#getting stuff done
actuallyadhd · 5 months
If I'm aware I have ADHD, shouldn't I be able to handle it? I haven't gotten diagnosed yet, but my father has it and has agreed that I probably also have it
I'm sitting here, having told myself an hour and a half ago that I have 2 hours to complete my work. The hour and a half has passed, but I have made no progress
I'm aware my brain works like this, so why can't I just do what I need to do. I'm aware of it, so I should be able to just get the work done, right?
Sent November 22, 2023
You’re making a pretty common error. A lot of people assume that ADHD is simply a matter of will power. If we want to do the thing badly enough, we will.
That’s simply not true.
Executive dysfunction can affect us in many different ways, and being stuck is one of those ways. Even with medication these things are often really hard.
We have lots of different suggestions for getting yourself to do stuff, but if anyone needs specific help I’m going to try and check my inbox regularly so I can give better, more timely advice moving forward.
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labelleizzy · 5 months
Sometimes I just have to go back to old habits. Like back in the day, I was getting daily emails from the website Flylady.net.
Got my shoes on. Got my kitchen timer on. Challenged myself to see how much better I could make the kitchen look in 10 minutes.
I cleared the kitchen island. Put away all the food, got all the dirty dishes into the sink. Started a load of laundry. Made up my third cup of coffee. Washed out some recycling and got it to the bin. Oh, now I can see the acetaminophen which I need to take today.
Do I still have a big mess? Yes I do. I came home from 2-week trip, and I'm still finding stuff I need to put away and laundry I need to do.
But my ADHD ass developed the self-care habits, routines, tips and tricks, originally in the late '90s due to this nice southern lady. She used to send out daily emails encouraging us to take care of ourselves and giving us ideas on how to tackle big home care projects, self-care projects, but mostly home care.
It was a lot of email. And not being Christian, I didn't always appreciate her dropping of God references. But without her structure, without her having figured out that there was tons of us out there, struggling with our lives and managing our shit...
She helped me a lot. The chaos is mostly controlled. (She used to backronym CHAOS as "Can't Have Anybody Over Syndrome" heh)
I'm no longer ashamed of my habitat (and also, thank you, @unfuckyourhabitat for continuing the momentum of this particular way of working).
Gonna finish my coffee ☕ and then set the timer for another 10 minutes. Got a friend coming over for dinner 🍽️ and I can stand to do a bit more tidying up.
Use the tools that work for you!
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emgoesmed · 5 months
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Running a bunch of errands today, being productive and feeling good 😊
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nosleepgummitato · 9 months
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Just. . . Gettin' stuff done.
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allsassnoclass · 3 months
congrats on reaching your milestone!!! for a fic prompt, what about "things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear" with muke (maybe vigilante/reporter muke if you're up for it? 👀) -megs 💙
@igarbagecannoteven alrighty, here we go! sequel to this prompt!
muke (vigilante/reporter verse): things you said that I wasn't meant to hear
When Luke wakes up, he can’t form any coherent thoughts.  Everything processes in overwhelming, too-big sensations: the throbbing in his temples, the press of something soft and giving underneath him, the sharp taste of bile in the back of his throat, the low tones of a voice speaking.  All of it vies for attention in a chaotic jumble that makes each sensation worse.  He frowns, but that emphasizes the pain in his temples.  He tries to keep his face smooth and relaxed, breathing slowly through his nose until the sensation passes.
The voice is familiar enough that he isn’t alarmed.  He can’t process any words, but he recognizes something in the tone or cadence that puts him at ease.  Whatever he’s laying on isn’t as comfortable as a bed, but it’s still soft and plush, and there’s something soft and heavy draped over him.
A blanket.  Someone has tucked him in, perhaps the person speaking?
“...a favor,” the voice is saying.  Luke can’t place where he’s heard it before in the pause that follows.
“He owes me after last time,” the voice says.  “We need to take these guys down, I don’t care how.”
