cherry-pop5 · 2 years
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Meeting Max for the First time Headcannons
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Genre⤞ Strangers to Lovers | Awkward trope | Fluff |
Warnings⤞ Insecurities mentioned, cuteness overload, shit ton of blushing.
A/N⤞ Haven’t posted in like a minute. I was just watching the goofy movie and I forgot how big of a crush I had on this awkward boy lol. Here are some headcannons on how you guys meet for the first time, it will switch between the both of your POV’s so beware😭. Feedback is appreciated! Hope you all enjoy. Love you all!❤️🍒
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Max actually met you working.
He walked in this petite and cute book store with his dad to help him look for a specific book.
He walked around the shelves pulling books to check the covers until he pulled one out.
There you were face behind that book with your hand reached out for it. You both screamed, frightened. He stumbled back hard while you gasped.
You ran over, pumps sinking into the soft purple carpet. “Oh my! Sir I’m so sorry I scared you! Are you alright?” You said frantically checking him.
Though it seems max wasn’t fully there. His eyes wide as he saw you, an angel sent from heaven. He looked to your pink pumps, your beautiful legs that suited that white skirt perfectly and your pink sweater with white collars sticking out the top.
He blushed noticing you still trying to see if he’s hurt. “N-no really I’m so sorry for scaring you.”
He tried to get up till he noticed your hand out. Nails painted all pretty and rings filling your fingers. He gripped your hand blushing. “Truly sir I’m so sorry I was just trying to put the book back in its rightful place.”
That was when he finally noticed your name tag with Y/N written in pretty cursive. ‘Y/N.. what a beautiful name.’ He noticed your blush seeing him still holding your hand.
“I’m so sor-rry. Um..let me just.” He looked all over the ground until he saw the specific book you were talking about.
“Here let me..” you both said as you guys leaned down, only to knock foreheads hard. Both of you guys groaned holding your foreheads.
“Sorry!” You both said. At this point you couldn’t help but smile a bit and blush. You chuckled “It’s ok. Thank you for the book we’re you actually wondering in purchasing it?”
Finally peeling his eyes from you he looked to see it actually was. He chuckled “actually yea it is!” You giggled at his excitement. “We’ll come right to the front I’ll ring it up for you.”
He stumbled behind you till his thighs crashed with the front counters of the cashiers. He cleared his throat as you kept you smile hidden. “So any reason on purchasing this book today?”
“Oh uh it’s for my dad. He’s been saying it’s a good book and we’ve been trying to find it everywhere.”
You nodded “I bet this book is pretty popular on demand right now..”
Comfortable silence came over you guys as the only sounds were your guys heavy heart beats and the cashier opening and closing. “And here is your change mr?..”
Max stumbled out his words “I uh my names-my names Max. And yours?”
You arched a brow. “My name is-“ he smacked his forehead.
“Right your name tag. I’m sorry. Thank you Y/N.” You giggled out loud. He chuckled until a very familiar laugh sounded through the store.
Max covered his mouth as his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. You tucked your hair behind your ear. “Cute laugh.” You said boldly.
He blushed tremendously and almost dropped the bag. “I’ll see you around then?” You put your finger on your chin in fake thought. “Yea I guess you’ll see me around.”
You guys waved your goodbyes until the little chime of the door bell went off-hinting at the men leaving. You couldn’t help the dreamy little sigh leaving your lips as your hand cupped your cheek. “Max…”
You giggled and helped the other customer.
On the other hand max stumbled his way to his fathers car and hopped into the passengers seat. His dad sat right next to him giving him a knowing look.
“What dad?” He questioned. “Oh nothing son.” He did his famous HYUCK laugh. “Nothing at all.” They drove off while max was daydreaming looking out the window.
He is definitely going to that bookstore more often.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not post my content anywhere. Thank you for reading!
