chercornersppl · 1 month
Life Before Hell ~ 1
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I made a Hazbin OC! His name is Silver and these few pieces of writing will be based on him, his life and what happened to him! (For my friend ~ @ryuua because OC LORE!!)
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Warnings: Hints of gore? No others (I hope)
Word count: 1049 words !!
Part: 1/5(?)
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Lips connected, fingers entwined, sweet nothings spoken. Silver's lips twitched into a smile as he pressed them against Stephan's again. Both men shrouded in darkness by the cover of night. Both safe and cared for in each other's arms. If only it could last forever. If only they didn't need to hide their love from all they saw. Oh, how they craved for the ability to bask in the light of day with their fingers entwined. But they never would be able to kiss, touch, date out in public.
"Ah... How I wish we could do this all day... Not just at night." Silver mumbled between soft kisses.
"Night or day, I'm just happy we can do this at all." Stephan concluded before pressing his lips to Silver's for a moment longer, the contact lingering longer than before.
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Wearing a loosely fitting collared tee tucked neatly into a pair of slim fitting slacks, Silver sat on the couch with a hopeful smile spread across his face as his green eyes scanned over his watch again and again, clock seeming to be ticking and ticking at an agonizingly slow pace. He hadn't been on a date in so long! Stefan had asked him out after a while of not meeting each other romantically, which made Silver incredibly jittery with excitement and nerves.
Silver had been so busy at work he'd barely had the time to meet his boyfriend and maybe... Spend some time with him. Even if they couldn't publicly kiss or hold hands at least without being shamed, he loved their relationship. He loved how Stefan made him feel. He felt loved, safe and cared for. Despite hiding around just to get one moment alone with Stefan, the quiet and sneaky giggling, the subtle touches, the gentle hand squeezes under the table - every moment spent in his presence was a gift to Silver. A gift he treasured. A gift he would never dream of throwing away. A gift he would have never imagined would be whisked away from him.
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Blood pounded in his ears when his eyes groggily pried open after being sealed shut for the duration of the night. His body had been curled in a fetal position on the couch while he had waited. And waited. Silver slowly extended his limbs to let out soft cracks and release the tight knots from his unconventional sleeping position. His head moved slowly as he sat up, using his hands to push his torso upwards while his hips were still on their side. Had... Stefan never come? How did he forget the date?
Silver bounced up from the couch, letting his socks slide over the hardwood as he ran to the rotary landline mounted on his wall, picking up the receiver and pressing it on his ear to hold it there. As if it were muscle memory at this point, he keyed in the number he wanted to call, his finger rotating the dial till it clicked seven times. He assumed that he was the one who forgot. Slept off and perhaps ignored Stefan unintentionally if he did come over.
Hmm... Zero messages.... Odd. Silver had ignored that and simply waited as the phone continued to beep in his ear - showing the phone was ringing on Stefan's end - but the wait was unusually long. Surely he wasn't at work. Stefan never worked on weekends.
Silver's heart lifted when finally, the call connected!
"Hello?" A sweet, feminine voice rang out.
Just as quick as his heart soared, his spirits plummeted.
"Who... Who are you?"
"Carol Lyons, this is my boyfriend Stefan's phone, though. He's not awake yet. Are you calling in from his work?"
Silver didn't even reply. He slammed the phone back on the receiver.
His back pressed against the wall as hot tears spilled over his cheeks. Silver covered his eyes with his hands and a pained wail left his throat while his back slid down with the aid of his knees buckling down below him. He collapsed on the ground, his whole body wracked with sobs as his tears pooled around him. His body curled in, his knees pressed to his chest as his tears wet his pant legs. "I thought... I thought you were mine... And I was yours...", he moaned, his voice cracking in pain as his heart was seemingly torn out of his chest.
"I gave you my heart and you cherished it with love and adoration..."
"But... When you saw a shiny new heart dangling in front of you...."
"You dropped and shattered mine."
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With heavy breaths, Silver stared at the grey, heavy, metal door as a crooked, uneasy smile stretched across his lips. His eyes were wide and the wrinkles under his eyes grew deeper and his eyes were sunken in. It had been 7 months. 7 months since he stopped talking to Stefan. Since his heart was torn apart. But today... Today he would be put to peace. Peace at last. Peace knowing that no one would ever stand between him and his love ever again.
A part of Silver screamed at him. The remaining bit of the kind, thoughtful and forgiving man he was yelled at him to wake the fuck up. His body moved on its own accord. It was like he was a different man in these moments. But he couldn't see reason anymore. He didn't want to listen to his past self. He wasn't going to be that man. That boy. The one who saw the very best in people. The one who found excuses for the mistakes others made. Never again. Never would he fall for that. But its okay... Yes... It'll all be okay... Once loose ends were tied all the way up and pulled tight.