There’s an edge to it that sounds wrong.  The hairs on Luke’s arms stand on end, and he frowns and sends another ripple of pain through his head and down his spinal cord before he remembers not to.  His fingers twitch involuntarily, everything feeling brittle enough to snap.
“...can’t do that,” the voice is saying when Luke’s head stops feeling like it’s stabbing itself.  “No, Calum!  This isn’t up for debate!”
Calum?  Luke doesn’t think he knows any Calums.  It’s not an overly common name, but it–like the voice–feels familiar in a way.
Luke loses a few words trying to muddle through who the voice is talking to.
“...kill him is because he’s just a harmless reporter.  He does fluff pieces and doesn’t actually know anything.  No one looks at Luke Hemmings and thinks he has enough information to be worth taking down.”
Luke feels like his lungs are being stabbed along with his head, and he can’t help the pained noise that escapes him.
The voice says something else, and then there’s a gentle pressure on Luke’s arm.  He tries to pull away, but he’s trapped under the blanket and against the back of the couch.
“Luke, it’s okay,” the voice says, pitched a little lower.  “You’re safe.  You’re in your apartment.  No one is going to hurt you.”
Luke tries to move, sending another wave of pain traveling from his temples down his neck.  He clenches his fists, not realizing that he’s making more noise until it gets cut off by a wave of nausea rolling up his throat.
“Oh fuck,” the voice says as Luke heaves, tipped to the side with the help of the hand rubbing easy but excruciating circles on his back.  “We’ll–I’ll clean that up.  Don’t worry about it.  Here, drink this.”
“I just threw up,” Luke says, words coming out garbled and throat burning.  Every part of his upper body hurts, either aching or burning or stabbing, and the last thing he wants to do is vomit again because some idiot is trying to make him drink something.
“I know, I know,” the voice says.  “But it has the antidote to the neurotoxin you were exposed to.  I gave you a nasal spray, but it’s better ingested orally.”
None of this makes sense, but a gloved hand slides behind his neck before he can protest, tipping his head up.  He opens his mouth and swallows the liquid poured in under the voice’s gentle coaxing.  It tastes gross, but it’s cool and soothing.  He doesn’t immediately vomit it up, which is a good sign.
“There,” the voice says.  He sounds really familiar.  Luke can barely remember his own name right now, and he definitely has no clue how he ended up exposed to a fucking neurotoxin, but why can’t he place this voice?  It’s not one of his brothers, Ryan, or Sammy, which exhausts his list of close friends, but which friendly acquaintance could it be?
Luke gets flashes of a bright, glittering chandelier and a dark suit.  He chases the memory, finding the twist of a smile and an anchor tattooed on someone’s thumb, but nothing else.
“I’m going to clean this up, okay?” the voice says.  “You just rest.  It’ll take a bit for the antidote to really work, but the fact that you woke up is good.  Try to wiggle your fingers a bit.  I’ll be right back.”
Luke makes a questioning noise, but a creak tells him that the voice is moving away.  He takes a deep breath and waits for everything to stop hurting quite so much.
Luke doesn’t attempt to open his eyes until the stabbing dulls to a throbbing.  He doesn’t know how long it takes, but eventually everything levels out and he can move his fingers without feeling like they’re burning or the blanket covering him is actually full of needles.  He cracks his eyes open a sliver and the light doesn’t burn, so he blinks a few times and lets his eyes adjust before he opens them fully.
He’s in his apartment, on the couch in the living room with his favorite blanket covering him.  The overhead light is off, but the side lamp is on, casting everything in a gentle golden glow.  It’s dark outside, but he doesn’t have a clock in the living room and can’t see the one on the microwave from here to determine the time.
Where is his phone?
“Hey, how are you feeling?” the voice asks.  Luke turns his head and sees–
The vigilante.
He doesn’t know who he expected.  Of course that was the vigilante’s voice he heard earlier.  Of course he has some sort of antidote to some sort of neurotoxin that Luke was somehow exposed to.  Who else would be able to get into his apartment to take care of him?
But for a second, Luke had thought…
No.  He’s confused.  It must be a side effect of whatever is making his head hurt.