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cherry-pop5 · 3 years
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Bro Spider-Man No Way Home is the greatest movie of the year! I’m still bawling my damn eyes out😭
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cherry-pop5 · 3 years
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Kevin having a crush and relationship on Eddy’s lil sis: Headcannons
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Genre ⤞ Fluff | Relationship implied | Platonic friendship with the Ed’s |
Warnings ⤞ Suggestive content (make out) and annoying big brother alert, other than that it’s fluff.
Word count ⤞???
A/N ⤞ I used to have the biggest crushes on Double D and Kevin it’s embarrassing😭. This show was definitely my whole childhood and I just started to watch it again and it sparked something within me to write something. I’m going to write one about Double D. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Hope you enjoy love you guys🍒❤️
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You were only a year younger than Eddy and very close to the Ed’s. They were practically your older protective brothers.
You guys were in high school when he started to see you in any type of romantic light.
Kevin only saw you as the loudest dork of the Cul-de-sacs little sister, who hung out with his other dorky friends. So you was a dork in his eyes as well.
But that all changes the moment you both had a project together. Having Double D as a friend for years definitely has its perks. Teaching and gaining knowledge from him your grades were perfect (unlike Eddys and Eds.)
He invited you over to work on it since he needed this grade or he’ll be off the football team. You guys worked and talked(mostly just talked and goofed around)
Kevin had never noticed how cool you could be, how soft your hair looked, or how when you laughed and came closer the smell of vanilla and roses filled his senses, making his chest tighten and feeling lightheaded.
Holy shit he’s falling for you. He’s not the only one. The way that handsome smirk would fill his face anytime he looked at you, his muscled arms flexing while he stretched, how funny he can be. You both were screwed.
Even after the project(which you both passed) you guys started to hang out more and more. Hanging in the junkyard or him taking you on a ride in his motorcycle. A beautiful relationship blossomed secretly. That’s when Eddy started to notice how absent you’ve been.
“Where the hell have you been huh!?” Eddy practically screams at you everyday when you come late for a quick money gig or (scam). Coming up with excuses were becoming harder and harder.
Especially when you and Kevin would look at each other every 5 minutes in class, lunch, even the halls.
He started to send Ed and double d to keep watch secretly. As if walking behind you is being secret. Kevin noticed the strained atmosphere between you all and tried to make you feel better.
Sitting in your bed you opened the monster comic book Ed graciously offered you as a peace offering for having to follow you. You sighed until you heard a light tapping. You looked up to notice it coming from your window.
You quickly got up and quietly opened it up. There was Kevin in all his glory, wearing his infamous red cap, hoodie, jeans and his beat up converses. “Kevin? What are you doing here?” You whispered quietly. He smirked “Came here to see you of course doll.” You blushed and rolled you eyes in faux annoyance.
“So you just gonna stand there and let me freeze to death or-“ “oh right sorry sorry hold on.” Quickly getting a makeshift ladder you made sure you looked fine in the mirror and sprayed some perfume and lip gloss before opening the window again.
“Come on up.” As he climbed up you opened your door slightly. The hallway was dark but eddys light was still on. Though the tv was blasting. Closing it quickly you jumped once you felt a pair of hands on your hips. “Easy there babe, you scare easily.”
You lightly punched his shoulder and he groaned quietly. “Why did you really come here for Kev?” He smiled softly and spoke. “I just wanted to see my favorite girl. Something wrong with that?” You shook your head hiding your smile. “Not at all sir Kevin.”
He looked you over biting his lip. “You dork. Come here.” You giggled as You hooked your arms around his neck. He leaned down to press his lips against yours. His lips were slightly chapped from the cold but warm. You moaned slightly when he pressed you against the door.
He smirked slightly but groaned lightly when you caught his lip between your teeth and pulled slightly. “Mm I’m liking where this is going babe.” You panted slightly, “so am I.” You pushed him back till the back of his knees hit the bed and he fell back.
Climbing on his lap your smirked. His stunned gaze turned into lust. “Righteous” He said before you attacked his mouth with yours. He gripped your hips with a strong hold and to keep you from moving so much. Grounding your hips on his lap you moaned at the friction. His hands slipping inside your shirt to touch your warm skin underneath.