Yes, tight, like the knot on her laced up corset. Tight, like the vice grip he had held her down with. Tight, like the knot atop the black bag, covered in blood, heavy, sunken to the bottom of the river. Why... She was stunning. So much so her beauty could be comparable to the most beautiful women in history. No wonder Stefan scrambled after a pretty little thing like her. But it would soon be her scrambling as she was dragged into the gates of Hell for stealing his beloved.
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And there it ends so far ladies and gentlemen till I update this again when I'm feeling it !! 🫡🫡 ~ Cher
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chercornersppl · 4 months
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lord the peasants are so loud today
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chercornersppl · 4 months
Jurassic world famous not last words
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💥🦖💥🦖«We need more teeth» 🦖💥🦖💥
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chercornersppl · 4 months
I used to be so stingy with my sketchbooks I'd hoard so many and recently I just put a grid down in my newest one and did a little purple moodboard, I hated it, but who knows maybe one day I'll be able to go back and make it eeeven better!!
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hey can you do me a favour?? Can you go get that nice pristine sketchbook or journal you've been hoarding and put some kind of mark on the first page? Anything will do, like a smudge of graphite or a blob of ink, or perhaps a very scribbly dinosaur. Just put something there. Please, or the dinosaur will be sad.
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chercornersppl · 4 months
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everyone's reactions to mimzy LMAOO
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chercornersppl · 5 months
Alright, people saying the potato worked, lets see if this cures my sick magically overnight haha
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chercornersppl · 5 months
Wait a minute....
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Wait for it........
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!!!!!! pls tell me im not crazy by saying they look the same !!!!!
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chercornersppl · 5 months
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Angel Dust having protective sibling energy is one of the best elements of this show. 😭
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chercornersppl · 5 months
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Besties spotted ❤️✨
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chercornersppl · 5 months
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Okay, but I am living for this role reversal
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chercornersppl · 5 months
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ohwelladays on Instagram
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chercornersppl · 5 months
Wednesday, January 17.
No time to waste
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chercornersppl · 6 months
this image is beautiful to me it is holy, this should be in a gallery
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chercornersppl · 6 months
Writing Practice
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Hii it's my first time writing anything on here so I'll appreciate some feedback or anything you'd see fit <3 This is basically a part 1 or cliff hanger sort of thing? If I get some motivation I'll prolly write up a part 2.
I used this writing prompt <3
"It's worthless. Junk."
"If people are willing to kill for it, it's got to be valuable."
"Not if we're both dead before we can find a buyer in the city."
"Who said anything about 'we?' "
"Dallas... What do you mean?"
Kat's hand shot up in tandem with her fingers closing around his grimy sleeve. Her eyes welled up with tears remaining unshed, as they always do. She couldn't be weak, or afford to loose water. Her bottom lip trembled in the most minute frequency as her mind began to inundate itself in visions of the past. The past when perhaps they were happy. Or ignorant.
"Dallas you're- You're not going to-"
"I am," he cut her off with a somber expression coating his once carefree, joyful and exuberant profile. As if he was remembering the scuffle he had gotten into to retrieve the scrap.
"You can't survive out there alone! They're going to find and get you Dallas!" Kat argued, her vice like grip tightening around his elbow.
"No they won't, I'm stealthy. Besides, they want you, not me. Going out there in the Square would mean death for you, not me. I can survive, Kat," Dallas retorted, still looking at the intricate cut of metal debris and dragging his finger along the metal nooks and crannies of the nauseating yet graceful curls of stem and vine.
"They know you're with me, Dallas. They'll kill you! Or... Or use you to get to me!" Kat said with a palpable anxious edge to her voice, "They won't rest till they get me, and I'm safe right here in the Outpost we can't leave I don't want you to-"
Dallas pressed his hand to her mouth. "Please," he said in a tone mixing exasperation and humour, "be quiet."
She was stunned into silence for a fraction of a second before she tore his hand away, spitting and sputtering like an old car, "Dallas Hayes I have told you not to do that! It's enough that we're grimy from the scrap heap and now you've put it all over my mouth!"
"We wouldn't need to go to the scrap heap if you'd just let me... Go into the city for a day. Just one day, Katarina Lillian Adler is that too much to ask?" He was quick to shoot back, using her own full name tactic against her. Just like he always did. "This pretty thing would catch a fortune! You don't understand, the Outpost folk won't pay a dime for it but the city folks will. What use would they have for it? It weighs quite a bit, doesn't it? Perhaps its some metal worth selling! That hermit was awfully keen on getting it... Kat, I can get us out of poverty just trust me!"
Kat's hold grew tighter still.
"Come on.. Don't you trust me, Kit-Kat?"
Kat's grip stayed tight, so much so that her knuckles went white and her hand trembled.
"Then I'm going. With or without your approval."
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chercornersppl · 6 months
i'd destroy a country for oil
my friend took in a stray and she’s the cutest kitty ever but he named her oil so whenever he sends a picture of her me and my other friends look like we’re roleplaying as the US military
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chercornersppl · 6 months
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Tom Sachs: Super Dynamite Soul (1998)
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chercornersppl · 6 months
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Body Butter: Dragon Denim Jacket (1999)
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