“Luke?” the vigilante asks.  Luke thinks his brow might be furrowed in concern, but he can’t tell with the hood and the mask.  “Are you okay?  Here, have some water.”
He helps Luke sit up and tips a cup against his lips.  The water feels better than the antidote did, and the vigilante supports his back and steadies his hands, helping him lay propped up against the armrest afterwards.  It’s the closest they’ve been since they last saw each other on Luke’s balcony, a night that Luke can’t think about without feeling angry and embarrassed.
He clears his throat.
“What happened?” he asks, glad that his voice doesn’t scrape.  The vigilante frowns.
“How much do you remember?” he asks.  Luke tries to peel back the pain shrouding his memories like a cloak, but nothing about it makes sense.
“I think I remember having dinner?” he offers.  He was watching the news during it, covering the disruption over in England.  The vigilante’s jaw clenches.
“You went snooping around Hardingson Tech.”
Luke fixes him with a flat look.
“I’m a journalist.  You told me to look into it.”
“And then I told you not to sneak around!” the vigilante yells.  Luke winces and the vigilante takes a shuddering breath, pushing back on his heels to stand and pace around the room.  “You’re lucky I was monitoring that area.  If I hadn’t–”
“You told me about it,” Luke accuses.  “You were the one who asked for information, and I wasn’t going to sit here with my thumb up my ass waiting for you to stop by again!  They’re up to something, and–”
“You could have died!”
“How was I supposed to know that a fucking tech company was going to poison me with a weird neurotoxin?” Luke yells, then winces and presses a hand against his forehead.  “Maybe if you had told me–”
Luke closes his mouth with a click, the words he overheard earlier ringing in his ears.
He’s just a harmless reporter.  He does fluff pieces and doesn’t actually know anything.
“I know you think I’m an idiot, but the reason I don’t know things is because you won’t tell me.”
The vigilante huffs.
“Maybe if you didn’t throw yourself into things that don’t concern you–”
“You don’t get to decide what information I can and can’t have!” Luke says.  The vigilante reaches for him, but Luke slices his hand through the air, stopping him in his tracks.  “I’m a fucking adult, and despite what you think, I’m good at what I do.  I’m going to investigate if there’s something worth investigating.  You don’t get to ask for my help and then get mad when I follow through.”
“I told you it was dangerous!” the vigilante says.  Luke would roll his eyes if he didn’t think it would be excruciating.
“Either I’m good enough to work with you and you treat me like an equal, or you can stop asking me for favors and kissing me on my fucking balcony.  You can’t have it both ways.”
Luke regrets the words the second that he says them, headache flaring.  He knows that it’s pathetic, but the occasional visit from the vigilante is something that can make his whole week sometimes.  Yeah, he’s being super annoying and bitchy right now, but Luke doesn’t actually want him to leave forever.  He just doesn’t want to be treated like an idiot anymore.
“Luke, come on,” the vigilante sighs, shoulders slumping.
“I don’t even know your name,” Luke says, sounding much smaller than he means to.  “I just call you the vigilante in my head.  You swoop in, ask me for help, and then leave without giving me the courtesy of knowing anything.  Do you know how shitty that feels?”
The vigilante turns, bringing a hand up towards his head and then stopping it, patting his hood awkwardly instead.  It’s a move that Luke has seen him do a few times over the weeks.  He must usually run his hands through his hair when he’s stressed.
“I don’t want anything to happen to you because of me,” the vigilante says eventually.  “Knowing things would make you dangerous, which makes you a threat.”
Luke purses his lips and looks at his ceiling.
“I’m already a threat.  I was getting into trouble long before you met me.  Don’t flatter yourself.”
He hears the vigilante sigh, but he doesn’t try to continue the conversation.  Luke doesn’t know if he’s mad or grateful for that.  He can’t take much more talking in circles, but it’d be nice if the vigilante made a fucking effort to treat him like a capable person with his own thoughts.  He’s not asking to be put on speed dial, just to be included.  Is it too much to want to be part of the team, rather than someone used and discarded every other week?