His breath stuttered lightly when you scraped your fingernails down his toned stomach. Tongues twisting and dancing with each other you pulled yourselves together impossibly closer until the door to your room whipped and cracked the wall behind it.
“What the hell are you doin!? Get off my little sister!”
Let’s just say it took a long while before Eddy can accept your guys relationship. Kevin definitely want going to let you go easily. Double d and Ed were perfectly fine with it. They convinced Eddy you were old enough to make your own decisions.
Kevin still can’t stand Eddy but he would do anything for you and to be with you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not repost my content anywhere. Thank you for reading!
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cherry-pop5 · 3 years
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Hey guys! I know I haven’t wrote anything for a minute but I have writers block😭 I don’t really know what to write and I could really use all your opinions and suggestions. I really just want to get my juices flowing😚. Remember I write anything if I know the fandom I don’t have any specific one. Please any suggestions? Thank you love y’all bye❤️🍒
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cherry-pop5 · 3 years
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Summary ⤞ Tsukasa loves you. Your his thing, his property, his new toy. You can’t leave him even if you tried or wanted to. He will never let you leave. Your his forever.
Genre ⤞ Toxic relationship | Yandere |
Warnings ⤞ Manipulation, Physical and mental abuse, Blood, Knife use, Chains and collars use, Love and hate mindset
Word count ⤞ ???
A/n ⤞ This is probably my favorite one I wrote of this little rat. Please please take the warnings into consideration this is obviously not for the faintest of hearts. This is fucked up in so many ways. Holy shit I have a fucked up mindset. I listened to Show and Tell by Melanie Martinez while writings his cause I thought it fitted perfectly. Feedback is appreciated. Hope you enjoy! Love you all🍒🍒
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“Y/nnn please come out~ You don’t want to make me mad now do you?” The high pitched voice sang out. Sweat dripped down mixing with the salty tears and snot running down your face. Trying your hardest to not choke up or sob out loud, you kept hidden inside the locker. “Y/n I know your in here, I love this new game.”
He said in mock enthusiasm. He purposely floated down into the ground. His hakama covering everything but his black polished shoes. The click of each step he took just made the bile rise up in your throat. You covered your mouth in attempt to cover your gagging and sobs.
You held your breath as your eyes widen in panic as you saw a dark shadow from the locker door. Praying to anyone and anything at all, you choked on your tongue. “I found you y/nnn~”. The locker opened with a loud bang, you screamed as loud as you can and made a run for it. Though you didn’t make it far as you felt a grip on your hair.
The grip on your scalp was burning as Tsukasa slammed your back into the rest of the lockers. Your lungs burned with a painful sting as the air was knocked out of you. Big, childlike amber eyes stared straight into your soul. “That game was so fun y/n we should do it more often!” Your sobs were loud and painful for anyone to hear. To Tsukasa it was music to his ears.
“Pl-please jus-just let me go.” You choked on your words. He giggled and fauxed a pout. “Why would you want to do that y/n? I thought we were having so much fun together.” You used all your left over strength to slap him across the cheek. The sound resonated across the hall. His face was turned with his hair covering his eyes.
You took heavy breaths as you growled out “I want-to go HOME!” You shouted in his face. He slowly turned towards you with such a crazed smile, your breath shuddered. He pounced quickly as he gripped your chin with such strength you already felt it bruising. He slammed your head against the locker and you felt dizzy.
He giggled innocently, which was farther from his true form. “Oh my little y/n. You can’t go home and you know that. I love you too much to let you go and I need you here with me forever. No matter what I have to do to keep you here.” He squeezed your chin tightly for good measure. Pulling his knife out, the metal gleamed as he pressed it on your neck hard.
Blood slipped from your neck down to his blade as he chuckled darkly. He licked your neck up and bit hard. His sharp canines digging into your neck more than the blade. You screamed but nobody heard you. Why was this happening to you?…
You felt fresh tears coat your eyes and fall down your cheeks. Your head was throbbing and your brain was clouding up with white and black spots. Your hands that were gripping his black kimono over top slowly lessened it’s strength to the point they were limp.
