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those characters where if you knew them in real life you would genuinely fucking hate them but in a fictional world it’s like ah yes this fucking asshole that i love
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Whoever did this I OWN YOU A DRINK OR TWO Cuz its P.R.I.C.E.L.E.S.S. :D
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This video of yoongi rubbing his thigh really makes me feel-
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Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics
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A Study In Physical Injury
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Unconsciousness & Head Trauma
Blood Loss
Stab Wounds
Pain & Shock
All About Mechanical Injuries (Injuries Caused By Violence)
Writing Specific Characters
Portraying a kleptomaniac.
Playing a character with cancer.
How to portray a power driven character.
Playing the manipulative character.
Portraying a character with borderline personality disorder.
Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
Writing a character who lost someone important.
Playing the bullies.
Portraying the drug dealer.
Playing a rebellious character.
How to portray a sociopath.
How to write characters with PTSD.
Playing characters with memory loss.
Playing a pyromaniac.
How to write a mute character.
How to write a character with an OCD.
How to play a stoner.
Playing a character with an eating disorder.
Portraying a character who is anti-social.
Portraying a character who is depressed.
How to portray someone with dyslexia.
How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
Portraying a character with severe depression.
How to play a serial killer.
Writing insane characters.
Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
Tips on writing a drug addict.
How to write a character with HPD.
Writing a character with Nymphomania.
Writing a character with schizophrenia.
Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Writing a character with depression.
Writing a character who suffers from night terrors.
Writing a character with paranoid personality disorder.
How to play a victim of rape.
How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
Writing a character who self-harms.
Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
How to play the stalker.
How to portray a character high on cocaine.
Playing a character with ADHD.
How to play a sexual assault victim.
Writing a compulsive gambler.
Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
Playing a prisoner.
Portraying an emotionally detached character.
How to play a character with social anxiety.
Portraying a character who is high.
Portraying characters who have secrets.
Portraying a recovering alcoholic.
Portraying a sex addict.
How to play someone creepy.
Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
Playing a character under the influence of drugs.
Playing a character who struggles with Bulimia.
Illegal Activity
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I know German likes to take English words but when will yall realise shit like “gegoogelt” and “gechillt” sounds genuinely awful
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Me: Bucky, help
Bucky: What is it?
Me: Everytime I look at you, I get lost in your thighs
Bucky: you mean eyes?
Me: No I don’t
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You know that one con where Chris wouldn’t stop teasing Seb about lube.
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the only way is down
do you ever feel like everything in your life goes down the drain but you are always keeping your head held high knowing you still have people who care for you?
i do otherwise i wouldnt have asked...
 but what do i do when those friends (knowingly or unknowingly) start doing things that just feed all of my insecurities to the point where I actually cannot keep my head up anymore?
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omg its so fun and adorable 🤗
Guys Night
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Credit to the Pic owners
Summary: You used to think that Hydra missions were your worst nightmare. Then the boys started having “Guys Night,” and you realized just how wrong you were. Nothing ever good comes from this night…or does it?
Word Count: 8,471- This one got away from me.
Warnings: Drinking, being hungover, swearing.
Pairings: Bucky x reader.
This is one of my calling pieces for @thoughtsofdarc‘s personal Triple T challenge for @tbetz0341 and I. This is not my best work. I seem to have a bit of writers block again.
My prompts were;
“Clint goddammit! It poked me in the ass!”
“I’m a whiskey drinking angel”
“I didn’t need saving” “Of course you did”
“Bring me all the coffee in the world”
“How did we end up here?”
C: You need to come and get your man.
Y: I’m sorry?
C: He is out of control, and he’s gonna kill himself.
Y: …What?
You reach over the blanket and press pause on your laptop. All you wanted was a quiet night to yourself free of missions, commotion, and most of all, dumb boys. One night was all you asked.
You grow impatient as the sound of ringing in your ear.
“How are you not going to answer when you just texted me?” How you hated when they did that.
“Y/N!” Oh god, he was drunk, too. This is no good you think to yourself.
“Clint? What’s going on?” You could hear laughing, music and yelling in the background.
“You guys, it’s Y/N!” The cheers of your teammates voices grow louder as each one of them say hi.
“What are you guys do…” Click. The phone drops out, and your left with a blank screen.
This is going to be my night. I know it is. They are just going to keep calling, and calling, and texting, and that’s when the knocking on the door starts.
Keep reading
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Sebastian Stan by Robbie Fimmano for GQ Italia
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“Because, believe it or not, I’m noot an evil witch Dean. I don’t wanna kill people. I don’t wanna hurt them. But you never believed me when I told you that before. I can’t stop them by myself. But if giving you the gun that may end me can stop them, then I’ll take my chance.”
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hell yeah guess i’m a pantser
oh my holy maccaroni i finally got sh*t done today :D after much thinking and writing and erasing i got a freaking outline ready for my story !  it’s like this tiny accomplishment made me so happy and i feel like my procrastinating might finally be the stuff of my past (or i just jinxed the whole thing)
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omg why is this so hard
so i’m trying to actually get back into writing, not even to post it online but just to get some stuff off my chest or maybe even get into my own little haven but why is this so damn hard to just start something. the ideas are there but ... that’s about it already. 
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