“Where’s my phone?” Luke asks flatly once the silence has truly become awkward.  He hears the vigilante shift, the body armor that he wears creaking slightly with the movement.
“In the kitchen in rice,” the vigilante says.  “It got wet.”
“Of course it did,” Luke grumbles.  Fuck his life.
“I’ll check on it.  Do you want something to eat?”
Luke lazily tips his head to face him, giving the vigilante the best glare he can with his headache.
“I can take care of myself.”
“You got poisoned today, but fuck me for trying to be nice,” the vigilante grumbles.  “I’m going to get a snack.  If your phone turns on and you call someone else to stay with you, I’ll fuck off.”
“I can take care of myself!” Luke repeats to the vigilante’s retreating back.
“Can’t hear you!” the vigilante calls.  “Snacks, Luke!”
Luke freezes.
“Snacks, Luke!” the vigilante says, but they’re in a spacious ballroom, Luke’s suit just slightly too tight around his shoulders.  The room is full of soft orchestral music and gentle chatter, but Luke spends most of the night listening to one person, hanging on every bad joke about the finger sandwiches and every tidbit of insider information on the city’s elite.  A high-pitched laugh echoes in his ears.
“Calum’s been my best friend since we were kids,” the vigilante says.  “He’s been helping me figure out how to navigate everything.  We both just want to do good, you know?”
Calum Hood.  Someone who has the money to fund a vigilante operation and all of the connections that growing up in a prominent and influential family allows him.  He wouldn’t be able to fight crime himself after the injury that ended his soccer career, but he could easily be involved.  And if he had a friend who wanted to dress up and climb around at night…
Last time, on the balcony, the vigilante asked about the gala.  He seemed really curious about whether Luke had met anyone interesting there.
Luke had even thought that the vigilante had green eyes that looked similar, just muted in the different light.
Holy shit.  Luke is an idiot.  It’s been staring him in the face this whole time.  Holy–
“Luke?  I hope you like pretzels, because that’s all I found in your cupboard.”
Luke blinks and looks up, past the hand offering him a bowl, and into the eyes of Michael Clifford.
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mermaidgirl30 · 15 days
Sundays are for cleaning and indulging in fanfics and video games 🩵 (I did not stay up till 1:30am playing Hogwarts Legacy lol)
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skandifae · 2 years
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04. september 2022
today's slow sunday setup, i am currently working at my linguistic paper but i'm already so curious about the reading pensum for my literature class, so i might have a peak when i am done with working on my paper and cleaning for today! (cleaning really is necessary, lol)
also i am incredibly longing for a cozy autumn start, it is my favourite season and i am looking forward to it so so so much!
listening to: paris paloma [it's called: freefall]
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karalianne · 10 months
Accountability Post
It's been a while. This used to work. Time to try it again. I have three service leaflets to do for church (this week and the two weeks following as our priest will be on holidays), laundry to do (me & kid are going to my parents' for next week to look after their dogs, so husband needs clothes and so do we--though we can do laundry at my parents' if needed), dishes to deal with, and guinea pig cages to clean. I want to have everything done before bed on Friday (tomorrow), to make things easy for husband. I'm also not dressed yet, though I have had food and am nursing a coffee.
So let's do triplets today. I think I'll alternate between computer stuff and "up and about" stuff. Also, there are three guinea pig cages, and one of them is going to be struck and replaced with a separate one that needs to be cleaned up and brought upstairs. So that's going to be a bigger job with several steps--because the whole reason to strike the big cage and replace it with the smaller one is to get the guinea pig room reorganized and into a better setup. Since I'm obviously already on the computer, I'll start here. (And when I'm finished the leaflets I have a novel to finish writing and some artwork to create that the reference images for are on this device.)
Leaflet 1
Get dressed and put away clean laundry
Leaflet 2
I'll reblog with an update when I've finished this triplet.