“I-I hate you Tsukasa…” Your vision went black as your head leaned forward. Tsukasa gently stroked the back of your head in a soothing manner. “In time you won’t Y/n. And finally then will you be mine forever.” He leaned in closer to lick your salty, tear stricken cheeks. With a giggle he nipped your lips. “Soon enough…”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Metal clanking with every movement your hands and feet made. You grew fatigue. The darkness of the room you were in was bringing you to insanity. The only comfort you got was the lonely little lit candle in the middle of the room. Lighting up the darkness as it faught the evils with all its might.
You had your knees up to your chin as you sat near the candle. You rocked back and forth slowly, eyes twitching every few minutes. You jumped when you heard the big metal door open with a creak. A girl with beautiful green hair and monotone face came in with a plate, Sakura.
You stared her down as she placed the food gently down in front of you. “You need to eat. Keep your strength up.” You looked at it and then towards the open door. She sighed a shaky breath. “Please just eat. It will only get worse if you don’t listen to him.” You didn’t move an inch from your spot. You looked at her face, still monotonous than ever.
But you can tell, how her lips quivered and her eyes were red as though she has been crying. You nodded slowly and started to Rock back and forth again. She turned to walk back to the open door, near the door she said softly. “He really loves you, you know? This is…just how he shows his love.”
She closed the door softly. You were back in the pitch black darkness once again. You stared at the poorly lit food until your eye twitched again. You giggled. Giggled until that giggled into a full blown manically laughter. Your laughter was loud and resonated around the room.
You smirked and grabbed the food with your hands. You smeared it across the wall. ‘He loves me.’ ‘He loves me.’ ‘He loves me.’ You muttered and wrote on the cold wall. The candle finally blew out. The fire went out like your dreams, your hopes, and your sanity.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The metal door opened once more, this time with enthusiasm. “Y/n! How’s my toy today?” The wide smile you had in your face reached your cheeks as you crawled towards him. You gripped his hakama in a tight grip and blinked innocently at him with glossed and far off eyes “I’m doing great my love.”
Tsukasa smiled wildly as he leaned to cup your cheeks. His grip strong enough to not hurt but enough to press them together. “That’s what I wanted to hear y/n! I brought something for you . You’ve been behaving so good that I thought I would reward you!” He placed soft clothing in front of you.
“Wear this and I’ll let you out so we can play more today! How does that sound y/n?” You grinned and nodded with excitement. He leaned down to kiss you quickly in the lips. He floated outside cheering all the way. You looked towards the outfit and slipped it on. You Tucked your white long sleeve shirt with black frills in your puffy, silky grey and and black skirt.
The black corset with grey designs matched perfectly. White thigh high stockings with grey ruffles at the top finished it off with some black dress heels. You fixed your hair and made yourself look presentable. He floated back in and had a giggly smile.
“You look like the perfect baby doll toy. I’m so excited but before we play I got you this.” He showed me a black collar the white cursive lettering spelled ‘My doll’. You smiled. “I love it. Thank you tsukasa.” He put it on you and grabbed you.
Floating towards the broadcasting room, there sat Sakura and Natushiko with somber looks. Tsukasa giggled as he sat down in the soft comfy chair with you on his lap. He kissed you softly while gripping the chain to the collar. “I love you dolly. Don’t you love me?”
He pulled at your neck. “I do tsukasa, I love you so much. I’ll be yours forever…” He smiled widly at that. His giggled could be heard a mile away as you smiled crazily. He loves you, only you. Your his forever and ever. Whether you like it or not.
“Forever mine Y/n~.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not repost my content anywhere. Thank you!
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cherry-pop5 · 3 years
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Fly Me to The Moon
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Summary ⤞ Hanako kun is a ghost. He’s dead. That doesn’t mean his interests and likes are as well. He rather focus on this moment with you then the past. Would you give him your hand.
