that lasts a day after forever
Six of Pentacles + Five of Pentacles
Love that asks for nothing in return
Knight of Wands + King of Wands
Love that makes a boy into a man
The Tower + Four of Wands
Love that can withstand any earthquake
Seven of Wands + Knight of Swords
Love that will fight and die for you
Six of Wands + The World
Love that puts you on a pedestal
The Moon + The Sun
Love that consumes you night and day
The Devil + Four of Pentacles
Flaming love that engulfs you
Ace of Cups + Ten of Cups
Love you never have to shed tears for
Two of Cups + The High Priestess
Love you recognize at first sight
Six of Cups + Two of Cups
Friendship that blooms into love
The Hermit + The Fool
Love that outlasts time itself
Death + The Wheel of Fortune
Love that can resurrect a dying soul
Ace of Wands + The Sun
Lust that matures into love
The Hermit + Strength
Love that grows stronger each passing day
Five of Pentacles + Ten of Pentacles
Love that makes lords out of beggars
The Hierophant + Four of Wands
Love no storm can conquer
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chell10xo · 5 years
Oops! She was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado 😄
Your sister has libra ascendant , Capricorn IC , Aries descendant and cancerian midheaven. Those are considered the significant houses of a natal chart. Her sun is conjunct her dark moon Lilith in the third house. Her moon and mars Aquarius are both conjunct Uranus making her come across as different and unique. She may express emotions in her own way especially as she as Saturn square moon and Saturn square mars. If you would like some more info. DM me 🖤🌘
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chell10xo · 5 years
hi, would you read abt my birth chart for me? thank you
Hi I would need your dob / time / location 🌎 happy new moon 🌒🖤
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chell10xo · 5 years
Was wondering if you break down my birth chart and what it means for me. 😅 I was born on March 17th, 1998 at around 10:00pm. Toronto, ON Canada.
Picses, Scorpio moon , Scorpio rising. A lot of water energy here. Your intuition and emotions. can be very powerful as you have moon in your 1st house. Communication is very important to you. Merucry conjunct Saturn/ mars you have the ability to exresss your self freely as you age. Your sun and mars is in your 5th house of Leo. Do you have a fiery side? Venus conjunct Uranus - 3rd house , you’ll be known for your individuality and ideas and have a natural gift with astrology. Happy new moon🌒🖤
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chell10xo · 5 years
Hi there! My sister is a Sagittarius, but her sun sign doesn’t fit her. I was wondering if you could help me with finding out information about her houses and chart? She was born December 12, 1999 at 1:53 am
For an accurate reading I would need the location 🌎. Happy new moon🌒🖤
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chell10xo · 5 years
Hi!! I'd just like to ask if you could please teach me to read my chart in such a way that I can basically create my own horoscope if that is possible? I'm only just getting into astrology but I'm trying to do my research as best as I can but there's still a lot I don't understand. Thanks a bunch!!
Hi there! what is your rising sign? It is important you learn each house, it’s ruler and the degree of the house. Then keep upto date with the latest planet transits to see what house they will fall in. For instance my second house ruler is Capricorn 11 degrees , any planet transitting Capricorn after 11 degrees will fall into my second house anything before will fall into my first. Example transiting Jupiter is now in Capricorn 12 degrees meaning Jupiter has just moved into my 2nd house from my 1st. There’s so much more to learn. My advice is get on utube! Happy new moon 🌒🖤
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