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wordnerdworld · 7 months
Getting Stuff Done List (where I list the stuff I get done)
Booked my shuttle
Updated my account info
Did household laundry
Pulled out Fall/Halloween decor tubs
Put out Halloween clothes and towels
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bluedesignwall · 1 year
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Busy times. We tacked some annual leave days on to the end of our Easter break and have been busy. We started with some much needed pruning in the garden. We dug out the summer garden and took a very full trailer of green waste to the dump. We stopped off and got a couple of scoops of ready grow on the way home. The plan was to dig over the flower beds and add the ready grow the next day but the rain arrived. When it rained Hubby headed into his workshop and worked on the Cortina restoration and I headed into my sewing room and worked on the baby quilt. Today we went to visit Mum, she had an op to remove cancerous lesions on her nose yesterday. It all went well and she is back at her place and receiving visitors. We went to the mall and got new running shoes first so Mum could have her post lunch snooze. She was in fine form so Hubby snoozed while we chatted. Once home more quilt making happened and some puzzle smashing. We are getting new carpet throughout the house so everything in the carpeted areas of the house has to be moved into the garage or onto one of the decks, weather permitting. Big job which will happen soon so we have started to slowly declutter The puzzles are being broken up and packed away. All of this is not making for a very restful taper week before the Christchurch Marathon on Sunday but by the sound of the rain on the roof now tomorrow will be a sewing room day.
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actuallyadhd · 1 year
Idk if this is the right place, but I made a junk notebook about a month ago and it's been really helping me! Basically I just write whatever I need to do in there (and I can break it down into tiny steps if I want to) and I drew a little calendar to put dates on.
I also drew little doodles and stuff in there so I'm more motivated to check it and use it! Idk I just thought I'd see if this could help anyone else <3
Sent April 30, 2023
This sounds like how the Bullet Journal was invented--also by an ADHDer. And it's great!
Like, people, don't worry about following the Bullet Journal method or anything like that, just do what works for you. If that's writing a list in a notebook every day, go for it. If you do well with a planner, use that. The nice thing about the Bullet Journal method is that it's got clear steps to follow and making things pretty can be a lot of fun. But if it's too complicated for you or something about it doesn't work well for you, that's totally okay! We're all different.
Followers, what are your favourite ways to keep track of your to-do lists and appointments and so on?
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shy-fairy-levele3 · 1 year
Had a most successful lunch break.
Returned two books to the library and cashed in my refundable recyclables whoo
Made a whole 7$ lol
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cherryblossomhorse · 1 year
Happy Sunday 😊 Yall
*Edited Just finished my Chores & Clean up😭🫧📚🎨💖
Gotta Clean Turtle Tank 🐢, Redo An Essay 😅 and Resmitted,Write Down Notes and Lists📝,Finished Lots of Drawings ✨️😊, Plan My Monthly Calendar🫧
By This Month Gonna Can't wait to Graduate Highschool 😩 , Finished Project 2 Drawing &Animation 📚✒️🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨
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Sophia is waiting for me to carry the laundry upstairs. :)
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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Imagine spending all your energy being cool and mysterious 24/7.
What an idiot have I mentioned I love him?
Idea came from a cool post @nouverx made about Alastor’s possible sleeping habits. 💕
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travelinglowcarb · 19 hours
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I like this style of undated weekly planners. ✍️🗓 Do you use something like this for your task lists, or do it all digital?
I am SO "out of sight, out of mind" 🤦‍♀️🙃 so I've been trying to move more toward paper planners & whiteboards (again). I also love the creative feel with colored pens, markers & stickers. 🥰🖌📒
They're super cheap, so something I thought I might play with. This is the one I'm looking at: https://amzn.to/3xU1y8q
And this one (they both come with cool stickers!):
📲 https://amzn.to/4bj1ayN
* this one comes in 2 sizes, I like the smaller one for on-the-go
For years now I've used Evernote, which I use daily and LOVE, but it's a mess at the moment... so organizing all my notes & notebooks, and moving things into an actual dated planner as I go...
Just curious how everyone else keeps up with life! 🤓
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