Genre ⤞ Best friends to lovers | Fluff
Warnings ⤞ Slight cursing, Mentions of death, Make-out not specific(😗)
Word count ⤞ ???
A/n ⤞ This is one of my absolute favorite anime’s of all time. I honestly love Aname and he deserves the world. So I decided to write about this cutie and I might do his brother next. I also listened to Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra to really get in the zone and mood. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Hope you enjoy love you guys🍒❤️
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You couldn’t help the sigh of frustration leave you. You looked towards the board then back down to the scribbles on your notebook. How the hell are you supposed to know what a supernova is, or how the planets are made, or how the hell the moon and stars stay up in the night sky. You pulled at your roots.
Looking towards the clock it’s only been two minutes since the last time time you looked at it. “Jeez lo fucking weeze” you muttered as you groaned. 40 more minutes until you can finally see a certain bathroom ghost. Hanako kun was definitely a weird one. You yourself shouldn’t be judging since he’s a ghost and your talking to him.
You definitely had your fun moments with him after school cleaning the bathroom with nene. He was great company and surprisingly a great listener at that. He knows a whole lot about you though in hindsight you don’t know the first personal thing about him. You don’t push it though, the time will come and you just enjoy the moments you have with the young boy.
You covered your face and rubbed your eyes. Suddenly an image popped up of him holding out his pinky towards you as the sun hit his almost invisible body perfectly and his face had the boyish smile you loved. You blinked before realizing. The blush and heat rising towards your cheek was no denying it.
You had a big teeny crush on the boy. Though it wouldn’t work. “I mean he’s dead. I’m alive…” Saying it out loud put a somber look your face and a frown on your lips. “He’s dead..” You looked out towards the window across the room and watched as the cherry blossoms fell from the trees and painted the ground as though it was art.
You suddenly got goosebumps on your neck and arms. You shivered before you felt a cold hand place itself on your shoulder tightly, though there was a soft red towards it. “What’s with the Frown you missed me?” It giggled. You tried not to jump but your legs gave in. Bumping into your desk as you yelped.
You held your knee and cursed under your breath. The teacher looked up from his book and looked at you “Something the matter y/n. Is there something you like to tell the whole class?” Panicking you shook your head and raised your hands. “N-No sensei. I’m sorry.” He rolled his eyes and hummed while continuing the lesson.
“Asshole.” You murmured before you heard the same giggle form before. Finally the figure sat next to your desk and placed his cheek against his palm. “Well y/n don’t you have quite a mouth.” You rolled your eyes. “Go away Hanako kun.” He smiled “What’s with the frown? You miss me y/n?”
You sighed before smiling. Tapping your chin in false thinking. “Hmmm I don’t know Hanako kun, meeting me before the day is over and coming to see me in class. Seems like you miss me more doesn’t it?” Mimicking his actions you leaned in closer.
The blush that rose on his face left quickly as it came. You giggled and poked his nose gently. He looked away from you to gather his thoughts. He looked towards the board studying it then towards your notes. His eyes sparkled with acknowledgment and excitement.
“Lucky you. This subject is super cool and fun.”His smile and eyes seemed to reminisce on something before grabbing the tips of your hair with his fingers. You tsked before sighing. “Sure unless you consider knowing why a stupid rock in space shines and how stars are made, this topic is very interesting.” You mocked interest.
He raised his eyebrow before pulling a strand of your hair. In response you hissed and pouted. “Well when you look at the moon up close you can see how beautiful and interesting it really is.” Hanako smirked triumphantly. You hummed and continued to draw doodles on the spine of your notebook.
He stopped talking all of a sudden. Thinking he left you looked towards him to see he was still there only in deep thought. “Hanako kun, are you ok?” He looked towards you and smiled softly. “Yup I’m fine just thinking.” Feeling as he didn’t want to tell you, you nodded in understanding.
“Well I have a meeting to go to but I’ll see you in the bathroom. And don’t worry it will only be the two of us…” he said. You blushed and stuttered. “Wha-what? What do you mean, where is nene going to be?” He shrugged. “She said she had girl problems she had to deal with so I left her off the hook this one time.” He said as he puckered his lips in faux innocence.
You gasped “I don’t see how that’s fair.” He just shook his head. “Well I have to got now but I’ll see you there y/n.” He replied by pulling his face closer before disappearing. You fixed your breathing a bit and your hair before sighing. “Just the two of us?…”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The final bell rang loudly. Everyone started to get up and pack as you stretched out your arms and legs. “Damn what a long day.” Aoi walked up to your desk with a small potted rose bush. “Hey y/n just wanted to say bye and have a safe walk home.” You smiled “Thanks Aoi. Get home safely ok?”
She nodded and skipped away. You grabbed your bag before fixing your thigh socks and walking towards the girls bathroom. Opening the door you see the mop and gloves there waiting for you. Sat near the window sill was Hanako kun as always. Playing a card game with the moki.
He smiled my way “Hey y/n! Finally I thought you were never going to finish.” You giggles and put your gloves on. “Same here. I’m just glad I don’t have to hurt my brain to learn.” While You mopped and cleaned the sinks, you both talked about anything and laughed. There was a comfortable silence as You finally finished your last toilet.
“Hey y/n?” You looked towards him as he looked out the small window. The sunset almost fading by now. Humming and waiting for him to answer. “After you finish cleaning can I show you something?” He finally looked at you. You nodded “sure Hanako kun what is it?” He smiled widely. “You’ll see…”
A couple of minutes pass before finally you stood up with a groan. “Shit my back is killing me.” Hanako flexed his fingers giving a creepy smile. “I can give you a massage if you want.” You rolled your eyes and smiled. “In your dreams.” He pouted.
You held out your hand towards him and smiled. “Well wasn’t there something you wanted to show me?” His smile got 10 times bigger as held your hand in a tight grip. He walked along the way towards the steps until you finally made it to your destination, the roof.
The sky was dark as the sun said goodnight for the day and low and behold stars shined like jewels up in the sky. But what was the biggest thing that shined brighter than anything was the moon. Your mouth was agape in aw as you stared at the scenery above you. “Hanako this-this is beautiful.”
What you didn’t know was that as you looked to the sky with admiration and wonder he looked at you giving the same look. He smiled softly “yes it is very beautiful.” You walked slowly towards the railing and laid gently on it. Taking a deep breath of fresh air you closed your eyes.
You felt someone staring and you opened your eyes to see Hanako floating in front of you, face close to yours. You couldn’t help the blush rising to your face. “You wanna see something better y/n? All I need is your hand and I’ll show you something out of this world.” He held out his hand.
You looked towards his hand then towards his face. Do you want to do this? Is this what you want to do with him? “Do you trust me y/n?” You let out a shuddered breath. “Yes Hanako kun, I do trust you.” He smiled that boyish smile you loved and gripped your hand tightly.
He piled you towards his arms as they wrapped themselves on your waist. He slowly floated backwards as you felt your feet drags across the roof. You shook slightly until your feet finally didn’t touch the floor. You opened your closed eyes and looked down. The ground looked absolutely far.
You shrieked and held him tightly “Shit, shit, shit Hanako kun if you drop me I swear to god if-” He giggled and pulled me impossibly closer “Don’t worry y/n i wouldn’t dream of dropping you.” He floated higher and higher until finally there it was. The moon and stars so close it was as though if You reach far enough You could touch and dance with them.
Your eyes glittered with amazement. “Wow.. just wow.” You reached your hand towards the shining moon. Hanako kun chuckled and grabbed your warm hand with his cold one. “No star or moon can outshine you y/n.” He said in a serious face you’ve never seen on him. You whispered his name.
You cupped his cheek softly and looked into his eyes for lies. No what he said was genuine. He leaned in slowly lips centimeter away from yours. He felt how warm your breath was fanning his lips. You nodded and that was all he needed.
He kissed you with all the passion in his soul and the love in his dead heart. The hand that was cupping his cheek made its way towards his hair and under his hat. His squeezing your waist. You gasped as he nipped your lip and his tongue came into the equation.
He groaned softly to how warm your mouth was compared to his. Finally you pulled away. Breathless and flushed while he was flushed and his hat slanted on his head. You giggled and fixed his hair a bit. He smiled and placed his forehead against yours.
The moon shined bright behind you guys “Your brighter than the stars and moon itself y/n. Trust me on that..” and you did.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not repost my content anywhere. Thank you for reading!
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cherry-pop5 · 3 years
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What’s wrong?
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Summary ⤞ Peter is having a tough night. You worry and he comes to you for your warmth and loving comfort.
Genre ⤞ Relationship implied | a bit of angst |fluff |
Warnings ⤞ Mentions of blood and cuts, angst but just the right amount of fluff
Word count ⤞ ?? I don’t know someone help how I can see it lmao
A/n ⤞So sorry this is short but I’m still new to this app and just felt kind of down at the moment. Hope this is good enough to read. Love you all!🍒❤️
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The time on the clock struck 12:30. It was as if it was taunting you. Peter was supposed to be home almost 2 hours ago. His patrol seems to be taking a hell lot longer than usual. Maybe he got caught up picking up something or just had a late dinner.
Yea that’s it. Your leg bounced on the couch repeatedly until it was becoming sore from all the movement. You pulled through your hair for what felt like the 30th time tonight. The tv was on for some background noise but honestly, you kept it on in case any breaking news would show up.
You shook your head, you shouldn’t be thinking about stuff like that. Peter promised he would come back and he will soon. Soon turned to be much later until the clock hit 1:59 and there was a thump on the balcony of your apartment. Rushing towards the window to open it your face grimaced and your eyes showed sorrow for seeing the state peter was in.
His signature red and blue suit ripped in some parts, wounds of all sizes which some were bleeding tremendously, and poor peters face; how you wish you can wipe that far off look in his dull eyes. “Oh petey..” You grabbed his arm and brought him inside. Gripping his side to make sure he doesn’t fall or pass out. You sat him down on the porcelain toilet seat.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Not even a response. Nodding gently; it was one of those moments. No words were exchange as you helped him out of his suit and cleaned him up. The occasional grunt and hiss from Peter was almost like a breath for you. He’s alive and here with you: but he’s not really here.
After cleaning up you asked “Are you hungry Pete? I can order a pizza if you are.” He solemnly shook his head no. You sat him on your guys shared bed and stood in front of him. Cupping his face gently you examined it closely. His beautiful brown eyes had a shadow, almost like a storm was brewing in them.
You stroked his cheek. “Your ok. Everything’s going to be ok.” At that Peter finally looked into your eyes. His starting to shine and build up with tears. He finally moved to grip you hard as he sobbed into your neck. “I’m sorry..I’m sorry” was all he could say. Your not sure why he was apologizing but it was probably not meant towards you.
You laid him down on the bed as he sobbed. Stroking his soft curls with your nails you felt him shiver slightly. After what seemed like forever his sobs turned to soft hiccups and hefty breathing. His arms still having a vice grip on your waist. You kept on massaging his head until he whispered “I love you Y/n..”
It was quiet enough that you almost didn’t catch it. Smiling softly you kissed his forehead and laid yours against it. “I love you too Peter, so much.” He didn’t say anything afterwards but if the ghost of a smile on his lips told you it was enough. You’ll wait for when he is ready to tell you
No matter what happened out there Peter knows he will always have his Y/n to protect him. You make all those terrible images and thoughts go even for just a moment.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not repost my content anywhere. Thank you for reading!
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cherry-pop5 · 3 years
I’m so excited to start writing on this platform. I’ve been wanting to for many years but never go the hang of it. I hope you all enjoy this journey with me as much as I’m going to!
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